8 letter word starting with tu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
tubeform adjective In the form of a tube; tubular; tubiform.
tubercle noun A small knoblike prominence or excrescence, whether natural or morbid; as, a tubercle on a plant; a tubercle on a bone; the tubercles appearing on the body in leprosy., A small mass or aggregation of morbid matter; especially, the deposit which accompanies scrofula or phthisis. This is composed of a hard, grayish, or yellowish, translucent or opaque matter, which gradually softens, and excites suppuration in its vicinity. It is most frequently found in the lungs, causing consumption.
tuberose noun A plant (Polianthes tuberosa) with a tuberous root and a liliaceous flower. It is much cultivated for its beautiful and fragrant white blossoms., Tuberous.
tuberous adjective Covered with knobby or wartlike prominences; knobbed., Consisting of, or bearing, tubers; resembling a tuber.
tubeworm noun Any annelid which constructs a tube; one of the Tubicolae.
tubicole noun One of the Tubicolae.
tubicorn noun Any ruminant having horns composed of a bony axis covered with a horny sheath; a hollow-horned ruminant.
tubiform adjective Having the form of a tube; tubeform.
tubipora noun A genus of halcyonoids in which the skeleton, or coral (called organ-pipe coral), consists of a mass of parallel cylindrical tubes united at intervals by transverse plates. These corals are usually red or purple and form large masses. They are natives of the tropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
tubipore noun Any species of the genus Tubipora.
tubulate adjective Tubular; tubulated; tubulous.
tubulose adjective Alt. of Tubulous
tubulous adjective Resembling, or in the form of, a tube; longitudinally hollow; specifically (Bot.), having a hollow cylindrical corolla, often expanded or toothed at the border; as, a tubulose flower., Containing, or consisting of, small tubes; specifically (Bot.), composed wholly of tubulous florets; as, a tubulous compound flower.
tubulure noun A short tubular opening at the top of a retort, or at the top or side of a bottle; a tubulation.
tuckahoe noun A curious vegetable production of the Southern Atlantic United States, growing under ground like a truffle and often attaining immense size. The real nature is unknown. Called also Indian bread, and Indian loaf.
tuck-net noun See Tuck, n., 2.
tue-iron noun See Tuyere.
tulipist noun A person who is especially devoted to the cultivation of tulips.
tullibee noun A whitefish (Coregonus tullibee) found in the Great Lakes of North America; — called also mongrel whitefish.
tumbling present participle & vb. noun of Tumble, a. & vb. n. from Tumble, v.
tumefied imp. & past participle of Tumefy
tumidity noun The quality or state of being tumid.
tumorous adjective Swelling; protuberant., Inflated; bombastic.
tumpline noun A strap placed across a man’s forehead to assist him in carrying a pack on his back.
tumulate verb t. To cover, as a corpse, with a mound or tomb; to bury., To swell.
tumulose adjective Tumulous.
tumulous adjective Full of small hills or mounds; hilly; tumulose.
tumulter noun A maker of tumults.
tun-dish noun A tunnel.
tuneless adjective Without tune; inharmonious; unmusical., Not employed in making music; as, tuneless harps., Not expressed in music or poetry; unsung.
tungsten noun A rare element of the chromium group found in certain minerals, as wolfram and scheelite, and isolated as a heavy steel-gray metal which is very hard and infusible. It has both acid and basic properties. When alloyed in small quantities with steel, it greatly increases its hardness. Symbol W (Wolframium). Atomic weight, 183.6. Specific gravity, 18., Scheelite, or calcium tungstate.
tungstic adjective Of or pertaining to tungsten; derived from, or resembling, tungsten; wolframic; as, tungstic oxide.
tunguses noun pl. A group of roving Turanian tribes occupying Eastern Siberia and the Amoor valley. They resemble the Mongols.
tungusic adjective Of or pertaining to the Tunguses; as, the Tungusic dialects.
tunicary noun One of the Tunicata.
tunicata noun pl. A grand division of the animal kingdom, intermediate, in some respects, between the invertebrates and vertebrates, and by some writers united with the latter. They were formerly classed with acephalous mollusks. The body is usually covered with a firm external tunic, consisting in part of cellulose, and having two openings, one for the entrance and one for the exit of water. The pharynx is usually dilated in the form of a sac, pierced by several series of ciliated slits, and serves as a gill.
tunicate adjective Alt. of Tunicated, One of the Tunicata.
tunneled imp. & past participle of Tunnel
turanian adjective Of, pertaining to, or designating, an extensive family of languages of simple structure and low grade (called also Altaic, Ural-Altaic, and Scythian), spoken in the northern parts of Europe and Asia and Central Asia; of pertaining to, or designating, the people who speak these languages., One of the Turanians.
