8 letter word starting with rel

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
relapsed imp. & past participle of Relapse
relapser noun One who relapses.
relating present participle & vb. noun of Relate
relation noun The act of relating or telling; also, that which is related; recital; account; narration; narrative; as, the relation of historical events., The state of being related or of referring; what is apprehended as appertaining to a being or quality, by considering it in its bearing upon something else; relative quality or condition; the being such and such with regard or respect to some other thing; connection; as, the relation of experience to knowledge; the relation of master to servant., Reference; respect; regard., Connection by consanguinity or affinity; kinship; relationship; as, the relation of parents and children., A person connected by cosanguinity or affinity; a relative; a kinsman or kinswoman., The carrying back, and giving effect or operation to, an act or proceeding frrom some previous date or time, by a sort of fiction, as if it had happened or begun at that time. In such case the act is said to take effect by relation., The act of a relator at whose instance a suit is begun.
relative adjective Having relation or reference; referring; respecting; standing in connection; pertaining; as, arguments not relative to the subject., Arising from relation; resulting from connection with, or reference to, something else; not absolute., Indicating or expressing relation; refering to an antecedent; as, a relative pronoun., Characterizing or pertaining to chords and keys, which, by reason of the identify of some of their tones, admit of a natural transition from one to the other., One who, or that which, relates to, or is considered in its relation to, something else; a relative object or term; one of two object or term; one of two objects directly connected by any relation., A person connected by blood or affinity; strictly, one allied by blood; a relation; a kinsman or kinswoman., A relative pronoun; a word which relates to, or represents, another word or phrase, called its antecedent; as, the relatives “who”, “which”, “that”.
relatrix noun A female relator.
relaxing present participle & vb. noun of Relax
relaxant noun A medicine that relaxes; a laxative.
relaying present participle & vb. noun of Relay
released imp. & past participle of Release
releasee noun One to whom a release is given.
releaser noun One who releases, or sets free.
releasor noun One by whom a release is given.
relegate verb t. To remove, usually to an inferior position; to consign; to transfer; specifically, to send into exile; to banish.
relented imp. & past participle of Relent
relessee noun See Releasee.
relessor noun See Releasor.
relevant adjective Relieving; lending aid or support., Bearing upon, or properly applying to, the case in hand; pertinent; applicable., Sufficient to support the cause.
reliable adjective Suitable or fit to be relied on; worthy of dependance or reliance; trustworthy.
reliance noun The act of relying, or the condition or quality of being reliant; dependence; confidence; trust; repose of mind upon what is deemed sufficient support or authority., Anything on which to rely; dependence; ground of trust; as, the boat was a poor reliance.
relicted adjective Left uncovered, as land by recession of water.
relieved imp. & past participle of Relieve
reliever noun One who, or that which, relieves.
religion noun The outward act or form by which men indicate their recognition of the existence of a god or of gods having power over their destiny, to whom obedience, service, and honor are due; the feeling or expression of human love, fear, or awe of some superhuman and overruling power, whether by profession of belief, by observance of rites and ceremonies, or by the conduct of life; a system of faith and worship; a manifestation of piety; as, ethical religions; monotheistic religions; natural religion; revealed religion; the religion of the Jews; the religion of idol worshipers., Specifically, conformity in faith and life to the precepts inculcated in the Bible, respecting the conduct of life and duty toward God and man; the Christian faith and practice., A monastic or religious order subject to a regulated mode of life; the religious state; as, to enter religion., Strictness of fidelity in conforming to any practice, as if it were an enjoined rule of conduct.
relished imp. & past participle of Relish
relocate verb t. To locate again.
relucent adjective Reflecting light; shining; glittering; glistening; bright; luminous; splendid.
reluming present participle & vb. noun of Relume
relumine verb t. To light anew; to rekindle., To illuminate again.