8 letter word starting with vin

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
vinatico noun Madeira mahogany; the coarse, dark-colored wood of the Persea Indica.
vincible adjective Capable of being overcome or subdued; conquerable.
vincture noun A binding.
vinculum noun A bond of union; a tie., A straight, horizontal mark placed over two or more members of a compound quantity, which are to be subjected to the same operation, as in the expression x2 + y2 – x + y., A band or bundle of fibers; a fraenum., A commissure uniting the two main tendons in the foot of certain birds.
vinegary adjective Having the nature of vinegar; sour; unamiable.
vineyard noun An inclosure or yard for grapevines; a plantation of vines producing grapes.
vinnewed adjective Moldy; musty.
vinolent adjective Given to wine; drunken; intemperate.
vinosity noun The quality or state of being vinous.
vinquish noun See Vanquish, n.
vintager noun One who gathers the vintage.