8 letter word starting with tin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tincture noun A tinge or shade of color; a tint; as, a tincture of red., One of the metals, colors, or furs used in armory., The finer and more volatile parts of a substance, separated by a solvent; an extract of a part of the substance of a body communicated to the solvent., A solution (commonly colored) of medicinal substance in alcohol, usually more or less diluted; spirit containing medicinal substances in solution., A slight taste superadded to any substance; as, a tincture of orange peel., A slight quality added to anything; a tinge; as, a tincture of French manners., To communicate a slight foreign color to; to tinge; to impregnate with some extraneous matter., To imbue the mind of; to communicate a portion of anything foreign to; to tinge.
tingeing present participle & vb. noun of Tinge
tingling present participle & vb. noun of Tingle
tinkered imp. & past participle of Tinker
tinkerly adjective After the manner of a tinker.
tinkling present participle & vb. noun of Tinkle, A tinkle, or succession of tinkles., A grackle (Quiscalus crassirostris) native of Jamaica. It often associates with domestic cattle, and rids them of insects.
tinmouth noun The crappie.
tinnient adjective Emitting a clear sound.
tinnitus noun A ringing, whistling, or other imaginary noise perceived in the ears; — called also tinnitus aurium.
tinseled imp. & past participle of Tinsel
tinselly adjective Like tinsel; gaudy; showy, but cheap., In a showy and cheap manner.
tinsmith noun One who works in tin; a tinner.
tinstone noun Cassiterite.
tintamar noun A hideous or confused noise; an uproar.