8 letter word starting with w

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
waddling present participle & vb. noun of Waddle
wafering present participle & vb. noun of Wafer
wagering present participle & vb. noun of Wager, Hazarding; pertaining to the act of one who wagers.
waggling present participle & vb. noun of Waggle
wagoning present participle & vb. noun of Wagon
wagonage noun Money paid for carriage or conveyance in wagon., A collection of wagons; wagons, collectively.
wagonful noun As much as a wagon will hold; enough to fill a wagon; a wagonload.
wailment noun Lamentation; loud weeping; wailing.
wainable adjective Capable of being plowed or cultivated; arable; tillable.
wainbote noun See Cartbote. See also the Note under Bote.
wainscot noun Oaken timber or boarding., A wooden lining or boarding of the walls of apartments, usually made in panels., Any one of numerous species of European moths of the family Leucanidae., To line with boards or panelwork, or as if with panelwork; as, to wainscot a hall.
waitress noun A female waiter or attendant; a waiting maid or waiting woman.
wakening present participle & vb. noun of Waken, The act of one who wakens; esp., the act of ceasing to sleep; an awakening., The revival of an action.
waketime noun Time during which one is awake.
walhalla noun See Valhalla.
walkable adjective Fit to be walked on; capable of being walked on or over.
wallaroo noun Any one of several species of kangaroos of the genus Macropus, especially M. robustus, sometimes called the great wallaroo.
wallbird noun The spotted flycatcher.
wall-eye noun An eye in which the iris is of a very light gray or whitish color; — said usually of horses., An American fresh-water food fish (Stizostedion vitreum) having large and prominent eyes; — called also glasseye, pike perch, yellow pike, and wall-eyed perch., A California surf fish (Holconotus argenteus)., The alewife; — called also wall-eyed herring.
wallhick noun The lesser spotted woodpecker (Dryobates minor).
walloons noun pl. A Romanic people inhabiting that part of Belgium which comprises the provinces of Hainaut, Namur, Liege, and Luxembourg, and about one third of Brabant; also, the language spoken by this people. Used also adjectively.
walloped imp. & past participle of Wallop
wallowed imp. & past participle of Wallow
wallower noun One who, or that which, wallows., A lantern wheel; a trundle.
wallwort noun The dwarf elder, or danewort (Sambucus Ebulus).
waltzing present participle & vb. noun of Waltz
wandered imp. & past participle of Wander
wanderer noun One who wanders; a rambler; one who roves; hence, one who deviates from duty.
wanderoo noun A large monkey (Macacus silenus) native of Malabar. It is black, or nearly so, but has a long white or gray beard encircling the face. Called also maha, silenus, neelbhunder, lion-tailed baboon, and great wanderoo.
wantless adjective Having no want; abundant; fruitful.
wantoned imp. & past participle of Wanton
wantonly adverb In a wanton manner; without regularity or restraint; loosely; sportively; gayly; playfully; recklessly; lasciviously., Unintentionally; accidentally.
wantrust noun Failing or diminishing trust; want of trust or confidence; distrust.
wappened adjective A word of doubtful meaning used once by Shakespeare.
warbling present participle & vb. noun of Warble
wardenry noun Alt. of Wardenship
wardmote noun Anciently, a meeting of the inhabitants of a ward; also, a court formerly held in each ward of London for trying defaults in matters relating to the watch, police, and the like.
wardrobe verb t. A room or apartment where clothes are kept, or wearing apparel is stored; a portable closet for hanging up clothes., Wearing apparel, in general; articles of dress or personal decoration., A privy.
wardroom noun A room occupied as a messroom by the commissioned officers of a war vessel. See Gunroom., A room used by the citizens of a city ward, for meetings, political caucuses, elections, etc.
wardship noun The office of a ward or keeper; care and protection of a ward; guardianship; right of guardianship., The state of begin under a guardian; pupilage.
wardsmen plural of Wardsman
wardsman noun A man who keeps ward; a guard.
wareless noun Unwary; incautious; unheeding; careless; unaware.
wareroom noun A room in which goods are stored or exhibited for sale.
warfarer noun One engaged in warfare; a military man; a soldier; a warrior.
warhable adjective Fit for war.
wariment noun Wariness.
wariness noun The quality or state of being wary; care to foresee and guard against evil; cautiousness.
