8 letter word starting with pha

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
phacelli plural of Phacellus
phaethon noun The son of Helios (Phoebus), that is, the son of light, or of the sun. He is fabled to have obtained permission to drive the chariot of the sun, in doing which his want of skill would have set the world on fire, had he not been struck with a thunderbolt by Jupiter, and hurled headlong into the river Po., A genus of oceanic birds including the tropic birds.
phalaena noun A linnaean genus which included the moths in general.
phallism noun The worship of the generative principle in nature, symbolized by the phallus.
phantasm noun An image formed by the mind, and supposed to be real or material; a shadowy or airy appearance; sometimes, an optical illusion; a phantom; a dream., A mental image or representation of a real object; a fancy; a notion.
phantasy noun See Fantasy, and Fancy.
pharisee noun One of a sect or party among the Jews, noted for a strict and formal observance of rites and ceremonies and of the traditions of the elders, and whose pretensions to superior sanctity led them to separate themselves from the other Jews.
pharmacy noun The art or practice of preparing and preserving drugs, and of compounding and dispensing medicines according to prescriptions of physicians; the occupation of an apothecary or a pharmaceutical chemist., A place where medicines are compounded; a drug store; an apothecary’s shop.
phatagin noun The long-tailed pangolin (Manis tetradactyla); — called also ipi.