8 letter word starting with sin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
sinaitic adjective Of or pertaining to Mount Sinai; given or made at Mount Sinai; as, the Sinaitic law.
sinalbin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of white mustard (Brassica alba, formerly Sinapis alba), and extracted as a white crystalline substance.
sinamine noun A bitter white crystalline nitrogenous substance, obtained indirectly from oil of mustard and ammonia; — called also allyl melamine.
sinapate noun A salt of sinapic acid.
sinapine noun An alkaloid occuring in the seeds of mustard. It is extracted, in combination with sulphocyanic acid, as a white crystalline substance, having a hot, bitter taste. When sinapine is isolated it is unstable and undergoes decomposition.
sinapism noun A plaster or poultice composed principally of powdered mustard seed, or containing the volatile oil of mustard seed. It is a powerful irritant.
sinciput noun The fore part of the head., The part of the head of a bird between the base of the bill and the vertex.
sinecure noun An ecclesiastical benefice without the care of souls., Any office or position which requires or involves little or no responsibility, labor, or active service., To put or place in a sinecure.
sinewing present participle & vb. noun of Sinew
sinewish adjective Sinewy.
sinewous adjective Sinewy.
singeing present participle & vb. noun of Singe
singling present participle & vb. noun of Single
singsong noun Bad singing or poetry., A drawling or monotonous tone, as of a badly executed song., Drawling; monotonous., To write poor poetry.
singster noun A songstress.
singular adjective Separate or apart from others; single; distinct., Engaged in by only one on a side; single., Existing by itself; single; individual., Each; individual; as, to convey several parcels of land, all and singular., Denoting one person or thing; as, the singular number; — opposed to dual and plural., Standing by itself; out of the ordinary course; unusual; uncommon; strange; as, a singular phenomenon., Distinguished as existing in a very high degree; rarely equaled; eminent; extraordinary; exceptional; as, a man of singular gravity or attainments., Departing from general usage or expectations; odd; whimsical; — often implying disapproval or consure., Being alone; belonging to, or being, that of which there is but one; unique., An individual instance; a particular., The singular number, or the number denoting one person or thing; a word in the singular number.
sinigrin noun A glucoside found in the seeds of black mustard (Brassica nigra, formerly Sinapis nigra) It resembles sinalbin, and consists of a potassium salt of myronic acid.
sinister adjective On the left hand, or the side of the left hand; left; — opposed to dexter, or right., Unlucky; inauspicious; disastrous; injurious; evil; — the left being usually regarded as the unlucky side; as, sinister influences., Wrong, as springing from indirection or obliquity; perverse; dishonest; corrupt; as, sinister aims., Indicative of lurking evil or harm; boding covert danger; as, a sinister countenance.
sinology noun That branch of systemized knowledge which treats of the Chinese, their language, literature, etc.
sinopite noun A brickred ferruginous clay used by the ancients for red paint.
sinsring noun Same as Banxring.
sintoism Alt. of Sintoist
sintoist See Shinto, etc.
sinuated imp. & past participle of Sinuate, Same as Sinuate.
sinusoid noun The curve whose ordinates are proportional to the sines of the abscissas, the equation of the curve being y = a sin x. It is also called the curve of sines.