8 letter word starting with se

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sea bank The seashore., A bank or mole to defend against the sea.
sea bass A large marine food fish (Serranus, / Centropristis, atrarius) which abounds on the Atlantic coast of the United States. It is dark bluish, with black bands, and more or less varied with small white spots and blotches. Called also, locally, blue bass, black sea bass, blackfish, bluefish, and black perch., A California food fish (Cynoscion nobile); — called also white sea bass, and sea salmon.
seabeach noun A beach lying along the sea.
sea bean Same as Florida bean.
sea bear Any fur seal. See under Fur., The white bear.
seabeard noun A green seaweed (Cladophora rupestris) growing in dense tufts.
sea bird Any swimming bird frequenting the sea; a sea fowl.
seaboard noun The seashore; seacoast., Bordering upon, or being near, the sea; seaside; seacoast; as, a seaboard town., Toward the sea.
sea-born adjective Born of the sea; produced by the sea., Born at sea.
seabound adjective Bounded by the sea.
sea calf The common seal.
sea card Mariner’s card, or compass.
sea clam Any one of the large bivalve mollusks found on the open seacoast, especially those of the family Mactridae, as the common American species. (Mactra, / Spisula, solidissima); — called also beach clam, and surf clam.
sea coal Coal brought by sea; — a name by which mineral coal was formerly designated in the south of England, in distinction from charcoal, which was brought by land.
seacoast noun The shore or border of the land adjacent to the sea or ocean. Also used adjectively.
sea cock In a steamship, a cock or valve close to the vessel’s side, for closing a pipe which communicates with the sea., The black-bellied plover., A gurnard, as the European red gurnard (Trigla pini).
sea coot A scoter duck.
sea corn A yellow cylindrical mass of egg capsule of certain species of whelks (Buccinum), which resembles an ear of maize.
sea crow The chough., The cormorant., The blackheaded pewit, and other gulls., The skua., The razorbill., The coot.
sea dace The European sea perch.
sea dove The little auk, or rotche. See Illust. of Rotche.
sea duck Any one of numerous species of ducks which frequent the seacoasts and feed mainly on fishes and mollusks. The scoters, eiders, old squaw, and ruddy duck are examples. They may be distinguished by the lobate hind toe.
seafarer noun One who follows the sea as a business; a mariner; a sailor.
sea fern Any gorgonian which branches like a fern.
sea foam Foam of sea water., Meerschaum; — called also sea froth.
sea fowl Any bird which habitually frequents the sea, as an auk, gannet, gull, tern, or petrel; also, all such birds, collectively.
sea-gate noun Alt. of Sea-gait
sea-gait noun A long, rolling swell of the sea.
seagoing adjective Going upon the sea; especially, sailing upon the deep sea; — used in distinction from coasting or river, as applied to vessels.
sea gown A gown or frock with short sleeves, formerly worn by mariners.
sea gull Any gull living on the seacoast.
sea hare Any tectibranchiate mollusk of the genus Aplysia. See Aplysia.
sea hawk A jager gull.
sea holm A small uninhabited island., Sea holly.
sea kale See under Kale.
sea king One of the leaders among the Norsemen who passed their lives in roving the seas in search of plunder and adventures; a Norse pirate chief. See the Note under Viking.
sea lark The rock pipit (Anthus obscurus)., Any one of several small sandpipers and plovers, as the ringed plover, the turnstone, the dunlin, and the sanderling.
sea legs Legs able to maintain their possessor upright in stormy weather at sea, that is, ability stand or walk steadily on deck when a vessel is rolling or pitching in a rough sea.
sea lily A crinoid.
sea lion Any one of several large species of seals of the family Otariidae native of the Pacific Ocean, especially the southern sea lion (Otaria jubata) of the South American coast; the northern sea lion (Eumetopias Stelleri) found from California to Japan; and the black, or California, sea lion (Zalophus Californianus), which is common on the rocks near San Francisco.
sea-maid noun The mermaid., A sea nymph.
sea-mail noun A gull; the mew.
sea-mell noun The sea mew.
sea mile A geographical mile. See Mile.
seamless adjective Without a seam.
sea monk See Monk seal, under Monk.
sea moss Any branched marine bryozoan resembling moss.
seamster noun One who sews well, or whose occupation is to sew.
