8 letter word starting with rock

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
rockaway Formerly, a light, low, four-wheeled carriage, with standing top, open at the sides, but having waterproof curtains which could be let down when occasion required; now, a somewhat similar, but heavier, carriage, inclosed, except in front, and having a door at each side.
rockelay noun Alt. of Rocklay
rockered adjective Shaped like a rocker; curved; as, a rockered keel.
rocketed imp. & past participle of Rocket
rocketer noun A bird, especially a pheasant, which, being flushed, rises straight in the air like a rocket.
rockfish noun Any one of several California scorpaenoid food fishes of the genus Sebastichthys, as the red rockfish (S. ruber). They are among the most important of California market fishes. Called also rock cod, and garrupa., The striped bass. See Bass., Any one of several species of Florida and Bermuda groupers of the genus Epinephelus., An American fresh-water darter; the log perch.
rockless adjective Being without rocks.
rockling noun Any species of small marine fishes of the genera Onos and Rhinonemus (formerly Motella), allied to the cod. They have three or four barbels.
rockrose noun A name given to any species of the genus Helianthemum, low shrubs or herbs with yellow flowers, especially the European H. vulgare and the American frostweed, H. Canadense.
rockweed noun Any coarse seaweed growing on sea-washed rocks, especially Fucus.
rockwood noun Ligniform asbestus; also, fossil wood.
rockwork noun Stonework in which the surface is left broken and rough., A rockery.