8 letter word starting with z

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
zamindar noun A landowner; also, a collector of land revenue; now, usually, a kind of feudatory recognized as an actual proprietor so long as he pays to the government a certain fixed revenue.
zampogna noun A sort of bagpipe formerly in use among Italian peasants. It is now almost obsolete.
zandmole noun The sand mole.
zaratite noun A hydrous carbonate of nickel occurring as an emerald-green incrustation on chromite; — called also emerald nickel.
zealless adjective Wanting zeal.
zealotry noun The character and behavior of a zealot; excess of zeal; fanatical devotion to a cause.
zemindar noun Same as Zamindar.
zenithal adjective Of or pertaining to the zenith.
zeolitic adjective Of or pertaining to a zeolite; consisting of, or resembling, a zeolite.
zephyrus noun The west wind, or zephyr; — usually personified, and made the most mild and gentle of all the sylvan deities.
zetetics adjective A branch of algebra which relates to the direct search for unknown quantities.
zigzaggy adjective Having sharp turns.
zincking present participle & vb. noun of Zinc, Alt. of Zincing
ziphioid noun See Xiphioid.
zirconia noun The oxide of zirconium, obtained as a white powder, and possessing both acid and basic properties. On account of its infusibility, and brilliant luminosity when incandescent, it is used as an ingredient of sticks for the Drummomd light.
zirconic adjective Pertaining to, containing, or resembling, zirconium; as, zirconic oxide; zirconic compounds.
zoanthus noun A genus of Actinaria, including numerous species, found mostly in tropical seas. The zooids or polyps resemble small, elongated actinias united together at their bases by fleshy stolons, and thus forming extensive groups. The tentacles are small and bright colored.
zodiacal adjective Of or pertaining to the zodiac; situated within the zodiac; as, the zodiacal planets.
zoetrope noun An optical toy, in which figures made to revolve on the inside of a cylinder, and viewed through slits in its circumference, appear like a single figure passing through a series of natural motions as if animated or mechanically moved.
zomboruk noun See Zumbooruk.
zoneless adjective Not having a zone; ungirded.
zoochemy noun Animal chemistry; zoochemistry.
zoocytia plural of Zoocytium
zooecium noun One of the cells or tubes which inclose the feeling zooids of Bryozoa. See Illust. of Sea Moss.
zoogenic adjective Of or pertaining to zoogeny, animal production.
zoogloea noun A colony or mass of bacteria imbedded in a viscous gelatinous substance. The zoogloea is characteristic of a transitory stage through which rapidly multiplying bacteria pass in the course of their evolution. Also used adjectively.
zoolatry noun The worship of animals.
zoologer noun A zoologist.
zoophaga noun pl. An artificial group comprising various carnivorous and insectivorous animals.
zoophily noun Love of animals.
zoophite noun A zoophyte.
zoophyta noun pl. An extensive artificial and heterogeneous group of animals, formerly adopted by many zoologists. It included the c/lenterates, echinoderms, sponges, Bryozoa, Protozoa, etc.
zoophyte verb i. Any one of numerous species of invertebrate animals which more or less resemble plants in appearance, or mode of growth, as the corals, gorgonians, sea anemones, hydroids, bryozoans, sponges, etc., especially any of those that form compound colonies having a branched or treelike form, as many corals and hydroids., Any one of the Zoophyta.
zoosperm noun One of the spermatic particles; spermatozoid.
zoospore noun A spore provided with one or more slender cilia, by the vibration of which it swims in the water. Zoospores are produced by many green, and by some olive-brown, algae. In certain species they are divided into the larger macrozoospores and the smaller microzoospores. Called also sporozoid, and swarmspore., See Swarmspore.
zopilote noun The urubu, or American black vulture.
zuchetto noun A skullcap covering the tonsure, worn under the berretta. The pope’s is white; a cardinal’s red; a bishop’s purple; a priest’s black.
zumology noun Alt. of Zumometer
zygantra plural of Zygantrum
zyophyte noun Any plant of a proposed class or grand division (Zygophytes, Zygophyta, or Zygosporeae), in which reproduction consists in the union of two similar cells. Cf. Oophyte.
zylonite noun Celluloid.
zymogene noun One of a physiological group of globular bacteria which produces fermentations of diverse nature; — distinguished from pathogene.
zymology noun A treatise on the fermentation of liquors, or the doctrine of fermentation.