8 letter word starting with ri

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
ribaldry noun The talk of a ribald; low, vulgar language; indecency; obscenity; lewdness; — now chiefly applied to indecent language, but formerly, as by Chaucer, also to indecent acts or conduct.
ribanded adjective Ribboned.
ribaudry noun Ribaldry.
ribboned imp. & past participle of Ribbon
ribroast verb t. To beat soundly.
ricebird noun The Java sparrow., The bobolink.
richesse noun Wealth; riches. See the Note under Riches.
richness noun The quality or state of being rich (in any sense of the adjective).
richweed noun An herb (Pilea pumila) of the Nettle family, having a smooth, juicy, pellucid stem; — called also clearweed.
ricinine noun A bitter white crystalline alkaloid extracted from the seeds of the castor-oil plant.
rickrack noun A kind of openwork edging made of serpentine braid.
ricochet noun A rebound or skipping, as of a ball along the ground when a gun is fired at a low angle of elevation, or of a fiat stone thrown along the surface of water., To operate upon by ricochet firing. See Ricochet, n., To skip with a rebound or rebounds, as a flat stone on the surface of water, or a cannon ball on the ground. See Ricochet, n.
riddance noun The act of ridding or freeing; deliverance; a cleaning up or out., The state of being rid or free; freedom; escape.
riddling present participle & vb. noun of Riddle, Speaking in a riddle or riddles; containing a riddle.
ridgelet noun A little ridge.
ridicule noun An object of sport or laughter; a laughingstock; a laughing matter., Remarks concerning a subject or a person designed to excite laughter with a degree of contempt; wit of that species which provokes contemptuous laughter; disparagement by making a person an object of laughter; banter; — a term lighter than derision., Quality of being ridiculous; ridiculousness., To laugh at mockingly or disparagingly; to awaken ridicule toward or respecting., Ridiculous.
riffraff noun Sweepings; refuse; the lowest order of society.
rifleman plural of Rifleman, A soldier armed with a rifle.
rigadoon noun A gay, lively dance for one couple, — said to have been borrowed from Provence in France.
riga fir A species of pine (Pinus sylvestris), and its wood, which affords a valuable timber; — called also Scotch pine, and red / yellow deal. It grows in all parts of Europe, in the Caucasus, and in Siberia.
rigarion noun See Irrigation.
righting present participle & vb. noun of Right
rightful adjective Righteous; upright; just; good; — said of persons., Consonant to justice; just; as, a rightful cause., Having the right or just claim according to established laws; being or holding by right; as, the rightful heir to a throne or an estate; a rightful king., Belonging, held, or possessed by right, or by just claim; as, a rightful inheritance; rightful authority.
rigidity noun The quality or state of being rigid; want of pliability; the quality of resisting change of form; the amount of resistance with which a body opposes change of form; — opposed to flexibility, ductility, malleability, and softness., Stiffness of appearance or manner; want of ease or elegance., Severity; rigor.
rigorism noun Rigidity in principle or practice; strictness; — opposed to laxity., Severity, as of style, or the like.
rigorist noun One who is rigorous; — sometimes applied to an extreme Jansenist.
rigorous adjective Manifesting, exercising, or favoring rigor; allowing no abatement or mitigation; scrupulously accurate; exact; strict; severe; relentless; as, a rigorous officer of justice; a rigorous execution of law; a rigorous definition or demonstration., Severe; intense; inclement; as, a rigorous winter., Violent.
rig-veda See Veda.
rimosely adverb In a rimose manner.
rimosity noun State of being rimose.
rimpling present participle & vb. noun of Rimple
rindless adjective Destitute of a rind.
ringbill noun The ring-necked scaup duck; — called also ring-billed blackhead. See Scaup.
ringbird noun The reed bunting. It has a collar of white feathers. Called also ring bunting.
ringbolt noun An eyebolt having a ring through the eye.
ringbone noun A morbid growth or deposit of bony matter between or on the small pastern and the great pastern bones.
ringdove noun A European wild pigeon (Columba palumbus) having a white crescent on each side of the neck, whence the name. Called also wood pigeon, and cushat.
ringhead noun An instrument used for stretching woolen cloth.
ringneck noun Any one of several species of small plovers of the genus Aegialitis, having a ring around the neck. The ring is black in summer, but becomes brown or gray in winter. The semipalmated plover (Ae. semipalmata) and the piping plover (Ae. meloda) are common North American species. Called also ring plover, and ring-necked plover., The ring-necked duck.
ringsail noun See Ringtail, 2.
ringtail noun A bird having a distinct band of color across the tail, as the hen harrier., A light sail set abaft and beyong the leech of a boom-and-gaff sail; — called also ringsail.
ringtoss noun A game in which the object is to toss a ring so that it will catch upon an upright stick.
ringworm noun A contagious affection of the skin due to the presence of a vegetable parasite, and forming ring-shaped discolored patches covered with vesicles or powdery scales. It occurs either on the body, the face, or the scalp. Different varieties are distinguished as Tinea circinata, Tinea tonsurans, etc., but all are caused by the same parasite (a species of Trichophyton).
riparian adjective Of or pertaining to the bank of a river; as, riparian rights.
ripening present participle & vb. noun of Ripen
ripeness noun The state or quality of being ripe; maturity;; completeness; perfection; as, the ripeness of grain; ripeness of manhood; ripeness of judgment.
rippling present participle & vb. noun of Ripple
riptowel noun A gratuity given to tenants after they had reaped their lord’s corn.
risorial adjective Pertaining to, or producing, laughter; as, the risorial muscles.
ritenuto adjective Held back; holding back; ritardando.
ritratto noun A picture.
ritually adverb By rites, or by a particular rite.
rivalled of Rival
rivaling present participle & vb. noun of Rival
rivaless noun A female rival.
rivality noun Rivalry; competition., Equality, as of right or rank.
riveling present participle & vb. noun of Rivel
riveting present participle & vb. noun of Rivet, The act of joining with rivets; the act of spreading out and clinching the end, as of a rivet, by beating or pressing., The whole set of rivets, collectively.
rixation noun A brawl or quarrel.
rixatrix noun A scolding or quarrelsome woman; a scold.
rixdaler noun A Dutch silver coin, worth about $1.00.