sea ooze Same as Sea mud.
sea pass A document carried by neutral merchant vessels in time of war, to show their nationality; a sea letter or passport. See Passport.
sea pear A pedunculated ascidian of the genus Boltonia.
seapiece noun A picture representing a scene at sea; a marine picture.
sea piet See 1st Sea pie.
sea pike The garfish., A large serranoid food fish (Centropomus undecimalis) found on both coasts of America; — called also robalo., The merluce.
sea pink See Thrift.
sea pool A pool of salt water.
sea pork An American compound ascidian (Amoraecium stellatum) which forms large whitish masses resembling salt pork.
sea pyot See 1st Sea pie.
seaquake noun A quaking of the sea.
searched imp. & past participle of Search
searcher noun One who, or that which, searhes or examines; a seeker; an inquirer; an examiner; a trier., Formerly, an officer in London appointed to examine the bodies of the dead, and report the cause of death., An officer of the customs whose business it is to search ships, merchandise, luggage, etc., An inspector of leather., An instrument for examining the bore of a cannon, to detect cavities., An implement for sampling butter; a butter trier., An instrument for feeling after calculi in the bladder, etc.
sea reed The sea-sand reed. See under Reed.
sea risk Risk of injury, destruction, or loss by the sea, or while at sea.
sea room Room or space at sea for a vessel to maneuver, drive, or scud, without peril of running ashore or aground.
sea salt Common salt, obtained from sea water by evaporation.
seascape noun A picture representing a scene at sea.
seashell noun The shell of any marine mollusk.
seashore noun The coast of the sea; the land that lies adjacent to the sea or ocean., All the ground between the ordinary highwater and low-water marks.
sea slug A holothurian., A nudibranch mollusk.
seasoned imp. & past participle of Season
seasonal adjective Of or pertaining to the seasons.
seasoner noun One who, or that which, seasons, or gives a relish; a seasoning.
sea star A starfish, or brittle star.
sea tang A kind of seaweed; tang; tangle.
sea term A term used specifically by seamen; a nautical word or phrase.
seatless adjective Having no seat.
sea toad A sculpin., A toadfish., The angler.
sea turn A breeze, gale, or mist from the sea.
sea wall A wall, or embankment, to resist encroachments of the sea.
sea whip A gorgonian having a simple stem.
seawives plural of Seawife
sea wing A wing shell (Avicula).
sea wolf The wolf fish., The European sea perch., The sea elephant., A sea lion.
sebesten noun The mucilaginous drupaceous fruit of two East Indian trees (Cordia Myxa, and C. latifolia), sometimes used medicinally in pectoral diseases.
seceding present participle & vb. noun of Secede
secerned imp. & past participle of Secern
secluded imp. & past participle of Seclude
seconded imp. & past participle of Second
seconder noun One who seconds or supports what another attempts, affirms, moves, or proposes; as, the seconder of an enterprise or of a motion.
secondly adverb In the second place.
secreted imp. & past participle of Secrete
secretly adverb In a secret manner.
sectator noun A follower; a disciple; an adherent to a sect.
sectoral adjective Of or pertaining to a sector; as, a sectoral circle.
securing present participle & vb. noun of Secure
securely adverb In a secure manner; without fear or apprehension; without danger; safely.
security noun The condition or quality of being secure; secureness., Freedom from apprehension, anxiety, or care; confidence of power of safety; hence, assurance; certainty., Hence, carelessness; negligence; heedlessness., Freedom from risk; safety., That which secures or makes safe; protection; guard; defense., Something given, deposited, or pledged, to make certain the fulfillment of an obligation, the performance of a contract, the payment of a debt, or the like; surety; pledge., One who becomes surety for another, or engages himself for the performance of another’s obligation., An evidence of debt or of property, as a bond, a certificate of stock, etc.; as, government securities.
sedation noun The act of calming, or the state of being calm.
sedative adjective Tending to calm, moderate, or tranquilize, allaying irritability and irritation; assuaging pain., A remedy which allays irritability and irritation, and irritative activity or pain.
sederunt noun A sitting, as of a court or other body.
sediment noun The matter which subsides to the bottom, frrom water or any other liquid; settlings; lees; dregs., The material of which sedimentary rocks are formed.
