8 letter word starting with on

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
oncidium noun A genus of tropical orchidaceous plants, the flower of one species of which (O. Papilio) resembles a butterfly.
oncotomy noun The opening of an abscess, or the removal of a tumor, with a cutting instrument.
oneberry noun The herb Paris. See Herb Paris, under Herb.
one-hand adjective Employing one hand; as, the one-hand alphabet. See Dactylology.
onerated imp. & past participle of Onerate
onliness noun The state of being alone.
onocerin noun A white crystalline waxy substance extracted from the root of the leguminous plant Ononis spinosa.
onomancy noun Divination by the letters of a name; nomancy.
ontogeny noun The history of the individual development of an organism; the history of the evolution of the germ; the development of an individual organism, — in distinction from phylogeny, or evolution of the tribe. Called also henogenesis, henogeny.
ontology noun That department of the science of metaphysics which investigates and explains the nature and essential properties and relations of all beings, as such, or the principles and causes of being.