8 letter word starting with sc

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
scabbing present participle & vb. noun of Scab
scabbard noun The case in which the blade of a sword, dagger, etc., is kept; a sheath., To put in a scabbard.
scabbily adverb In a scabby manner.
scabious adjective Consisting of scabs; rough; itchy; leprous; as, scabious eruptions., Any plant of the genus Scabiosa, several of the species of which are common in Europe. They resemble the Compositae, and have similar heads of flowers, but the anthers are not connected.
scabling noun A fragment or chip of stone.
scabrous adjective Rough to the touch, like a file; having small raised dots, scales, or points; scabby; scurfy; scaly., Fig.: Harsh; unmusical.
scabwort noun Elecampane.
scaffold noun A temporary structure of timber, boards, etc., for various purposes, as for supporting workmen and materials in building, for exhibiting a spectacle upon, for holding the spectators at a show, etc., Specifically, a stage or elevated platform for the execution of a criminal; as, to die on the scaffold., An accumulation of adherent, partly fused material forming a shelf, or dome-shaped obstruction, above the tuyeres in a blast furnace., To furnish or uphold with a scaffold.
scalable adjective Capable of being scaled.
scalaria noun Any one of numerous species of marine gastropods of the genus Scalaria, or family Scalaridae, having elongated spiral turreted shells, with rounded whorls, usually crossed by ribs or varices. The color is generally white or pale. Called also ladder shell, and wentletrap. See Ptenoglossa, and Wentletrap.
scalawag noun A scamp; a scapegrace.
scalding present participle & vb. noun of Scald
scaliola noun Same as Scagliola.
scallion noun A kind of small onion (Allium Ascalonicum), native of Palestine; the eschalot, or shallot., Any onion which does not “bottom out,” but remains with a thick stem like a leek.
scalping present participle & vb. noun of Scalp, a. & n. from Scalp.
scambled imp. & past participle of Scamble
scambler noun 1. One who scambles., A bold intruder upon the hospitality of others; a mealtime visitor.
scamilli plural of Scamillus
scammony noun A species of bindweed or Convolvulus (C. Scammonia)., An inspissated sap obtained from the root of the Convolvulus Scammonia, of a blackish gray color, a nauseous smell like that of old cheese, and a somewhat acrid taste. It is used in medicine as a cathartic.
scampish adjective Of or like a scamp; knavish; as, scampish conduct.
scanning present participle & vb. noun of Scan
scandent adjective Climbing.
scandium noun A rare metallic element of the boron group, whose existence was predicted under the provisional name ekaboron by means of the periodic law, and subsequently discovered by spectrum analysis in certain rare Scandinavian minerals (euxenite and gadolinite). It has not yet been isolated. Symbol Sc. Atomic weight 44.
scansion noun The act of scanning; distinguishing the metrical feet of a verse by emphasis, pauses, or otherwise.
scanting present participle & vb. noun of Scant
scantily adverb In a scanty manner; not fully; not plentifully; sparingly; parsimoniously.
scantlet noun A small pattern; a small quantity.
scaphism noun An ancient mode of punishing criminals among the Persians, by confining the victim in a trough, with his head and limbs smeared with honey or the like, and exposed to the sun and to insects until he died.
scaphite noun Any fossil cephalopod shell of the genus Scaphites, belonging to the Ammonite family and having a chambered boat-shaped shell. Scaphites are found in the Cretaceous formation.
scaphoid adjective Resembling a boat in form; boat-shaped., The scaphoid bone.
scapulae plural of Scapula
scapulas plural of Scapula
scapular adjective Of or pertaining to the scapula or the shoulder., One of a special group of feathers which arise from each of the scapular regions and lie along the sides of the back., Alt. of Scapulary
scapulet noun A secondary mouth fold developed at the base of each of the armlike lobes of the manubrium of many rhizostome medusae. See Illustration in Appendix.
scapulo- A combining form used in anatomy to indicate connection with, or relation to, the scapula or the shoulder; as, the scapulo-clavicular articulation, the articulation between the scapula and clavicle.
scarring present participle & vb. noun of Scar, A scar; a mark.
scarabee noun Any one of numerous species of lamellicorn beetles of the genus Scarabaeus, or family Scarabaeidae, especially the sacred, or Egyptian, species (Scarabaeus sacer, and S. Egyptiorum)., A stylized representation of a scarab beetle in stone or faience; — a symbol of resurrection, used by the ancient Egyptians as an ornament or a talisman, and in modern times used in jewelry, usually by engraving designs on cabuchon stones. Also used attributively; as, a scarab bracelet [a bracelet containing scarabs]; a scarab [the carved stone itelf].
