8 letter word starting with th

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
thalamic adjective Of or pertaining to a thalamus or to thalami.
thalamus noun A mass of nervous matter on either side of the third ventricle of the brain; — called also optic thalamus., Same as Thallus., The receptacle of a flower; a torus.
thallate noun A salt of a hypothetical thallic acid.
thallene noun A hydrocarbon obtained from coal-tar residues, and remarkable for its intense yellowish green fluorescence.
thalline adjective Consisting of a thallus., An artificial alkaloid of the quinoline series, obtained as a white crystalline substance, C10H13NO, whose salts are valuable as antipyretics; — so called from the green color produced in its solution by certain oxidizing agents.
thallium noun A rare metallic element of the aluminium group found in some minerals, as certain pyrites, and also in the lead-chamber deposit in the manufacture of sulphuric acid. It is isolated as a heavy, soft, bluish white metal, easily oxidized in moist air, but preserved by keeping under water. Symbol Tl. Atomic weight 203.7.
thalloid adjective Resembling, or consisting of, thallus.
thallous adjective Of or pertaining to thallium; derived from, or containing, thallium; specifically, designating those compounds in which the element has a lower valence as contrasted with the thallic compounds.
thanedom noun The property or jurisdiction of a thane; thanage.
thanking present participle & vb. noun of Thank
thankful adjective Obtaining or deserving thanks; thankworthy., Impressed with a sense of kindness received, and ready to acknowledge it; grateful.
thatched imp. & past participle of Thatch
thatcher noun One who thatches.
thearchy noun Government by God; divine sovereignty; theocracy.
theatine noun One of an order of Italian monks, established in 1524, expressly to oppose Reformation, and to raise the tone of piety among Roman Catholics. They hold no property, nor do they beg, but depend on what Providence sends. Their chief employment is preaching and giving religious instruction., One of an order of nuns founded by Ursula Benincasa, who died in 1618.
theatral adjective Of or pertaining to a theater; theatrical.
theatric adjective Theatrical.
thebaine noun A poisonous alkaloid, C19H21NO3, found in opium in small quantities, having a sharp, astringent taste, and a tetanic action resembling that of strychnine.
theiform adjective Having the form of tea.
theistic adjective Alt. of Theistical
thematic adjective Of or pertaining to the theme of a word. See Theme, n., 4., Of or pertaining to a theme, or subject.
theocrat noun One who lives under a theocratic form of government; one who in civil affairs conforms to divine law.
theodicy noun A vindication of the justice of God in ordaining or permitting natural and moral evil., That department of philosophy which treats of the being, perfections, and government of God, and the immortality of the soul.
theogony noun The generation or genealogy of the gods; that branch of heathen theology which deals with the origin and descent of the deities; also, a poem treating of such genealogies; as, the Theogony of Hesiod.
theology noun The science of God or of religion; the science which treats of the existence, character, and attributes of God, his laws and government, the doctrines we are to believe, and the duties we are to practice; divinity; (as more commonly understood) “the knowledge derivable from the Scriptures, the systematic exhibition of revealed truth, the science of Christian faith and life.”
theorica noun pl. Public moneys expended at Athens on festivals, sacrifices, and public entertainments (especially theatrical performances), and in gifts to the people; — also called theoric fund.
theorist noun One who forms theories; one given to theory and speculation; a speculatist.
theorize verb i. To form a theory or theories; to form opinions solely by theory; to speculate.
theories plural of Theory
theosoph noun Alt. of Theosopher
therefor adverb For that, or this; for it.
thereout adverb Out of that or this., On the outside; out of doors.
theriaca noun An ancient composition esteemed efficacious against the effects of poison; especially, a certain compound of sixty-four drugs, prepared, pulverized, and reduced by means of honey to an electuary; — called also theriaca Andromachi, and Venice treacle., Treacle; molasses.
thesauri plural of Thesaurus
thesicle noun A little or subordinate thesis; a proposition.
thespian adjective Of or pertaining to Thespis; hence, relating to the drama; dramatic; as, the Thespian art., An actor.
thetical adjective Laid down; absolute or positive, as a law.
theurgic adjective Alt. of Theurgical
thibetan adjective Of or pertaining to Thibet., A native or inhabitant of Thibet.
thickish adjective Somewhat thick.
thickset adjective Close planted; as, a thickset wood; a thickset hedge., Having a short, thick body; stout., A close or thick hedge., A stout, twilled cotton cloth; a fustian corduroy, or velveteen.
thienone noun A ketone derivative of thiophene obtained as a white crystalline substance, (C4H3S)2.CO, by the action of aluminium chloride and carbonyl chloride on thiophene.
thieving present participle & vb. noun of Thieve
thievery noun The practice of stealing; theft; thievishness., That which is stolen.
thievish adjective Given to stealing; addicted to theft; as, a thievish boy, a thievish magpie., Like a thief; acting by stealth; sly; secret., Partaking of the nature of theft; accomplished by stealing; dishonest; as, a thievish practice.
thinning present participle & vb. noun of Thin
thinking present participle & vb. noun of Think, Having the faculty of thought; cogitative; capable of a regular train of ideas; as, man is a thinking being., The act of thinking; mode of thinking; imagination; cogitation; judgment.
thinness noun The quality or state of being thin (in any of the senses of the word).
thinnish adjective Somewhat thin.
thionine noun An artificial red or violet dyestuff consisting of a complex sulphur derivative of certain aromatic diamines, and obtained as a dark crystalline powder; — called also phenylene violet.
thioxene noun Any one of three possible metameric substances, which are dimethyl derivatives of thiophene, like the xylenes from benzene.
