8 letter word starting with pu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
publican noun A farmer of the taxes and public revenues; hence, a collector of toll or tribute. The inferior officers of this class were often oppressive in their exactions, and were regarded with great detestation., The keeper of an inn or public house; one licensed to retail beer, spirits, or wine.
publicly adverb With exposure to popular view or notice; without concealment; openly; as, property publicly offered for sale; an opinion publicly avowed; a declaration publicly made., In the name of the community.
pucelage noun Virginity.
puckball noun A puffball.
puckered imp. & past participle of Pucker
puckerer noun One who, or that which, puckers.
puckfist noun A puffball.
puddered imp. & past participle of Pudder
puddling present participle & vb. noun of Puddle, The process of working clay, loam, pulverized ore, etc., with water, to render it compact, or impervious to liquids; also, the process of rendering anything impervious to liquids by means of puddled material., Puddle. See Puddle, n., 2., The art or process of converting cast iron into wrought iron or steel by subjecting it to intense heat and frequent stirring in a reverberatory furnace in the presence of oxidizing substances, by which it is freed from a portion of its carbon and other impurities.
pudendal adjective Of or pertaining to the pudenda, or pudendum.
pudendum noun The external organs of generation, especially of the female; the vulva.
pudicity noun Modesty; chastity.
puffball noun A kind of ball-shaped fungus (Lycoperdon giganteum, and other species of the same genus) full of dustlike spores when ripe; — called also bullfist, bullfice, puckfist, puff, and puffin.
puff-leg noun Any one of numerous species of beautiful humming birds of the genus Eriocnemis having large tufts of downy feathers on the legs.
puggered adjective Puckered.
pugilism noun The practice of boxing, or fighting with the fist.
pugilist noun One who fights with his fists; esp., a professional prize fighter; a boxer.
pug nose A short, thick nose; a snubnose.
puissant adjective Powerful; strong; mighty; forcible; as, a puissant prince or empire.
pulicene adjective Pertaining to, or abounding in, fleas; pulicose.
pulicose adjective Alt. of Pulicous
pulicous adjective Abounding with fleas.
pulingly adverb With whining or complaint.
pullback noun That which holds back, or causes to recede; a drawback; a hindrance., The iron hook fixed to a casement to pull it shut, or to hold it party open at a fixed point.
pulmonic adjective Relating to, or affecting the lungs; pulmonary., A pulmonic medicine.
pulpited adjective Placed in a pulpit.
pulpiter noun A preacher.
pulpitry noun The teaching of the pulpit; preaching.
pulsated imp. & past participle of Pulsate
pulsator noun A beater; a striker., That which beats or throbs in working.
pulsific adjective Exciting the pulse; causing pulsation.
pultesse noun Alt. of Pultise
pulvillo noun A kind of perfume in the form of a powder, formerly much used, — often in little bags.
pulvilli plural of Pulvillus
pulvinar noun A prominence on the posterior part of the thalamus of the human brain.
pulvinic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid obtained by the decomposition of vulpinic acid, as a white crystalline substance.
pumicate verb t. To make smooth with pumice.
punching present participle & vb. noun of Punch
puncheon noun A figured stamp, die, or punch, used by goldsmiths, cutlers, etc., A short, upright piece of timber in framing; a short post; an intermediate stud., A split log or heavy slab with the face smoothed; as, a floor made of puncheons., A cask containing, sometimes 84, sometimes 120, gallons.
punction noun A puncturing, or pricking; a puncture.
punctist noun A punctator.
punctual adjective Consisting in a point; limited to a point; unextended., Observant of nice points; punctilious; precise., Appearing or done at, or adhering exactly to, a regular or an appointed time; precise; prompt; as, a punctual man; a punctual payment.
puncture noun The act of puncturing; perforating with something pointed., A small hole made by a point; a slight wound, bite, or sting; as, the puncture of a nail, needle, or pin., To pierce with a small, pointed instrument, or the like; to prick; to make a puncture in; as, to puncture the skin.
pungence noun Pungency.
pungency noun The quality or state of being pungent or piercing; keenness; sharpness; piquancy; as, the pungency of ammonia.
punicial adjective Of a bright red or purple color.
puniness noun The quality or state of being puny; littleness; pettiness; feebleness.
punished imp. & past participle of Punish
punisher noun One who inflicts punishment.
punition noun Punishment.
punitive adjective Of or pertaining to punishment; involving, awarding, or inflicting punishment; as, punitive law or justice.
punitory adjective Punishing; tending to punishment; punitive.
punkling noun A young strumpet.
pupation noun the act of becoming a pupa.
pupilage noun The state of being a pupil.
