8 letter word starting with ta

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tabarder noun One who wears a tabard., A scholar on the foundation of Queen’s College, Oxford, England, whose original dress was a tabard.
tabbinet noun A fabric like poplin, with a watered surface.
tabbying present participle & vb. noun of Tabby
tabefied imp. & past participle of Tabefy
tableing present participle & vb. noun of Table
tableaux plural of Tableau
tablemen plural of Tableman
tableman noun A man at draughts; a piece used in playing games at tables. See Table, n., 10.
tabooing present participle & vb. noun of Taboo
taboring present participle & vb. noun of Tabor
taborine noun A small, shallow drum; a tabor.
taborite noun One of certain Bohemian reformers who suffered persecution in the fifteenth century; — so called from Tabor, a hill or fortress where they encamped during a part of their struggles.
tabouret noun Same as Taboret., A seat without arms or back, cushioned and stuffed: a high stool; — so called from its resemblance to a drum., An embroidery frame.
tabulata noun pl. An artificial group of stony corals including those which have transverse septa in the calicles. The genera Pocillopora and Favosites are examples.
tabulate verb t. To form into a table or tables; to reduce to tables or synopses., To shape with a flat surface.
tachinae plural of Tachina
taciturn adjective Habitually silent; not given to converse; not apt to talk or speak.
tackling present participle & vb. noun of Tackle, Furniture of the masts and yards of a vessel, as cordage, sails, etc., Instruments of action; as, fishing tackling., The straps and fixures adjusted to an animal, by which he draws a carriage, or the like; harness.
tacksmen plural of Tacksman
tacksman noun One who holds a tack or lease from another; a tenant, or lessee.
tactable adjective Capable of being touched; tangible.
tactical adjective Of or pertaining to the art of military and naval tactics.
tactless adjective Destitute of tact.
taeniada noun pl. Same as Taenioidea.
taeniata noun pl. A division of Ctenophora including those which have a long, ribbonlike body. The Venus’s girdle is the most familiar example.
taenidia plural of Taenidium
taenioid adjective Ribbonlike; shaped like a ribbon., Like or pertaining to Taenia.
taeniola noun One of the radial partitions which separate the internal cavities of certain medusae.
tafferer noun See Taffrail.
taffrail noun The upper part of a ship’s stern, which is flat like a table on the top, and sometimes ornamented with carved work; the rail around a ship’s stern.
taglioni noun A kind of outer coat, or overcoat; — said to be so named after a celebrated Italian family of professional dancers.
tahitian adjective Of or pertaining to Tahiti, an island in the Pacific Ocean., A native inhabitant of Tahiti.
tail-bay noun One of the joists which rest one end on the wall and the other on a girder; also, the space between a wall and the nearest girder of a floor. Cf. Case-bay., The part of a canal lock below the lower gates.
tailless adjective Having no tail.
tailored imp. & past participle of Tailor
tailrace noun See Race, n., 6., The channel in which tailings, suspended in water, are conducted away.
tainting present participle & vb. noun of Taint
tainture noun Taint; tinge; difilement; stain; spot.
take-off noun An imitation, especially in the way of caricature.
talapoin noun A small African monkey (Cercopithecus, / Miopithecus, talapoin) — called also melarhine.
talented adjective Furnished with talents; possessing skill or talent; mentally gifted.
talesmen plural of Talesman
talesman noun A person called to make up a deficiency in the number of jurors when a tales is awarded.
talewise adverb In a way of a tale or story.
talisman noun A magical figure cut or engraved under certain superstitious observances of the configuration of the heavens, to which wonderful effects are ascribed; the seal, figure, character, or image, of a heavenly sign, constellation, or planet, engraved on a sympathetic stone, or on a metal corresponding to the star, in order to receive its influence., Hence, something that produces extraordinary effects, esp. in averting or repelling evil; an amulet; a charm; as, a talisman to avert diseases.
talliage noun A certain rate or tax paid by barons, knights, and inferior tenants, toward the public expenses.
tallness noun The quality or state of being tall; height of stature.
tallowed imp. & past participle of Tallow
tallower noun An animal which produces tallow.
tallwood noun Firewood cut into billets of a certain length.
tallying present participle & vb. noun of Tally
tallymen plural of Tallyman
tallyman noun One who keeps the tally, or marks the sticks., One who keeps a tally shop, or conducts his business as tally trade.
talmudic adjective Alt. of Talmudical
talukdar noun A proprietor of a talook.
tamanoir noun The ant-bear.
tamarack noun The American larch; also, the larch of Oregon and British Columbia (Larix occidentalis). See Hackmatack, and Larch., The black pine (Pinus Murrayana) of Alaska, California, etc. It is a small tree with fine-grained wood.
tamarind noun A leguminous tree (Tamarindus Indica) cultivated both the Indies, and the other tropical countries, for the sake of its shade, and for its fruit. The trunk of the tree is lofty and large, with wide-spreading branches; the flowers are in racemes at the ends of the branches. The leaves are small and finely pinnated., One of the preserved seed pods of the tamarind, which contain an acid pulp, and are used medicinally and for preparing a pleasant drink.
tamarisk noun Any shrub or tree of the genus Tamarix, the species of which are European and Asiatic. They have minute scalelike leaves, and small flowers in spikes. An Arabian species (T. mannifera) is the source of one kind of manna.
tambreet noun The duck mole.
tamburin noun See Tambourine.
tameable adjective Tamable.
tameless adjective Incapable of being tamed; wild; untamed; untamable.
tameness noun The quality or state of being tame.
