8 letter word starting with si

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
siberian adjective Of or pertaining to Siberia, a region comprising all northern Asia and belonging to Russia; as, a Siberian winter., A native or inhabitant of Siberia.
sibilant adjective Making a hissing sound; uttered with a hissing sound; hissing; as, s, z, sh, and zh, are sibilant elementary sounds., A sibiliant letter.
sibilate verb t. & i. To pronounce with a hissing sound, like that of the letter s; to mark with a character indicating such pronunciation.
sibilous adjective Having a hissing sound; hissing; sibilant.
sibylist noun One who believes in a sibyl or the sibylline prophecies.
sicamore noun See Sycamore.
siccific adjective Causing dryness.
sicilian adjective Of or pertaining to Sicily or its inhabitants., A native or inhabitant of Sicily.
sickened imp. & past participle of Sicken
sickerly adverb Alt. of Sikerly
sickless adjective Free from sickness.
sicklied adjective Made sickly. See Sickly, v.
sickness noun The quality or state of being sick or diseased; illness; sisease or malady., Nausea; qualmishness; as, sickness of stomach.
sidebone noun A morbid growth or deposit of bony matter and at the sides of the coronet and coffin bone of a horse.
sidehill noun The side or slope of a hill; sloping ground; a descent.
sideling adverb Sidelong; on the side; laterally; also, obliquely; askew., Inclining to one side; directed toward one side; sloping; inclined; as, sideling ground.
sidelong adverb Laterally; obliquely; in the direction of the side., On the side; as, to lay a thing sidelong., Lateral; oblique; not being directly in front; as, a sidelong glance.
sidereal adjective Relating to the stars; starry; astral; as, sidereal astronomy., Measuring by the apparent motion of the stars; designated, marked out, or accompanied, by a return to the same position in respect to the stars; as, the sidereal revolution of a planet; a sidereal day.
siderite noun Carbonate of iron, an important ore of iron occuring generally in cleavable masses, but also in rhombohedral crystals. It is of a light yellowish brown color. Called also sparry iron, spathic iron., A meteorite consisting solely of metallic iron., An indigo-blue variety of quartz., Formerly, magnetic iron ore, or loadstone., Any plant of the genus Sideritis; ironwort.
sidesmen plural of Sidesman
sidesman noun A party man; a partisan., An assistant to the churchwarden; a questman.
sidewalk noun A walk for foot passengers at the side of a street or road; a foot pavement.
sideways adverb Toward the side; sidewise.
sidewise adverb On or toward one side; laterally; sideways.
sienitic adjective See Syenitic.
siennese adjective Of or pertaining to Sienna, a city of Italy.
sighting present participle & vb. noun of Sight, a. & n. from Sight, v. t.
sightful adjective Easily or clearly seen; distinctly visible; perspicuous.
sigillum noun A seal.
signable adjective Suitable to be signed; requiring signature; as, a legal document signable by a particular person.
signally adverb In a signal manner; eminently.
signeted adjective Stamped or marked with a signet.
signifer adjective Bearing signs.
signiory noun Same as Seigniory.
signpost noun A post on which a sign hangs, or on which papers are placed to give public notice of anything.
silenced imp. & past participle of Silence
silently adverb In a silent manner.
silesian adjective Of or pertaining to Silesia., A native or inhabitant of Silesia.
silicate noun A salt of silicic acid.
silicide noun A binary compound of silicon, or one regarded as binary.
silicify verb t. To convert into, or to impregnate with, silica, or with the compounds of silicon., To become converted into silica, or to be impregnated with silica.
silicium noun See Silicon.
silicula noun A silicle.
silicule noun A silicle.
siliquae plural of Siliqua
silkness noun Silkiness.
silkweed noun Any plant of the genera Asclepias and Acerates whose seed vessels contain a long, silky down; milkweed.
silkworm noun The larva of any one of numerous species of bombycid moths, which spins a large amount of strong silk in constructing its cocoon before changing to a pupa.
sillabub noun A dish made by mixing wine or cider with milk, and thus forming a soft curd; also, sweetened cream, flavored with wine and beaten to a stiff froth.
sillyhow adjective A caul. See Caul, n., 3.
silurian adjective Of or pertaining to the country of the ancient Silures; — a term applied to the earliest of the Paleozoic eras, and also to the strata of the era, because most plainly developed in that country., The Silurian age.
siluroid noun Belonging to the Siluroidei, or Nematognathi, an order of fishes including numerous species, among which are the American catfishes and numerous allied fresh-water species of the Old World, as the sheatfish (Silurus glanis) of Europe., A siluroid fish.
silvered imp. & past participle of Silver
silverly adverb Like silver in appearance or in sound.
similary adjective Similar.
similize verb t. To liken; to compare; as, to similize a person, thing, or act.
simmered imp. & past participle of Simmer
simoniac noun One who practices simony, or who buys or sells preferment in the church.
simonial adjective Simoniacal.
simonian noun One of the followers of Simon Magus; also, an adherent of certain heretical sects in the early Christian church.
simonist noun One who practices simony.
simpered imp. & past participle of Simper
simperer noun One who simpers.
simpless noun Simplicity; silliness.
simplify verb t. To make simple; to make less complex; to make clear by giving the explanation for; to show an easier or shorter process for doing or making.
simplist noun One skilled in simples, or medicinal plants; a simpler.
simplity noun Simplicity.
simploce noun See Symploce.
simulate adjective Feigned; pretended., To assume the mere appearance of, without the reality; to assume the signs or indications of, falsely; to counterfeit; to feign.