warkloom noun A tool; an implement.
warmness noun Warmth.
warmouth noun An American freshwater bream, or sunfish (Chaenobryttus gulosus); — called also red-eyed bream.
warproof noun Valor tried by war.
warragal noun The dingo.
warranty noun A covenant real, whereby the grantor of an estate of freehold and his heirs were bound to warrant and defend the title, and, in case of eviction by title paramount, to yield other lands of equal value in recompense. This warranty has long singe become obsolete, and its place supplied by personal covenants for title. Among these is the covenant of warranty, which runs with the land, and is in the nature of a real covenant., An engagement or undertaking, express or implied, that a certain fact regarding the subject of a contract is, or shall be, as it is expressly or impliedly declared or promised to be. In sales of goods by persons in possession, there is an implied warranty of title, but, as to the quality of goods, the rule of every sale is, Caveat emptor., A stipulation or engagement by a party insured, that certain things, relating to the subject of insurance, or affecting the risk, exist, or shall exist, or have been done, or shall be done. These warranties, when express, should appear in the policy; but there are certain implied warranties., Justificatory mandate or precept; authority; warrant., Security; warrant; guaranty., To warrant; to guarantee.
warrener noun The keeper of a warren.
wart hog Either one of two species of large, savage African wild hogs of the genus Phacoch/rus. These animals have a pair of large, rough, fleshy tubercles behind the tusks and second pair behind the eyes. The tusks are large and strong, and both pairs curve upward. The body is scantily covered with bristles, but there is long dorsal mane. The South African species (Phacoch/rus Aethiopicus) is the best known. Called also vlacke vark. The second species (P. Aeliani) is native of the coasts of the Red Sea.
wartless adjective Having no wart.
wartweed noun Same as Wartwort.
wartwort noun A name given to several plants because they were thought to be a cure for warts, as a kind of spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia), and the nipplewort (Lampsana communis).
washable adjective Capable of being washed without damage to fabric or color.
washbowl noun A basin, or bowl, to hold water for washing one’s hands, face, etc.
washdish noun A washbowl., Same as Washerwoman, 2.
wash-off adjective Capable of being washed off; not permanent or durable; — said of colors not fixed by steaming or otherwise.
wasteful adjective Full of waste; destructive to property; ruinous; as, wasteful practices or negligence; wasteful expenses., Expending, or tending to expend, property, or that which is valuable, in a needless or useless manner; lavish; prodigal; as, a wasteful person; a wasteful disposition., Waste; desolate; unoccupied; untilled.
wastorel noun See Wastrel.
watching present participle & vb. noun of Watch
watchdog noun A dog kept to watch and guard premises or property, and to give notice of the approach of intruders.
watchful adjective Full of watch; vigilant; attentive; careful to observe closely; observant; cautious; — with of before the thing to be regulated or guarded; as, to be watchful of one’s behavior; and with against before the thing to be avoided; as, to be watchful against the growth of vicious habits.
watchmen plural of Watchman
watchman noun One set to watch; a person who keeps guard; a guard; a sentinel., Specifically, one who guards a building, or the streets of a city, by night.
watering present participle & vb. noun of Water, a. & n. from Water, v.
waterage noun Money paid for transportation of goods, etc., by water.
waterbok noun A water buck.
waterish adjective Resembling water; thin; watery., Somewhat watery; moist; as, waterish land.
watermen plural of Waterman
waterman noun A man who plies for hire on rivers, lakes, or canals, or in harbors, in distinction from a seaman who is engaged on the high seas; a man who manages fresh-water craft; a boatman; a ferryman., An attendant on cab stands, etc., who supplies water to the horses., A water demon.
waterpot noun A vessel for holding or conveying water, or for sprinkling water on cloth, plants, etc.
waterway noun Heavy plank or timber extending fore and aft the whole length of a vessel’s deck at the line of junction with the sides, forming a channel to the scuppers, which are cut through it. In iron vessels the waterway is variously constructed.
wattling present participle & vb. noun of Wattle, The act or process of binding or platting with twigs; also, the network so formed.
waveless adjective Free from waves; undisturbed; not agitated; as, the waveless sea.
wavering present participle & vb. noun of Waver
waveworn adjective Worn by the waves.
waviness noun The quality or state of being wavy.