pupipara noun pl. A division of Diptera in which the young are born in a stage like the pupa. It includes the sheep tick, horse tick, and other parasites. Called also Homaloptera.
pupivora noun pl. A group of parasitic Hymenoptera, including the ichneumon flies, which destroy the larvae and pupae of insects.
puplican noun Publican.
puppetry noun Action or appearance resembling that of a puppet, or puppet show; hence, mere form or show; affectation.
puppying present participle & vb. noun of Puppy
puppyish adjective Like a puppy.
puppyism noun Extreme meanness, affectation, conceit, or impudence.
purblind adjective Wholly blind., Nearsighted, or dim-sighted; seeing obscurely; as, a purblind eye; a purblind mole.
purchase verb t. To pursue and obtain; to acquire by seeking; to gain, obtain, or acquire., To obtain by paying money or its equivalent; to buy for a price; as, to purchase land, or a house., To obtain by any outlay, as of labor, danger, or sacrifice, etc.; as, to purchase favor with flattery., To expiate by a fine or forfeit., To acquire by any means except descent or inheritance., To buy for a price., To apply to (anything) a device for obtaining a mechanical advantage; to get a purchase upon, or apply a purchase to; as, to purchase a cannon., To put forth effort to obtain anything; to strive; to exert one’s self., To acquire wealth or property., The act of seeking, getting, or obtaining anything., The act of seeking and acquiring property., The acquisition of title to, or properly in, anything for a price; buying for money or its equivalent., That which is obtained, got, or acquired, in any manner, honestly or dishonestly; property; possession; acquisition., That which is obtained for a price in money or its equivalent., Any mechanical hold, or advantage, applied to the raising or removing of heavy bodies, as by a lever, a tackle, capstan, and the like; also, the apparatus, tackle, or device by which the advantage is gained., Acquisition of lands or tenements by other means than descent or inheritance, namely, by one’s own act or agreement.
pureness noun The state of being pure (in any sense of the adjective).
purfling noun Ornamentation on the border of a thing; specifically, the inlaid border of a musical instrument, as a violin.
purifier noun One who, or that which, purifies or cleanses; a cleanser; a refiner.
puriform adjective In the form of pus.
purified imp. & past participle of Purify
puristic adjective Alt. of Puristical
purparty noun A share, part, or portion of an estate allotted to a coparcener.
purpling present participle & vb. noun of Purple
purplish adjective Somewhat purple.
purposed imp. & past participle of Purpose
purposer noun One who brings forward or proposes anything; a proposer., One who forms a purpose; one who intends.
purprise noun A close or inclosure; the compass of a manor.
purpuric adjective Of or pertaining to purpura., Pertaining to or designating, a nitrogenous acid contained in uric acid. It is not known in the pure state, but forms well-known purple-red compounds (as murexide), whence its name.
purpurin noun A dyestuff resembling alizarin, found in madder root, and extracted as an orange or red crystalline substance.
purseful noun All that is, or can be, contained in a purse; enough to fill a purse.
purslain noun Same as Purslane.
purslane noun An annual plant (Portulaca oleracea), with fleshy, succulent, obovate leaves, sometimes used as a pot herb and for salads, garnishing, and pickling.
pursuant adjective Acting in consequence or in prosecution (of anything); hence, agreeable; conformable; following; according; — with to or of., Alt. of Pursuantly
pursuing present participle & vb. noun of Pursue
purulent adjective Consisting of pus, or matter; partaking of the nature of pus; attended with suppuration; as, purulent inflammation.
purveyed imp. & past participle of Purvey
purveyor noun One who provides victuals, or whose business is to make provision for the table; a victualer; a caterer., An officer who formerly provided, or exacted provision, for the king’s household., a procurer; a pimp; a bawd.
puseyism noun The principles of Dr. Pusey and others at Oxford, England, as exhibited in various publications, esp. in a series which appeared from 1833 to 1841, designated ” Tracts for the Times;” tractarianism. See Tractarianism.
puseyite adjective Of or pertaining to Puseyism., One who holds the principles of Puseyism; — often used opprobriously.
pustular adjective Of or pertaining to pustules; as, pustular prominences; pustular eruptions., Covered with pustulelike prominences; pustulate.
putanism noun Habitual lewdness or prostitution of a woman; harlotry.
putative adjective Commonly thought or deemed; supposed; reputed; as, the putative father of a child.
putchuck noun Same as Pachak.
putidity noun Alt. of Putidness
puttered imp. & past participle of Putter
puttying present participle & vb. noun of Putty
puzzling present participle & vb. noun of Puzzle
puzzolan noun Alt. of Puzzolana
purocoll noun A yellow crystalline substance allied to pyrrol, obtained by the distillation of gelatin.