thirling present participle & vb. noun of Thirl
thirlage noun The right which the owner of a mill possesses, by contract or law, to compel the tenants of a certain district, or of his sucken, to bring all their grain to his mill for grinding.
thirsted imp. & past participle of Thirst
thirster noun One who thirsts.
thirstle noun The throstle.
thirteen adjective One more than twelve; ten and three; as, thirteen ounces or pounds., The number greater by one than twelve; the sum of ten and three; thirteen units or objects., A symbol representing thirteen units, as 13 or xiii.
thirties plural of Thirty
thlipsis noun Compression, especially constriction of vessels by an external cause.
thomaean noun Alt. of Thomean
thomaism noun The doctrine of Thomas Aquinas, esp. with respect to predestination and grace.
thoracic adjective Of or pertaining to the thorax, or chest., One of a group of fishes having the ventral fins placed beneath the thorax or beneath the pectorial fins.
thornbut noun The turbot.
thornset adjective Set with thorns.
thorough preposition Through., Passing through; as, thorough lights in a house., Passing through or to the end; hence, complete; perfect; as, a thorough reformation; thorough work; a thorough translator; a thorough poet., Thoroughly., Through., A furrow between two ridges, to drain off the surface water.
thousand noun The number of ten hundred; a collection or sum consisting of ten times one hundred units or objects., Hence, indefinitely, a great number., A symbol representing one thousand units; as, 1,000, M or CI/., Consisting of ten hundred; being ten times one hundred., Hence, consisting of a great number indefinitely.
thracian adjective Of or pertaining to Thrace, or its people., A native or inhabitant of Thrace.
thraldom noun The condition of a thrall; slavery; bondage; state of servitude.
thranite noun One of the rowers on the topmost of the three benches in a trireme.
thrapple noun Windpipe; throttle.
thrashed imp. & past participle of Thresh
thrashel noun An instrument to thrash with; a flail.
thrasher noun Alt. of Thresher
thresher noun One who, or that which, thrashes grain; a thrashing machine., A large and voracious shark (Alopias vulpes), remarkable for the great length of the upper lobe of its tail, with which it beats, or thrashes, its prey. It is found both upon the American and the European coasts. Called also fox shark, sea ape, sea fox, slasher, swingle-tail, and thrasher shark., A name given to the brown thrush and other allied species. See Brown thrush., Same as Thrasher.
threaded imp. & past participle of Thread
threaden adjective Made of thread; as, threaden sails; a threaden fillet.
threader noun A device for assisting in threading a needle., A tool or machine for forming a thread on a screw or in a nut.
threaped imp. & past participle of Threap
threaten verb t. To utter threats against; to menace; to inspire with apprehension; to alarm, or attempt to alarm, as with the promise of something evil or disagreeable; to warn., To exhibit the appearance of (something evil or unpleasant) as approaching; to indicate as impending; to announce the conditional infliction of; as, to threaten war; to threaten death., To use threats, or menaces; also, to have a threatening appearance.
threnode noun A threne, or threnody; a dirge; a funeral song.
threnody noun A song of lamentation; a threnode.
threshed imp. & past participle of Thresh
thribble adjective Triple; treble; threefold.
thridded imp. & past participle of Thrid
thrilled imp. & past participle of Thrill
thriving present participle & vb. noun of Thrive
throbbed imp. & past participle of Throb
throdden verb i. To grow; to thrive.
thrombus noun A clot of blood formed of a passage of a vessel and remaining at the site of coagulation., A tumor produced by the escape of blood into the subcutaneous cellular tissue.
throning present participle & vb. noun of Throne
thronged imp. & past participle of Throng
throngly adverb In throngs or crowds.
thropple noun The windpipe., To throttle.
throstle noun The song thrush. See under Song., A machine for spinning wool, cotton, etc., from the rove, consisting of a set of drawing rollers with bobbins and flyers, and differing from the mule in having the twisting apparatus stationary and the processes continuous; — so called because it makes a singing noise.
throttle noun The windpipe, or trachea; the weasand., The throttle valve., To compress the throat of; to choke; to strangle., To utter with breaks and interruption, in the manner of a person half suffocated., To shut off, or reduce flow of, as steam to an engine., To have the throat obstructed so as to be in danger of suffocation; to choke; to suffocate., To breathe hard, as when nearly suffocated.
throwing present participle & vb. noun of Throw, a. & n. from Throw, v.
thrummed imp. & past participle of Thrum
thrushel noun The song thrush.
thrusher noun The song thrush.
thruster noun One who thrusts or stabs.
thrustle noun The throstle, or song thrust.
thuggery noun Alt. of Thuggism
thuggism noun Thuggee.
thumbing present participle & vb. noun of Thumb
thumbkin noun An instrument of torture for compressing the thumb; a thumbscrew.
thumping present participle & vb. noun of Thump, Heavy; large.
thundery adjective Accompanied with thunder; thunderous.
thurible noun A censer of metal, for burning incense, having various forms, held in the hand or suspended by chains; — used especially at mass, vespers, and other solemn services.
thurling noun Same as Thurl, n., 2 (a).
thursday noun The fifth day of the week, following Wednesday and preceding Friday.
thussock noun See Tussock.
thwacked imp. & past participle of Thwack
thwarted imp. & past participle of Thwart
thwarter noun A disease in sheep, indicated by shaking, trembling, or convulsive motions.
thwartly adverb Transversely; obliquely.
thwittle verb t. To cut or whittle., A small knife; a whittle.
thyrsoid adjective Alt. of Thyrsoidal