waxberry noun The wax-covered fruit of the wax myrtle, or bayberry. See Bayberry, and Candleberry tree.
waxiness noun Quality or state of being waxy.
waybread noun The common dooryard plantain (Plantago major).
wayfarer noun One who travels; a traveler; a passenger.
waylayer noun One who waylays another.
wayleway interj. See Welaway.
waymaker noun One who makes a way; a precursor.
way-wise adjective Skillful in finding the way; well acquainted with the way or route; wise from having traveled.
waywiser noun An instrument for measuring the distance which one has traveled on the road; an odometer, pedometer, or perambulator.
weakened imp. & past participle of Weaken
weakener noun One who, or that which, weakens.
weakfish noun Any fish of the genus Cynoscion; a squeteague; — so called from its tender mouth. See Squeteague.
weakling noun A weak or feeble creature., Weak; feeble.
weakness noun The quality or state of being weak; want of strength or firmness; lack of vigor; want of resolution or of moral strength; feebleness., That which is a mark of lack of strength or resolution; a fault; a defect.
wealdish adjective Of or pertaining to a weald, esp. to the weald in the county of Kent, England.
wealsmen plural of Wealsman
wealsman noun A statesman; a politician.
weanling a. & n. from Wean, v., A child or animal newly weaned; a wean., Recently weaned.
weaponed adjective Furnished with weapons, or arms; armed; equipped.
weaponry noun Weapons, collectively; as, an array of weaponry.
wearable adjective Capable of being worn; suitable to be worn.
weariful adjective Abounding in qualities which cause weariness; wearisome.
wearying present participle & vb. noun of Weary
web-toed adjective Having the toes united by a web for a considerable part of their length.
weedless adjective Free from weeds or noxious matter.
weeklies plural of Weekly
weetless adjective Unknowing; also, unknown; unmeaning.
weeviled adjective Infested by weevils; as, weeviled grain.
wegotism noun Excessive use of the pronoun we; — called also weism.
wehrgeld noun Alt. of Wehrgelt
wehrgelt noun See Weregild.
wehrwolf noun See Werewolf.
weigelia noun A hardy garden shrub (Diervilla Japonica) belonging to the Honeysuckle family, with white or red flowers. It was introduced from China.
weighing present participle & vb. noun of Weigh, a. & n. from Weigh, v.
weighage noun A duty or toil paid for weighing merchandise.
weighted imp. & past participle of Weight
welchman noun See Welshman.
welcomed imp. & past participle of Welcome
welcomer noun One who welcomes; one who salutes, or receives kindly, a newcomer.
weldable adjective Capable of being welded.
welladay interj. Alas! Welaway!
welldoer noun One who does well; one who does good to another; a benefactor.
wellfare noun See Welfare.
wellhead noun A source, spring, or fountain.
wellhole noun The open space in a floor, to accommodate a staircase., The open space left beyond the ends of the steps of a staircase., A cavity which receives a counterbalancing weight in certain mechanical contrivances, and is adapted also for other purposes.
well-set adjective Properly or firmly set., Well put together; having symmetry of parts.
welshmen plural of Welshman
welshman noun A native or inhabitant of Wales; one of the Welsh., A squirrel fish., The large-mouthed black bass. See Black bass.
weltered imp. & past participle of Welter
wenching present participle & vb. noun of Wench
weregild noun The price of a man’s head; a compensation paid of a man killed, partly to the king for the loss of a subject, partly to the lord of a vassal, and partly to the next of kin. It was paid by the murderer.
werewolf noun A person transformed into a wolf in form and appetite, either temporarily or permanently, whether by supernatural influences, by witchcraft, or voluntarily; a lycanthrope. Belief in werewolves, formerly general, is not now extinct.
wesleyan adjective Of or pertaining to Wesley or Wesleyanism., One who adopts the principles of Wesleyanism; a Methodist.
westerly adjective Of or pertaining to the west; toward the west; coming from the west; western., Toward the west; westward.
westling noun A westerner.
westmost adjective Lying farthest to the west; westernmost.
westward adverb Alt. of Westwards, Lying toward the west., The western region or countries; the west.
westness noun The quality or state of being wet; moisture; humidity; as, the wetness of land; the wetness of a cloth., A watery or moist state of the atmosphere; a state of being rainy, foggy, or misty; as, the wetness of weather or the season.
