9 letter word starting with b

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
babillard noun The lesser whitethroat of Europe; — called also babbling warbler.
babirussa noun A large hoglike quadruped (Sus, / Porcus, babirussa) of the East Indies, sometimes domesticated; the Indian hog. Its upper canine teeth or tusks are large and recurved.
baboonery noun Baboonish behavior.
baboonish adjective Like a baboon.
baby farm A place where the nourishment and care of babies are offered for hire.
babyhouse adjective A place for children’s dolls and dolls’ furniture.
babylonic adjective Alt. of Babylonical
babyrussa noun See Babyroussa.
bacchanal adjective Relating to Bacchus or his festival., Engaged in drunken revels; drunken and riotous or noisy., A devotee of Bacchus; one who indulges in drunken revels; one who is noisy and riotous when intoxicated; a carouser., The festival of Bacchus; the bacchanalia., Drunken revelry; an orgy., A song or dance in honor of Bacchus.
bacchants plural of Bacchant
bacchante noun A priestess of Bacchus., A female bacchanal.
bacchical adjective Of or relating to Bacchus; hence, jovial, or riotous,with intoxication.
bacciform adjective Having the form of a berry.
bacharach noun Alt. of Backarack
backarack noun A kind of wine made at Bacharach on the Rhine., See Bacharach.
bacillary adjective Of or pertaining to little rods; rod-shaped.
backbiter noun One who backbites; a secret calumniator or detractor.
backboard noun A board which supports the back wen one is sitting;, A board serving as the back part of anything, as of a wagon., A thin stuff used for the backs of framed pictures, mirrors, etc., A board attached to the rim of a water wheel to prevent the water from running off the floats or paddies into the interior of the wheel., A board worn across the back to give erectness to the figure.
backboned adjective Vertebrate.
back door A door in the back part of a building; hence, an indirect way.
backhouse noun A building behind the main building. Specifically: A privy; a necessary.
backjoint noun A rebate or chase in masonry left to receive a permanent slab or other filling.
backpiece noun Alt. of Backplate
backplate noun A piece, or plate which forms the back of anything, or which covers the back; armor for the back.
backshish noun In Egypt and the Turkish empire, a gratuity; a “tip”.
backsight noun The reading of the leveling staff in its unchanged position when the leveling instrument has been taken to a new position; a sight directed backwards to a station previously occupied. Cf. Foresight, n., 3.
backslide verb i. To slide back; to fall away; esp. to abandon gradually the faith and practice of a religion that has been professed.
backstaff noun An instrument formerly used for taking the altitude of the heavenly bodies, but now superseded by the quadrant and sextant; — so called because the observer turned his back to the body observed.
backstair adjective Private; indirect; secret; intriguing; — as if finding access by the back stairs.
backsword noun A sword with one sharp edge., In England, a stick with a basket handle, used in rustic amusements; also, the game in which the stick is used. Also called singlestick.
backwards adverb With the back in advance or foremost; as, to ride backward., Toward the back; toward the rear; as, to throw the arms backward., On the back, or with the back downward., Toward, or in, past time or events; ago., By way of reflection; reflexively., From a better to a worse state, as from honor to shame, from religion to sin., In a contrary or reverse manner, way, or direction; contrarily; as, to read backwards.
backwater noun Water turned back in its course by an obstruction, an opposing current , or the flow of the tide, as in a sewer or river channel, or across a river bar., An accumulation of water overflowing the low lands, caused by an obstruction., Water thrown back by the turning of a waterwheel, or by the paddle wheels of a steamer.
backwoods noun pl. The forests or partly cleared grounds on the frontiers.
bacterial adjective Of or pertaining to bacteria.
bacterium noun A microscopic vegetable organism, belonging to the class Algae, usually in the form of a jointed rodlike filament, and found in putrefying organic infusions. Bacteria are destitute of chlorophyll, and are the smallest of microscopic organisms. They are very widely diffused in nature, and multiply with marvelous rapidity, both by fission and by spores. Certain species are active agents in fermentation, while others appear to be the cause of certain infectious diseases. See Bacillus.
bacteroid adjective Alt. of Bacteroidal
badgeless adjective Having no badge.
badgering present participle & vb. noun of Badger, The act of one who badgers., The practice of buying wheat and other kinds of food in one place and selling them in another for a profit.
bad lands Barren regions, especially in the western United States, where horizontal strata (Tertiary deposits) have been often eroded into fantastic forms, and much intersected by ca–ons, and where lack of wood, water, and forage increases the difficulty of traversing the country, whence the name, first given by the Canadian French, Mauvaises Terres (bad lands).
badminton noun A game, similar to lawn tennis, played with shuttlecocks., A preparation of claret, spiced and sweetened.
baenomere noun One of the somites (arthromeres) that make up the thorax of Arthropods.
baenosome noun The thorax of Arthropods.
bagatelle noun A trifle; a thing of no importance., A game played on an oblong board, having, at one end, cups or arches into or through which balls are to be driven by a rod held in the hand of the player.
bail bond A bond or obligation given by a prisoner and his surety, to insure the prisoner’s appearance in court, at the return of the writ., Special bail in court to abide the judgment.
bailiwick noun The precincts within which a bailiff has jurisdiction; the limits of a bailiff’s authority.
bailpiece noun A piece of parchment, or paper, containing a recognizance or bail bond.
bakehouse verb t. A house for baking; a bakery.
baksheesh noun Alt. of Bakshish
balachong noun A condiment formed of small fishes or shrimps, pounded up with salt and spices, and then dried. It is much esteemed in China.
balancing present participle & vb. noun of Balance
balbuties noun The defect of stammering; also, a kind of incomplete pronunciation.
balconied adjective Having balconies.
balconies plural of Balcony
baldachin noun A rich brocade; baudekin., A structure in form of a canopy, sometimes supported by columns, and sometimes suspended from the roof or projecting from the wall; generally placed over an altar; as, the baldachin in St. Peter’s., A portable canopy borne over shrines, etc., in procession.
baldpated adjective Destitute of hair on the head; baldheaded.
balefully adverb In a baleful manner; perniciously.
balistoid adjective Like a fish of the genus Balistes; of the family Balistidae. See Filefish.
balkingly adverb In a manner to balk or frustrate.
ballasted imp. & past participle of Ballast
ballister noun A crossbow.
ballistic adjective Of or pertaining to the ballista, or to the art of hurling stones or missile weapons by means of an engine., Pertaining to projection, or to a projectile.
ballooned adjective Swelled out like a balloon.
ballooner noun One who goes up in a balloon; an aeronaut.
balloonry noun The art or practice of ascending in a balloon; aeronautics.
balloting present participle & vb. noun of Ballot
ballotade verb i. A leap of a horse, as between two pillars, or upon a straight line, so that when his four feet are in the air, he shows only the shoes of his hind feet, without jerking out.
ballproof adjective Incapable of being penetrated by balls from firearms.
balsamine noun The Impatiens balsamina, or garden balsam.
balsamous adjective Having the quality of balsam; containing balsam.
bamboozle verb t. To deceive by trickery; to cajole by confusing the senses; to hoax; to mystify; to humbug.
bandaging present participle & vb. noun of Bandage
banderole noun Alt. of Bandrol
band fish A small red fish of the genus Cepola; the ribbon fish.
bandicoot noun A species of very large rat (Mus giganteus), found in India and Ceylon. It does much injury to rice fields and gardens., A ratlike marsupial animal (genus Perameles) of several species, found in Australia and Tasmania.
bandoleer noun Alt. of Bandolier
bandolier noun A broad leather belt formerly worn by soldiers over the right shoulder and across the breast under the left arm. Originally it was used for supporting the musket and twelve cases for charges, but later only as a cartridge belt., One of the leather or wooden cases in which the charges of powder were carried.
bandoline noun A glutinous pomatum for the fair.
baneberry noun A genus (Actaea) of plants, of the order Ranunculaceae, native in the north temperate zone. The red or white berries are poisonous.
banishing present participle & vb. noun of Banish
bank bill In America (and formerly in England), a promissory note of a bank payable to the bearer on demand, and used as currency; a bank note., In England, a note, or a bill of exchange, of a bank, payable to order, and usually at some future specified time. Such bills are negotiable, but form, in the strict sense of the term, no part of the currency.
bank book A book kept by a depositor, in which an officer of a bank enters the debits and credits of the depositor’s account with the bank.
bankeress noun A female banker.
bank note A promissory note issued by a bank or banking company, payable to bearer on demand., Formerly, a promissory note made by a banker, or banking company, payable to a specified person at a fixed date; a bank bill. See Bank bill, 2., A promissory note payable at a bank.
bannition noun The act of expulsion.
banqueted imp. & past participle of Banquet
banquette noun A raised way or foot bank, running along the inside of a parapet, on which musketeers stand to fire upon the enemy., A narrow window seat; a raised shelf at the back or the top of a buffet or dresser.
bantering present participle & vb. noun of Banter
baptismal adjective Pertaining to baptism; as, baptismal vows.
