9 letter word starting with be

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
beaconing present participle & vb. noun of Beacon
beaconage noun Money paid for the maintenance of a beacon; also, beacons, collectively.
beadhouse noun Alt. of Bedehouse
bedehouse noun An almshouse for poor people who pray daily for their benefactors., Same as Beadhouse.
beadsnake noun A small poisonous snake of North America (Elaps fulvius), banded with yellow, red, and black.
beaminess noun The state of being beamy.
beamingly adverb In a beaming manner; radiantly.
beam tree A tree (Pyrus aria) related to the apple.
bearberry noun A trailing plant of the heath family (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), having leaves which are tonic and astringent, and glossy red berries of which bears are said to be fond.
beardless adjective Without a beard. Hence: Not having arrived at puberty or manhood; youthful., Destitute of an awn; as, beardless wheat.
bearhound noun A hound for baiting or hunting bears.
beasthood noun State or nature of a beast.
beastings noun pl. See Biestings.
beastlike adjective Like a beast.
beatified imp. & past participle of Beatify
beatitude noun Felicity of the highest kind; consummate bliss., Any one of the nine declarations (called the Beatitudes), made in the Sermon on the Mount (Matt. v. 3-12), with regard to the blessedness of those who are distinguished by certain specified virtues., Beatification.
beauseant noun The black and white standard of the Knights Templars.
beauteous adjective Full of beauty; beautiful; very handsome.
beautiful adjective Having the qualities which constitute beauty; pleasing to the sight or the mind.
bebeerine noun Alt. of Bebirine
beblubber verb t. To make swollen and disfigured or sullied by weeping; as, her eyes or cheeks were beblubbered.
becalming noun of Becalm
beccafico noun A small bird. (Silvia hortensis), which is highly prized by the Italians for the delicacy of its flesh in the autumn, when it has fed on figs, grapes, etc.
beckoning present participle & vb. noun of Beckon
beclipped imp. & past participle of Beclip
beclouded imp. & past participle of Becloud
becripple verb t. To make a cripple of; to cripple; to lame.
bedabbled imp. & past participle of Bedabble
bedashing present participle & vb. noun of Bedash
bedaubing present participle & vb. noun of Bedaub
bedazzled imp. & past participle of Bedazzle
bedecking present participle & vb. noun of Bedeck
bedfellow noun One who lies with another in the same bed; a person who shares one’s couch.
bedighted of Bedight
bedimming present participle & vb. noun of Bedim
bedlamite noun An inhabitant of a madhouse; a madman.
bedrabble verb t. To befoul with rain and mud; to drabble.
bedraggle verb t. To draggle; to soil, as garments which, in walking, are suffered to drag in dust, mud, etc.
bedribble verb t. To dribble upon.
bedridden verb i. Confined to the bed by sickness or infirmity.
bedrizzle verb t. To drizzle upon.
bed screw A form of jack screw for lifting large bodies, and assisting in launching., A long screw formerly used to fasten a bedpost to one of the adjacent side pieces.
bedspread noun A bedquilt; a counterpane; a coverlet.
bedstaves plural of Bedstaff
bed steps Steps for mounting a bed of unusual height.
bedwarfed imp. & past participle of Bedwarf
bee-eater noun A bird of the genus Merops, that feeds on bees. The European species (M. apiaster) is remarkable for its brilliant colors., An African bird of the genus Rhinopomastes.
beefeater noun One who eats beef; hence, a large, fleshy person., One of the yeomen of the guard, in England., An African bird of the genus Buphaga, which feeds on the larvae of botflies hatched under the skin of oxen, antelopes, etc. Two species are known.
beefsteak noun A steak of beef; a slice of beef broiled or suitable for broiling.
beelzebub noun The title of a heathen deity to whom the Jews ascribed the sovereignty of the evil spirits; hence, the Devil or a devil. See Baal.
beemaster noun One who keeps bees.
beerhouse noun A house where malt liquors are sold; an alehouse.
beeriness noun Beery condition.
beestings noun Same as Biestings., The first milk given by a cow after calving.
befalling present participle & vb. noun of Befall
befitting present participle & vb. noun of Befit, Suitable; proper; becoming; fitting.
beflatter verb t. To flatter excessively.
befogging present participle & vb. noun of Befog
befooling present participle & vb. noun of Befool
befortune verb t. To befall.
