8 letter word starting with ver

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
veracity noun The quality or state of being veracious; habitual observance of truth; truthfulness; truth; as, a man of veracity.
veratria noun Veratrine.
veratric adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, plants of the genus Veratrum.
veratrol noun A liquid hydrocarbon obtained by the decomposition of veratric acid, and constituting the dimethyl ether of pyrocatechin.
veratrum noun A genus of coarse liliaceous herbs having very poisonous qualities.
verbally adverb In a verbal manner; orally., Word for word; verbatim.
verbatim adverb Word for word; in the same words; verbally; as, to tell a story verbatim as another has related it.
verbiage noun The use of many words without necessity, or with little sense; a superabundance of words; verbosity; wordiness.
verdancy noun The quality or state of being verdant.
verderer noun Alt. of Verderor
verderor noun An officer who has the charge of the king’s forest, to preserve the vert and venison, keep the assizes, view, receive, and enroll attachments and presentments of all manner of trespasses.
verditer noun Verdigris., Either one of two pigments (called blue verditer, and green verditer) which are made by treating copper nitrate with calcium carbonate (in the form of lime, whiting, chalk, etc.) They consist of hydrated copper carbonates analogous to the minerals azurite and malachite.
verdured adjective Covered with verdure.
verecund adjective Rashful; modest.
vergaloo noun See Virgalieu.
vergency noun The act of verging or approaching; tendency; approach., The reciprocal of the focal distance of a lens, used as measure of the divergence or convergence of a pencil of rays.
vergette adjective Divided by pallets, or pales; paly., A small pale.
verifier noun One who, or that which, verifies.
verified imp. & past participle of Verify
verities plural of Verity
verjuice noun The sour juice of crab apples, of green or unripe grapes, apples, etc.; also, an acid liquor made from such juice., Tartness; sourness, as of disposition.
vermetid noun Any species of vermetus.
vermetus noun Any one of many species of marine gastropods belonging to Vermetus and allied genera, of the family Vermetidae. Their shells are regularly spiral when young, but later in life the whorls become separate, and the shell is often irregularly bent and contorted like a worm tube.
verminly adjective & adverb Resembling vermin; in the manner of vermin.
vernacle noun See Veronica, 1.
vernicle noun A Veronica. See Veronica, 1.
vernonin noun A glucoside extracted from the root of a South African plant of the genus Vernonia, as a deliquescent powder, and used as a mild heart tonic.
veronese adjective Of or pertaining to Verona, in Italy., A native of Verona; collectively, the people of Verona.
veronica noun A portrait or representation of the face of our Savior on the alleged handkerchief of Saint Veronica, preserved at Rome; hence, a representation of this portrait, or any similar representation of the face of the Savior. Formerly called also Vernacle, and Vernicle., A genus scrophulariaceous plants; the speedwell. See Speedwell.
versable adjective Capable of being turned.
verseman noun Same as Versemonger.
versicle noun A little verse; especially, a short verse or text said or sung in public worship by the priest or minister, and followed by a response from the people.
verteber noun A vertebra.
vertebra noun One of the serial segments of the spinal column., One of the central ossicles in each joint of the arms of an ophiuran.
vertebre noun A vertebra.
vertexes plural of Vertex
vertices plural of Vertex
vertical adjective Of or pertaining to the vertex; situated at the vertex, or highest point; directly overhead, or in the zenith; perpendicularly above one., Perpendicular to the plane of the horizon; upright; plumb; as, a vertical line., Vertical position; zenith., A vertical line, plane, or circle.
verticil noun A circle either of leaves or flowers about a stem at the same node; a whorl.
verticle noun An axis; hinge; a turning point.
vertuous adjective Virtuous; powerful.