8 letter word starting with nut

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
nutation noun The act of nodding., A very small libratory motion of the earth’s axis, by which its inclination to the plane of the ecliptic is constantly varying by a small amount., The motion of a flower in following the apparent movement of the sun, from the east in the morning to the west in the evening., Circumnutation.
nuthatch noun Any one of several species of birds of the genus Sitta, as the European species (Sitta Europaea). The white-breasted nuthatch (S. Carolinensis), the red-breasted nuthatch (S. Canadensis), the pygmy nuthatch (S. pygmaea), and others, are American.
nutrient adjective Nutritious; nourishing; promoting growth., Any substance which has nutritious qualities, i. e., which nourishes or promotes growth.
nutshell noun The shell or hard external covering in which the kernel of a nut is inclosed., Hence, a thing of little compass, or of little value., A shell of the genus Nucula.