baptistry noun In early times, a separate building, usually polygonal, used for baptismal services. Small churches were often changed into baptisteries when larger churches were built near., A part of a church containing a font and used for baptismal services.
baptistic adjective Of or for baptism; baptismal.
baptizing present participle & vb. noun of Baptize
barbadian adjective Of or pertaining to Barbados., A native of Barbados.
barbadoes noun A West Indian island, giving its name to a disease, to a cherry, etc.
barbarian noun A foreigner., A man in a rule, savage, or uncivilized state., A person destitute of culture., A cruel, savage, brutal man; one destitute of pity or humanity., Of, or pertaining to, or resembling, barbarians; rude; uncivilized; barbarous; as, barbarian governments or nations.
barbarism noun An uncivilized state or condition; rudeness of manners; ignorance of arts, learning, and literature; barbarousness., A barbarous, cruel, or brutal action; an outrage., An offense against purity of style or language; any form of speech contrary to the pure idioms of a particular language. See Solecism.
barbarity noun The state or manner of a barbarian; lack of civilization., Cruelty; ferociousness; inhumanity., A barbarous or cruel act., Barbarism; impurity of speech.
barbarize verb i. To become barbarous., To adopt a foreign or barbarous mode of speech., To make barbarous.
barbarous adjective Being in the state of a barbarian; uncivilized; rude; peopled with barbarians; as, a barbarous people; a barbarous country., Foreign; adapted to a barbaric taste., Cruel; ferocious; inhuman; merciless., Contrary to the pure idioms of a language.
barbastel noun A European bat (Barbastellus communis), with hairy lips.
barbecued imp. & past participle of Barbecue
barbering present participle & vb. noun of Barber
barbotine noun A paste of clay used in decorating coarse pottery in relief.
barefaced adjective With the face uncovered; not masked., Without concealment; undisguised. Hence: Shameless; audacious.
bargained imp. & past participle of Bargain
bargainee verb i. The party to a contract who receives, or agrees to receive, the property sold.
bargainer noun One who makes a bargain; — sometimes in the sense of bargainor.
bargainor noun One who makes a bargain, or contracts with another; esp., one who sells, or contracts to sell, property to another.
barkbound adjective Prevented from growing, by having the bark too firm or close.
barkeeper noun One who keeps or tends a bar for the sale of liquors.
barmaster noun Formerly, a local judge among miners; now, an officer of the barmote.
barmcloth noun Apron.
barmecide noun One who proffers some illusory advantage or benefit. Also used as an adj.: Barmecidal.
barnabite noun A member of a religious order, named from St. Barnabas.
barograph noun An instrument for recording automatically the variations of atmospheric pressure.
barometer noun An instrument for determining the weight or pressure of the atmosphere, and hence for judging of the probable changes of weather, or for ascertaining the height of any ascent.
barometry noun The art or process of making barometrical measurements.
baronetcy noun The rank or patent of a baronet.
baroscope noun Any instrument showing the changes in the weight of the atmosphere; also, less appropriately, any instrument that indicates -or foreshadows changes of the weather, as a deep vial of liquid holding in suspension some substance which rises and falls with atmospheric changes.
barouchet noun A kind of light barouche.
barracoon noun A slave warehouse, or an inclosure where slaves are quartered temporarily.
barracuda noun Alt. of Barracouata
barrelled of Barrel, Having a barrel; — used in composition; as, a double-barreled gun.
barreling present participle & vb. noun of Barrel
barricade noun A fortification, made in haste, of trees, earth, palisades, wagons, or anything that will obstruct the progress or attack of an enemy. It is usually an obstruction formed in streets to block an enemy’s access., Any bar, obstruction, or means of defense., To fortify or close with a barricade or with barricades; to stop up, as a passage; to obstruct; as, the workmen barricaded the streets of Paris.
barricado noun & verb t. See Barricade.
barrigudo noun A large, dark-colored, South American monkey, of the genus Lagothrix, having a long prehensile tail.
barrister noun Counselor at law; a counsel admitted to plead at the bar, and undertake the public trial of causes, as distinguished from an attorney or solicitor. See Attorney.
barrowist noun A follower of Henry Barrowe, one of the founders of Independency or Congregationalism in England. Barrowe was executed for nonconformity in 1953.
bartender noun A barkeeper.
bartering present participle & vb. noun of Barter
baryphony noun Difficulty of speech.
basaltoid adjective Formed like basalt; basaltiform.
baseboard noun A board, or other woodwork, carried round the walls of a room and touching the floor, to form a base and protect the plastering; — also called washboard (in England), mopboard, and scrubboard.
base viol See Bass viol.
bashfully adverb In a bashful manner.
basifugal noun Tending or proceeding away from the base; as, a basifugal growth.
basihyoid noun The central tongue bone.
basilical adjective Royal; kingly; also, basilican., Pertaining to certain parts, anciently supposed to have a specially important function in the animal economy, as the middle vein of the right arm.
basilicas plural of Basilica
basilican adjective Of, relating to, or resembling, a basilica; basilical.
basilicok noun The basilisk.
basilicon noun An ointment composed of wax, pitch, resin, and olive oil, lard, or other fatty substance.
basketful noun As much as a basket will contain.
bass drum The largest of the different kinds of drums, having two heads, and emitting a deep, grave sound. See Bass, a.
basseting present participle & vb. noun of Basset, The upward direction of a vein in a mine; the emergence of a stratum at the surface.
bass horn A modification of the bassoon, much deeper in tone.
bass viol A stringed instrument of the viol family, used for playing bass. See 3d Bass, n., and Violoncello.
bastardly adjective Bastardlike; baseborn; spurious; corrupt., In the manner of a bastard; spuriously.
bastinade noun See Bastinado, n., To bastinado.
bastinado noun A blow with a stick or cudgel., A sound beating with a stick or cudgel. Specifically: A form of punishment among the Turks, Chinese, and others, consisting in beating an offender on the soles of his feet., To beat with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet.
bastioned adjective Furnished with a bastion; having bastions.
batailled adjective Embattled.
batardeau noun A cofferdam., A wall built across the ditch of a fortification, with a sluice gate to regulate the height of water in the ditch on both sides of the wall.
batfowler noun One who practices or finds sport in batfowling.
bathybius noun A name given by Prof. Huxley to a gelatinous substance found in mud dredged from the Atlantic and preserved in alcohol. He supposed that it was free living protoplasm, covering a large part of the ocean bed. It is now known that the substance is of chemical, not of organic, origin.
batrachia noun pl. The order of amphibians which includes the frogs and toads; the Anura. Sometimes the word is used in a wider sense as equivalent to Amphibia.
battalion noun A body of troops; esp. a body of troops or an army in battle array., A regiment, or two or more companies of a regiment, esp. when assembled for drill or battle., To form into battalions.
battening present participle & vb. noun of Batten, Furring done with small pieces nailed directly upon the wall.
battering present participle & vb. noun of Batter
batteries plural of Battery
battle-ax noun Alt. of Battle-axe
battology noun A needless repetition of words in speaking or writing.
bawdiness noun Obscenity; lewdness.
bayoneted imp. & past participle of Bayonet
beaconing present participle & vb. noun of Beacon
beaconage noun Money paid for the maintenance of a beacon; also, beacons, collectively.
beadhouse noun Alt. of Bedehouse
bedehouse noun An almshouse for poor people who pray daily for their benefactors., Same as Beadhouse.
beadsnake noun A small poisonous snake of North America (Elaps fulvius), banded with yellow, red, and black.
beaminess noun The state of being beamy.
beamingly adverb In a beaming manner; radiantly.
beam tree A tree (Pyrus aria) related to the apple.
bearberry noun A trailing plant of the heath family (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), having leaves which are tonic and astringent, and glossy red berries of which bears are said to be fond.
beardless adjective Without a beard. Hence: Not having arrived at puberty or manhood; youthful., Destitute of an awn; as, beardless wheat.
bearhound noun A hound for baiting or hunting bears.
beasthood noun State or nature of a beast.
beastings noun pl. See Biestings.
beastlike adjective Like a beast.
beatified imp. & past participle of Beatify
beatitude noun Felicity of the highest kind; consummate bliss., Any one of the nine declarations (called the Beatitudes), made in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. v. 3-12), with regard to the blessedness of those who are distinguished by certain specified virtues., Beatification.
beauseant noun The black and white standard of the Knights Templars.
beauteous adjective Full of beauty; beautiful; very handsome.
beautiful adjective Having the qualities which constitute beauty; pleasing to the sight or the mind.
bebeerine noun Alt. of Bebirine
beblubber verb t. To make swollen and disfigured or sullied by weeping; as, her eyes or cheeks were beblubbered.
becalming noun of Becalm
beccafico noun A small bird. (Silvia hortensis), which is highly prized by the Italians for the delicacy of its flesh in the autumn, when it has fed on figs, grapes, etc.
beckoning present participle & vb. noun of Beckon
beclipped imp. & past participle of Beclip
beclouded imp. & past participle of Becloud
becripple verb t. To make a cripple of; to cripple; to lame.
