9 letter word starting with deb

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
debarring present participle & vb. noun of Debar
debarking present participle & vb. noun of Debark
debarment noun Hindrance from approach; exclusion.
debarrass verb t. To disembarrass; to relieve.
debatable adjective Liable to be debated; disputable; subject to controversy or contention; open to question or dispute; as, a debatable question.
debateful adjective Full of contention; contentious; quarrelsome.
debauched imp. & past participle of Debauch, Dissolute; dissipated.
debauchee verb t. One who is given to intemperance or bacchanalian excesses; a man habitually lewd; a libertine.
debaucher noun One who debauches or corrupts others; especially, a seducer to lewdness.
debellate verb t. To subdue; to conquer in war.
debenture noun A writing acknowledging a debt; a writing or certificate signed by a public officer, as evidence of a debt due to some person; the sum thus due., A customhouse certificate entitling an exporter of imported goods to a drawback of duties paid on their importation.
debouched imp. & past participle of Debouch
debruised adjective Surmounted by an ordinary; as, a lion is debruised when a bend or other ordinary is placed over it, as in the cut.
debuscope noun A modification of the kaleidoscope; — used to reflect images so as to form beautiful designs.
debutante A person who makes his (or her) first appearance before the public.