8 letter word starting with squi

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
squibbed imp. & past participle of Squib
squierie noun Alt. of Squiery
squiggle verb i. To shake and wash a fluid about in the mouth with the lips closed., To move about like an eel; to squirm.
squilgee noun Formerly, a small swab for drying a vessel’s deck; now, a kind of scraper having a blade or edge of rubber or of leather, — used for removing superfluous, water or other liquids, as from a vessel’s deck after washing, from window panes, photographer’s plates, etc.
squillas plural of Squilla
squillae plural of Squilla
squinted imp. & past participle of Squint
squinter noun One who squints.
squinzey noun See Quinsy.
squiring present participle & vb. noun of Squire
squireen noun One who is half squire and half farmer; — used humorously.
squirely adjective & adverb Becoming a squire; like a squire.
squirmed imp. & past participle of Squirm
squirrel verb i. Any one of numerous species of small rodents belonging to the genus Sciurus and several allied genera of the family Sciuridae. Squirrels generally have a bushy tail, large erect ears, and strong hind legs. They are commonly arboreal in their habits, but many species live in burrows., One of the small rollers of a carding machine which work with the large cylinder.
squirted imp. & past participle of Squirt
squirter noun One who, or that which, squirts.