bedabbled imp. & past participle of Bedabble
bedashing present participle & vb. noun of Bedash
bedaubing present participle & vb. noun of Bedaub
bedazzled imp. & past participle of Bedazzle
bedecking present participle & vb. noun of Bedeck
bedfellow noun One who lies with another in the same bed; a person who shares one’s couch.
bedighted of Bedight
bedimming present participle & vb. noun of Bedim
bedlamite noun An inhabitant of a madhouse; a madman.
bedrabble verb t. To befoul with rain and mud; to drabble.
bedraggle verb t. To draggle; to soil, as garments which, in walking, are suffered to drag in dust, mud, etc.
bedribble verb t. To dribble upon.
bedridden verb i. Confined to the bed by sickness or infirmity.
bedrizzle verb t. To drizzle upon.
bed screw A form of jack screw for lifting large bodies, and assisting in launching., A long screw formerly used to fasten a bedpost to one of the adjacent side pieces.
bedspread noun A bedquilt; a counterpane; a coverlet.
bedstaves plural of Bedstaff
bed steps Steps for mounting a bed of unusual height.
bedwarfed imp. & past participle of Bedwarf
bee-eater noun A bird of the genus Merops, that feeds on bees. The European species (M. apiaster) is remarkable for its brilliant colors., An African bird of the genus Rhinopomastes.
beefeater noun One who eats beef; hence, a large, fleshy person., One of the yeomen of the guard, in England., An African bird of the genus Buphaga, which feeds on the larvae of botflies hatched under the skin of oxen, antelopes, etc. Two species are known.
beefsteak noun A steak of beef; a slice of beef broiled or suitable for broiling.
beelzebub noun The title of a heathen deity to whom the Jews ascribed the sovereignty of the evil spirits; hence, the Devil or a devil. See Baal.
beemaster noun One who keeps bees.
beerhouse noun A house where malt liquors are sold; an alehouse.
beeriness noun Beery condition.
beestings noun Same as Biestings., The first milk given by a cow after calving.
befalling present participle & vb. noun of Befall
befitting present participle & vb. noun of Befit, Suitable; proper; becoming; fitting.
beflatter verb t. To flatter excessively.
befogging present participle & vb. noun of Befog
befooling present participle & vb. noun of Befool
befortune verb t. To befall.
befouling present participle & vb. noun of Befoul
befuddled imp. & past participle of Befuddle
begemming present participle & vb. noun of Begem
begetting present participle & vb. noun of Beget
beggaring present participle & vb. noun of Beggar
beggarism noun Beggary.
beginning present participle & vb. noun of Begin, The act of doing that which begins anything; commencement of an action, state, or space of time; entrance into being or upon a course; the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states., That which begins or originates something; the first cause; origin; source., That which is begun; a rudiment or element., Enterprise.
begirding present participle & vb. noun of Begird
beglerbeg noun The governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier.
begriming present participle & vb. noun of Begrime
begrudged imp. & past participle of Begrudge
beguiling present participle & vb. noun of Beguile, Alluring by guile; deluding; misleading; diverting.
beguinage noun A collection of small houses surrounded by a wall and occupied by a community of Beguines.
beheading present participle & vb. noun of Behead
beholding present participle & vb. noun of Behold, Obliged; beholden., The act of seeing; sight; also, that which is beheld.
behooving present participle & vb. noun of Behoove
bejeweled imp. & past participle of Bejewel
belabored imp. & past participle of Belabor
beleaguer verb t. To surround with an army so as to preclude escape; to besiege; to blockade.
belecture verb t. To vex with lectures; to lecture frequently.
belemnite noun A conical calcareous fossil, tapering to a point at the lower extremity, with a conical cavity at the other end, where it is ordinarily broken; but when perfect it contains a small chambered cone, called the phragmocone, prolonged, on one side, into a delicate concave blade; the thunderstone. It is the internal shell of a cephalopod related to the sepia, and belonging to an extinct family. The belemnites are found in rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous ages.
belepered imp. & past participle of Beleper
beliefful adjective Having belief or faith.
believing present participle & vb. noun of Believe, That believes; having belief.
belittled imp. & past participle of Belittle
bellibone noun A woman excelling both in beauty and goodness; a fair maid.
bellicose adjective Inclined to war or contention; warlike; pugnacious.
bellicous adjective Bellicose.
bellowing present participle & vb. noun of Bellow
bellyache noun Pain in the bowels; colic.
bellyband noun A band that passes under the belly of a horse and holds the saddle or harness in place; a girth., A band of flannel or other cloth about the belly., A band of canvas, to strengthen a sail.
belly-god noun One whose great pleasure it is to gratify his appetite; a glutton; an epicure.
belomancy noun A kind of divination anciently practiced by means of marked arrows drawn at random from a bag or quiver, the marks on the arrows drawn being supposed to foreshow the future.
belonging present participle & vb. noun of Belong, That which belongs to one; that which pertains to one; hence, goods or effects., That which is connected with a principal or greater thing; an appendage; an appurtenance., Family; relations; household.
belvedere noun A small building, or a part of a building, more or less open, constructed in a place commanding a fine prospect.
belzebuth noun A spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth) of Brazil.
bemeeting present participle & vb. noun of Bemeet
bemoaning present participle & vb. noun of Bemoan
bemonster verb t. To make monstrous or like a monster.
benedight adjective Blessed.
beneficed imp. & past participle of Benefice, Possessed of a benefice or church preferment.
benefited imp. & past participle of Benefit
benefiter noun One who confers a benefit; — also, one who receives a benefit.
bengalese adjective Of or pertaining to Bengal., A native or natives of Bengal.
benighted imp. & past participle of Benight
benignant adjective Kind; gracious; favorable.
benignity noun The quality of being benign; goodness; kindness; graciousness., Mildness; gentleness., Salubrity; wholesome quality.
benjamite noun A descendant of Benjamin; one of the tribe of Benjamin.
benthamic adjective Of or pertaining to Bentham or Benthamism.
benumbing present participle & vb. noun of Benumb
benzamide noun A transparent crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.NH2, obtained by the action of ammonia upon chloride of benzoyl, as also by several other reactions with benzoyl compounds.
benzoline noun Same as Benzole., Same as Amarine.
bepinched imp. & past participle of Bepinch
beplaster verb t. To plaster over; to cover or smear thickly; to bedaub.
bequethen old p. p. of Bequeath.
beraining present participle & vb. noun of Berain
berberine noun An alkaloid obtained, as a bitter, yellow substance, from the root of the barberry, gold thread, and other plants.
bergander noun A European duck (Anas tadorna). See Sheldrake.
bergomask noun A rustic dance, so called in ridicule of the people of Bergamo, in Italy, once noted for their clownishness.
berhyming present participle & vb. noun of Berhyme
berna fly A Brazilian dipterous insect of the genus Trypeta, which lays its eggs in the nostrils or in wounds of man and beast, where the larvae do great injury.
berserker noun One of a class of legendary heroes, who fought frenzied by intoxicating liquors, and naked, regardless of wounds., One who fights as if frenzied, like a Berserker.
berylline adjective Like a beryl; of a light or bluish green color.
beryllium noun A metallic element found in the beryl. See Glucinum.
berylloid noun A solid consisting of a double twelve-sided pyramid; — so called because the planes of this form occur on crystals of beryl.
bescatter verb t. To scatter over., To cover sparsely by scattering (something); to strew.
bescratch verb t. To tear with the nails; to cover with scratches.
bescumber verb t. Alt. of Bescummer
bescummer verb t. To discharge ordure or dung upon.
beseecher noun One who beseeches.
beseeming present participle & vb. noun of Beseem, Appearance; look; garb., Comeliness., Becoming; suitable.
besetting present participle & vb. noun of Beset, Habitually attacking, harassing, or pressing upon or about; as, a besetting sin.
besetment noun The act of besetting, or the state of being beset; also, that which besets one, as a sin.
beshining present participle & vb. noun of Beshine
besieging present participle & vb. noun of Besiege, That besieges; laying siege to.
beslabber verb t. To beslobber.
beslobber verb t. To slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth. Also Fig.: as, to beslobber with praise.
beslubber verb t. To beslobber.
besmeared imp. & past participle of Besmear
besmearer noun One that besmears.
besmutted imp. & past participle of Besmut
besotting present participle & vb. noun of Besot
bespangle verb t. To adorn with spangles; to dot or sprinkle with something brilliant or glittering.
bespatter verb t. To soil by spattering; to sprinkle, esp. with dirty water, mud, or anything which will leave foul spots or stains., To asperse with calumny or reproach.
bespeaker noun One who bespeaks.
bespeckle verb t. To mark with speckles or spots.
bespitten of Bespit
bespotted imp. & past participle of Bespot
bestarred imp. & past participle of Bestar
besteaded of Bestead
bestially adverb In a bestial manner.