scarcely adverb With difficulty; hardly; scantly; barely; but just., Frugally; penuriously.
scarcity noun The quality or condition of being scarce; smallness of quantity in proportion to the wants or demands; deficiency; lack of plenty; short supply; penury; as, a scarcity of grain; a great scarcity of beauties.
scarfing present participle & vb. noun of Scarf
scariose adjective Alt. of Scarious
scarious adjective Thin, dry, membranous, and not green.
scarless adjective Free from scar.
scarmage noun Alt. of Scarmoge
scarmoge noun A slight contest; a skirmish. See Skirmish.
scarping present participle & vb. noun of Scarp
scatches noun pl. Stilts.
scathing present participle & vb. noun of Scath
scathful adjective Harmful; doing damage; pernicious.
scavenge verb t. To cleanse, as streets, from filth.
scelerat noun A villain; a criminal.
scenario noun A preliminary sketch of the plot, or main incidents, of an opera.
sceneful adjective Having much scenery.
scenemen plural of Sceneman
sceneman noun The man who manages the movable scenes in a theater.
scenical adjective Of or pertaining to scenery; of the nature of scenery; theatrical.
scenting present participle & vb. noun of Scent
scentful adjective Full of scent or odor; odorous., Of quick or keen smell.
sceptred of Sceptre
sceptral adjective Of or pertaining to a scepter; like a scepter.
schedule noun A written or printed scroll or sheet of paper; a document; especially, a formal list or inventory; a list or catalogue annexed to a larger document, as to a will, a lease, a statute, etc., To form into, or place in, a schedule.
scheelin noun Scheelium.
schemata plural of Schema
scheming present participle & vb. noun of Scheme, Given to forming schemes; artful; intriguing.
schemist noun A schemer.
scherbet noun See Sherbet.
schiedam noun Holland gin made at Schiedam in the Netherlands.
schiller noun The peculiar bronzelike luster observed in certain minerals, as hypersthene, schiller spar, etc. It is due to the presence of minute inclusions in parallel position, and is sometimes of secondary origin.
schistic adjective Schistose.
schmelze noun A kind of glass of a red or ruby color, made in Bohemia.
schnapps noun Holland gin.
scholion noun A scholium.
scholium noun A marginal annotation; an explanatory remark or comment; specifically, an explanatory comment on the text of a classic author by an early grammarian., A remark or observation subjoined to a demonstration or a train of reasoning.
schooled imp. & past participle of School
schooner noun Originally, a small, sharp-built vessel, with two masts and fore-and-aft rig. Sometimes it carried square topsails on one or both masts and was called a topsail schooner. About 1840, longer vessels with three masts, fore-and-aft rigged, came into use, and since that time vessels with four masts and even with six masts, so rigged, are built. Schooners with more than two masts are designated three-masted schooners, four-masted schooners, etc. See Illustration in Appendix., A large goblet or drinking glass, — used for lager beer or ale.
sciatica noun Neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, an affection characterized by paroxysmal attacks of pain in the buttock, back of the thigh, or in the leg or foot, following the course of the branches of the sciatic nerve. The name is also popularly applied to various painful affections of the hip and the parts adjoining it. See Ischiadic passion, under Ischiadic.
scienter adverb Knowingly; willfully.
scilicet adverb To wit; namely; videlicet; — often abbreviated to sc., or ss.
scillain noun A glucoside extracted from squill (Scilla) as a light porous substance.
scimiter noun Alt. of Scimitar
scimitar noun A saber with a much curved blade having the edge on the convex side, — in use among Mohammedans, esp., the Arabs and persians., A long-handled billhook. See Billhook.
scincoid adjective Of or pertaining to the family Scincidae, or skinks., A scincoidian.
sciolism noun The knowledge of a sciolist; superficial knowledge.
sciolist noun One who knows many things superficially; a pretender to science; a smatterer.
sciolous adjective Knowing superficially or imperfectly.
scioptic adjective Of or pertaining to an optical arrangement for forming images in a darkened room, usually called scioptic ball.
scirrhus noun An indurated organ or part; especially, an indurated gland., A cancerous tumor which is hard, translucent, of a gray or bluish color, and emits a creaking sound when incised.
scissile adjective Capable of being cut smoothly; scissible.
scission noun The act of dividing with an instrument having a sharp edge.
scissors noun pl. A cutting instrument resembling shears, but smaller, consisting of two cutting blades with handles, movable on a pin in the center, by which they are held together. Often called a pair of scissors.