sedition noun The raising of commotion in a state, not amounting to insurrection; conduct tending to treason, but without an overt act; excitement of discontent against the government, or of resistance to lawful authority., Dissension; division; schism.
seducing present participle & vb. noun of Seduce, Seductive.
sedulity noun The quality or state of being sedulous; diligent and assiduous application; constant attention; unremitting industry; sedulousness.
sedulous adjective Diligent in application or pursuit; constant, steady, and persevering in business, or in endeavors to effect an object; steadily industrious; assiduous; as, the sedulous bee.
seedcake noun A sweet cake or cooky containing aromatic seeds, as caraway.
seed-lac noun A species of lac. See the Note under Lac.
seedless adjective Without seed or seeds.
seedling noun A plant reared from the seed, as distinguished from one propagated by layers, buds, or the like.
seedness noun Seedtime.
seedsmen plural of Seedsman
seedsman noun A sower; one who sows or scatters seed., A person who deals in seeds.
seedtime noun The season proper for sowing.
seemless adjective Unseemly.
seemlily adverb In a seemly manner.
seerfish noun A scombroid food fish of Madeira (Cybium Commersonii).
seerhand noun A kind of muslin of a texture between nainsook and mull.
seership noun The office or quality of a seer.
seerwood noun Dry wood.
seesawad imp. & past participle of Seesaw
seething present participle & vb. noun of Seethe
seidlitz adjective Of or pertaining to Seidlitz, a village in Bohemia.
seignior noun A lord; the lord of a manor., A title of honor or of address in the South of Europe, corresponding to Sir or Mr. in English.
seirfish noun Same as Seerfish.
seizable adjective That may be seized.
selachii noun pl. An order of elasmobranchs including the sharks and rays; the Plagiostomi. Called also Selacha, Selache, and Selachoidei.
selcouth noun Rarely known; unusual; strange.
seldseen adjective Seldom seen.
selected imp. & past participle of Select
selector noun One who selects.
selenate noun A salt of selenic acid; — formerly called also seleniate.
selenide noun A binary compound of selenium, or a compound regarded as binary; as, ethyl selenide.
selenio- A combining form (also used adjectively) denoting the presence of selenium or its compounds; as, selenio-phosphate, a phosphate having selenium in place of all, or a part, of the oxygen.
selenite noun A salt of selenious acid., A variety of gypsum, occuring in transparent crystals or crystalline masses.
selenium noun A nonmetallic element of the sulphur group, and analogous to sulphur in its compounds. It is found in small quantities with sulphur and some sulphur ores, and obtained in the free state as a dark reddish powder or crystalline mass, or as a dark metallic-looking substance. It exhibits under the action of light a remarkable variation in electric conductivity, and is used in certain electric apparatus. Symbol Se. Atomic weight 78.9.
selfhood noun Existence as a separate self, or independent person; conscious personality; individuality.
selfless adjective Having no regard to self; unselfish.
selfness noun Selfishness.
self-one adjective Secret.
selfsame adjective Precisely the same; the very same; identical.
selvedge noun The edge of cloth which is woven in such a manner as to prevent raveling., The edge plate of a lock, through which the bolt passes., A layer of clay or decomposed rock along the wall of a vein. See Gouge, n., 4.
selvaged adjective Alt. of Selvedged
selvagee noun A skein or hank of rope yarns wound round with yarns or marline, — used for stoppers, straps, etc.
semblant adjective Like; resembling., Seeming, rather than real; apparent., Show; appearance; figure; semblance., The face.
sembling noun The practice of attracting the males of Lepidoptera or other insects by exposing the female confined in a cage.
semiotic adjective Relating to signs or indications; pertaining to the language of signs, or to language generally as indicating thought., Of or pertaining to the signs or symptoms of diseases., Same as Semeiotic.
semester noun A period of six months; especially, a term in a college or uneversity which divides the year into two terms.
semiacid adjective Slightly acid; subacid.
semiaxis noun One half of the axis of an /llipse or other figure.
semibull noun A bull issued by a pope in the period between his election and coronation.
semicope noun A short cope, or an inferier kind of cope.
semidome noun A roof or ceiling covering a semicircular room or recess, or one of nearly that shape, as the apse of a church, a niche, or the like. It is approximately the quarter of a hollow sphere.
semiform noun A half form; an imperfect form.
semilens noun The half of a lens divided along a plane passing through its axis.
