8 letter word starting with pho

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
phocenic adjective Of or pertaining to dolphin oil or porpoise oil; — said of an acid (called also delphinic acid) subsequently found to be identical with valeric acid.
phocenin noun See Delphin.
pholades plural of Pholas
phonetic adjective Of or pertaining to the voice, or its use., Representing sounds; as, phonetic characters; — opposed to ideographic; as, a phonetic notation.
phorminx noun A kind of lyre used by the Greeks.
phormium noun A genus of liliaceous plants, consisting of one species (Phormium tenax). See Flax-plant.
phoronis noun A remarkable genus of marine worms having tentacles around the mouth. It is usually classed with the gephyreans. Its larva (Actinotrocha) undergoes a peculiar metamorphosis.
phosgene adjective Producing, or produced by, the action of light; — formerly used specifically to designate a gas now called carbonyl chloride. See Carbonyl.
phospham noun An inert amorphous white powder, PN2H, obtained by passing ammonia over heated phosphorus.
phosphor noun Phosphorus., The planet Venus, when appearing as the morning star; Lucifer.
photogen noun A light hydrocarbon oil resembling kerosene. It is obtained by distilling coal, paraffin, etc., and is used as a lubricant, illuminant, etc.
photopsy noun Same as Photopsia.