8 letter word starting with ti

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tibialia plural of Tibiale
ticement noun Enticement.
ticketed imp. & past participle of Ticket
tickling present participle & vb. noun of Tickle
ticklish adjective Sensible to slight touches; easily tickled; as, the sole of the foot is very ticklish; the hardened palm of the hand is not ticklish., Standing so as to be liable to totter and fall at the slightest touch; unfixed; easily affected; unstable., Difficult; nice; critical; as, a ticklish business.
tickseed noun A seed or fruit resembling in shape an insect, as that of certain plants., Same as Coreopsis., Any plant of the genus Corispermum, plants of the Goosefoot family.
ticktack noun A noise like that made by a clock or a watch., A kind of backgammon played both with men and pegs; tricktrack., With a ticking noise, like that of a watch.
tideless adjective Having no tide.
tidesmen plural of Tidesman
tidesman noun A customhouse officer who goes on board of a merchant ship to secure payment of the duties; a tidewaiter.
tidiness noun The quality or state of being tidy.
tidology noun A discourse or treatise upon the tides; that part of science which treats of tides.
tidytips noun A California composite plant (Layia platyglossa), the flower of which has yellow rays tipped with white.
tigerine adjective Tigerish; tigrine.
tigerish adjective Like a tiger; tigrish.
tilefish noun A large, edible, deep-water food fish (Lopholatilus chamaeleonticeps) more or less thickly covered with large, round, yellow spots.
tileries plural of Tilery
tillable adjective Capable of being tilled; fit for the plow; arable.
tillered imp. & past participle of Tiller
til tree See Teil.
timaline adjective Of or pertaining to the genus Timalus or family Timalidae, which includes the babblers thrushes, and bulbuls.
timbered imp. & past participle of Timber, Furnished with timber; — often compounded; as, a well-timbered house; a low-timbered house., Built; formed; contrived., Massive, like timber., Covered with growth timber; wooden; as, well-timbered land.
timeless adjective Done at an improper time; unseasonable; untimely., Done or occurring before the proper time; premature; immature; as, a timeless grave., Having no end; interminable; unending.
timeling noun A timeserver.
timidity noun The quality or state of being timid; timorousness; timidness.
timidous adjective Timid.
timoneer noun A helmsman.
timorous adjective Fearful of danger; timid; deficient in courage., Indicating, or caused by, fear; as, timorous doubts.
tincture noun A tinge or shade of color; a tint; as, a tincture of red., One of the metals, colors, or furs used in armory., The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a solvent; an extract of a part of the substance of a body communicated to the solvent., A solution (commonly colored) of medicinal substance in alcohol, usually more or less diluted; spirit containing medicinal substances in solution., A slight taste superadded to any substance; as, a tincture of orange peel., A slight quality added to anything; a tinge; as, a tincture of French manners., To communicate a slight foreign color to; to tinge; to impregnate with some extraneous matter., To imbue the mind of; to communicate a portion of anything foreign to; to tinge.
tingeing present participle & vb. noun of Tinge
tingling present participle & vb. noun of Tingle
tinkered imp. & past participle of Tinker
tinkerly adjective After the manner of a tinker.
tinkling present participle & vb. noun of Tinkle, A tinkle, or succession of tinkles., A grackle (Quiscalus crassirostris) native of Jamaica. It often associates with domestic cattle, and rids them of insects.
tinmouth noun The crappie.
tinnient adjective Emitting a clear sound.
tinnitus noun A ringing, whistling, or other imaginary noise perceived in the ears; — called also tinnitus aurium.
tinseled imp. & past participle of Tinsel
tinselly adjective Like tinsel; gaudy; showy, but cheap., In a showy and cheap manner.
tinsmith noun One who works in tin; a tinner.
tinstone noun Cassiterite.
tintamar noun A hideous or confused noise; an uproar.
tippling present participle & vb. noun of Tipple
tipstaff plural of Tipstaff, A staff tipped with metal., An officer who bears a staff tipped with metal; a constable.
tipulary adjective Of or pertaining to the tipulas.
tireless adjective Untiring.
tireling adjective Tired; fatigued.
tiresome adjective Fitted or tending to tire; exhausted; wearisome; fatiguing; tedious; as, a tiresome journey; a tiresome discourse.
tironian adjective Of or pertaining to Tiro, or a system of shorthand said to have been introduced by him into ancient Rome.
tissuing present participle & vb. noun of Tissue
titanate noun A salt of titanic acid.
titanite noun See Sphene.
titanium noun An elementary substance found combined in the minerals manaccanite, rutile, sphene, etc., and isolated as an infusible iron-gray amorphous powder, having a metallic luster. It burns when heated in the air. Symbol Ti. Atomic weight 48.1.
titanous adjective Designating certain compounds of titanium in which that element has a lower valence as contrasted with titanic compounds.
tithable adjective Subject to the payment of tithes; as, tithable lands.
tithonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or denoting, those rays of light which produce chemical effects; actinic.
tithymal noun Any kind of spurge, esp. Euphorbia Cyparissias.
titmouse noun Any one of numerous species of small insectivorous singing birds belonging to Parus and allied genera; — called also tit, and tomtit.
titrated imp. & past participle of Titrate, Standardized; determined or analyzed by titration; as, titrated solutions.
tittered imp. & past participle of Titter
titterel noun The whimbrel.
titubate verb i. To stumble., To rock or roll, as a curved body on a plane.
titulary noun A person invested with a title, in virtue of which he holds an office or benefice, whether he performs the duties of it or not., Consisting in a title; titular., Of or pertaining to a title.