9 letter word starting with col

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
colaborer noun One who labors with another; an associate in labor.
colchicum noun A genus of bulbous-rooted plants found in many parts of Europe, including the meadow saffron.
colcothar noun Polishing rouge; a reddish brown oxide of iron, used in polishing glass, and also as a pigment; — called also crocus Martis.
coldfinch noun A British wagtail.
cold-shut adjective Closed while too cold to become thoroughly welded; — said of a forging or casting., An imperfection caused by such insufficient welding.
colegoose noun See Coalgoose.
colemouse noun See Coletit.
coleopter noun One of the Coleoptera.
coleperch noun A kind of small black perch.
colestaff noun See Colstaff.
colicroot noun A bitter American herb of the Bloodwort family, with the leaves all radical, and the small yellow or white flowers in a long spike (Aletris farinosa and A. aurea). Called sometimes star grass, blackroot, blazing star, and unicorn root.
collapsed imp. & past participle of Collapse
collaring present participle & vb. noun of Collar
collating present participle & vb. noun of Collate
collation verb t. The act of collating or comparing; a comparison of one copy er thing (as of a book, or manuscript) with another of a like kind; comparison, in general., The gathering and examination of sheets preparatory to binding., The act of conferring or bestowing., A conference., The presentation of a clergyman to a benefice by a bishop, who has it in his own gift., The act of comparing the copy of any paper with its original to ascertain its conformity., The report of the act made by the proper officers., The right which an heir has of throwing the whole heritable and movable estates of the deceased into one mass, and sharing it equally with others who are of the same degree of kindred., A collection of the Lives of the Fathers or other devout work read daily in monasteries., A light repast or luncheon; as, a cold collation; — first applied to the refreshment on fast days that accompanied the reading of the collation in monasteries., To partake of a collation.
collative adjective Passing or held by collation; — said of livings of which the bishop and the patron are the same person.
colleague noun A partner or associate in some civil or ecclesiastical office or employment. It is never used of partners in trade or manufactures., To unite or associate with another or with others.
collected imp. & past participle of Collect, Gathered together., Self-possessed; calm; composed.
collector noun One who collects things which are separate; esp., one who makes a business or practice of collecting works of art, objects in natural history, etc.; as, a collector of coins., A compiler of books; one who collects scattered passages and puts them together in one book., An officer appointed and commissioned to collect and receive customs, duties, taxes, or toll., One authorized to collect debts., A bachelor of arts in Oxford, formerly appointed to superintend some scholastic proceedings in Lent.
collegial noun Collegiate.
collegian noun A member of a college, particularly of a literary institution so called; a student in a college.
collidine noun One of a class of organic bases, C8H11N, usually pungent oily liquids, belonging to the pyridine series, and obtained from bone oil, coal tar, naphtha, and certain alkaloids.
colligate verb t. To tie or bind together., To bring together by colligation; to sum up in a single proposition., Bound together.
collimate verb t. To render parallel to a certain line or direction; to bring into the same line, as the axes of telescopes, etc.; to render parallel, as rays of light.
collingly adverb With embraces.
collision noun The act of striking together; a striking together, as of two hard bodies; a violent meeting, as of railroad trains; a clashing., A state of opposition; antagonism; interference.
collisive adjective Colliding; clashing.
collocate adjective Set; placed., To set or place; to set; to station.
collodion noun A solution of pyroxylin (soluble gun cotton) in ether containing a varying proportion of alcohol. It is strongly adhesive, and is used by surgeons as a coating for wounds; but its chief application is as a vehicle for the sensitive film in photography.
collodium noun See Collodion.
colloidal adjective Pertaining to, or of the nature of, colloids.
colluding present participle & vb. noun of Collude
collusion noun A secret agreement and cooperation for a fraudulent or deceitful purpose; a playing into each other’s hands; deceit; fraud; cunning., An agreement between two or more persons to defraud a person of his rights, by the forms of law, or to obtain an object forbidden by law.
collusive adjective Characterized by collusion; done or planned in collusion., Acting in collusion.
collusory adjective Collusive.
collutory noun A medicated wash for the mouth.
collybist noun A money changer.
collyrium noun An application to the eye, usually an eyewater.
colocynth noun The light spongy pulp of the fruit of the bitter cucumber (Citrullus, / Cucumis, colocynthis), an Asiatic plant allied to the watermelon; coloquintida. It comes in white balls, is intensely bitter, and a powerful cathartic. Called also bitter apple, bitter cucumber, bitter gourd.
colombier noun A large size of paper for drawings. See under Paper.
colonelcy noun The office, rank, or commission of a colonel.
colonical adjective Of or pertaining to husbandmen.
colonitis noun See Colitis.
colonized imp. & past participle of Colonize
colonizer noun One who promotes or establishes a colony; a colonist.
colonnade noun A series or range of columns placed at regular intervals with all the adjuncts, as entablature, stylobate, roof, etc.
colophany noun See Colophony.
colophene noun A colorless, oily liquid, formerly obtained by distillation of colophony. It is regarded as a polymeric form of terebenthene. Called also diterebene.
colophony noun Rosin.
colorable adjective Specious; plausible; having an appearance of right or justice.
colorific adjective Capable of communicating color or tint to other bodies.
colorless adjective Without color; not distinguished by any hue; transparent; as, colorless water., Free from any manifestation of partial or peculiar sentiment or feeling; not disclosing likes, dislikes, prejudice, etc.; as, colorless music; a colorless style; definitions should be colorless.
colossean adjective Colossal.
colosseum noun The amphitheater of Vespasian in Rome.
colostrum noun The first milk secreted after delivery; biestings., A mixture of turpentine and the yolk of an egg, formerly used as an emulsion.
colporter noun Same as Colporteur.
coltsfoot noun A perennial herb (Tussilago Farfara), whose leaves and rootstock are sometimes employed in medicine.
colubrine adjective like or related to snakes of the genus Coluber., Like a snake; cunning; crafty.
columbary noun A dovecote; a pigeon house.
columbate noun A salt of columbic acid; a niobate. See Columbium.
columbiad noun A form of seacoast cannon; a long, chambered gun designed for throwing shot or shells with heavy charges of powder, at high angles of elevation.
columbian adjective Of or pertaining to the United States, or to America.
columbier noun See Colombier.
columbine adjective Of or pertaining to a dove; dovelike; dove-colored., A plant of several species of the genus Aquilegia; as, A. vulgaris, or the common garden columbine; A. Canadensis, the wild red columbine of North America., The mistress or sweetheart of Harlequin in pantomimes.
columbite noun A mineral of a black color, submetallic luster, and high specific specific gravity. It is a niobate (or columbate) of iron and manganese, containing tantalate of iron; — first found in New England.
columbium noun A rare element of the vanadium group, first found in a variety of the mineral columbite occurring in Connecticut, probably at Haddam. Atomic weight 94.2. Symbol Cb or Nb. Now more commonly called niobium.
columella noun An axis to which a carpel of a compound pistil may be attached, as in the case of the geranium; or which is left when a pod opens., A columnlike axis in the capsules of mosses., A term applied to various columnlike parts; as, the columella, or epipterygoid bone, in the skull of many lizards; the columella of the ear, the bony or cartilaginous rod connecting the tympanic membrane with the internal ear., The upright pillar in the axis of most univalve shells., The central pillar or axis of the calicles of certain corals.