9 letter word starting with an

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
anabolism noun The constructive metabolism of the body, as distinguished from katabolism.
anacanths noun pl. A group of teleostean fishes destitute of spiny fin-rays, as the cod.
anacardic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, the cashew nut; as, anacardic acid.
anacharis noun A fresh-water weed of the frog’s-bit family (Hydrocharidaceae), native to America. Transferred to England it became an obstruction to navigation. Called also waterweed and water thyme.
anachoret adjective Alt. of Anachoretical
anacrotic adjective Pertaining to anachronism.
anacrusis noun A prefix of one or two unaccented syllables to a verse properly beginning with an accented syllable.
anaerobic adjective Relating to, or like, anaerobies; anaerobiotic.
anagogics noun pl. Mystical interpretations or studies, esp. of the Scriptures.
analectic adjective Relating to analects; made up of selections; as, an analectic magazine.
analepsis Alt. of Analepsy
analeptic adjective Restorative; giving strength after disease., A restorative.
analgesia noun Absence of sensibility to pain.
analogism noun an argument from the cause to the effect; an a priori argument., Investigation of things by the analogy they bear to each other.
analogist noun One who reasons from analogy, or represent, by analogy.
analogize verb i. To employ, or reason by, analogy.
analogous adjective Having analogy; corresponding to something else; bearing some resemblance or proportion; — often followed by to.
analogies plural of Analogy
analytics noun The science of analysis.
analyzing present participle & vb. noun of Analyze
anamnesis noun A recalling to mind; recollection.
anandrous adjective Destitute of stamens, as certain female flowers.
anangular adjective Containing no angle.
ananthous adjective Destitute of flowers; flowerless.
anapestic adjective Pertaining to an anapest; consisting of an anapests; as, an anapestic meter, foot, verse., Anapestic measure or verse.
anaplasty noun The art of operation of restoring lost parts or the normal shape by the use of healthy tissue.
anaptotic adjective Having lost, or tending to lose, inflections by phonetic decay; as, anaptotic languages.
anaptichi plural of Anaptychus
anarchism noun The doctrine or practice of anarchists.
anarchist noun An anarch; one who advocates anarchy of aims at the overthrow of civil government.
anarchize verb t. To reduce to anarchy.
anastatic adjective Pertaining to a process or a style of printing from characters in relief on zinc plates.
anathemas plural of Anathema
anatocism noun Compound interest.
anatomism noun The application of the principles of anatomy, as in art., The doctrine that the anatomical structure explains all the phenomena of the organism or of animal life.
anatomist noun One who is skilled in the art of anatomy, or dissection.
anatomize verb t. To dissect; to cut in pieces, as an animal vegetable body, for the purpose of displaying or examining the structure and use of the several parts., To discriminate minutely or carefully; to analyze.
anatomies plural of Anatomy
anatropal adjective Alt. of Anatropous
ancestral adjective Of, pertaining to, derived from, or possessed by, an ancestor or ancestors; as, an ancestral estate.
anchoring present participle & vb. noun of Anchor
anchorage noun The act of anchoring, or the condition of lying at anchor., A place suitable for anchoring or where ships anchor; a hold for an anchor., The set of anchors belonging to a ship., Something which holds like an anchor; a hold; as, the anchorages of the Brooklyn Bridge., Something on which one may depend for security; ground of trust., A toll for anchoring; anchorage duties., Abode of an anchoret.
anchorate adjective Anchor-shaped.
anchoress noun A female anchoret.
anchorite noun One who renounces the world and secludes himself, usually for religious reasons; a hermit; a recluse., Same as Anchoret.
anchylose verb t. & i. To affect or be affected with anchylosis; to unite or consolidate so as to make a stiff joint; to grow together into one.
ankylosis noun Stiffness or fixation of a joint; formation of a stiff joint., The union of two or more separate bones to from a single bone; the close union of bones or other structures in various animals., Same as Anchylosis.
anciently adverb In ancient times., In an ancient manner.
ancientry noun Antiquity; what is ancient., Old age; also, old people., Ancient lineage; ancestry; dignity of birth.
ancillary adjective Subservient or subordinate, like a handmaid; auxiliary.
ancipital adjective Alt. of Ancipitous
andantino adjective Rather quicker than andante; between that allegretto.
androgyne noun An hermaphrodite., An androgynous plant.
androgyny noun Alt. of Androgynism
androides noun A machine or automaton in the form of a human being.
andromeda noun A northern constellation, supposed to represent the mythical Andromeda., A genus of ericaceous flowering plants of northern climates, of which the original species was found growing on a rock surrounded by water.
androtomy noun Dissection of the human body, as distinguished from zootomy; anthropotomy.
anecdotal adjective Pertaining to, or abounding with, anecdotes; as, anecdotal conversation.
anecdotic adjective Alt. of Anecdotical
anemogram noun A record made by an anemograph.
anemology noun The science of the wind.
angelhood noun The state of being an angel; angelic nature.
angelical adjective Belonging to, or proceeding from, angels; resembling, characteristic of, or partaking of the nature of, an angel; heavenly; divine.