wet-shod adjective Having the feet, or the shoes on the feet, wet.
weyleway interj. See Welaway.
whacking present participle & vb. noun of Whack, Very large; whapping.
whalemen plural of Whaleman
whaleman noun A man employed in the whale fishery.
whanghee noun See Wanghee.
whapping present participle & vb. noun of Whop, Alt. of Whopping
whopping adjective Very large; monstrous; astonishing; as, a whapping story.
wharfing present participle & vb. noun of Wharf, Wharfs, collectively., A mode of facing sea walls and embankments with planks driven as piles and secured by ties.
wharfage noun The fee or duty paid for the privilege of using a wharf for loading or unloading goods; pierage, collectively; quayage., A wharf or wharfs, collectively; wharfing.
wharling noun A guttural pronunciation of the letter r; a burr. See Burr, n., 6.
whate’er pronoun A contraction of what-ever; — used in poetry.
whatever pronoun Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that; the whole that; all particulars that; — used both substantively and adjectively.
wheatear noun A small European singing bird (Saxicola /nanthe). The male is white beneath, bluish gray above, with black wings and a black stripe through each eye. The tail is black at the tip and in the middle, but white at the base and on each side. Called also checkbird, chickell, dykehopper, fallow chat, fallow finch, stonechat, and whitetail.
wheedled imp. & past participle of Wheedle
wheeling present participle & vb. noun of Wheel, The act of conveying anything, or traveling, on wheels, or in a wheeled vehicle., The act or practice of using a cycle; cycling., Condition of a road or roads, which admits of passing on wheels; as, it is good wheeling, or bad wheeling., A turning, or circular movement.
wheelmen plural of Wheelman
wheelman noun One who rides a bicycle or tricycle; a cycler, or cyclist.
wheezing present participle & vb. noun of Wheeze
whelming present participle & vb. noun of Whelm
whelping present participle & vb. noun of Whelp
whene’er adverb & conj. Whenever.
whenever adverb & conj. At whatever time.
where’er adverb Wherever; — a contracted and poetical form.
whereout adverb Out of which.
wherever adverb At or in whatever place; wheresoever.
whereret verb t. To hurry; to trouble; to tease., To box (one) on the ear; to strike or box. (the ear); as, to wherret a child.
wherries plural of Wherry
whetting present participle & vb. noun of Whet
wheyface noun One who is pale, as from fear.
whiffing present participle & vb. noun of Whiff, The act of one who, or that which, whiffs., A mode of fishing with a hand line for pollack, mackerel, and the like.
whiffled imp. & past participle of Whiffle
whiffler noun One who whiffles, or frequently changes his opinion or course; one who uses shifts and evasions in argument; hence, a trifler., One who plays on a whiffle; a fifer or piper., An officer who went before procession to clear the way by blowing a horn, or otherwise; hence, any person who marched at the head of a procession; a harbinger., The golden-eye.
whiggery noun The principles or practices of the Whigs; Whiggism.
whiggish adjective Of or pertaining to Whigs; partaking of, or characterized by, the principles of Whigs.
whiggism noun The principles of the Whigs.
whigling noun A petty or inferior Whig; — used in contempt.
whimbrel noun Any one of several species of small curlews, especially the European species (Numenius phaeopus), called also Jack curlew, half curlew, stone curlew, and tang whaup. See Illustration in Appendix.
whimling noun One given to whims; hence, a weak, childish person; a child.
whimseys plural of Whimsy
whimsies plural of Whimsy
whimwham noun A whimsical thing; an odd device; a trifle; a trinket; a gimcrack., A whim, or whimsey; a freak.
whinchat noun A small warbler (Pratincola rubetra) common in Europe; — called also whinchacker, whincheck, whin-clocharet.
whinnied imp. & past participle of Whinny
whinnies plural of Whinny
whinyard noun A sword, or hanger., The shoveler., The poachard.
whipping present participle & vb. noun of Whip, a & n. from Whip, v.
whipcord noun A kind of hard-twisted or braided cord, sometimes used for making whiplashes.
whiplash noun The lash of a whip, — usually made of thongs of leather, or of cords, braided or twisted.
whipster noun A nimble little fellow; a whippersnapper.
whipworm noun A nematode worm (Trichocephalus dispar) often found parasitic in the human intestine. Its body is thickened posteriorly, but is very long and threadlike anteriorly.
