9 letter word starting with cross

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
crossbeak noun Same as Crossbill.
crossbeam noun A girder., A beam laid across the bitts, to which the cable is fastened when riding at anchor.
crossbill A bill brought by a defendant, in an equity or chancery suit, against the plaintiff, respecting the matter in question in that suit., A bird of the genus Loxia, allied to the finches. Their mandibles are strongly curved and cross each other; the crossbeak.
crossbite noun A deception; a cheat., To deceive; to trick; to gull.
crossbred adjective Produced by mixing distinct breeds; mongrel.
cross-bun noun A bun or cake marked with a cross, and intended to be eaten on Good Friday.
crossette noun A return in one of the corners of the architrave of a door or window; — called also ancon, ear, elbow., The shoulder of a joggled keystone.
cross-eye noun See Strabismus.
crossfish noun A starfish.
crossflow verb i. To flow across, or in a contrary direction.
crossnath verb t. To shade by means of crosshatching.
crosshead noun A beam or bar across the head or end of a rod, etc., or a block attached to it and carrying a knuckle pin; as the solid crosspiece running between parallel slides, which receives motion from the piston of a steam engine and imparts it to the connecting rod, which is hinged to the crosshead.
crossjack noun The lowest square sail, or the lower yard of the mizzenmast.
crossness noun The quality or state of being cross; peevishness; fretfulness; ill humor.
crossroad noun A road that crosses another; an obscure road intersecting or avoiding the main road.
crossruff noun The play in whist where partners trump each a different suit, and lead to each other for that purpose; — called also seesaw.
cross-tie noun A sleeper supporting and connecting the rails, and holding them in place.
crosswise adverb In the form of a cross; across; transversely.
crosswort noun A name given to several inconspicuous plants having leaves in whorls of four, as species of Crucianella, Valantia, etc.