tamilian adjective & noun Tamil.
tampered imp. & past participle of Tamper
tamperer noun One who tampers; one who deals unfairly.
tangence noun Tangency.
tangency noun The quality or state of being tangent; a contact or touching.
tangfish noun The common harbor seal.
tangible adjective Perceptible to the touch; tactile; palpable., Capable of being possessed or realized; readily apprehensible by the mind; real; substantial; evident.
tangling present participle & vb. noun of Tangle
tanistry noun In Ireland, a tenure of family lands by which the proprietor had only a life estate, to which he was admitted by election.
tankling noun A tinkling.
tannable adjective That may be tanned.
tantalic adjective Of or pertaining to tantalum; derived from, or containing, tantalum; specifically, designating any one of a series of acids analogous to nitric acid and the polyacid compounds of phosphorus.
tantalum noun A rare nonmetallic element found in certain minerals, as tantalite, samarskite, and fergusonite, and isolated as a dark powder which becomes steel-gray by burnishing. Symbol Ta. Atomic weight 182.0. Formerly called also tantalium.
tantalus noun A Phrygian king who was punished in the lower world by being placed in the midst of a lake whose waters reached to his chin but receded whenever he attempted to allay his thirst, while over his head hung branches laden with choice fruit which likewise receded whenever he stretched out his hand to grasp them., A genus of wading birds comprising the wood ibises.
tapeline noun A painted tape, marked with linear dimensions, as inches, feet, etc., and often inclosed in a case, — used for measuring.
tapering present participle & vb. noun of Taper, Becoming gradually smaller toward one end.
tapestry noun A fabric, usually of worsted, worked upon a warp of linen or other thread by hand, the designs being usually more or less pictorial and the stuff employed for wall hangings and the like. The term is also applied to different kinds of embroidery., To adorn with tapestry, or as with tapestry.
tapeworm noun Any one of numerous species of cestode worms belonging to Taenia and many allied genera. The body is long, flat, and composed of numerous segments or proglottids varying in shape, those toward the end of the body being much larger and longer than the anterior ones, and containing the fully developed sexual organs. The head is small, destitute of a mouth, but furnished with two or more suckers (which vary greatly in shape in different genera), and sometimes, also, with hooks for adhesion to the walls of the intestines of the animals in which they are parasitic. The larvae (see Cysticercus) live in the flesh of various creatures, and when swallowed by another animal of the right species develop into the mature tapeworm in its intestine. See Illustration in Appendix.
taphouse noun A house where liquors are retailed.
tapinage noun A lurking or skulking.
tapiroid adjective Allied to the tapir, or the Tapir family.
taplings noun pl. The strong double leathers by which the two parts of a flail are united.
tarbogan noun & verb See Toboggan.
tarboosh noun A red cap worn by Turks and other Eastern nations, sometimes alone and sometimes swathed with linen or other stuff to make a turban. See Fez.
targeted adjective Furnished, armed, or protected, with a target.
targumim plural of Targum
tariffed imp. & past participle of Tariff
tarlatan noun A kind of thin, transparent muslin, used for dresses.
tarragon noun A plant of the genus Artemisa (A. dracunculus), much used in France for flavoring vinegar.
tarrying present participle & vb. noun of Tarry
tarsalia plural of Tarsale
tartaric adjective Of or pertaining to Tartary in Asia, or the Tartars., Of or pertaining to tartar; derived from, or resembling, tartar.
tartarum noun See 1st Tartar.
tartarus noun The infernal regions, described in the Iliad as situated as far below Hades as heaven is above the earth, and by later writers as the place of punishment for the spirits of the wicked. By the later poets, also, the name is often used synonymously with Hades, or the Lower World in general.
tartness noun The quality or state of being tart.
tartrate noun A salt of tartaric acid.
tartuffe noun Alt. of Tartufe
taskwork noun Work done as a task; also, work done by the job; piecework.
tasseled imp. & past participle of Tassel
tastable adjective Capable of worthy of being tasted; savory; relishing.
tasteful adjective Having a high relish; savory., Having or exhibiting good taste; in accordance with good taste; tasty; as, a tasteful drapery.
tatouhou noun The peba.
tattered past participle of Tatter
tattling present participle & vb. noun of Tattle, Given to idle talk; apt to tell tales.
tattlery noun Idle talk or chat; tittle-tattle.
tattooed imp. & past participle of Tattoo
tatusiid noun Any armadillo of the family Tatusiidae, of which the peba and mule armadillo are examples. Also used adjectively.
taunting present participle & vb. noun of Taunt, a. & n. from Taunt, v.
tauridor noun A bullfighter; a toreador.
taurocol noun Alt. of Taurocolla
taurylic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an acid found of a urine of neat cattle, and probably identical with cresol.
taverner noun One who keeps a tavern.
tawdrily adverb In a tawdry manner.
tawdries plural of Tawdry
taxation noun The act of laying a tax, or of imposing taxes, as on the subjects of a state, by government, or on the members of a corporation or company, by the proper authority; the raising of revenue; also, a system of raising revenue., The act of taxing, or assessing a bill of cost., Tax; sum imposed., Charge; accusation.
taxiarch noun An Athenian military officer commanding a certain division of an army.
taxicorn noun One of a family of beetles (Taxicornes) whose antennae are largest at the tip. Also used adjectively.
taxology noun Same as Taxonomy.
taxonomy noun That division of the natural sciences which treats of the classification of animals and plants; the laws or principles of classification.
taxpayer noun One who is assessed and pays a tax.