8 letter word starting with star

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
starring present participle & vb. noun of Star
starched imp. & past participle of Starch, Stiffened with starch., Stiff; precise; formal.
starcher noun One who starches.
starchly adverb In a starched or starch manner.
starfish noun Any one of numerous species of echinoderms belonging to the class Asterioidea, in which the body is star-shaped and usually has five rays, though the number of rays varies from five to forty or more. The rays are often long, but are sometimes so short as to appear only as angles to the disklike body. Called also sea star, five-finger, and stellerid., The dollar fish, or butterfish.
starless adjective Being without stars; having no stars visible; as, a starless night.
starlike adjective Resembling a star; stellated; radiated like a star; as, starlike flowers., Shining; bright; illustrious.
starling noun Any passerine bird belonging to Sturnus and allied genera. The European starling (Sturnus vulgaris) is dark brown or greenish black, with a metallic gloss, and spotted with yellowish white. It is a sociable bird, and builds about houses, old towers, etc. Called also stare, and starred. The pied starling of India is Sternopastor contra., A California fish; the rock trout., A structure of piles driven round the piers of a bridge for protection and support; — called also sterling.
starnose noun A curious American mole (Condylura cristata) having the nose expanded at the end into a stellate disk; — called also star-nosed mole.
starosty noun A castle and domain conferred on a nobleman for life.
starting present participle & vb. noun of Start, a. & n. from Start, v.
startful adjective Apt to start; skittish.
startish adjective Apt to start; skittish; shy; — said especially of a horse.
startled imp. & past participle of Startle
start-up noun One who comes suddenly into notice; an upstart., A kind of high rustic shoe., Upstart.
starving present participle & vb. noun of Starve
starwort noun Any plant of the genus Aster. See Aster., A small plant of the genus Stellaria, having star-shaped flowers; star flower; chickweed.