9 letter word starting with dr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
drabbling present participle & vb. noun of Drabble
draconian adjective Pertaining to Draco, a famous lawgiver of Athens, 621 b. c.
dracontic adjective Belonging to that space of time in which the moon performs one revolution, from ascending node to ascending node. See Dragon’s head, under Dragon.
draftsman noun See Draughtsman.
draggling present participle & vb. noun of Draggle
dragomans plural of Dragoman
dragonish adjective resembling a dragon.
dragooned imp. & past participle of Dragoon
dragooner noun A dragoon.
drainable adjective Capable of being drained.
drainpipe noun A pipe used for carrying off surplus water.
draintile noun A hollow tile used in making drains; — called also draining tile.
draintrap noun See 4th Trap, 5.
dramatist noun The author of a dramatic composition; a writer of plays.
dramatize verb t. To compose in the form of the drama; to represent in a drama; to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, or an historical episode.
draperied adjective Covered or supplied with drapery.
draperies plural of Drapery
draughted imp. & past participle of Draught
dravidian adjective Of or pertaining to the Dravida.
drawbench noun A machine in which strips of metal are drawn through a drawplate; especially, one in which wire is thus made; — also called drawing bench.
drawknife noun A joiner’s tool having a blade with a handle at each end, used to shave off surfaces, by drawing it toward one; a shave; — called also drawshave, and drawing shave., A tool used for the purpose of making an incision along the path a saw is to follow, to prevent it from tearing the surface of the wood.
drawlatch noun A housebreaker or thief.
drawplate noun A hardened steel plate having a hole, or a gradation of conical holes, through which wires are drawn to be reduced and elongated.
drawshave noun See Drawing knife.
dreadable adjective Worthy of being dreaded.
dreadless adjective Free from dread; fearless; intrepid; dauntless; as, dreadless heart., Exempt from danger which causes dread; secure., Without doubt.
dreamland noun An unreal, delightful country such as in sometimes pictured in dreams; region of fancies; fairyland.
dreamless adjective Free from, or without, dreams.
dreissena noun A genus of bivalve shells of which one species (D. polymorpha) is often so abundant as to be very troublesome in the fresh waters of Europe.
drenching present participle & vb. noun of Drench
driftbolt noun A bolt for driving out other bolts.
driftless adjective Having no drift or direction; without aim; purposeless.
driftweed noun Seaweed drifted to the shore by the wind.
driftwind noun A driving wind; a wind that drives snow, sand, etc., into heaps.
driftwood noun Wood drifted or floated by water., Fig.: Whatever is drifting or floating as on water.
drinkable adjective Capable of being drunk; suitable for drink; potable. Macaulay. Also used substantively, esp. in the plural.
drinkless adjective Destitute of drink.
dripstone noun A drip, when made of stone. See Drip, 2.
drivebolt noun A drift; a tool for setting bolts home.
drivelled of Drivel
driveling present participle & vb. noun of Drivel
drivepipe noun A pipe for forcing into the earth.
drizzling present participle & vb. noun of Drizzle
droitural adjective relating to the mere right of property, as distinguished from the right of possession; as, droitural actions.
dromedary noun The Arabian camel (Camelus dromedarius), having one hump or protuberance on the back, in distinction from the Bactrian camel, which has two humps.
drone bee The male of the honeybee; a drone.
drone fly A dipterous insect (Eristalis tenax), resembling the drone bee. See Eristalis.
dronepipe noun One of the low-toned tubes of a bagpipe.
droplight noun An apparatus for bringing artificial light down from a chandelier nearer to a table or desk; a pendant.
droppinly adverb In drops.
dropsical adjective Diseased with dropsy; hydropical; tending to dropsy; as, a dropsical patient., Of or pertaining to dropsy.
drossless adjective Free from dross.
drowsihed noun Drowsihead.
druidical adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, the Druids.
drumstick noun A stick with which a drum is beaten., Anything resembling a drumstick in form, as the tibiotarsus, or second joint, of the leg of a fowl.
drunkenly adverb In a drunken manner.
drunkship noun The state of being drunk; drunkenness.
dry-boned adjective Having dry bones, or bones without flesh.
dry goods A commercial name for textile fabrics, cottons, woolens, linen, silks, laces, etc., — in distinction from groceries.
dry nurse A nurse who attends and feeds a child by hand; — in distinction from a wet nurse, who suckles it.
drysalter noun A dealer in salted or dried meats, pickles, sauces, etc., and in the materials used in pickling, salting, and preserving various kinds of food Hence drysalters usually sell a number of saline substances and miscellaneous drugs.
dry-stone adjective Constructed of uncemented stone.