angellike adjective & adverb Resembling an angel.
angiology noun That part of anatomy which treats of blood vessels and lymphatics.
angiotomy noun Dissection of the blood vessels and lymphatics of the body.
anglesite noun A native sulphate of lead. It occurs in white or yellowish transparent, prismatic crystals.
anglewise adverb In an angular manner; angularly.
angleworm noun A earthworm of the genus Lumbricus, frequently used by anglers for bait. See Earthworm.
anglicify verb t. To anglicize.
anglicism noun An English idiom; a phrase or form language peculiar to the English., The quality of being English; an English characteristic, custom, or method.
anglicity noun The state or quality of being English.
anglicize verb t. To make English; to English; to anglify; render conformable to the English idiom, or to English analogies.
anglified imp. & past participle of Anglify
angriness noun The quality of being angry, or of being inclined to anger.
anguiform adjective Snake-shaped.
anguineal adjective Anguineous.
angularly adverb In an angular manner; with of at angles or corners.
angulated adjective Having angles or corners; angled; as, angulate leaves.
angustate adjective Narrowed.
anhistous adjective Without definite structure; as, an anhistous membrane.
anhydride noun An oxide of a nonmetallic body or an organic radical, capable of forming an acid by uniting with the elements of water; — so called because it may be formed from an acid by the abstraction of water.
anhydrite noun A mineral of a white or a slightly bluish color, usually massive. It is anhydrous sulphate of lime, and differs from gypsum in not containing water (whence the name).
anhydrous adjective Destitute of water; as, anhydrous salts or acids.
anientise verb t. To frustrate; to bring to naught; to annihilate.
anileness noun Anility.
animalish adjective Like an animal.
animalism noun The state, activity, or enjoyment of animals; mere animal life without intellectual or moral qualities; sensuality.
animality noun Animal existence or nature.
animalize verb t. To endow with the properties of an animal; to represent in animal form., To convert into animal matter by the processes of assimilation., To render animal or sentient; to reduce to the state of a lower animal; to sensualize.
animastic adjective Pertaining to mind or spirit; spiritual., Psychology.
animating present participle & vb. noun of Animate, Causing animation; life-giving; inspiriting; rousing.
animation noun The act of animating, or giving life or spirit; the state of being animate or alive., The state of being lively, brisk, or full of spirit and vigor; vivacity; spiritedness; as, he recited the story with great animation.
animative adjective Having the power of giving life or spirit.
animistic adjective Of or pertaining to animism.
animosity verb t. Mere spiritedness or courage., Violent hatred leading to active opposition; active enmity; energetic dislike.
anisopoda noun pl. A division of Crustacea, which, in some its characteristics, is intermediate between Amphipoda and Isopoda.
annealing present participle & vb. noun of Anneal, The process used to render glass, iron, etc., less brittle, performed by allowing them to cool very gradually from a high heat., The burning of metallic colors into glass, earthenware, etc.
annectent adjective Connecting; annexing.
annelidan adjective Of or pertaining to the Annelida., One of the Annelida.
annellata noun pl. See Annelida.
annexment noun The act of annexing, or the thing annexed; appendage.
anniverse noun Anniversary.
annodated adjective Curved somewhat in the form of the letter S.
annotated imp. & past participle of Annotate
annotator noun A writer of annotations; a commentator.
announced imp. & past participle of Announce
announcer noun One who announces.
annoyance noun The act of annoying, or the state of being annoyed; molestation; vexation; annoy., That which annoys.
annualist noun One who writes for, or who edits, an annual.
annuitant noun One who receives, or its entitled to receive, an annuity.
annuities plural of Annuity
annulling present participle & vb. noun of Annul
annularry adverb In an annular manner.
annulated adjective Furnished with, or composed of, rings; ringed; surrounded by rings of color., Of or pertaining to the Annulata.
annulment noun The act of annulling; abolition; invalidation.
annuloida noun pl. A division of the Articulata, including the annelids and allied groups; sometimes made to include also the helminths and echinoderms.
annulosan noun One of the Annulosa.
anodynous adjective Anodyne.
anointing present participle & vb. noun of Anoint
anomalism noun An anomaly; a deviation from rule.
anomalous adjective Deviating from a general rule, method, or analogy; abnormal; irregular; as, an anomalous proceeding.
anomalies plural of Anomaly
anonymity noun The quality or state of being anonymous; anonymousness; also, that which anonymous.
anonymous adjective Nameless; of unknown name; also, of unknown or unavowed authorship; as, an anonymous benefactor; an anonymous pamphlet or letter.
anorthite noun A mineral of the feldspar family, commonly occurring in small glassy crystals, also a constituent of some igneous rocks. It is a lime feldspar. See Feldspar.
anserated adjective Having the extremities terminate in the heads of eagles, lions, etc.; as, an anserated cross.
answering present participle & vb. noun of Answer
antalkali noun Alt. of Antalkaline
antarctic adjective Opposite to the northern or arctic pole; relating to the southern pole or to the region near it, and applied especially to a circle, distant from the pole 23¡ 28/. Thus we say the antarctic pole, circle, ocean, region, current, etc.
