8 letter word starting with rad

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
radialia plural of Radiale
radially adverb In a radial manner.
radiance noun Alt. of Radiancy
radiancy noun The quality of being radiant; brilliancy; effulgence; vivid brightness; as, the radiance of the sun.
radiated imp. & past participle of Radiate, Emitted, or sent forth, in rays or direct lines; as, radiated heat., Formed of, or arranged like, rays or radii; having parts or markings diverging, like radii, from a common center or axis; as, a radiated structure; a radiated group of crystals., Belonging to the Radiata.
radiator noun That which radiates or emits rays, whether of light or heat; especially, that part of a heating apparatus from which the heat is radiated or diffused; as, a steam radiator.
radicant adjective Taking root on, or above, the ground; rooting from the stem, as the trumpet creeper and the ivy.
radicate adjective Radicated., To take root; to become rooted., To cause to take root; to plant deeply and firmly; to root.
radicule noun A radicle.
radiuses plural of Radius