turbaned adjective Wearing a turban.
turbidly adverb In a turbid manner; with muddiness or confusion., Proudly; haughtily.
turbinal adjective Rolled in a spiral; scroll-like; turbinate; — applied to the thin, plicated, bony or cartilaginous plates which support the olfactory and mucous membranes of the nasal chambers., A turbinal bone or cartilage.
turcoman noun A member of a tribe of Turanians inhabiting a region east of the Caspian Sea., A Turcoman carpet.
turfless adjective Destitute of turf.
turgesce verb i. To become turgid; to swell or be inflated.
turiones plural of Turio
turkoman noun Same as Turcoman.
turlupin noun One of the precursors of the Reformation; — a nickname corresponding to Lollard, etc.
turmeric noun An East Indian plant of the genus Curcuma, of the Ginger family., The root or rootstock of the Curcuma longa. It is externally grayish, but internally of a deep, lively yellow or saffron color, and has a slight aromatic smell, and a bitterish, slightly acrid taste. It is used for a dye, a medicine, a condiment, and a chemical test., Of or pertaining to turmeric; resembling, or obtained from, turmeric; specif., designating an acid obtained by the oxidation of turmerol.
turmerol noun Turmeric oil, a brownish yellow, oily substance extracted from turmeric by ligroin.
turncoat noun One who forsakes his party or his principles; a renegade; an apostate.
turnkeys plural of Turnkey
turn-out noun The act of coming forth; a leaving of houses, shops, etc.; esp., a quitting of employment for the purpose of forcing increase of wages; a strike; — opposed to lockout., A short side track on a railroad, which may be occupied by one train while another is passing on a main track; a shunt; a siding; a switch., That which is prominently brought forward or exhibited; hence, an equipage; as, a man with a showy carriage and horses is said to have a fine turn-out., The aggregate number of persons who have come out, as from their houses, for a special purpose., Net quantity of produce yielded.
turnover noun The act or result of turning over; an upset; as, a bad turnover in a carriage., A semicircular pie or tart made by turning one half of a circular crust over the other, inclosing the fruit or other materials., An apprentice, in any trade, who is handed over from one master to another to complete his time., Admitting of being turned over; made to be turned over; as, a turnover collar, etc.
turnpike noun A frame consisting of two bars crossing each other at right angles and turning on a post or pin, to hinder the passage of beasts, but admitting a person to pass between the arms; a turnstile. See Turnstile, 1., A gate or bar set across a road to stop carriages, animals, and sometimes people, till toll is paid for keeping the road in repair; a tollgate., A turnpike road., A winding stairway., A beam filled with spikes to obstruct passage; a cheval-de-frise., To form, as a road, in the manner of a turnpike road; into a rounded form, as the path of a road.
turnsole adjective A plant of the genus Heliotropium; heliotrope; — so named because its flowers are supposed to turn toward the sun., The sunflower., A kind of spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia)., The euphorbiaceous plant Chrozophora tinctoria., Litmus., A purple dye obtained from the plant turnsole. See def. 1 (d).
turnspit noun One who turns a spit; hence, a person engaged in some menial office., A small breed of dogs having a long body and short crooked legs. These dogs were formerly much used for turning a spit on which meat was roasting.
turonian noun One of the subdivisions into which the Upper Cretaceous formation of Europe is divided.
turquois noun A hydrous phosphate of alumina containing a little copper; calaite. It has a blue, or bluish green, color, and usually occurs in reniform masses with a botryoidal surface.
turreted adjective Furnished with a turret or turrets; specifically (Zool.), having the whorls somewhat flattened on the upper side and often ornamented by spines or tubercles; — said of certain spiral shells., Formed like a tower; as, a turreted lamp.
turrical adjective Of or pertaining to a turret, or tower; resembling a tower.
turtling noun The act, practice, or art of catching turtles.
tussocky adjective Having the form of tussocks; full of, or covered with, tussocks, or tufts.
tutelage noun The act of guarding or protecting; guardianship; protection; as, the king’s right of seigniory and tutelage., The state of being under a guardian; care or protection enjoyed.
tutelary adjective Having the guardianship or charge of protecting a person or a thing; guardian; protecting; as, tutelary goddesses.
tut-nose noun A snub nose.
tutoring present participle & vb. noun of Tutor
tutorage noun The office or occupation of a tutor; tutorship; guardianship.
tutoress noun A woman who performs the duties of a tutor; an instructress.
tutorial adjective Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.
tutorism noun Tutorship.
tutorize verb t. To teach; to instruct.
tut-work noun Work done by the piece, as in nonmetaliferous rock, the amount done being usually reckoned by the fathom.