9 letter word starting with ai

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
aid-major noun The adjutant of a regiment.
aigremore noun Charcoal prepared for making powder.
ailanthus noun Same as Ailantus.
air brake A railway brake operated by condensed air.
air-built adjective Erected in the air; having no solid foundation; chimerical; as, an air-built castle.
air-drawn adjective Drawn in air; imaginary.
air drill A drill driven by the elastic pressure of condensed air; a pneumatic drill.
air level Spirit level. See Level.
airometer noun A hollow cylinder to contain air. It is closed above and open below, and has its open end plunged into water.
air plant A plant deriving its sustenance from the air alone; an aerophyte.
air poise An instrument to measure the weight of air.
air shaft A passage, usually vertical, for admitting fresh air into a mine or a tunnel.
air stove A stove for heating a current of air which is directed against its surface by means of pipes, and then distributed through a building.
air-tight adjective So tight as to be impermeable to air; as, an air-tight cylinder., A stove the draft of which can be almost entirely shut off.
aitchbone noun The bone of the rump; also, the cut of beef surrounding this bone.
aitiology noun See Aetiology.