bestirred imp. & past participle of Bestir
bestowing present participle & vb. noun of Bestow
bestrewed imp. of Bestrew, of Bestrew
bestudded imp. & past participle of Bestud
betel nut The nutlike seed of the areca palm, chewed in the East with betel leaves (whence its name) and shell lime.
bethought imp. & past participle of Bethink, imp. & p. p. of Bethink.
bethlehem noun A hospital for lunatics; — corrupted into bedlam., In the Ethiopic church, a small building attached to a church edifice, in which the bread for the eucharist is made.
bethumped imp. & past participle of Bethump
betokened imp. & past participle of Betoken
betrapped imp. & past participle of Betrap
betraying present participle & vb. noun of Betray
betrimmed imp. & past participle of Betrim
betrothed imp. & past participle of Betroth
betrothal noun The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage between the persons betrothed; betrothment; affiance.
bettering present participle & vb. noun of Better
betumbled imp. & past participle of Betumble
betutored imp. & past participle of Betutor
bevelling of Bevel
bevelment noun The replacement of an edge by two similar planes, equally inclined to the including faces or adjacent planes.
bewailing present participle & vb. noun of Bewail, Wailing over; lamenting.
beweeping present participle & vb. noun of Beweep
bewitched imp. & past participle of Bewitch
bewitcher noun One who bewitches.
bewrapped imp. & past participle of Bewrap
bewraying present participle & vb. noun of Bewray
bewrought adjective Embroidered.
bezoardic adjective Pertaining to, or compounded with, bezoar., A medicine containing bezoar.
bezoartic adjective Alt. of Bezoartical
biangular adjective Having two angles or corners.
bibacious adjective Addicted to drinking.
biblicism noun Learning or literature relating to the Bible.
biblicist noun One skilled in the knowledge of the Bible; a demonstrator of religious truth by the Scriptures.
bicallose adjective Alt. of Bicallous
bicallous adjective Having two callosities or hard spots.
bicameral adjective Consisting of, or including, two chambers, or legislative branches.
bicaudate adjective Two-tailed; bicaudal.
bicipital adjective Having two heads or origins, as a muscle., Pertaining to a biceps muscle; as, bicipital furrows, the depressions on either side of the biceps of the arm., Dividing into two parts at one extremity; having two heads or two supports; as, a bicipital tree.
bickering present participle & vb. noun of Bicker, A skirmishing., Altercation; wrangling.
bicolored adjective Of two colors.
biconcave adjective Concave on both sides; as, biconcave vertebrae.
bicornous adjective Having two horns; two-horned; crescentlike.
bicostate adjective Having two principal ribs running longitudinally, as a leaf.
bicrenate adjective Twice crenated, as in the case of leaves whose crenatures are themselves crenate.
bicyanide noun See Dicyanide.
bicycling noun The use of a bicycle; the act or practice of riding a bicycle.
bicyclism noun The art of riding a bicycle.
bicyclist noun A bicycler.
bicycular adjective Relating to bicycling.
bidentate adjective Having two teeth or two toothlike processes; two-toothed.
biestings noun pl. Alt. of Beestings
bifarious adjective Twofold; arranged in two rows., Pointing two ways, as leaves that grow only on opposite sides of a branch; in two vertical rows.
biflorate adjective Alt. of Biflorous
biflorous adjective Bearing two flowers; two-flowered.
bifoliate adjective Having two leaves; two-leaved.
biformity noun A double form.
bifronted adjective Having two fronts.
bifurcate adjective Alt. of Bifurcated, To divide into two branches.
bifurcous adjective See Bifurcate, a.
bigarreau noun Alt. of Bigaroon
bigential adjective Including two tribes or races of men.
biggonnet noun A cap or hood with pieces covering the ears.
bigotedly adverb In the manner of a bigot.
bilabiate adjective Having two lips, as the corols of certain flowers.
bilaminar adjective Alt. of Bilaminate
bilateral adjective Having two sides; arranged upon two sides; affecting two sides or two parties., Of or pertaining to the two sides of a central area or organ, or of a central axis; as, bilateral symmetry in animals, where there is a similarity of parts on the right and left sides of the body.
bilboquet noun The toy called cup and ball.
bildstein noun Same as Agalmatolite.
bilection noun That portion of a group of moldings which projects beyond the general surface of a panel; a bolection.
bilestone noun A gallstone, or biliary calculus. See Biliary.
biliation noun The production and excretion of bile.
bilimbing noun The berries of two East Indian species of Averrhoa, of the Oxalideae or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy for skin diseases.
bilingual adjective Containing, or consisting of, two languages; expressed in two languages; as, a bilingual inscription; a bilingual dictionary.
bilinguar adjective See Bilingual.
bilirubin noun A reddish yellow pigment present in human bile, and in that from carnivorous and herbivorous animals; the normal biliary pigment.
biliteral adjective Consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb., A word, syllable, or root, consisting of two letters.
billboard noun A piece of thick plank, armed with iron plates, and fixed on the bow or fore channels of a vessel, for the bill or fluke of the anchor to rest on., A flat surface, as of a panel or of a fence, on which bills are posted; a bulletin board.
bill book A book in which a person keeps an account of his notes, bills, bills of exchange, etc., thus showing all that he issues and receives.
billeting present participle & vb. noun of Billet
billiards noun A game played with ivory balls o a cloth-covered, rectangular table, bounded by elastic cushions. The player seeks to impel his ball with his cue so that it shall either strike (carom upon) two other balls, or drive another ball into one of the pockets with which the table sometimes is furnished.
billowing present participle & vb. noun of Billow
bilocular adjective Divided into two cells or compartments; as, a bilocular pericarp.
bimastism noun The condition of having two mammae or teats.
bimembral adjective Having two members; as, a bimembral sentence.
bimonthly adjective Occurring, done, or coming, once in two months; as, bimonthly visits; bimonthly publications., A bimonthly publication., Once in two months.
bindingly adverb So as to bind.
binervate adjective Two-nerved; — applied to leaves which have two longitudinal ribs or nerves., Having only two nerves, as the wings of some insects.
biniodide noun Same as Diiodide.
binocular adjective Having two eyes., Pertaining to both eyes; employing both eyes at once; as, binocular vision., Adapted to the use of both eyes; as, a binocular microscope or telescope., A binocular glass, whether opera glass, telescope, or microscope.
binominal adjective Of or pertaining to two names; binomial.
binturong noun A small Asiatic civet of the genus Arctilis.
binuclear adjective Alt. of Binucleate
biogenist noun A believer in the theory of biogenesis.
biognosis noun The investigation of life.
biography noun The written history of a person’s life., Biographical writings in general.
biologist noun A student of biology; one versed in the science of biology.
bipalmate adjective Palmately branched, with the branches again palmated.
bipartile adjective Divisible into two parts.
bipartite adjective Being in two parts; having two correspondent parts, as a legal contract or writing, one for each party; shared by two; as, a bipartite treaty., Divided into two parts almost to the base, as a leaf; consisting of two parts or subdivisions.
bipeltate adjective Having a shell or covering like a double shield.
bipennate adjective Alt. of Bipennated
bipinnate adjective Alt. of Bipinnated
biplicate adjective Twice folded together.
biplicity noun The state of being twice folded; reduplication.
bipontine adjective Relating to books printed at Deuxponts, or Bipontium (Zweibrucken), in Bavaria.
biradiate adjective Alt. of Biradiated
bird cage noun Alt. of Birdcage
bird-eyed adjective Quick-sighted; catching a glance as one goes.
birgander noun See Bergander.
birthless adjective Of mean extraction.
birthmark noun Some peculiar mark or blemish on the body at birth.
birthroot noun An herbaceous plant (Trillium erectum), and its astringent rootstock, which is said to have medicinal properties.
birthwort noun A genus of herbs and shrubs (Aristolochia), reputed to have medicinal properties.
bisaccate adjective Having two little bags, sacs, or pouches.
biscutate adjective Resembling two bucklers placed side by side.
bisecting present participle & vb. noun of Bisect
bisection noun Division into two parts, esp. two equal parts.
bisectrix noun The line bisecting the angle between the optic axes of a biaxial crystal.
bisegment noun One of tow equal parts of a line, or other magnitude.
biseptate adjective With two partitions or septa.
biseriate adjective In two rows or series.
biserrate adjective Doubly serrate, or having the serratures serrate, as in some leaves., Serrate on both sides, as some antennae.
bisexuous adjective Bisexual.
bishoping present participle & vb. noun of Bishop, of Bishop
bishopdom noun Jurisdiction of a bishop; episcopate.
bishopric noun A diocese; the district over which the jurisdiction of a bishop extends., The office of a spiritual overseer, as of an apostle, bishop, or presbyter.
bismillah interj. An adjuration or exclamation common among the Mohammedans.
bismuthal adjective Containing bismuth.
bismuthic adjective Of or pertaining to bismuth; containing bismuth, when this element has its higher valence; as, bismuthic oxide.
bismuthyl noun Hydrous carbonate of bismuth, an earthy mineral of a dull white or yellowish color.