ant-eater noun One of several species of edentates and monotremes that feed upon ants. See Ant-bear, Pangolin, Aard-vark, and Echidna.
antecians noun pl. See Ant/cians.
antedated imp. & past participle of Antedate
antefixes plural of Antefix
antelucan adjective Held or being before light; — a word applied to assemblies of Christians, in ancient times of persecution, held before light in the morning.
antemetic adjective Tending to check vomiting., A remedy to check or allay vomiting.
antemural noun An outwork of a strong, high wall, with turrets, in front of the gateway (as of an old castle), for defending the entrance.
antenatal adjective Before birth.
antennule noun A small antenna; — applied to the smaller pair of antennae or feelers of Crustacea.
anthelion noun A halo opposite the sun, consisting of a colored ring or rings around the shadow of the spectator’s own head, as projected on a cloud or on an opposite fog bank.
anthemion A floral ornament. See Palmette
antheroid adjective Resembling an anther.
anthobian noun A beetle which feeds on flowers.
anthodium noun The inflorescence of a compound flower in which many florets are gathered into a involucrate head.
anthokyan noun The blue coloring matter of certain flowers. Same as Cyanin.
antholite noun A fossil plant, like a petrified flower.
anthology noun A discourse on flowers., A collection of flowers; a garland., A collection of flowers of literature, that is, beautiful passages from authors; a collection of poems or epigrams; — particularly applied to a collection of ancient Greek epigrams., A service book containing a selection of pieces for the festival services.
anthorism noun A description or definition contrary to that which is given by the adverse party.
anthotaxy noun The arrangement of flowers in a cluster; the science of the relative position of flowers; inflorescence.
anthozoan adjective Pertaining to the Anthozoa., One of the Anthozoa.
anthozoic adjective Of or pertaining to the Anthozoa.
anthracic adjective Of or relating to anthrax; as, anthracic blood.
anthrenus noun A genus of small beetles, several of which, in the larval state, are very destructive to woolen goods, fur, etc. The common “museum pest” is A. varius; the carpet beetle is A. scrophulariae. The larvae are commonly confounded with moths.
anthropic adjective Alt. of Anthropical
antichlor noun Any substance (but especially sodium hyposulphite) used in removing the excess of chlorine left in paper pulp or stuffs after bleaching.
anticivic noun Opposed to citizenship.
anticness noun The quality of being antic.
antidotal adjective Having the quality an antidote; fitted to counteract the effects of poison.
antigraph noun A copy or transcript.
antihelix noun The curved elevation of the cartilage of the ear, within or in front of the helix. See Ear.
antiloquy noun Contradiction.
antimason noun One opposed to Freemasonry.
antimeter noun A modification of the quadrant, for measuring small angles.
antimonic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, antimony; — said of those compounds of antimony in which this element has its highest equivalence; as, antimonic acid.
antipapal adjective Opposed to the pope or to popery.
antipathy noun Contrariety or opposition in feeling; settled aversion or dislike; repugnance; distaste., Natural contrariety; incompatibility; repugnancy of qualities; as, oil and water have antipathy.
antiphone noun The response which one side of the choir makes to the other in a chant; alternate chanting or signing.
antiphony noun A musical response; also, antiphonal chanting or signing., An anthem or psalm sung alternately by a choir or congregation divided into two parts. Also figuratively.
antipodal adjective Pertaining to the antipodes; situated on the opposite side of the globe., Diametrically opposite.
antipodes noun Those who live on the side of the globe diametrically opposite., The country of those who live on the opposite side of the globe., Anything exactly opposite or contrary.
antiquary adjective Pertaining to antiquity., One devoted to the study of ancient times through their relics, as inscriptions, monuments, remains of ancient habitations, statues, coins, manuscripts, etc.; one who searches for and studies the relics of antiquity.
antiquate verb t. To make old, or obsolete; to make antique; to make old in such a degree as to put out of use; hence, to make void, or abrogate.
antiquely adverb In an antique manner.
antiquist noun An antiquary; a collector of antiques.
antiquity noun The quality of being ancient; ancientness; great age; as, a statue of remarkable antiquity; a family of great antiquity., Old age., Ancient times; former ages; times long since past; as, Cicero was an eloquent orator of antiquity., The ancients; the people of ancient times., An old gentleman., A relic or monument of ancient times; as, a coin, a statue, etc.; an ancient institution. [In this sense, usually in the plural.]
antisolar adjective Opposite to the sun; — said of the point in the heavens 180¡ distant from the sun.
antispast noun A foot of four syllables, the first and fourth short, and the second and third long (#).
antitoxin noun Alt. of Antitoxine
antitypal adjective Antitypical.
antizymic adjective Preventing fermentation.
antrovert verb t. To bend forward.
anxietude noun The state of being anxious; anxiety.
anxieties plural of Anxiety
anxiously adverb In an anxious manner; with painful uncertainty; solicitously.