semilune noun The half of a lune.
semimute noun A semimute person.
seminary noun A piece of ground where seed is sown for producing plants for transplantation; a nursery; a seed plat., Hence, the place or original stock whence anything is brought or produced., A place of education, as a scool of a high grade, an academy, college, or university., Seminal state., Fig.: A seed bed; a source., A Roman Catholic priest educated in a foreign seminary; a seminarist., Belonging to seed; seminal.
seminate verb t. To sow; to spread; to propagate.
seminist noun A believer in the old theory that the newly created being is formed by the admixture of the seed of the male with the supposed seed of the female.
seminose noun A carbohydrate of the glucose group found in the thickened endosperm of certain seeds, and extracted as yellow sirup having a sweetish-bitter taste.
seminude adjective Partially nude; half naked.
semiopal noun A variety of opal not possessing opalescence.
semioval adjective Half oval.
semiring noun One of the incomplete rings of the upper part of the bronchial tubes of most birds. The semerings form an essential part of the syrinx, or musical organ, of singing birds.
semisoun noun A half sound; a low tone.
semitism noun A Semitic idiom; a word of Semitic origin.
semitone noun Half a tone; — the name commonly applied to the smaller intervals of the diatonic scale.
semolina noun The fine, hard parts of wheat, rounded by the attrition of the millstones, — used in cookery.
semolino noun Same as Semolina.
sempster noun A seamster.
semuncia noun A Roman coin equivalent to one twenty-fourth part of a Roman pound.
sengreen noun The houseleek.
senility noun The quality or state of being senile; old age.
sennachy noun See Seannachie.
sennight noun The space of seven nights and days; a week.
senonian adjective In european geology, a name given to the middle division of the Upper Cretaceous formation.
se–orita noun A Spanish title of courtesy given to a young lady; Miss; also, a young lady.
sensated imp. & past participle of Sensate, Felt or apprehended through a sense, or the senses.
senseful adjective Full of sense, meaning, or reason; reasonable; judicious.
sensible adjective Capable of being perceived by the senses; apprehensible through the bodily organs; hence, also, perceptible to the mind; making an impression upon the sense, reason, or understanding; ////// heat; sensible resistance., Having the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; capable of perceiving by the instrumentality of the proper organs; liable to be affected physsically or mentally; impressible., Hence: Liable to impression from without; easily affected; having nice perception or acute feeling; sensitive; also, readily moved or affected by natural agents; delicate; as, a sensible thermometer., Perceiving or having perception, either by the senses or the mind; cognizant; perceiving so clearly as to be convinced; satisfied; persuaded., Having moral perception; capable of being affected by moral good or evil., Possessing or containing sense or reason; giftedwith, or characterized by, good or common sense; intelligent; wise., Sensation; sensibility., That which impresses itself on the sense; anything perceptible., That which has sensibility; a sensitive being.
sensibly adverb In a sensible manner; so as to be perceptible to the senses or to the mind; appreciably; with perception; susceptibly; sensitively., With intelligence or good sense; judiciously.
sensific adjective Exciting sensation.
sensoria plural of Sensorium
sensuism noun Sensualism.
sensuous adjective Of or pertaining to the senses, or sensible objects; addressing the senses; suggesting pictures or images of sense., Highly susceptible to influence through the senses.
sentence noun Sense; meaning; significance., An opinion; a decision; a determination; a judgment, especially one of an unfavorable nature., A philosophical or theological opinion; a dogma; as, Summary of the Sentences; Book of the Sentences., In civil and admiralty law, the judgment of a court pronounced in a cause; in criminal and ecclesiastical courts, a judgment passed on a criminal by a court or judge; condemnation pronounced by a judgical tribunal; doom. In common law, the term is exclusively used to denote the judgment in criminal cases., A short saying, usually containing moral instruction; a maxim; an axiom; a saw., A combination of words which is complete as expressing a thought, and in writing is marked at the close by a period, or full point. See Proposition, 4., To pass or pronounce judgment upon; to doom; to condemn to punishment; to prescribe the punishment of., To decree or announce as a sentence., To utter sententiously.
sentient adjective Having a faculty, or faculties, of sensation and perception. Specif. (Physiol.), especially sensitive; as, the sentient extremities of nerves, which terminate in the various organs or tissues., One who has the faculty of perception; a sentient being.