bispinose adjective Having two spines.
bisulcate adjective Having two grooves or furrows., Cloven; said of a foot or hoof.
bisulcous adjective Bisulcate.
bitangent adjective Possessing the property of touching at two points., A line that touches a curve in two points.
biternate adjective Doubly ternate, as when a petiole has three ternate leaflets.
biting in The process of corroding or eating into metallic plates, by means of an acid. See Etch.
bitterful adjective Full of bitterness.
bittering noun A bitter compound used in adulterating beer; bittern.
bitterish adjective Somewhat bitter.
bitternut noun The swamp hickory (Carya amara). Its thin-shelled nuts are bitter.
bivalency noun The quality of being bivalent.
bivalvous adjective Bivalvular.
bivaulted adjective Having two vaults or arches.
biventral adjective Having two bellies or protuberances; as, a biventral, or digastric, muscle, or the biventral lobe of the cerebellum.
bizantine See Byzantine.
black art The art practiced by conjurers and witches; necromancy; conjuration; magic.
blackball noun A composition for blacking shoes, boots, etc.; also, one for taking impressions of engraved work., A ball of black color, esp. one used as a negative in voting; — in this sense usually two words., To vote against, by putting a black ball into a ballot box; to reject or exclude, as by voting against with black balls; to ostracize., To blacken (leather, shoes, etc.) with blacking.
blackband noun An earthy carbonate of iron containing considerable carbonaceous matter; — valuable as an iron ore.
blackbird noun In England, a species of thrush (Turdus merula), a singing bird with a fin note; the merle. In America the name is given to several birds, as the Quiscalus versicolor, or crow blackbird; the Agelaeus phoeniceus, or red-winged blackbird; the cowbird; the rusty grackle, etc. See Redwing.
blackcoat noun A clergyman; — familiarly so called, as a soldier is sometimes called a redcoat or a bluecoat.
blackcock noun The male of the European black grouse (Tetrao tetrix, Linn.); — so called by sportsmen. The female is called gray hen. See Heath grouse.
blackened imp. & past participle of Blacken
blackener noun One who blackens.
blackfeet noun pl. A tribe of North American Indians formerly inhabiting the country from the upper Missouri River to the Saskatchewan, but now much reduced in numbers.
blackfish noun A small kind of whale, of the genus Globicephalus, of several species. The most common is G. melas. Also sometimes applied to other whales of larger size., The tautog of New England (Tautoga)., The black sea bass (Centropristis atrarius) of the Atlantic coast. It is excellent food fish; — locally called also black Harry., A fish of southern Europe (Centrolophus pompilus) of the Mackerel family., The female salmon in the spawning season.
blackfoot adjective Of or pertaining to the Blackfeet; as, a Blackfoot Indian., A Blackfoot Indian.
blackhead noun The scaup duck.
blacklead verb t. To coat or to polish with black lead.
blacklist verb t. To put in a black list as deserving of suspicion, censure, or punishment; esp. to put in a list of persons stigmatized as insolvent or untrustworthy, — as tradesmen and employers do for mutual protection; as, to blacklist a workman who has been discharged. See Black list, under Black, a.
blackmail noun A certain rate of money, corn, cattle, or other thing, anciently paid, in the north of England and south of Scotland, to certain men who were allied to robbers, or moss troopers, to be by them protected from pillage., Payment of money exacted by means of intimidation; also, extortion of money from a person by threats of public accusation, exposure, or censure., Black rent, or rent paid in corn, flesh, or the lowest coin, a opposed to “white rent”, which paid in silver., To extort money from by exciting fears of injury other than bodily harm, as injury to reputation, distress of mind, etc.; as, to blackmail a merchant by threatening to expose an alleged fraud.
blackmoor noun See Blackamoor.
blackness noun The quality or state of being black; black color; atrociousness or enormity in wickedness.
blackpoll noun A warbler of the United States (Dendroica striata).
black rod the usher to the Chapter of the Garter, so called from the black rod which he carries. He is of the king’s chamber, and also usher to the House of Lords., An usher in the legislature of British colonies.
blackroot noun See Colicroot.
blacktail noun A fish; the ruff or pope., The black-tailed deer (Cervus / Cariacus Columbianus) of California and Oregon; also, the mule deer of the Rocky Mountains. See Mule deer.
blackwash noun A lotion made by mixing calomel and lime water., A wash that blackens, as opposed to whitewash; hence, figuratively, calumny.
blackwood noun A name given to several dark-colored timbers. The East Indian black wood is from the tree Dalbergia latifolia.
blackwork noun Work wrought by blacksmiths; — so called in distinction from that wrought by whitesmiths.
bladdered imp. & past participle of Bladder
bladebone noun The scapula. See Blade, 4.
bladefish noun A long, thin, marine fish of Europe (Trichiurus lepturus); the ribbon fish.
blaeberry noun The bilberry.
blameless adjective Free from blame; without fault; innocent; guiltless; — sometimes followed by of.
blanching present participle & vb. noun of Blanch
blandness noun The state or quality of being bland.
blanketed imp. & past participle of Blanket
blankness noun The state of being blank.
blarneyed imp. & past participle of Blarney
blaspheme verb To speak of, or address, with impious irreverence; to revile impiously (anything sacred); as, to blaspheme the Holy Spirit., Figuratively, of persons and things not religiously sacred, but held in high honor: To calumniate; to revile; to abuse., To utter blasphemy.
blasphemy noun An indignity offered to God in words, writing, or signs; impiously irreverent words or signs addressed to, or used in reference to, God; speaking evil of God; also, the act of claiming the attributes or prerogatives of deity., Figuratively, of things held in high honor: Calumny; abuse; vilification.
blastemal adjective Relating to the blastema; rudimentary.
blastment noun A sudden stroke or injury produced by some destructive cause.
blatantly adverb In a blatant manner.
blattered imp. & past participle of Blatter
blatterer noun One who blatters; a babbler; a noisy, blustering boaster.
blazoning present participle & vb. noun of Blazon
bleaberry noun See Blaeberry.
bleaching present participle & vb. noun of Bleach, The act or process of whitening, by removing color or stains; esp. the process of whitening fabrics by chemical agents.
bleachery noun A place or an establishment where bleaching is done.
blemished imp. & past participle of Blemish
blemishes plural of Blemish
blenching present participle & vb. noun of Blench
blennioid adjective Alt. of Blenniid
blessedly adverb Happily; fortunately; joyfully.
bletonism noun The supposed faculty of perceiving subterraneous springs and currents by sensation; — so called from one Bleton, of France.
blighting present participle & vb. noun of Blight, Causing blight.
blindfish noun A small fish (Amblyopsis spelaeus) destitute of eyes, found in the waters of the Mammoth Cave, in Kentucky. Related fishes from other caves take the same name.
blindfold verb t. To cover the eyes of, as with a bandage; to hinder from seeing., Having the eyes covered; blinded; having the mental eye darkened. Hence: Heedless; reckless; as, blindfold zeal; blindfold fury.
blindness noun State or condition of being blind, literally or figuratively.
blindworm noun A small, burrowing, snakelike, limbless lizard (Anguis fragilis), with minute eyes, popularly believed to be blind; the slowworm; — formerly a name for the adder.
blissless adjective Destitute of bliss.
blistered imp. & past participle of Blister
blitheful adjective Gay; full of gayety; joyous.
blockaded imp. & past participle of Blockade
blockader noun One who blockades., A vessel employed in blockading.
blockhead noun A stupid fellow; a dolt; a person deficient in understanding.
blocklike adjective Like a block; stupid.
block tin See under Tin.
blondness noun The state of being blond.
bloodbird noun An Australian honeysucker (Myzomela sanguineolata); — so called from the bright red color of the male bird.
bloodless adjective Destitute of blood, or apparently so; as, bloodless cheeks; lifeless; dead., Not attended with shedding of blood, or slaughter; as, a bloodless victory., Without spirit or activity.
bloodroot noun A plant (Sanguinaria Canadensis), with a red root and red sap, and bearing a pretty, white flower in early spring; — called also puccoon, redroot, bloodwort, tetterwort, turmeric, and Indian paint. It has acrid emetic properties, and the rootstock is used as a stimulant expectorant. See Sanguinaria.
bloodshed noun The shedding or spilling of blood; slaughter; the act of shedding human blood, or taking life, as in war, riot, or murder.
bloodshot adjective Red and inflamed; suffused with blood, or having the vessels turgid with blood, as when the conjunctiva is inflamed or irritated.
bloodwite noun Alt. of Bloodwit
bloodwood noun A tree having the wood or the sap of the color of blood.
bloodwort noun A plant, Rumex sanguineus, or bloody-veined dock. The name is applied also to bloodroot (Sanguinaria Canadensis), and to an extensive order of plants (Haemodoraceae), the roots of many species of which contain a red coloring matter useful in dyeing.
bloodying present participle & vb. noun of Bloody
bloomless adjective Without bloom or flowers.