befouling present participle & vb. noun of Befoul
befuddled imp. & past participle of Befuddle
begemming present participle & vb. noun of Begem
begetting present participle & vb. noun of Beget
beggaring present participle & vb. noun of Beggar
beggarism noun Beggary.
beginning present participle & vb. noun of Begin, The act of doing that which begins anything; commencement of an action, state, or space of time; entrance into being or upon a course; the first act, effort, or state of a succession of acts or states., That which begins or originates something; the first cause; origin; source., That which is begun; a rudiment or element., Enterprise.
begirding present participle & vb. noun of Begird
beglerbeg noun The governor of a province of the Ottoman empire, next in dignity to the grand vizier.
begriming present participle & vb. noun of Begrime
begrudged imp. & past participle of Begrudge
beguiling present participle & vb. noun of Beguile, Alluring by guile; deluding; misleading; diverting.
beguinage noun A collection of small houses surrounded by a wall and occupied by a community of Beguines.
beheading present participle & vb. noun of Behead
beholding present participle & vb. noun of Behold, Obliged; beholden., The act of seeing; sight; also, that which is beheld.
behooving present participle & vb. noun of Behoove
bejeweled imp. & past participle of Bejewel
belabored imp. & past participle of Belabor
beleaguer verb t. To surround with an army so as to preclude escape; to besiege; to blockade.
belecture verb t. To vex with lectures; to lecture frequently.
belemnite noun A conical calcareous fossil, tapering to a point at the lower extremity, with a conical cavity at the other end, where it is ordinarily broken; but when perfect it contains a small chambered cone, called the phragmocone, prolonged, on one side, into a delicate concave blade; the thunderstone. It is the internal shell of a cephalopod related to the sepia, and belonging to an extinct family. The belemnites are found in rocks of the Jurassic and Cretaceous ages.
belepered imp. & past participle of Beleper
beliefful adjective Having belief or faith.
believing present participle & vb. noun of Believe, That believes; having belief.
belittled imp. & past participle of Belittle
bellibone noun A woman excelling both in beauty and goodness; a fair maid.
bellicose adjective Inclined to war or contention; warlike; pugnacious.
bellicous adjective Bellicose.
bellowing present participle & vb. noun of Bellow
bellyache noun Pain in the bowels; colic.
bellyband noun A band that passes under the belly of a horse and holds the saddle or harness in place; a girth., A band of flannel or other cloth about the belly., A band of canvas, to strengthen a sail.
belly-god noun One whose great pleasure it is to gratify his appetite; a glutton; an epicure.
belomancy noun A kind of divination anciently practiced by means of marked arrows drawn at random from a bag or quiver, the marks on the arrows drawn being supposed to foreshow the future.
belonging present participle & vb. noun of Belong, That which belongs to one; that which pertains to one; hence, goods or effects., That which is connected with a principal or greater thing; an appendage; an appurtenance., Family; relations; household.
belvedere noun A small building, or a part of a building, more or less open, constructed in a place commanding a fine prospect.
belzebuth noun A spider monkey (Ateles belzebuth) of Brazil.
bemeeting present participle & vb. noun of Bemeet
bemoaning present participle & vb. noun of Bemoan
bemonster verb t. To make monstrous or like a monster.
benedight adjective Blessed.
beneficed imp. & past participle of Benefice, Possessed of a benefice or church preferment.
benefited imp. & past participle of Benefit
benefiter noun One who confers a benefit; — also, one who receives a benefit.
bengalese adjective Of or pertaining to Bengal., A native or natives of Bengal.
benighted imp. & past participle of Benight
benignant adjective Kind; gracious; favorable.
benignity noun The quality of being benign; goodness; kindness; graciousness., Mildness; gentleness., Salubrity; wholesome quality.
benjamite noun A descendant of Benjamin; one of the tribe of Benjamin.
benthamic adjective Of or pertaining to Bentham or Benthamism.
benumbing present participle & vb. noun of Benumb
benzamide noun A transparent crystalline substance, C6H5.CO.NH2, obtained by the action of ammonia upon chloride of benzoyl, as also by several other reactions with benzoyl compounds.
benzoline noun Same as Benzole., Same as Amarine.
bepinched imp. & past participle of Bepinch
beplaster verb t. To plaster over; to cover or smear thickly; to bedaub.
