9 letter word starting with ap

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
apartment noun A room in a building; a division in a house, separated from others by partitions., A set or suite of rooms., A compartment.
apartness noun The quality of standing apart.
apathetic adjective Alt. of Apathetical
aperitive adjective Serving to open; aperient.
apertness noun Openness; frankness.
apetalous adjective Having no petals, or flower leaves. [See Illust. under Anther].
aphanitic adjective Resembling aphanite; having a very fine-grained structure.
apheresis noun The dropping of a letter or syllable from the beginning of a word; e. g., cute for acute., An operation by which any part is separated from the rest.
aphrodite noun The Greek goddess of love, corresponding to the Venus of the Romans., A large marine annelid, covered with long, lustrous, golden, hairlike setae; the sea mouse., A beautiful butterfly (Argunnis Aphrodite) of the United States.
aphyllous adjective Destitute of leaves, as the broom rape, certain euphorbiaceous plants, etc.
apiaceous adjective Umbelliferous.
apiculate adjective Alt. of Apiculated
apishness noun The quality of being apish; mimicry; foppery.
aplanatic adjective Having two or more parts of different curvatures, so combined as to remove spherical aberration; — said of a lens.
apneumona noun pl. An order of holothurians in which the internal respiratory organs are wanting; — called also Apoda or Apodes.
apocopate verb t. To cut off or drop; as, to apocopate a word, or the last letter, syllable, or part of a word., Alt. of Apocopated
apocrypha noun pl. Something, as a writing, that is of doubtful authorship or authority; — formerly used also adjectively., Specif.: Certain writings which are received by some Christians as an authentic part of the Holy Scriptures, but are rejected by others.
apodictic adjective Alt. of Apodictical, Same as Apodeictic.
apollonic adjective Of, pertaining to, or resembling, Apollo.
apologist noun One who makes an apology; one who speaks or writes in defense of a faith, a cause, or an institution; especially, one who argues in defense of Christianity.
apologize verb i. To make an apology or defense., To make an apology or excuse; to make acknowledgment of some fault or offense, with expression of regret for it, by way of amends; — with for; as, my correspondent apologized for not answering my letter., To defend.
apologies plural of Apology
apophasis noun A figure by which a speaker formally declines to take notice of a favorable point, but in such a manner as to produce the effect desired. [For example, see Mark Antony’s oration. Shak., Julius Caesar, iii. 2.]
apophysis noun A marked prominence or process on any part of a bone., An enlargement at the top of a pedicel or stem, as seen in certain mosses.
apoplexed adjective Affected with apoplexy.
apostatic adjective Apostatical.
apostille noun A marginal note on a letter or other paper; an annotation.
apostolic adjective Alt. of Apostolical, A member of one of certain ascetic sects which at various times professed to imitate the practice of the apostles.
apotelesm noun The result or issue., The calculation and explanation of a nativity.
apothecia plural of Apothecium
apothesis noun A place on the south side of the chancel in the primitive churches, furnished with shelves, for books, vestments, etc., A dressing room connected with a public bath.
appalling present participle & vb. noun of Appall, Such as to appall; as, an appalling accident.
apparatus plural of Apparatus, Things provided as means to some end., Hence: A full collection or set of implements, or utensils, for a given duty, experimental or operative; any complex instrument or appliance, mechanical or chemical, for a specific action or operation; machinery; mechanism., A collection of organs all of which unite in a common function; as, the respiratory apparatus.
appareled imp. & past participle of Apparel
apparence noun Appearance.
apparency noun Appearance., Apparentness; state of being apparent., The position of being heir apparent.
apparitor noun Formerly, an officer who attended magistrates and judges to execute their orders., A messenger or officer who serves the process of an ecclesiastical court.
appeacher noun An accuser.
appealing present participle & vb. noun of Appeal, That appeals; imploring.
appealant noun An appellant.
appearing present participle & vb. noun of Appear
appeasing present participle & vb. noun of Appease
appeasive adjective Tending to appease.