blossomed imp. & past participle of Blossom
blowpoint noun A child’s game.
blubbered imp. & past participle of Blubber, Swollen; turgid; as, a blubbered lip.
bluebeard noun The hero of a mediaeval French nursery legend, who, leaving home, enjoined his young wife not to open a certain room in his castle. She entered it, and found the murdered bodies of his former wives. — Also used adjectively of a subject which it is forbidden to investigate.
blueberry noun The berry of several species of Vaccinium, an ericaceous genus, differing from the American huckleberries in containing numerous minute seeds instead of ten nutlets. The commonest species are V. Pennsylvanicum and V. vacillans. V. corymbosum is the tall blueberry.
blue book A parliamentary publication, so called from its blue paper covers., The United States official “Biennial Register.”
blue-eyed adjective Having blue eyes.
blue-john noun A name given to fluor spar in Derbyshire, where it is used for ornamental purposes.
blueprint See under Print.
bluestone noun Blue vitriol., A grayish blue building stone, as that commonly used in the eastern United States.
bluffness noun The quality or state of being bluff.
blundered imp. & past participle of Blunder
blunderer noun One who is apt to blunder.
bluntness noun Want of edge or point; dullness; obtuseness; want of sharpness., Abruptness of address; rude plainness.
blushless adjective Free from blushes; incapable of blushing; shameless; impudent.
blustered imp. & past participle of Bluster
blusterer noun One who, or that which, blusters; a noisy swaggerer.
blustrous adjective Blusterous.
boanerges Any declamatory and vociferous preacher or orator.
boardable adjective That can be boarded, as a ship.
boastance noun Boasting.
boastless adjective Without boasting or ostentation.
boathouse noun A house for sheltering boats.
boatswain noun An officer who has charge of the boats, sails, rigging, colors, anchors, cables, cordage, etc., of a ship, and who also summons the crew, and performs other duties., The jager gull., The tropic bird.
boat-tail noun A large grackle or blackbird (Quiscalus major), found in the Southern United States.
boatwomen plural of Boatwoman
boatwoman noun A woman who manages a boat.
bobsleigh noun A short sled, mostly used as one of a pair connected by a reach or coupling; also, the compound sled so formed.
bobtailed adjective Having the tail cut short, or naturally short; curtailed; as, a bobtailed horse or dog; a bobtailed coat.
bock beer A strong beer, originally made in Bavaria.
bodyguard noun A guard to protect or defend the person; a lifeguard., Retinue; attendance; following.
bogsucker noun The American woodcock; — so called from its feeding among the bogs.
boilingly adverb With boiling or ebullition.
bolection noun A projecting molding round a panel. Same as Bilection.
bolognese adjective Of or pertaining to Bologna., A native of Bologna.
bolognian adjective & noun Bolognese.
bolometer noun An instrument for measuring minute quantities of radiant heat, especially in different parts of the spectrum; — called also actinic balance, thermic balance.
bolstered imp. & past participle of Bolster, Supported; upheld., Swelled out.
bolsterer noun A supporter.
boltonite noun A granular mineral of a grayish or yellowish color, found in Bolton, Massachusetts. It is a silicate of magnesium, belonging to the chrysolite family.
boltsprit noun See Bowsprit.
bombarded imp. & past participle of Bombard
bombardon noun Originally, a deep-toned instrument of the oboe or bassoon family; thence, a bass reed stop on the organ. The name bombardon is now given to a brass instrument, the lowest of the saxhorns, in tone resembling the ophicleide.
bombasine noun Same as Bombazine.
bombastic adjective Alt. of Bombastical
bombastry noun Swelling words without much meaning; bombastic language; fustian.
bombazine noun A twilled fabric for dresses, of which the warp is silk, and the weft worsted. Black bombazine has been much used for mourning garments.
bombilate noun To hum; to buzz.
bombinate verb i. To hum; to boom.
bomboloes plural of Bombolo
bombproof adjective Secure against the explosive force of bombs., A structure which heavy shot and shell will not penetrate.
bombshell noun A bomb. See Bomb, n.
bona fide In or with good faith; without fraud or deceit; real or really; actual or actually; genuine or genuinely; as, you must proceed bona fide; a bona fide purchaser or transaction.
bona roba A showy wanton; a courtesan.
boncilate noun A substance composed of ground bone, mineral matters, etc., hardened by pressure, and used for making billiard balls, boxes, etc.
bondslave noun A person in a state of slavery; one whose person and liberty are subjected to the authority of a master.
bondstone noun A stone running through a wall from one face to another, to bind it together; a binding stone.
bondwomen plural of Bondwoman
bondwoman noun A woman who is a slave, or in bondage.
boneblack noun See Bone black, under Bone, n.
bonhommie noun good nature; pleasant and easy manner.
bonnilass noun A “bonny lass”; a beautiful girl.
bonniness noun The quality of being bonny; gayety; handsomeness.
boohooing present participle & vb. noun of Boohoe
bookcraft noun Authorship; literary skill.
bookmaker noun One who writes and publishes books; especially, one who gathers his materials from other books; a compiler., A betting man who “makes a book.” See To make a book, under Book, n.
bookplate noun A label, placed upon or in a book, showing its ownership or its position in a library.
bookshelf noun A shelf to hold books.
bookstall noun A stall or stand where books are sold.
bookstand noun A place or stand for the sale of books in the streets; a bookstall., A stand to hold books for reading or reference.
bookstore noun A store where books are kept for sale; — called in England a bookseller’s shop.
boomerang noun A very singular missile weapon used by the natives of Australia and in some parts of India. It is usually a curved stick of hard wood, from twenty to thirty inches in length, from two to three inches wide, and half or three quarters of an inch thick. When thrown from the hand with a quick rotary motion, it describes very remarkable curves, according to the shape of the instrument and the manner of throwing it, often moving nearly horizontally a long distance, then curving upward to a considerable height, and finally taking a retrograde direction, so as to fall near the place from which it was thrown, or even far in the rear of it.
bootblack noun One who blacks boots.
bootmaker noun One who makes boots.
borborygm noun A rumbling or gurgling noise produced by wind in the bowels.
bordelais adjective Of or pertaining to Bordeaux, in France, or to the district around Bordeaux.
bordeller noun A keeper or a frequenter of a brothel.
bordering present participle & vb. noun of Border
borrowing present participle & vb. noun of Borrow
bosjesman noun See Bushman.
boskiness noun Boscage; also, the state or quality of being bosky.
bosporian adjective Of or pertaining to the Thracian or the Cimmerian Bosporus.
botanical adjective Of or pertaining to botany; relating to the study of plants; as, a botanical system, arrangement, textbook, expedition.
botanized imp. & past participle of Botanize
botanizer noun One who botanizes.
botchedly adverb In a clumsy manner.
botcherly adjective Bungling; awkward.
bothering present participle & vb. noun of Bother
botocudos noun pl. A Brazilian tribe of Indians, noted for their use of poisons; — also called Aymbores.
botryogen noun A hydrous sulphate of iron of a deep red color. It often occurs in botryoidal form.
bottoming present participle & vb. noun of Bottom
boulework noun Same as Buhl, Buhlwork.
boulevard noun Originally, a bulwark or rampart of fortification or fortified town., A public walk or street occupying the site of demolished fortifications. Hence: A broad avenue in or around a city.
boundless adjective Without bounds or confines; illimitable; vast; unlimited.
bounteous adjective Liberal in charity; disposed to give freely; generously liberal; munificent; beneficent; free in bestowing gifts; as, bounteous production.
bountiful adjective Free in giving; liberal in bestowing gifts and favors., Plentiful; abundant; as, a bountiful supply of food.
bouquetin noun The ibex.
bourgeois noun A size of type between long primer and brevier. See Type., A man of middle rank in society; one of the shopkeeping class., Characteristic of the middle class, as in France.
bournless adjective Without a bourn or limit.
bow-bells noun pl. The bells of Bow Church in London; cockneydom.
bowelling of Bowel
bowelless adjective Without pity.
bowstring noun The string of a bow., A string used by the Turks for strangling offenders., To strangle with a bowstring.
bowstrung of Bowstring
boxhauled imp. & past participle of Boxhaul
boxkeeper noun An attendant at a theater who has charge of the boxes.
boycotted imp. & past participle of Boycott
boycotter noun A participant in boycotting.
brachiata noun pl. A division of the Crinoidea, including those furnished with long jointed arms. See Crinoidea.
brachiate adjective Having branches in pairs, decussated, all nearly horizontal, and each pair at right angles with the next, as in the maple and lilac.
brachyura noun pl. A group of decapod Crustacea, including the common crabs, characterized by a small and short abdomen, which is bent up beneath the large cephalo-thorax. [Also spelt Brachyoura.] See Crab, and Illustration in Appendix.
bracketed imp. & past participle of Bracket
bracteate adjective Having a bract or bracts.
bracteole noun Same as Bractlet.
bractless adjective Destitute of bracts.
brahmanic adjective Alt. of ical
brahminic adjective Alt. of ical
brahmoism noun The religious system of Brahmo-somaj.