scissure noun A longitudinal opening in a body, made by cutting; a cleft; a fissure.
sciurine adjective Of or pertaining to the Squirrel family., A rodent of the Squirrel family.
sciuroid adjective Resembling the tail of a squirrel; — generally said of branches which are close and dense, or of spikes of grass like barley.
sclavism noun Same as Slavism.
sclender adjective Slender.
sclerema noun Induration of the cellular tissue.
sclerite noun A hard chitinous or calcareous process or corpuscle, especially a spicule of the Alcyonaria.
scleroid adjective Having a hard texture, as nutshells.
scleroma noun Induration of the tissues. See Sclerema, Scleroderma, and Sclerosis.
sclerous adjective Hard; indurated; sclerotic.
scoffing present participle & vb. noun of Scoff
scoffery noun The act of scoffing; scoffing conduct; mockery.
scolding present participle & vb. noun of Scold, a. & n. from Scold, v.
scoleces plural of Scolex
scolytid noun Any one of numerous species of small bark-boring beetles of the genus Scolytus and allied genera. Also used adjectively.
scomfish verb t. & i. To suffocate or stifle; to smother.
sconcing present participle & vb. noun of Sconce
scooping present participle & vb. noun of Scoop
scoparin noun A yellow gelatinous or crystalline substance found in broom (Cytisus scoparius) accompanying sparteine.
scopiped noun Same as Scopuliped.
scopulas plural of Scopula
scopulae plural of Scopula
scorbute noun Scurvy.
scorched imp. & past participle of Scorch
scorious adjective Scoriaceous.
scornful adjective Full of scorn or contempt; contemptuous; disdainful., Treated with scorn; exciting scorn.
scorpene noun A marine food fish of the genus Scorpaena, as the European hogfish (S. scrofa), and the California species (S. guttata).
scorpion noun Any one of numerous species of pulmonate arachnids of the order Scorpiones, having a suctorial mouth, large claw-bearing palpi, and a caudal sting., The pine or gray lizard (Sceloporus undulatus)., The scorpene., A painful scourge., A sign and constellation. See Scorpio., An ancient military engine for hurling stones and other missiles.
scotched imp. & past participle of Scotch
scotsman noun See Scotchman.
scottish adjective Of or pertaining to the inhabitants of Scotland, their country, or their language; as, Scottish industry or economy; a Scottish chief; a Scottish dialect.
scouring present participle & vb. noun of Scour
scourage noun Refuse water after scouring.
scourged imp. & past participle of Scourge
scourger noun One who scourges or punishes; one who afflicts severely.
scouting present participle & vb. noun of Scout
scowling present participle & vb. noun of Scowl
scrabble verb t. To scrape, paw, or scratch with the hands; to proceed by clawing with the hands and feet; to scramble; as, to scrabble up a cliff or a tree., To make irregular, crooked, or unmeaning marks; to scribble; to scrawl., To mark with irregular lines or letters; to scribble; as, to scrabble paper., The act of scrabbling; a moving upon the hands and knees; a scramble; also, a scribble.
scraffle verb i. To scramble or struggle; to wrangle; also, to be industrious.
scragged adjective Rough with irregular points, or a broken surface; scraggy; as, a scragged backbone., Lean and rough; scraggy.
scramble verb i. To clamber with hands and knees; to scrabble; as, to scramble up a cliff; to scramble over the rocks., To struggle eagerly with others for something thrown upon the ground; to go down upon all fours to seize something; to catch rudely at what is desired., To collect by scrambling; as, to scramble up wealth., To prepare (eggs) as a dish for the table, by stirring the yolks and whites together while cooking., The act of scrambling, climbing on all fours, or clambering., The act of jostling and pushing for something desired; eager and unceremonious struggle for what is thrown or held out; as, a scramble for office.
scrannel adjective Slight; thin; lean; poor.
scraping present participle & vb. noun of Scrape, The act of scraping; the act or process of making even, or reducing to the proper form, by means of a scraper., Something scraped off; that which is separated from a substance, or is collected by scraping; as, the scraping of the street., Resembling the act of, or the effect produced by, one who, or that which, scrapes; as, a scraping noise; a scraping miser.
scratchy adjective Characterized by scratches.
scrawled imp. & past participle of Scrawl
scrawler noun One who scrawls; a hasty, awkward writer.
screable adjective Capable of being spit out.
screaked imp. & past participle of Screak
screamed imp. & past participle of Scream
screamer noun Any one of three species of South American birds constituting the family Anhimidae, and the suborder Palamedeae. They have two spines on each wing, and the head is either crested or horned. They are easily tamed, and then serve as guardians for other poultry. The crested screamers, or chajas, belong to the genus Chauna. The horned screamer, or kamichi, is Palamedea cornuta.