whirring present participle & vb. noun of Whir
whirling present participle & vb. noun of Whirl, a. & n. from Whirl, v. t.
whirlbat noun Anything moved with a whirl, as preparatory for a blow, or to augment the force of it; — applied by poets to the cestus of ancient boxers.
whirlpit noun A whirlpool.
whirlwig noun A whirligig.
whisking present participle & vb. noun of Whisk, Sweeping along lightly., Large; great.
whiskeys plural of Whisky
whiskies plural of Whisky
whistled imp. & past participle of Whistle
whistler noun One who, or that which, whistles, or produces or a whistling sound., The ring ousel., The widgeon., The golden-eye., The golden plover and the gray plover., The hoary, or northern, marmot (Arctomys pruinosus)., The whistlefish.
whiteboy noun A favorite., One of an association of poor Roman catholics which arose in Ireland about 1760, ostensibly to resist the collection of tithes, the members of which were so called from the white shirts they wore in their nocturnal raids.
whitecap noun The European redstart; — so called from its white forehead., The whitethroat; — so called from its gray head., The European tree sparrow., A wave whose crest breaks into white foam, as when the wind is freshening.
whitened imp. & past participle of Whiten
whitener noun One who, or that which, whitens; a bleacher; a blancher; a whitewasher.
whitetop noun Fiorin.
whitflaw noun Whitlow.
whitling noun A young full trout during its second season.
whitsour noun A sort of apple.
whitster noun A whitener; a bleacher; a whitester.
whittled imp. & past participle of Whittle
whittret noun A weasel.
whitwall noun Same as Whetile.
whizzing present participle & vb. noun of Whiz
whooping present participle & vb. noun of Whoop, a. & n. from Whoop, v. t.
whoredom noun The practice of unlawful intercourse with the other sex; fornication; lewdness., The sin of worshiping idols; idolatry.
whoreson noun A bastard; colloquially, a low, scurvy fellow; — used generally in contempt, or in coarse humor. Also used adjectively.
wichitas noun pl. A tribe of Indians native of the region between the Arkansas and Red rivers. They are related to the Pawnees. See Pawnees.
wickedly adverb In a wicked manner; in a manner, or with motives and designs, contrary to the divine law or the law of morality; viciously; corruptly; immorally.
wickered adjective Made of, secured by, or covered with, wickers or wickerwork.
widening present participle & vb. noun of Widen
wideness noun The quality or state of being wide; breadth; width; great extent from side to side; as, the wideness of a room., Large extent in all directions; broadness; greatness; as, the wideness of the sea or ocean.
widowing present participle & vb. noun of Widow
wielding present participle & vb. noun of Wield, Power; authority; rule.
wifehood noun Womanhood., The state of being a wife; the character of a wife.
wifeless adjective Without a wife; unmarried.
wifelike adjective Of, pertaining to, or like, a wife or a woman.
wild-cat adjective Unsound; worthless; irresponsible; unsafe; — said to have been originally applied to the notes of an insolvent bank in Michigan upon which there was the figure of a panther., Running without control; running along the line without a train; as, a wild-cat locomotive.
wildered imp. & past participle of Wilder
wildfire noun A composition of inflammable materials, which, kindled, is very hard to quench; Greek fire., An old name for erysipelas., A disease of sheep, attended with inflammation of the skin., A sort of lightning unaccompanied by thunder.
wildness noun The quality or state of being wild; an uncultivated or untamed state; disposition to rove or go unrestrained; rudeness; savageness; irregularity; distraction.
wildwood noun A wild or unfrequented wood. Also used adjectively; as, wildwood flowers; wildwood echoes.
wilfully noun Alt. of Wilfulness
wiliness noun The quality or state of being wily; craftiness; cunning; guile.
williwaw noun Alt. of Willywaw
willywaw noun A whirlwind, or whirlwind squall, encountered in the Straits of Magellan.
willowed adjective Abounding with willows; containing willows; covered or overgrown with willows.
willower noun A willow. See Willow, n., 2.
willsome adjective Willful; obstinate., Fat; indolent., Doubtful; uncertain.
willying noun The process of cleansing wool, cotton, or the like, with a willy, or willow.
wimbling present participle & vb. noun of Wimble
wimpling present participle & vb. noun of Wimple
windbore noun The lower, or bottom, pipe in a lift of pumps in a mine.