brainless adjective Without understanding; silly; thoughtless; witless.
brainsick adjective Disordered in the understanding; giddy; thoughtless.
brambling noun The European mountain finch (Fringilla montifringilla); — called also bramble finch and bramble.
branching present participle & vb. noun of Branch, Furnished with branches; shooting our branches; extending in a branch or branches., The act or state of separation into branches; division into branches; a division or branch.
branchery noun A system of branches.
branchiae plural of Branchia
branchial adjective Of or pertaining to branchiae or gills.
branchlet noun A little branch; a twig.
brandling noun Alt. of Brandlin
brand-new adjective Quite new; bright as if fresh from the forge.
brangling present participle & vb. noun of Brangle, A quarrel.
brant-fox noun A kind of fox found in Sweden (Vulpes alopex), smaller than the common fox (V. vulgaris), but probably a variety of it.
bravadoes plural of Bravado
braveness noun The quality of state or being brave.
bravingly adverb In a defiant manner.
brazening present participle & vb. noun of Brazen
brazilian adjective Of or pertaining to Brazil., A native or an inhabitant of Brazil.
breaching present participle & vb. noun of Breach
breadcorn Corn of grain of which bread is made, as wheat, rye, etc.
breadless adjective Without bread; destitute of food.
breadroot noun The root of a leguminous plant (Psoralea esculenta), found near the Rocky Mountains. It is usually oval in form, and abounds in farinaceous matter, affording sweet and palatable food.
breakable adjective Capable of being broken.
breakdown noun The act or result of breaking down, as of a carriage; downfall., A noisy, rapid, shuffling dance engaged in competitively by a number of persons or pairs in succession, as among the colored people of the Southern United States, and so called, perhaps, because the exercise is continued until most of those who take part in it break down., Any rude, noisy dance performed by shuffling the feet, usually by one person at a time.
breakfast noun The first meal in the day, or that which is eaten at the first meal., A meal after fasting, or food in general., To break one’s fast in the morning; too eat the first meal in the day., To furnish with breakfast.
breakneck noun A fall that breaks the neck., A steep place endangering the neck., Producing danger of a broken neck; as, breakneck speed.
breasting present participle & vb. noun of Breast, The curved channel in which a breast wheel turns. It is closely adapted to the curve of the wheel through about a quarter of its circumference, and prevents the escape of the water until it has spent its force upon the wheel. See Breast wheel.
breastpin noun A pin worn on the breast for a fastening, or for ornament; a brooch.
breathing present participle & vb. noun of Breathe, Respiration; the act of inhaling and exhaling air., Air in gentle motion., Any gentle influence or operation; inspiration; as, the breathings of the Spirit., Aspiration; secret prayer., Exercising; promotion of respiration., Utterance; communication or publicity by words., Breathing place; vent., Stop; pause; delay., Also, in a wider sense, the sound caused by the friction of the outgoing breath in the throat, mouth, etc., when the glottis is wide open; aspiration; the sound expressed by the letter h., A mark to indicate aspiration or its absence. See Rough breathing, Smooth breathing, below.
breathful adjective Full of breath; full of odor; fragrant.
breeching present participle & vb. noun of Breech, A whipping on the breech, or the act of whipping on the breech., That part of a harness which passes round the breech of a horse, enabling him to hold back a vehicle., A strong rope rove through the cascabel of a cannon and secured to ringbolts in the ship’s side, to limit the recoil of the gun when it is discharged., The sheet iron casing at the end of boilers to convey the smoke from the flues to the smokestack.
breedbate noun One who breeds or originates quarrels.
bregmatic adjective Pertaining to the bregma.
brettices plural of Brettice
bretwalda noun The official title applied to that one of the Anglo-Saxon chieftains who was chosen by the other chiefs to lead them in their warfare against the British tribes.
brevetted imp. & past participle of Brevet
brevities plural of Brevity
brewhouse noun A house or building appropriated to brewing; a brewery.
bribeless adjective Incapable of being bribed; free from bribes.
briberies plural of Bribery
brickkiln noun A kiln, or furnace, in which bricks are baked or burnt; or a pile of green bricks, laid loose, with arches underneath to receive the wood or fuel for burning them.
brickwork noun Anything made of bricks., The act of building with or laying bricks.
brickyard noun A place where bricks are made, especially an inclosed place.
bride-ale noun A rustic wedding feast; a bridal. See Ale.
bridecake noun Rich or highly ornamented cake, to be distributed to the guests at a wedding, or sent to friends after the wedding.
brideknot noun A knot of ribbons worn by a guest at a wedding; a wedding favor.
bridemaid noun Alt. of Brideman
bridesmen plural of Bridesman
bridesman noun A male friend who attends upon a bridegroom and bride at their marriage; the “best man.”
bridewell noun A house of correction for the confinement of disorderly persons; — so called from a hospital built in 1553 near St. Bride’s (or Bridget’s) well, in London, which was subsequently a penal workhouse.
bridgepot noun The adjustable socket, or step, of a millstone spindle.
bridgeing noun The system of bracing used between floor or other timbers to distribute the weight.
briefless adjective Having no brief; without clients; as, a briefless barrister.
briefness noun The quality of being brief; brevity; conciseness in discourse or writing.
brigading present participle & vb. noun of Brigade
brillante adjective In a gay, showy, and sparkling style.
brillance noun Brilliancy.
brillancy noun The quality of being brilliant; splendor; glitter; great brightness, whether in a literal or figurative sense.
brilliant present participle Sparkling with luster; glittering; very bright; as, a brilliant star., Distinguished by qualities which excite admiration; splendid; shining; as, brilliant talents., A diamond or other gem of the finest cut, formed into faces and facets, so as to reflect and refract the light, by which it is rendered more brilliant. It has at the middle, or top, a principal face, called the table, which is surrounded by a number of sloping facets forming a bizet; below, it has a small face or collet, parallel to the table, connected with the girdle by a pavilion of elongated facets. It is thus distinguished from the rose diamond, which is entirely covered with facets on the surface, and is flat below., The smallest size of type used in England printing., A kind of cotton goods, figured on the weaving.
brimstone verb t. Sulphur; See Sulphur., Made of, or pertaining to, brimstone; as, brimstone matches.
brimstony adjective Containing or resembling brimstone; sulphurous.
brininess noun The state or quality of being briny; saltness; brinishness.
brinjaree noun A rough-haired East Indian variety of the greyhound.
briskness noun Liveliness; vigor in action; quickness; gayety; vivacity; effervescence.
bristling present participle & vb. noun of Bristle
britannia noun A white-metal alloy of tin, antimony, bismuth, copper, etc. It somewhat resembles silver, and is used for table ware. Called also Britannia metal.
britannic adjective Of or pertaining to Great Britain; British; as, her Britannic Majesty.
briticism noun A word, phrase, or idiom peculiar to Great Britain; any manner of using a word or words that is peculiar to Great Britain.
britisher noun An Englishman; a subject or inhabitant of Great Britain, esp. one in the British military or naval service.
brittlely adverb In a brittle manner.
broaching present participle & vb. noun of Broach
broadbill noun A wild duck (Aythya, / Fuligula, marila), which appears in large numbers on the eastern coast of the United States, in autumn; — called also bluebill, blackhead, raft duck, and scaup duck. See Scaup duck., The shoveler. See Shoveler.
broadbrim noun A hat with a very broad brim, like those worn by men of the society of Friends., A member of the society of Friends; a Quaker.
broadcast noun A casting or throwing seed in all directions, as from the hand in sowing., Cast or dispersed in all directions, as seed from the hand in sowing; widely diffused., Scattering in all directions (as a method of sowing); — opposed to planting in hills, or rows., So as to scatter or be scattered in all directions; so as to spread widely, as seed from the hand in sowing, or news from the press.
broadened imp. & past participle of Broaden
broadleaf noun A tree (Terminalia latifolia) of Jamaica, the wood of which is used for boards, scantling, shingles, etc; — sometimes called the almond tree, from the shape of its fruit.
broadness noun The condition or quality of being broad; breadth; coarseness; grossness.
broadseal verb t. To stamp with the broad seal; to make sure; to guarantee or warrant.
broadside noun The side of a ship above the water line, from the bow to the quarter., A discharge of or from all the guns on one side of a ship, at the same time., A volley of abuse or denunciation., A sheet of paper containing one large page, or printed on one side only; — called also broadsheet.
broadwise adverb Breadthwise.
broidered imp. & past participle of Broider
broiderer noun One who embroiders.
brokerage noun The business or employment of a broker., The fee, reward, or commission, given or changed for transacting business as a broker.
brominate verb t. See Bromate, v. t.
bromoform noun A colorless liquid, CHBr3, having an agreeable odor and sweetish taste. It is produced by the simultaneous action of bromine and caustic potash upon wood spirit, alcohol, or acetone, as also by certain other reactions. In composition it is the same as chloroform, with the substitution of bromine for chlorine. It is somewhat similar to chloroform in its effects.