screechy adjective Like a screech; shrill and harsh.
screened imp. & past participle of Screen
screwing present participle & vb. noun of Screw, a. & n. from Screw, v. t.
scribbet noun A painter’s pencil.
scribble verb t. To card coarsely; to run through the scribbling machine., To write hastily or carelessly, without regard to correctness or elegance; as, to scribble a letter., To fill or cover with careless or worthless writing., To write without care, elegance, or value; to scrawl., Hasty or careless writing; a writing of little value; a scrawl; as, a hasty scribble.
scribing present participle & vb. noun of Scribe
scribism noun The character and opinions of a Jewish scribe in the time of Christ.
scriggle verb i. To wriggle.
scrimped imp. & past participle of Scrimp
scringed imp. & past participle of Scrine
scrofula noun A constitutional disease, generally hereditary, especially manifested by chronic enlargement and cheesy degeneration of the lymphatic glands, particularly those of the neck, and marked by a tendency to the development of chronic intractable inflammations of the skin, mucous membrane, bones, joints, and other parts, and by a diminution in the power of resistance to disease or injury and the capacity for recovery. Scrofula is now generally held to be tuberculous in character, and may develop into general or local tuberculosis (consumption).
scrolled adjective Formed like a scroll; contained in a scroll; adorned with scrolls; as, scrolled work.
scrubbed imp. & past participle of Scrub, Dwarfed or stunted; scrubby.
scrubber noun One who, or that which, scrubs; esp., a brush used in scrubbing., A gas washer. See under Gas.
scrupled imp. & past participle of Scruple
scrupler noun One who scruples.
scrutiny noun Close examination; minute inspection; critical observation., An examination of catechumens, in the last week of Lent, who were to receive baptism on Easter Day., A ticket, or little paper billet, on which a vote is written., An examination by a committee of the votes given at an election, for the purpose of correcting the poll., To scrutinize.
scudding present participle & vb. noun of Scud
scuffing present participle & vb. noun of Scuff
scuffled imp. & past participle of Scuffle
scuffler noun One who scuffles., An agricultural implement resembling a scarifier, but usually lighter.
sculling present participle & vb. noun of Scull
scullery noun A place where dishes, kettles, and culinary utensils, are cleaned and kept; also, a room attached to the kitchen, where the coarse work is done; a back kitchen., Hence, refuse; filth; offal.
scullion noun A scalion., A servant who cleans pots and kettles, and does other menial services in the kitchen.
sculptor noun One who sculptures; one whose occupation is to carve statues, or works of sculpture., Hence, an artist who designs works of sculpture, his first studies and his finished model being usually in a plastic material, from which model the marble is cut, or the bronze is cast.
scumming present participle & vb. noun of Scum, The act of taking off scum., That which is scummed off; skimmings; scum; — used chiefly in the plural.
scumbled imp. & past participle of Scumble
scuppaug noun See 2d Scup.
scurrier noun One who scurries.
scurrile adjective Such as befits a buffoon or vulgar jester; grossly opprobrious or loudly jocose in language; scurrilous; as, scurrile taunts.
scurvily adverb In a scurvy manner.
scutched imp. & past participle of Scutch
scutcher noun One who scutches., An implement or machine for scutching hemp, flax, or cotton; etc.; a scutch; a scutching machine.
scutella noun pl. See Scutellum., See Scutellum, n., 2., of Scutellum
scutelle plural of Scutella
scutiger noun Any species of chilopod myriapods of the genus Scutigera. They sometimes enter buildings and prey upon insects.
scutiped adjective Having the anterior surface of the tarsus covered with scutella, or transverse scales, in the form of incomplete bands terminating at a groove on each side; — said of certain birds.
scuttled imp. & past participle of Scuttle
scyllaea noun A genus of oceanic nudibranchiate mollusks having the small branched gills situated on the upper side of four fleshy lateral lobes, and on the median caudal crest.
scyllite noun A white crystalline substance of a sweetish taste, resembling inosite and metameric with dextrose. It is extracted from the kidney of the dogfish (of the genus Scylium), the shark, and the skate.
scymetar noun See Scimiter.
scythian adjective Of or pertaining to Scythia (a name given to the northern part of Asia, and Europe adjoining to Asia), or its language or inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Scythia; specifically (Ethnol.), one of a Slavonic race which in early times occupied Eastern Europe., The language of the Scythians.
scopster noun The saury.