windfall noun Anything blown down or off by the wind, as fruit from a tree, or the tree itself, or a portion of a forest prostrated by a violent wind, etc., An unexpected legacy, or other gain.
windgall noun A soft tumor or synovial swelling on the fetlock joint of a horse; — so called from having formerly been supposed to contain air.
windlace noun & verb See Windlass.
windlass noun A winding and circuitous way; a roundabout course; a shift., To take a roundabout course; to work warily or by indirect means., A machine for raising weights, consisting of a horizontal cylinder or roller moving on its axis, and turned by a crank, lever, or similar means, so as to wind up a rope or chain attached to the weight. In vessels the windlass is often used instead of the capstan for raising the anchor. It is usually set upon the forecastle, and is worked by hand or steam., An apparatus resembling a winch or windlass, for bending the bow of an arblast, or crossbow., To raise with, or as with, a windlass; to use a windlass.
windless adjective Having no wind; calm., Wanting wind; out of breath.
windmill noun A mill operated by the power of the wind, usually by the action of the wind upon oblique vanes or sails which radiate from a horizontal shaft.
windowed imp. & past participle of Window, Having windows or openings.
windpipe noun The passage for the breath from the larynx to the lungs; the trachea; the weasand. See Illust. under Lung.
windward noun The point or side from which the wind blows; as, to ply to the windward; — opposed to leeward., Situated toward the point from which the wind blows; as, the Windward Islands., Toward the wind; in the direction from which the wind blows.
wineless adjective destitute of wine; as, wineless life.
wingfish noun A sea robin having large, winglike pectoral fins. See Sea robin, under Robin.
wingless adjective Having no wings; not able to ascend or fly.
winnowed imp. & past participle of Winnew
winnower noun One who, or that which, winnows; specifically, a winnowing machine.
wintered imp. & past participle of Winter
winterly adjective Like winter; wintry; cold; hence, disagreeable, cheerless; as, winterly news.
wirbling present participle & vb. noun of Wirble
wiredrew imp. of Wiredraw
wiredraw verb t. To form (a piece of metal) into wire, by drawing it through a hole in a plate of steel., Hence, to draw by art or violence., Hence, also, to draw or spin out to great length and tenuity; as, to wiredraw an argument., To pass, or to draw off, (as steam) through narrow ports, or the like, thus reducing its pressure or force by friction.
wirework noun Work, especially openwork, formed of wires.
wireworm noun One of the larvae of various species of snapping beetles, or elaters; — so called from their slenderness and the uncommon hardness of the integument. Wireworms are sometimes very destructive to the roots of plants. Called also wire grub., A galleyworm.
wiriness noun The quality of being wiry.
wiseacre verb A learned or wise man., One who makes undue pretensions to wisdom; a would-be-wise person; hence, in contempt, a simpleton; a dunce.
wiseling noun One who pretends to be wise; a wiseacre; a witling.
wiseness noun Wisdom.
wishable adjective Capable or worthy of being wished for; desirable.
wishbone noun The forked bone in front of the breastbone in birds; — called also merrythought, and wishing bone. See Merrythought, and Furculum.
wishedly adverb According to wish; conformably to desire.
wistaria noun A genus of climbing leguminous plants bearing long, pendulous clusters of pale bluish flowers.
witching present participle & vb. noun of Witch, That witches or enchants; suited to enchantment or witchcraft; bewitching.
witchery noun Sorcery; enchantment; witchcraft., Fascination; irresistible influence; enchantment.
witchuck noun The sand martin, or bank swallow.
witcraft noun Art or skill of the mind; contrivance; invention; wit., The art of reasoning; logic.
witeless adjective Blameless.
withdrew imp. of Withdraw
withdraw verb t. To take back or away, as what has been bestowed or enjoyed; to draw back; to cause to move away or retire; as, to withdraw aid, favor, capital, or the like., To take back; to recall or retract; as, to withdraw false charges., To retire; to retreat; to quit a company or place; to go away; as, he withdrew from the company.
withered imp. & past participle of Wither, Faded; dried up; shriveled; wilted; wasted; wasted away.
withheld imp. of Withhold, of Withhold
withhold verb t. To hold back; to restrain; to keep from action., To retain; to keep back; not to grant; as, to withhold assent to a proposition., To keep; to maintain; to retain.