bromyrite noun Silver bromide, a rare mineral; — called also bromargyrite.
bronchial adjective Belonging to the bronchi and their ramifications in the lungs.
brooklime noun A plant (Veronica Beccabunga), with flowers, usually blue, in axillary racemes. The American species is V. Americana.
brookside noun The bank of a brook.
brookweed noun A small white-flowered herb (Samolus Valerandi) found usually in wet places; water pimpernel.
brotheler noun One who frequents brothels.
brothelry noun Lewdness; obscenity; a brothel.
brothered imp. & past participle of Brother
brotherly adjective Of or pertaining to brothers; such as is natural for brothers; becoming to brothers; kind; affectionate; as, brotherly love., Like a brother; affectionately; kindly.
browbound adjective Crowned; having the head encircled as with a diadem.
brownback noun The dowitcher or red-breasted snipe. See Dowitcher.
brownness noun The quality or state of being brown.
brownwort noun A species of figwort or Scrophularia (S. vernalis), and other species of the same genus, mostly perennials with inconspicuous coarse flowers.
bruckeled adjective Wet and dirty; begrimed.
brummagem adjective Counterfeit; gaudy but worthless; sham.
brunonian adjective Pertaining to, or invented by, Brown; — a term applied to a system of medicine promulgated in the 18th century by John Brown, of Scotland, the fundamental doctrine of which was, that life is a state of excitation produced by the normal action of external agents upon the body, and that disease consists in excess or deficiency of excitation.
brushwood noun Brush; a thicket or coppice of small trees and shrubs., Small branches of trees cut off.
brustling present participle & vb. noun of Brustle
brutalism noun Brutish quality; brutality.
brutality noun The quality of being brutal; inhumanity; savageness; pitilessness., An inhuman act.
brutalize verb t. To make brutal; beasty; unfeeling; or inhuman., To become brutal, inhuman, barbarous, or coarse and beasty.
bruteness noun Brutality., Insensibility.
brutified imp. & past participle of Brutify
bryophyta noun pl. See Cryptogamia.
buccaneer noun A robber upon the sea; a pirate; — a term applied especially to the piratical adventurers who made depredations on the Spaniards in America in the 17th and 18th centuries., To act the part of a buccaneer; to live as a piratical adventurer or sea robber.
buccinoid adjective Resembling the genus Buccinum, or pertaining to the Buccinidae, a family of marine univalve shells. See Whelk, and Prosobranchiata.
bucentaur noun A fabulous monster, half ox, half man., The state barge of Venice, used by the doge in the ceremony of espousing the Adriatic.
buck bean A plant (Menyanthes trifoliata) which grows in moist and boggy places, having racemes of white or reddish flowers and intensely bitter leaves, sometimes used in medicine; marsh trefoil; — called also bog bean.
buckboard noun A four-wheeled vehicle, having a long elastic board or frame resting on the bolsters or axletrees, and a seat or seats placed transversely upon it; — called also buck wagon.
buck-eyed adjective Having bad or speckled eyes.
buckhound noun A hound for hunting deer.
buckstall noun A toil or net to take deer.
buckthorn noun A genus (Rhamnus) of shrubs or trees. The shorter branches of some species terminate in long spines or thorns. See Rhamnus.
bucktooth noun Any tooth that juts out.
buckwheat noun A plant (Fagopyrum esculentum) of the Polygonum family, the seed of which is used for food., The triangular seed used, when ground, for griddle cakes, etc.
bucolical adjective Bucolic.
bucranium noun A sculptured ornament, representing an ox skull adorned with wreaths, etc.
budgeness noun Sternness; severity.
buffaloes plural of Buffalo
buffeting present participle & vb. noun of Buffet, A striking with the hand., A succession of blows; continued violence, as of winds or waves; afflictions; adversity.
buffoonly adjective Low; vulgar.
bugginess adjective The state of being infested with bugs.
bugleweed noun A plant of the Mint family and genus Lycopus; esp. L. Virginicus, which has mild narcotic and astringent properties, and is sometimes used as a remedy for hemorrhage.
buglosses plural of Bugloss
buhrstone noun A cellular, flinty rock, used for mill stones.
bulkiness noun Greatness in bulk; size.
bullantic adjective Pertaining to, or used in, papal bulls.
bullaries plural of Bullary
bulldozed imp. & past participle of Bulldoze
bulldozer noun One who bulldozes.
bullfaced adjective Having a large face.
bullfeast noun See Bullfight.
bullfight noun Alt. of Bullfighting
bullfinch noun A bird of the genus Pyrrhula and other related genera, especially the P. vulgaris / rubicilla, a bird of Europe allied to the grosbeak, having the breast, cheeks, and neck, red.
bullition verb i. The action of boiling; boiling. [Obs.] See Ebullition.
bullyrock noun A bully.
bulwarked imp. & past participle of Bulwark
bumbeloes plural of Bumbelo
bumblebee noun A large bee of the genus Bombus, sometimes called humblebee; — so named from its sound.
bumptious adjective Self-conceited; forward; pushing.
bunodonta noun pl. Alt. of Bunodonts
bunodonts noun pl. A division of the herbivorous mammals including the hogs and hippopotami; — so called because the teeth are tuberculated.
burdelais noun A sort of grape.
burdening present participle & vb. noun of Burden
burdenous adjective Burdensome.
burggrave noun Originally, one appointed to the command of a burg (fortress or castle); but the title afterward became hereditary, with a domain attached.
burghbote noun A contribution toward the building or repairing of castles or walls for the defense of a city or town.
burghmote noun A court or meeting of a burgh or borough; a borough court held three times yearly.
burglarer noun A burglar.
burlesque adjective Tending to excite laughter or contempt by extravagant images, or by a contrast between the subject and the manner of treating it, as when a trifling subject is treated with mock gravity; jocular; ironical., Ludicrous representation; exaggerated parody; grotesque satire., An ironical or satirical composition intended to excite laughter, or to ridicule anything., A ludicrous imitation; a caricature; a travesty; a gross perversion., To ridicule, or to make ludicrous by grotesque representation in action or in language., To employ burlesque.
burliness noun Quality of being burly.
burniebee noun The ladybird.
burnished imp. & past participle of Burnish
burnisher noun One who burnishes., A tool with a hard, smooth, rounded end or surface, as of steel, ivory, or agate, used in smoothing or polishing by rubbing. It has a variety of forms adapted to special uses.
burrowing present participle & vb. noun of Burrow
burrstone noun See Buhrstone.
bursiform adjective Shaped like a purse.
burstwort noun A plant (Herniaria glabra) supposed to be valuable for the cure of hernia or rupture.
bushelage noun A duty payable on commodities by the bushel.
bushelman noun A tailor’s assistant for repairing garments; — called also busheler.
bushiness noun The condition or quality of being bushy.
butchered imp. & past participle of Butcher
butcherly adjective Like a butcher; without compunction; savage; bloody; inhuman; fell.
butlerage noun A duty of two shillings on every tun of wine imported into England by merchant strangers; — so called because paid to the king’s butler for the king.
buttering present participle & vb. noun of Butter
butterbur noun A broad-leaved plant (Petasites vulgaris) of the Composite family, said to have been used in England for wrapping up pats of butter.
buttercup noun A plant of the genus Ranunculus, or crowfoot, particularly R. bulbosus, with bright yellow flowers; — called also butterflower, golden cup, and kingcup. It is the cuckoobud of Shakespeare.
butterfly noun A general name for the numerous species of diurnal Lepidoptera.
butterine noun A substance prepared from animal fat with some other ingredients intermixed, as an imitation of butter.
buttermen plural of Butterman
butterman noun A man who makes or sells butter.
butternut noun An American tree (Juglans cinerea) of the Walnut family, and its edible fruit; — so called from the oil contained in the latter. Sometimes called oil nut and white walnut., The nut of the Caryocar butyrosum and C. nuciferum, of S. America; — called also Souari nut.
butteries plural of Buttery
but-thorn noun The common European starfish (Asterias rubens).
buttoning present participle & vb. noun of Button
butt weld See Butt weld, under Butt.
buzzardet noun A hawk resembling the buzzard, but with legs relatively longer.
buzzingly adverb In a buzzing manner; with a buzzing sound.
by-bidder noun One who bids at an auction in behalf of the auctioneer or owner, for the purpose of running up the price of articles.
by-corner noun A private corner.
by-speech noun An incidental or casual speech, not directly relating to the point.
byssolite noun An olive-green fibrous variety of hornblende.
bystander noun One who stands near; a spectator; one who has no concern with the business transacting.
by-street noun A separate, private, or obscure street; an out of the way or cross street.
by-stroke noun An accidental or a slyly given stroke.
byzantine noun A gold coin, so called from being coined at Byzantium. See Bezant., Of or pertaining to Byzantium., A native or inhabitant of Byzantium, now Constantinople; sometimes, applied to an inhabitant of the modern city of Constantinople.
byzantian adjective & noun See Byzantine.