9 letter word starting with bil

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
bilabiate adjective Having two lips, as the corols of certain flowers.
bilaminar adjective Alt. of Bilaminate
bilateral adjective Having two sides; arranged upon two sides; affecting two sides or two parties., Of or pertaining to the two sides of a central area or organ, or of a central axis; as, bilateral symmetry in animals, where there is a similarity of parts on the right and left sides of the body.
bilboquet noun The toy called cup and ball.
bildstein noun Same as Agalmatolite.
bilection noun That portion of a group of moldings which projects beyond the general surface of a panel; a bolection.
bilestone noun A gallstone, or biliary calculus. See Biliary.
biliation noun The production and excretion of bile.
bilimbing noun The berries of two East Indian species of Averrhoa, of the Oxalideae or Sorrel family. They are very acid, and highly esteemed when preserved or pickled. The juice is used as a remedy for skin diseases.
bilingual adjective Containing, or consisting of, two languages; expressed in two languages; as, a bilingual inscription; a bilingual dictionary.
bilinguar adjective See Bilingual.
bilirubin noun A reddish yellow pigment present in human bile, and in that from carnivorous and herbivorous animals; the normal biliary pigment.
biliteral adjective Consisting of two letters; as, a biliteral root of a Sanskrit verb., A word, syllable, or root, consisting of two letters.
billboard noun A piece of thick plank, armed with iron plates, and fixed on the bow or fore channels of a vessel, for the bill or fluke of the anchor to rest on., A flat surface, as of a panel or of a fence, on which bills are posted; a bulletin board.
bill book A book in which a person keeps an account of his notes, bills, bills of exchange, etc., thus showing all that he issues and receives.
billeting present participle & vb. noun of Billet
billiards noun A game played with ivory balls o a cloth-covered, rectangular table, bounded by elastic cushions. The player seeks to impel his ball with his cue so that it shall either strike (carom upon) two other balls, or drive another ball into one of the pockets with which the table sometimes is furnished.
billowing present participle & vb. noun of Billow
bilocular adjective Divided into two cells or compartments; as, a bilocular pericarp.