withvine noun Quitch grass.
withwind noun A kind of bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis).
withwine noun Same as Withvine.
wittolly adjective Like a wittol; cuckoldly.
wivehood noun Wifehood.
wiveless adjective Wifeless.
wizardly adjective Resembling or becoming a wizard; wizardlike; weird.
wizardry noun The character or practices o/ wizards; sorcery; magic.
wlatsome adjective Loathsome; disgusting; hateful.
wodegeld noun A geld, or payment, for wood.
woefully adverb Alt. of Wofully
wolffian adjective Discovered, or first described, by Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1733-1794), the founder of modern embryology.
wolfling noun A young wolf.
womanish adjective Suitable to a woman, having the qualities of a woman; effeminate; not becoming a man; — usually in a reproachful sense. See the Note under Effeminate.
womanize verb t. To make like a woman; to make effeminate.
wondered imp. & past participle of Wonder, Having performed wonders; able to perform wonderful things.
wonderer noun One who wonders.
wonderly adverb Wonderfully; wondrously.
wondrous noun In a wonderful or surprising manner or degree; wonderfully., Wonderful; astonishing; admirable; marvelous; such as excite surprise and astonishment; strange.
wontless adjective Unaccustomed.
woodbind noun Woodbine.
woodbine verb t. A climbing plant having flowers of great fragrance (Lonicera Periclymenum); the honeysuckle., The Virginia creeper. See Virginia creeper, under Virginia.
woodchat noun Any one of several species of Asiatic singing birds belonging to the genera Ianthia and Larvivora. They are closely allied to the European robin. The males are usually bright blue above, and more or less red or rufous beneath., A European shrike (Enneoctonus rufus). In the male the head and nape are rufous red; the back, wings, and tail are black, varied with white.
woodcock noun Any one of several species of long-billed limicoline birds belonging to the genera Scolopax and Philohela. They are mostly nocturnal in their habits, and are highly esteemed as game birds., Fig.: A simpleton.
woodenly adverb Clumsily; stupidly; blockishly.
woodhack noun Alt. of Woodhacker
woodhole noun A place where wood is stored.
woodland noun Land covered with wood or trees; forest; land on which trees are suffered to grow, either for fuel or timber., Of or pertaining to woods or woodland; living in the forest; sylvan.
woodless adjective Having no wood; destitute of wood.
woodmeil noun See Wadmol.
woodness noun Anger; madness; insanity; rage.
woodpeck noun A woodpecker.
woodrock noun A compact woodlike variety of asbestus.
woodruff noun Alt. of Woodroof
woodroof noun A little European herb (Asperula odorata) having a pleasant taste. It is sometimes used for flavoring wine. See Illust. of Whorl.
woodsmen plural of Woodsman
woodsman noun A woodman; especially, one who lives in the forest.
woodwall noun The yaffle.
woodward noun An officer of the forest, whose duty it was to guard the woods.
wood-wax noun Alt. of Wood-waxen
woodwork noun Work made of wood; that part of any structure which is wrought of wood.
woodworm noun See Wood worm, under Wood.
wooingly adverb In a wooing manner; enticingly; with persuasiveness.
woolding present participle & vb. noun of Woold, The act of winding or wrapping anything with a rope, as a mast., A rope used for binding masts and spars.
woolenet noun A thin, light fabric of wool.
woolfell noun A skin with the wool; a skin from which the wool has not been sheared or pulled.
woolhead noun The buffel duck.
woolpack noun A pack or bag of wool weighing two hundred and forty pounds.
woolsack noun A sack or bag of wool; specifically, the seat of the lord chancellor of England in the House of Lords, being a large, square sack of wool resembling a divan in form.
woolward adverb In wool; with woolen raiment next the skin.
wordbook noun A collection of words; a vocabulary; a dictionary; a lexicon.
wordless adjective Not using words; not speaking; silent; speechless.
wordsman noun One who deals in words, or in mere words; a verbalist.
workable adjective Capable of being worked, or worth working; as, a workable mine; workable clay.
workaday noun See Workyday.
workfolk noun People that labor.
workless adjective Without work; not laboring; as, many people were still workless., Not carried out in practice; not exemplified in fact; as, workless faith.
workroom noun Any room or apartment used especially for labor.
