8 letter word starting with tro

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
trochaic noun A trochaic verse or measure., Alt. of Trochaical
trochili noun pl. A division of birds comprising the humming birds., of Trochilus
troching noun One of the small branches of a stag’s antler.
trochisk noun See Trochiscus.
trochite noun A wheel-like joint of the stem of a fossil crinoid.
trochlea noun A pulley., A pulley, or a structure resembling a pulley; as, the trochlea, or pulleylike end, of the humerus, which articulates with the ulna; or the trochlea, or fibrous ring, in the upper part of the orbit, through which the superior oblique, or trochlear, muscle of the eye passes.
trochoid noun The curve described by any point in a wheel rolling on a line; a cycloid; a roulette; in general, the curve described by any point fixedly connected with a moving curve while the moving curve rolls without slipping on a second fixed curve, the curves all being in one plane. Cycloids, epicycloids, hypocycloids, cardioids, etc., are all trochoids., Admitting of rotation on an axis; — sometimes applied to a pivot joint like that between the atlas and axis in the vertebral column., Top-shaped; having a flat base and conical spire; — said of certain shells., Of or pertaining to the genus Trochus or family Trochidae.
troilite noun Native iron protosulphide, FeS. It is known only in meteoric irons, and is usually in imbedded nodular masses of a bronze color.
trolling present participle & vb. noun of Troll
trombone noun A powerful brass instrument of the trumpet kind, thought by some to be the ancient sackbut, consisting of a tube in three parts, bent twice upon itself and ending in a bell. The middle part, bent double, slips into the outer parts, as in a telescope, so that by change of the vibrating length any tone within the compass of the instrument (which may be bass or tenor or alto or even, in rare instances, soprano) is commanded. It is the only member of the family of wind instruments whose scale, both diatonic and chromatic, is complete without the aid of keys or pistons, and which can slide from note to note as smoothly as the human voice or a violin. Softly blown, it has a rich and mellow sound, which becomes harsh and blatant when the tones are forced; used with discretion, its effect is often solemn and majestic., The common European bittern.
tronator noun An officer in London whose duty was to weigh wool.
trooping present participle & vb. noun of Troop
troopial noun Same as Troupial.
tropeine noun Any one of a series of artificial ethereal salts derived from the alkaloidal base tropine.
trophied adjective Adorned with trophies.
trophies plural of Trophy
tropical noun Of or pertaining to the tropics; characteristic of, or incident to, the tropics; being within the tropics; as, tropical climate; tropical latitudes; tropical heat; tropical diseases., Rhetorically changed from its exact original sense; being of the nature of a trope; figurative; metaphorical.
trossers noun pl. Trousers.
trotting present participle & vb. noun of Trot
trottoir noun Footpath; pavement; sidewalk.
troubled imp. & past participle of Trouble
troubler noun One who troubles or disturbs; one who afflicts or molests; a disturber; as, a troubler of the peace.
trounced imp. & past participle of Trounce
troupial noun Any one of numerous species of bright-colored American birds belonging to Icterus and allied genera, especially Icterus icterus, a native of the West Indies and South America. Many of the species are called orioles in America.
trousers noun pl. A garment worn by men and boys, extending from the waist to the knee or to the ankle, and covering each leg separately.
troutlet noun A little trout; a troutling.
trouvere noun Alt. of Trouveur
trouveur noun One of a school of poets who flourished in Northern France from the eleventh to the fourteenth century.
troweled Formed with a trowel; smoothed with a trowel; as, troweled stucco, that is, stucco laid on and ready for the reception of paint.
trowsers noun pl. Same as Trousers.