appellant adjective Relating to an appeal; appellate., One who accuses another of felony or treason., One who appeals, or asks for a rehearing or review of a cause by a higher tribunal., A challenger., One who appealed to a general council against the bull Unigenitus., One who appeals or entreats.
appellate adjective Pertaining to, or taking cognizance of, appeals., A person or prosecuted for a crime. [Obs.] See Appellee.
appending present participle & vb. noun of Append
appendage noun Something appended to, or accompanying, a principal or greater thing, though not necessary to it, as a portico to a house., A subordinate or subsidiary part or organ; an external organ or limb, esp. of the articulates.
appendant verb t. Hanging; annexed; adjunct; concomitant; as, a seal appendant to a paper., Appended by prescription, that is, a personal usage for a considerable time; — said of a thing of inheritance belonging to another inheritance which is superior or more worthy; as, an advowson, common, etc. , which may be appendant to a manor, common of fishing to a freehold, a seat in church to a house., Anything attached to another as incidental or subordinate to it., A inheritance annexed by prescription to a superior inheritance.
appension noun The act of appending.
appertain verb i. To belong or pertain, whether by right, nature, appointment, or custom; to relate.
appetence noun A longing; a desire; especially an ardent desire; appetite; appetency.
appetency noun Fixed and strong desire; esp. natural desire; a craving; an eager appetite., Specifically: An instinctive inclination or propensity in animals to perform certain actions, as in the young to suck, in aquatic fowls to enter into water and to swim; the tendency of an organized body to seek what satisfies the wants of its organism., Natural tendency; affinity; attraction; — used of inanimate objects.
appetible adjective Desirable; capable or worthy of being the object of desire.
appetizer noun Something which creates or whets an appetite.
applauded imp. & past participle of Applaud
applauder noun One who applauds.
apple pie A pie made of apples (usually sliced or stewed) with spice and sugar.
appliable adjective Applicable; also, compliant.
appliance noun The act of applying; application; [Obs.] subservience., The thing applied or used as a means to an end; an apparatus or device; as, to use various appliances; a mechanical appliance; a machine with its appliances.
applicant noun One who apples for something; one who makes request; a petitioner.
applicate adjective Applied or put to some use., To apply.
appliedly adverb By application.
appliment noun Application.
applotted imp. & past participle of Applot
appointed imp. & past participle of Appoint
appointee verb t. A person appointed., A person in whose favor a power of appointment is executed.
appointer noun One who appoints, or executes a power of appointment.
appointor noun The person who selects the appointee. See Appointee, 2.
apportion verb t. To divide and assign in just proportion; to divide and distribute proportionally; to portion out; to allot; as, to apportion undivided rights; to apportion time among various employments.
appraisal noun A valuation by an authorized person; an appraisement.
appraised imp. & past participle of Appraise
appraiser noun One who appraises; esp., a person appointed and sworn to estimate and fix the value of goods or estates.
apprehend verb t. To take or seize; to take hold of., Hence: To take or seize (a person) by legal process; to arrest; as, to apprehend a criminal., To take hold of with the understanding, that is, to conceive in the mind; to become cognizant of; to understand; to recognize; to consider., To know or learn with certainty., To anticipate; esp., to anticipate with anxiety, dread, or fear; to fear., To think, believe, or be of opinion; to understand; to suppose., To be apprehensive; to fear.
appressed adjective Alt. of Apprest
apprising present participle & vb. noun of Apprise
approbate adjective Approved., To express approbation of; to approve; to sanction officially.
approving present participle & vb. noun of Approve, Expressing approbation; commending; as, an approving smile.
appulsion noun A driving or striking against; an appulse.
appulsive adjective Striking against; impinging; as, the appulsive influence of the planets.
apriorism noun An a priori principle.
apriority noun The quality of being innate in the mind, or prior to experience; a priori reasoning.
aproctous adjective Without an anal office.
apronfuls plural of Apronful
apronless adjective Without an apron.
apron man A man who wears an apron; a laboring man; a mechanic.
apteryges noun pl. An order of birds, including the genus Apteryx.
apyrexial adjective Relating to apyrexy.