sinaitic adjective Of or pertaining to Mount Sinai; given or made at Mount Sinai; as, the Sinaitic law.
sinalbin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of white mustard (Brassica alba, formerly Sinapis alba), and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
sinamine noun A bitter white crystalline nitrogenous substance, obtained indirectly from oil of mustard and ammonia; — called also allyl melamine.
sinapate noun A salt of sinapic acid.
sinapine noun An alkaloid occuring in the seeds of mustard. It is extracted, in combination with sulphocyanic acid, as a white crystalline substance, having a hot, bitter taste. When sinapine is isolated it is unstable and undergoes decomposition.
sinapism noun A plaster or poultice composed principally of powdered mustard seed, or containing the volatile oil of mustard seed. It is a powerful irritant.
sinciput noun The fore part of the head., The part of the head of a bird between the base of the bill and the vertex.
sinecure noun An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls., Any office or position which requires or involves little or no responsibility, labor, or active service., To put or place in a sinecure.
sinewing present participle & vb. noun of Sinew
sinewish adjective Sinewy.
sinewous adjective Sinewy.
singeing present participle & vb. noun of Singe
singling present participle & vb. noun of Single
singsong noun Bad singing or poetry., A drawling or monotonous tone, as of a badly executed song., Drawling; monotonous., To write poor poetry.
singster noun A songstress.
singular adjective Separate or apart from others; single; distinct., Engaged in by only one on a side; single., Existing by itself; single; individual., Each; individual; as, to convey several parcels of land, all and singular., Denoting one person or thing; as, the singular number; — opposed to dual and plural., Standing by itself; out of the ordinary course; unusual; uncommon; strange; as, a singular phenomenon., Distinguished as existing in a very high degree; rarely equaled; eminent; extraordinary; exceptional; as, a man of singular gravity or attainments., Departing from general usage or expectations; odd; whimsical; — often implying disapproval or consure., Being alone; belonging to, or being, that of which there is but one; unique., An individual instance; a particular., The singular number, or the number denoting one person or thing; a word in the singular number.
sinigrin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra, formerly Sinapis nigra) It resembles sinalbin, and consists of a potassium salt of myronic acid.
sinister adjective On the left hand, or the side of the left hand; left; — opposed to dexter, or right., Unlucky; inauspicious; disastrous; injurious; evil; — the left being usually regarded as the unlucky side; as, sinister influences., Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity; perverse; dishonest; corrupt; as, sinister aims., Indicative of lurking evil or harm; boding covert danger; as, a sinister countenance.
sinology noun That branch of systemized knowledge which treats of the Chinese, their language, literature, etc.
sinopite noun A brickred ferruginous clay used by the ancients for red paint.
sinsring noun Same as Banxring.
sintoism Alt. of Sintoist
sintoist See Shinto, etc.
sinuated imp. & past participle of Sinuate, Same as Sinuate.
sinusoid noun The curve whose ordinates are proportional to the sines of the abscissas, the equation of the curve being y = a sin x. It is also called the curve of sines.
siphilis noun Syphilis.
siphonal adjective Of or pertaining to a siphon; resembling a siphon.
siphonet noun One of the two dorsal tubular organs on the hinder part of the abdomen of aphids. They give exit to the honeydew. See Illust. under Aphis.
siphonia noun A former name for a euphorbiaceous genus (Hevea) of South American trees, the principal source of caoutchouc., of Siphonium
siphonic adjective Of or pertaining to a siphon.
sippling adjective Sipping often.
sirenian noun Any species of Sirenia.
sirenize verb i. To use the enticements of a siren; to act as a siren; to fascinate.
siriasis noun A sunstroke., The act of exposing to a sun bath. [Obs.] Cf. Insolation.
siroccos plural of Sirocco
sirvente noun A peculiar species of poetry, for the most part devoted to moral and religious topics, and commonly satirical, — often used by the troubadours of the Middle Ages.
siscowet noun A large, fat variety of the namaycush found in Lake Superior; — called also siskawet, siskiwit.
siserara noun Alt. of Siserary
siserary noun A hard blow.
siskiwit noun The siscowet.
sisterly adjective Like a sister; becoming a sister, affectionate; as, sisterly kindness; sisterly remorse.
sisyphus noun A king of Corinth, son of Aeolus, famed for his cunning. He was killed by Theseus, and in the lower world was condemned by Pluto to roll to the top of a hill a huge stone, which constantly rolled back again, making his task incessant.
sitheman noun A mower.
sithence adverb & conj. Alt. of Sithens
siththen adverb & conj. See Sithen.
sitology noun A treatise on the regulation of the diet; dietetics.
situated adjective Having a site, situation, or location; being in a relative position; permanently fixed; placed; located; as, a town situated, or situate, on a hill or on the seashore., Placed; residing.
sixpence noun An English silver coin of the value of six pennies; half a shilling, or about twelve cents.
sixpenny adjective Of the value of, or costing, sixpence; as, a sixpenny loaf.
sixscore adjective & noun Six times twenty; one hundred and twenty.
sixtieth adjective Next in order after the fifty-ninth., Constituting or being one one of sixty equal parts into which anything is divided., The quotient of a unit divided by sixty; one of sixty equal parts forming a whole., The next in order after the fifty-ninth; the tenth after the fiftieth.
siziness noun The quality or state of being sizy; viscousness.
sizzling present participle & vb. noun of Sizzle, a. & n. from Sizzle.