9 letter word starting with arm

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
armadillo noun Any edentate animal if the family Dasypidae, peculiar to America. The body and head are incased in an armor composed of small bony plates. The armadillos burrow in the earth, seldom going abroad except at night. When attacked, they curl up into a ball, presenting the armor on all sides. Their flesh is good food. There are several species, one of which (the peba) is found as far north as Texas. See Peba, Poyou, Tatouay., A genus of small isopod Crustacea that can roll themselves into a ball.
armillary noun Pertaining to, or resembling, a bracelet or ring; consisting of rings or circles.
armistice noun A cessation of arms for a short time, by convention; a temporary suspension of hostilities by agreement; a truce.
armorican adjective Of or pertaining to the northwestern part of France (formerly called Armorica, now Bretagne or Brittany), or to its people., The language of the Armoricans, a Celtic dialect which has remained to the present times., A native of Armorica.
army worm A lepidopterous insect, which in the larval state often travels in great multitudes from field to field, destroying grass, grain, and other crops. The common army worm of the northern United States is Leucania unipuncta. The name is often applied to other related species, as the cotton worm., The larva of a small two-winged fly (Sciara), which marches in large companies, in regular order. See Cotton worm, under Cotton.