9 letter word starting with cu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
cubbyhole noun A snug or confined place.
cubically adverb In a cubical method.
cubicular adjective Belonging to a chamber or bedroom.
cuckolded imp. & past participle of Cuckold
cuckoldly adjective Having the qualities of a cuckold; mean-spirited; sneaking.
cuckoldom noun The state of a cuckold; cuckolds, collectively.
cuckoldry noun The state of being a cuckold; the practice of making cuckolds.
cuckoobud noun A species of Ranunculus (R. bulbosus); — called also butterflower, buttercup, kingcup, goldcup.
cucullate adjective Alt. of Cucullated
cucurbite noun A vessel or flask for distillation, used with, or forming part of, an alembic; a matrass; — originally in the shape of a gourd, with a wide mouth. See Alembic.
cudgelled of Cudgel
cudgeling present participle & vb. noun of Cudgel
cuirasses plural of Cuirass
cuirassed adjective Wearing a cuirass., Having a covering of bony plates, resembling a cuirass; — said of certain fishes.
cullender noun A strainer. See Colander.
cullionly adjective Mean; base.
culminant adjective Being vertical, or at the highest point of altitude; hence, predominant.
culminate verb i. To reach its highest point of altitude; to come to the meridian; to be vertical or directly overhead., To reach the highest point, as of rank, size, power, numbers, etc., Growing upward, as distinguished from a lateral growth; — applied to the growth of corals.
culpatory adjective Expressing blame; censuring; reprehensory; inculpating.
cultivate verb t. To bestow attention, care, and labor upon, with a view to valuable returns; to till; to fertilize; as, to cultivate soil., To direct special attention to; to devote time and thought to; to foster; to cherish., To seek the society of; to court intimacy with., To improve by labor, care, or study; to impart culture to; to civilize; to refine., To raise or produce by tillage; to care for while growing; as, to cultivate corn or grass.
cultrated adjective Sharp-edged and pointed; shaped like a pruning knife, as the beak of certain birds.
culturing present participle & vb. noun of Culture
culturist noun A cultivator., One who is an advocate of culture.
culverkey noun A bunch of the keys or samaras of the ash tree., An English meadow plant, perhaps the columbine or the bluebell squill (Scilla nutans).
cumbering present participle & vb. noun of Cumber
cumbrance noun Encumbrance.
cumulated imp. & past participle of Cumulate
cunctator noun One who delays or lingers.
cuneiform adjective Alt. of Cuniform, Alt. of Cuniform
cunningly adverb In a cunning manner; with cunning.
cupbearer noun One whose office it is to fill and hand the cups at an entertainment., One of the attendants of a prince or noble, permanently charged with the performance of this office for his master.
cupelling present participle & vb. noun of Cupel
curb roof A roof having a double slope, or composed, on each side, of two parts which have unequal inclination; a gambrel roof.
curbstone noun A stone /et along a margin as a and protection, as along the edge of a sidewalk next the roadway; an edge stone.
curculios plural of Curculio
curdiness noun The state of being curdy.
curialism noun The view or doctrine of the ultramontane party in the Latin Church.
curialist noun One who belongs to the ultramontane party in the Latin Church.
curiality noun The privileges, prerogatives, or retinue of a court.
curiosity noun The state or quality or being curious; nicety; accuracy; exactness; elaboration., Disposition to inquire, investigate, or seek after knowledge; a desire to gratify the mind with new information or objects of interest; inquisitiveness., That which is curious, or fitted to excite or reward attention.
curiously adverb In a curious manner.
curliness noun State of being curly.
curlingly adverb With a curl, or curls.
currently adverb In a current manner; generally; commonly; as, it is currently believed.
curricula plural of Curriculum
currycomb noun A kind of card or comb having rows of metallic teeth or serrated ridges, used in currying a horse., To comb with a currycomb.
cursorary adjective Cursory; hasty.
cursorial adjective Adapted to running or walking, and not to prehension; as, the limbs of the horse are cursorial. See Illust. of Aves., Of or pertaining to the Cursores.
cursorily adverb In a running or hasty manner; carelessly.
curstness noun Peevishness; malignity; frowardness; crabbedness; surliness.
curtailed imp. & past participle of Curtail
curtailer noun One who curtails.
curtained imp. & past participle of Curtain
curtal ax Alt. of Curtelasse
curtle ax Alt. of Curtelasse
curtation noun The interval by which the curtate distance of a planet is less than the true distance.
curtesies plural of Curtesy
curtilage noun A yard, courtyard, or piece of ground, included within the fence surrounding a dwelling house.
curvation noun The act of bending or crooking.
curvative adjective Having the margins only a little curved; — said of leaves.
curvature noun The act of curving, or the state of being bent or curved; a curving or bending, normal or abnormal, as of a line or surface from a rectilinear direction; a bend; a curve., The amount of degree of bending of a mathematical curve, or the tendency at any point to depart from a tangent drawn to the curve at that point.
curveting present participle & vb. noun of Curvet
curviform adjective Having a curved form.
cushioned imp. & past participle of Cushion
cushionet noun A little cushion.
cuspidate verb t. To make pointed or sharp., Alt. of Cuspidated
custodial adjective Relating to custody or guardianship.
custodian noun One who has care or custody, as of some public building; a keeper or superintendent.
custodier noun A custodian.
customary adjective Agreeing with, or established by, custom; established by common usage; conventional; habitual., Holding or held by custom; as, customary tenants; customary service or estate., A book containing laws and usages, or customs; as, the Customary of the Normans.
custumary adjective See Customary.
cutaneous adjective Of pertaining to the skin; existing on, or affecting, the skin; as, a cutaneous disease; cutaneous absorption; cutaneous respiration.
cuticular adjective Pertaining to the cuticle, or external coat of the skin; epidermal.
cutlasses plural of Cutlass
cutthroat noun One who cuts throats; a murderer; an assassin., Murderous; cruel; barbarous.
cuttingly adverb In a cutting manner.