sentinel noun One who watches or guards; specifically (Mil.), a soldier set to guard an army, camp, or other place, from surprise, to observe the approach of danger, and give notice of it; a sentry., Watch; guard., A marine crab (Podophthalmus vigil) native of the Indian Ocean, remarkable for the great length of its eyestalks; — called also sentinel crab., To watch over like a sentinel., To furnish with a sentinel; to place under the guard of a sentinel or sentinels.
sentires plural of Sentry
sepaline adjective Relating to, or having the nature of, sepals.
sepalody noun The metamorphosis of other floral organs into sepals or sepaloid bodies.
sepaloid adjective Like a sepal, or a division of a calyx.
sepalous adjective Having, or relating to, sepals; — used mostly in composition. See under Sepal.
separate verb t. To disunite; to divide; to disconnect; to sever; to part in any manner., To come between; to keep apart by occupying the space between; to lie between; as, the Mediterranean Sea separates Europe and Africa., To set apart; to select from among others, as for a special use or service., To part; to become disunited; to be disconnected; to withdraw from one another; as, the family separated., Divided from another or others; disjoined; disconnected; separated; — said of things once connected., Unconnected; not united or associated; distinct; — said of things that have not been connected., Disunited from the body; disembodied; as, a separate spirit; the separate state of souls.
sepiment noun Something that separates; a hedge; a fence.
septaria plural of Septarium
septette noun A set of seven persons or objects; as, a septet of singers., A musical composition for seven instruments or seven voices; — called also septuor.
septfoil noun A European herb, the tormentil. See Tormentil., An ornamental foliation having seven lobes. Cf. Cinquefoil, Quarterfoil, and Trefoil., A typical figure, consisting of seven equal segments of a circle, used to denote the gifts of the Holy Chost, the seven sacraments as recognized by the Roman Catholic Church, etc.
septical adjective Having power to promote putrefaction.
septuary noun Something composed of seven; a week.
septulum noun A little septum; a division between small cavities or parts.
septuple adjective Seven times as much; multiplied by seven; sevenfold., To multiply by seven; to make sevenfold.
sequelae plural of Sequela
sequence noun The state of being sequent; succession; order of following; arrangement., That which follows or succeeds as an effect; sequel; consequence; result., Simple succession, or the coming after in time, without asserting or implying causative energy; as, the reactions of chemical agents may be conceived as merely invariable sequences., Any succession of chords (or harmonic phrase) rising or falling by the regular diatonic degrees in the same scale; a succession of similar harmonic steps., A melodic phrase or passage successively repeated one tone higher; a rosalia., A hymn introduced in the Mass on certain festival days, and recited or sung immediately before the gospel, and after the gradual or introit, whence the name., Three or more cards of the same suit in immediately consecutive order of value; as, ace, king, and queen; or knave, ten, nine, and eight., All five cards, of a hand, in consecutive order as to value, but not necessarily of the same suit; when of one suit, it is called a sequence flush.
seraglio noun An inclosure; a place of separation., The palace of the Grand Seignior, or Turkish sultan, at Constantinople, inhabited by the sultan himself, and all the officers and dependents of his court. In it are also kept the females of the harem., A harem; a place for keeping wives or concubines; sometimes, loosely, a place of licentious pleasure; a house of debauchery.
seraphim plural of Seraph, The Hebrew plural of Seraph. Cf. Cherubim.
seraphic adjective Alt. of Seraphical
serenade noun Music sung or performed in the open air at nights; — usually applied to musical entertainments given in the open air at night, especially by gentlemen, in a spirit of gallantry, under the windows of ladies., A piece of music suitable to be performed at such times., To entertain with a serenade., To perform a serenade.
serenata noun Alt. of Serenate
serenate noun A piece of vocal music, especially one on an amoreus subject; a serenade.
serenely adverb In a serene manner; clearly., With unruffled temper; coolly; calmly.
serenity noun The quality or state of being serene; clearness and calmness; quietness; stillness; peace., Calmness of mind; eveness of temper; undisturbed state; coolness; composure.
