9 letter word starting with bat

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
batailled adjective Embattled.
batardeau noun A cofferdam., A wall built across the ditch of a fortification, with a sluice gate to regulate the height of water in the ditch on both sides of the wall.
batfowler noun One who practices or finds sport in batfowling.
bathybius noun A name given by Prof. Huxley to a gelatinous substance found in mud dredged from the Atlantic and preserved in alcohol. He supposed that it was free living protoplasm, covering a large part of the ocean bed. It is now known that the substance is of chemical, not of organic, origin.
batrachia noun pl. The order of amphibians which includes the frogs and toads; the Anura. Sometimes the word is used in a wider sense as equivalent to Amphibia.
battalion noun A body of troops; esp. a body of troops or an army in battle array., A regiment, or two or more companies of a regiment, esp. when assembled for drill or battle., To form into battalions.
battening present participle & vb. noun of Batten, Furring done with small pieces nailed directly upon the wall.
battering present participle & vb. noun of Batter
batteries plural of Battery
battle-ax noun Alt. of Battle-axe
battology noun A needless repetition of words in speaking or writing.