bequethen old p. p. of Bequeath.
beraining present participle & vb. noun of Berain
berberine noun An alkaloid obtained, as a bitter, yellow substance, from the root of the barberry, gold thread, and other plants.
bergander noun A European duck (Anas tadorna). See Sheldrake.
bergomask noun A rustic dance, so called in ridicule of the people of Bergamo, in Italy, once noted for their clownishness.
berhyming present participle & vb. noun of Berhyme
berna fly A Brazilian dipterous insect of the genus Trypeta, which lays its eggs in the nostrils or in wounds of man and beast, where the larvae do great injury.
berserker noun One of a class of legendary heroes, who fought frenzied by intoxicating liquors, and naked, regardless of wounds., One who fights as if frenzied, like a Berserker.
berylline adjective Like a beryl; of a light or bluish green color.
beryllium noun A metallic element found in the beryl. See Glucinum.
berylloid noun A solid consisting of a double twelve-sided pyramid; — so called because the planes of this form occur on crystals of beryl.
bescatter verb t. To scatter over., To cover sparsely by scattering (something); to strew.
bescratch verb t. To tear with the nails; to cover with scratches.
bescumber verb t. Alt. of Bescummer
bescummer verb t. To discharge ordure or dung upon.
beseecher noun One who beseeches.
beseeming present participle & vb. noun of Beseem, Appearance; look; garb., Comeliness., Becoming; suitable.
besetting present participle & vb. noun of Beset, Habitually attacking, harassing, or pressing upon or about; as, a besetting sin.
besetment noun The act of besetting, or the state of being beset; also, that which besets one, as a sin.
beshining present participle & vb. noun of Beshine
besieging present participle & vb. noun of Besiege, That besieges; laying siege to.
beslabber verb t. To beslobber.
beslobber verb t. To slobber on; to smear with spittle running from the mouth. Also Fig.: as, to beslobber with praise.
beslubber verb t. To beslobber.
besmeared imp. & past participle of Besmear
besmearer noun One that besmears.
besmutted imp. & past participle of Besmut
besotting present participle & vb. noun of Besot
bespangle verb t. To adorn with spangles; to dot or sprinkle with something brilliant or glittering.
bespatter verb t. To soil by spattering; to sprinkle, esp. with dirty water, mud, or anything which will leave foul spots or stains., To asperse with calumny or reproach.
bespeaker noun One who bespeaks.
bespeckle verb t. To mark with speckles or spots.
bespitten of Bespit
bespotted imp. & past participle of Bespot
bestarred imp. & past participle of Bestar
besteaded of Bestead
bestially adverb In a bestial manner.
bestirred imp. & past participle of Bestir
bestowing present participle & vb. noun of Bestow
bestrewed imp. of Bestrew, of Bestrew
bestudded imp. & past participle of Bestud
betel nut The nutlike seed of the areca palm, chewed in the East with betel leaves (whence its name) and shell lime.
bethought imp. & past participle of Bethink, imp. & p. p. of Bethink.
bethlehem noun A hospital for lunatics; — corrupted into bedlam., In the Ethiopic church, a small building attached to a church edifice, in which the bread for the eucharist is made.
bethumped imp. & past participle of Bethump
betokened imp. & past participle of Betoken
betrapped imp. & past participle of Betrap
betraying present participle & vb. noun of Betray
betrimmed imp. & past participle of Betrim
betrothed imp. & past participle of Betroth
betrothal noun The act of betrothing, or the fact of being betrothed; a mutual promise, engagement, or contract for a future marriage between the persons betrothed; betrothment; affiance.
bettering present participle & vb. noun of Better
betumbled imp. & past participle of Betumble
betutored imp. & past participle of Betutor
bevelling of Bevel
bevelment noun The replacement of an edge by two similar planes, equally inclined to the including faces or adjacent planes.
bewailing present participle & vb. noun of Bewail, Wailing over; lamenting.
beweeping present participle & vb. noun of Beweep
bewitched imp. & past participle of Bewitch
bewitcher noun One who bewitches.
bewrapped imp. & past participle of Bewrap
bewraying present participle & vb. noun of Bewray
bewrought adjective Embroidered.
bezoardic adjective Pertaining to, or compounded with, bezoar., A medicine containing bezoar.
bezoartic adjective Alt. of Bezoartical