serfhood noun Alt. of Serfism
sergeant noun Formerly, in England, an officer nearly answering to the more modern bailiff of the hundred; also, an officer whose duty was to attend on the king, and on the lord high steward in court, to arrest traitors and other offenders. He is now called sergeant-at-arms, and two of these officers, by allowance of the sovereign, attend on the houses of Parliament (one for each house) to execute their commands, and another attends the Court Chancery., In a company, battery, or troop, a noncommissioned officer next in rank above a corporal, whose duty is to instruct recruits in discipline, to form the ranks, etc., A lawyer of the highest rank, answering to the doctor of the civil law; — called also serjeant at law., A title sometimes given to the servants of the sovereign; as, sergeant surgeon, that is, a servant, or attendant, surgeon., The cobia.
serially adverb In a series, or regular order; in a serial manner; as, arranged serially; published serially.
seriatim adverb In regular order; one after the other; severally.
sericite noun A kind of muscovite occuring in silky scales having a fibrous structure. It is characteristic of sericite schist.
serjeant Alt. of Serjeantcy
sermoner noun A preacher; a sermonizer.
sermonet noun A short sermon.
sermonic adjective Alt. of Sermonical
serosity noun The quality or state of being serous., A thin watery animal fluid, as synovial fluid and pericardial fluid.
serotine noun The European long-eared bat (Vesperugo serotinus).
serpette noun A pruning knife with a curved blade.
serpolet noun Wild thyme.
serpulae plural of Serpula
serpulas plural of Serpula
serrated adjective Notched on the edge, like a saw., Beset with teeth pointing forwards or upwards; as, serrate leaves.
serrator noun The ivory gull (Larus eburneus).
serrying present participle & vb. noun of Serry
servable adjective Capable of being served., Capable of being preserved.
servient adjective Subordinate.
servifor noun One who serves; a servant; an attendant; one who acts under another; a follower or adherent., An undergraduate, partly supported by the college funds, whose duty it formerly was to wait at table. A servitor corresponded to a sizar in Cambridge and Dublin universities.
sesamoid adjective Resembling in shape the seeds of sesame., Of or pertaining to the sesamoid bones or cartilages; sesamoidal., A sesamoid bone or cartilage.
sesspool noun Same as Cesspool.
sesterce noun A Roman coin or denomination of money, in value the fourth part of a denarius, and originally containing two asses and a half, afterward four asses, — equal to about two pence sterling, or four cents.
sestetto noun A sestet.
setewale noun See Cetewale.
set-fair noun In plastering, a particularly good troweled surface.
setiform adjective Having the form or structure of setae.
setireme noun A swimming leg (of an insect) having a fringe of hairs on the margin.
settling present participle & vb. noun of Settle, The act of one who, or that which, settles; the act of establishing one’s self, of colonizing, subsiding, adjusting, etc., That which settles at the bottom of a liquid; lees; dregs; sediment.
setulose adjective Having small bristles or setae.
seven-up noun The game of cards called also all fours, and old sledge.
severing present participle & vb. noun of Sever
severity noun The quality or state of being severe., Gravity or austerity; extreme strictness; rigor; harshness; as, the severity of a reprimand or a reproof; severity of discipline or government; severity of penalties., The quality or power of distressing or paining; extreme degree; extremity; intensity; inclemency; as, the severity of pain or anguish; the severity of cold or heat; the severity of the winter., Harshness; cruel treatment; sharpness of punishment; as, severity practiced on prisoners of war., Exactness; rigorousness; strictness; as, the severity of a test.
sewellel noun A peculiar gregarious burrowing rodent (Haplodon rufus), native of the coast region of the Northwestern United States. It somewhat resembles a muskrat or marmot, but has only a rudimentary tail. Its head is broad, its eyes are small and its fur is brownish above, gray beneath. It constitutes the family Haplodontidae. Called also boomer, showt’l, and mountain beaver.
sewerage noun The construction of a sewer or sewers., The system of sewers in a city, town, etc.; the general drainage of a city or town by means of sewers., The material collected in, and discharged by, sewers.
sexangle noun A hexagon.
sexenary adjective Proceeding by sixes; sextuple; — applied especially to a system of arithmetical computation in which the base is six.
sextetto noun See Sestet.
sextolet noun A double triplet; a group of six equal notes played in the time of four.
sextonry noun Sextonship.
sextuple adjective Six times as much; sixfold., Divisible by six; having six beats; as, sixtuple measure.
sexually adverb In a sexual manner or relation.