workship noun Workmanship.
workshop noun A shop where any manufacture or handiwork is carried on.
workyday noun A week day or working day, as distinguished from Sunday or a holiday. Also used adjectively.
wormhole noun A burrow made by a worm.
wormling noun A little worm.
wormseed noun Any one of several plants, as Artemisia santonica, and Chenopodium anthelminticum, whose seeds have the property of expelling worms from the stomach and intestines.
wormwood noun A composite plant (Artemisia Absinthium), having a bitter and slightly aromatic taste, formerly used as a tonic and a vermifuge, and to protect woolen garments from moths. It gives the peculiar flavor to the cordial called absinthe. The volatile oil is a narcotic poison. The term is often extended to other species of the same genus., Anything very bitter or grievous; bitterness.
worn-out adjective Consumed, or rendered useless, by wearing; as, worn-out garments.
worrying present participle & vb. noun of Worry
worsting present participle & vb. noun of Worst
worthful adjective Full of worth; worthy; deserving.
worthily adverb In a worthy manner; excellently; deservedly; according to merit; justly; suitably; becomingly.
worthies plural of Worthy
would-be adjective Desiring or professing to be; vainly pretending to be; as, a would-be poet.
woulding noun Emotion of desire; inclination; velleity.
wounding present participle & vb. noun of Wound
woundily adverb In a woundy manner; excessively; woundy.
wrackful adjective Ruinous; destructive.
wrangled imp. & past participle of Wrangle
wrangler noun An angry disputant; one who disputes with heat or peevishness., One of those who stand in the first rank of honors in the University of Cambridge, England. They are called, according to their rank, senior wrangler, second wrangler, third wrangler, etc. Cf. Optime.
wrannock noun Alt. of Wranny
wrapping present participle & vb. noun of Wrap
wrappage noun The act of wrapping., That which wraps; envelope; covering.
wrathful adjective Full of wrath; very angry; greatly incensed; ireful; passionate; as, a wrathful man., Springing from, or expressing, wrath; as, a wrathful countenance.
wrathily adverb In a wrathy manner; very angrily; wrathfully.
wrawness noun Peevishness; ill temper; anger.
wreaking present participle & vb. noun of Wreak
wreakful adjective Revengeful; angry; furious.
wreathed imp. of Wreathe, of Wreathe
wreathen archaic of Wreathe, Twisted; made into a wreath.
wrecking present participle & vb. noun of Wreck, a. & n. from Wreck, v.
wreckage noun The act of wrecking, or state of being wrecked., That which has been wrecked; remains of a wreck.
wreckful adjective Causing wreck; involving ruin; destructive.
wrenched imp. & past participle of Wrench
wresting present participle & vb. noun of Wrest
wrestled imp. & past participle of Wrestle
wrestler noun One who wrestles; one who is skillful in wrestling.
wretched adjective Very miserable; sunk in, or accompanied by, deep affliction or distress, as from want, anxiety, or grief; calamitous; woeful; very afflicting., Worthless; paltry; very poor or mean; miserable; as, a wretched poem; a wretched cabin., Hatefully contemptible; despicable; wicked.
wriggled imp. & past participle of Wriggle
wriggler noun One who, or that which, wriggles.
wringing present participle & vb. noun of Wring, a. & n. from Wring, v.
wrinkled imp. & past participle of Wrinkle
wristlet noun An elastic band worn around the wrist, as for the purpose of securing the upper part of a glove.
writable adjective Capable of, or suitable for, being written down.
writhing present participle & vb. noun of Writhe
wronging present participle & vb. noun of Wrong
wrongful adjective Full of wrong; injurious; unjust; unfair; as, a wrongful taking of property; wrongful dealing.
wrongous adjective Constituting, or of the nature of, a wrong; unjust; wrongful., Not right; illegal; as, wrongous imprisonment.
wrymouth noun Any one of several species of large, elongated, marine fishes of the genus Cryptacanthodes, especially C. maculatus of the American coast. A whitish variety is called ghostfish.
wung-out adjective Having the sails set in the manner called wing-and-wing.
wurraluh noun The Australian white-quilled honey eater (Entomyza albipennis).
wyandots noun pl. Same as Hurons.
wych-elm noun A species of elm (Ulmus montana) found in Northern and Western Europe; Scotch elm.