9 letter word starting with att

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
attaching present participle & vb. noun of Attach
attacking present participle & vb. noun of Attack
attaining present participle & vb. noun of Attain
attainder noun The act of attainting, or the state of being attainted; the extinction of the civil rights and capacities of a person, consequent upon sentence of death or outlawry; as, an act of attainder., A stain or staining; state of being in dishonor or condemnation.
attainted imp. & past participle of Attaint
attempted imp. & past participle of Attempt
attempter noun One who attempts; one who essays anything., An assailant; also, a temper.
attending present participle & vb. noun of Attend
attendant verb t. Being present, or in the train; accompanying; in waiting., Accompanying, connected with, or immediately following, as consequential; consequent; as, intemperance with all its attendant evils., Depending on, or owing duty or service to; as, the widow attendant to the heir., One who attends or accompanies in any character whatever, as a friend, companion, servant, agent, or suitor., One who is present and takes part in the proceedings; as, an attendant at a meeting., That which accompanies; a concomitant., One who owes duty or service to, or depends on, another.
attentate noun Alt. of Attentat
attention noun The act or state of attending or heeding; the application of the mind to any object of sense, representation, or thought; notice; exclusive or special consideration; earnest consideration, thought, or regard; obedient or affectionate heed; the supposed power or faculty of attending., An act of civility or courtesy; care for the comfort and pleasure of others; as, attentions paid to a stranger.
attentive adjective Heedful; intent; observant; regarding with care or attention., Heedful of the comfort of others; courteous.
attenuant adjective Making thin, as fluids; diluting; rendering less dense and viscid; diluent., A medicine that thins or dilutes the fluids; a diluent.
attenuate verb t. To make thin or slender, as by mechanical or chemical action upon inanimate objects, or by the effects of starvation, disease, etc., upon living bodies., To make thin or less consistent; to render less viscid or dense; to rarefy. Specifically: To subtilize, as the humors of the body, or to break them into finer parts., To lessen the amount, force, or value of; to make less complex; to weaken., To become thin, slender, or fine; to grow less; to lessen., Alt. of Attenuated
atterrate verb t. To fill up with alluvial earth.
attesting present participle & vb. noun of Attest
attestive adjective Attesting; furnishing evidence.
attiguous adjective Touching; bordering; contiguous.
attollent adjective Lifting up; raising; as, an attollent muscle.
attorneys plural of Attorney
attracted imp. & past participle of Attract
attracter noun One who, or that which, attracts.
attractor noun One who, or that which, attracts.
attrahent verb t. Attracting; drawing; attractive., That which attracts, as a magnet., A substance which, by irritating the surface, excites action in the part to which it is applied, as a blister, an epispastic, a sinapism.
attribute verb t. To ascribe; to consider (something) as due or appropriate (to); to refer, as an effect to a cause; to impute; to assign; to consider as belonging (to)., That which is attributed; a quality which is considered as belonging to, or inherent in, a person or thing; an essential or necessary property or characteristic., Reputation., A conventional symbol of office, character, or identity, added to any particular figure; as, a club is the attribute of Hercules., Quality, etc., denoted by an attributive; an attributive adjunct or adjective.
attrition noun The act of rubbing together; friction; the act of wearing by friction, or by rubbing substances together; abrasion., The state of being worn., Grief for sin arising only from fear of punishment or feelings of shame. See Contrition.