9 letter word starting with e

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
esthetics noun The theory or philosophy of taste; the science of the beautiful in nature and art; esp. that which treats of the expression and embodiment of beauty by art., Same as Aesthete, Aesthetic, Aesthetical, Aesthetics, etc.
embassade ambassade. The mission of an ambassador., An embassy., An embassy. See Ambassade.
eachwhere adverb Everywhere.
eagerness noun The state or quality of being eager; ardent desire., Tartness; sourness.
eaglewood noun A kind of fragrant wood. See Agallochum.
ealderman noun Alt. of Ealdorman
ealdorman noun An alderman.
ear-bored adjective Having the ear perforated.
earcockle noun A disease in wheat, in which the blackened and contracted grain, or ear, is filled with minute worms.
earliness noun The state of being early or forward; promptness.
earmarked imp. & past participle of Earmark
earnestly adverb In an earnest manner.
ear-shell noun A flattened marine univalve shell of the genus Haliotis; — called also sea-ear. See Abalone.
earshrift noun A nickname for auricular confession; shrift.
earthbank noun A bank or mound of earth.
earthborn adjective Born of the earth; terrigenous; springing originally from the earth; human., Relating to, or occasioned by, earthly objects.
earthbred adjective Low; grovelling; vulgar.
earthfork noun A pronged fork for turning up the earth.
earthling noun An inhabitant of the earth; a mortal.
earthstar noun A curious fungus of the genus Geaster, in which the outer coating splits into the shape of a star, and the inner one forms a ball containing the dustlike spores.
earthward adverb Alt. of Earthwards
earthwork noun Any construction, whether a temporary breastwork or permanent fortification, for attack or defense, the material of which is chiefly earth., The operation connected with excavations and embankments of earth in preparing foundations of buildings, in constructing canals, railroads, etc., An embankment or construction made of earth.
earthworm noun Any worm of the genus Lumbricus and allied genera, found in damp soil. One of the largest and most abundant species in Europe and America is L. terrestris; many others are known; — called also angleworm and dewworm., A mean, sordid person; a niggard.
earwigged imp. & past participle of Earwig
eastwards adverb Toward the east; in the direction of east from some point or place; as, New Haven lies eastward from New York.
eavesdrop verb i. To stand under the eaves, near a window or at the door, of a house, to listen and learn what is said within doors; hence, to listen secretly to what is said in private., The water which falls in drops from the eaves of a house.
ebonizing present participle & vb. noun of Ebonize
ebrieties plural of Ebriety
ebrillade noun A bridle check; a jerk of one rein, given to a horse when he refuses to turn.
ebriosity noun Addiction to drink; habitual drunkenness.
ebulliate verb i. To boil or bubble up.
ebullient adjective Boiling up or over; hence, manifesting exhilaration or excitement, as of feeling; effervescing.
ecardines noun pl. An order of Brachiopoda; the Lyopomata. See Brachiopoda.
ecballium noun A genus of cucurbitaceous plants consisting of the single species Ecballium agreste (or Elaterium), the squirting cucumber. Its fruit, when ripe, bursts and violently ejects its seeds, together with a mucilaginous juice, from which elaterium, a powerful cathartic medicine, is prepared.
ecce homo A picture which represents the Savior as given up to the people by Pilate, and wearing a crown of thorns.
eccentric adjective Deviating or departing from the center, or from the line of a circle; as, an eccentric or elliptical orbit; pertaining to deviation from the center or from true circular motion., Not having the same center; — said of circles, ellipses, spheres, etc., which, though coinciding, either in whole or in part, as to area or volume, have not the same center; — opposed to concentric., Pertaining to an eccentric; as, the eccentric rod in a steam engine., Not coincident as to motive or end., Deviating from stated methods, usual practice, or established forms or laws; deviating from an appointed sphere or way; departing from the usual course; irregular; anomalous; odd; as, eccentric conduct., A circle not having the same center as another contained in some measure within the first., One who, or that which, deviates from regularity; an anomalous or irregular person or thing., In the Ptolemaic system, the supposed circular orbit of a planet about the earth, but with the earth not in its center., A circle described about the center of an elliptical orbit, with half the major axis for radius., A disk or wheel so arranged upon a shaft that the center of the wheel and that of the shaft do not coincide. It is used for operating valves in steam engines, and for other purposes. The motion derived is precisely that of a crank having the same throw.
ecchymose verb t. To discolor by the production of an ecchymosis, or effusion of blood, beneath the skin; — chiefly used in the passive form; as, the parts were much ecchymosed.
ecclesiae plural of Ecclesia
ecclesial adjective Ecclesiastical.
echidnine noun The clear, viscid fluid secreted by the poison glands of certain serpents; also, a nitrogenous base contained in this, and supposed to be the active poisonous principle of the virus.
echinated adjective Set with prickles; prickly, like a hedgehog; bristled; as, an echinated pericarp.
echinidan noun One the Echinoidea.
echinital adjective Of, or like, an echinite.
echinozoa noun pl. The Echinodermata.
echometer noun A graduated scale for measuring the duration of sounds, and determining their different, and the relation of their intervals.
echometry noun The art of measuring the duration of sounds or echoes., The art of constructing vaults to produce echoes.
echoscope noun An instrument for intensifying sounds produced by percussion of the thorax.
eclampsia noun A fancied perception of flashes of light, a symptom of epilepsy; hence, epilepsy itself; convulsions.
eclipsing present participle & vb. noun of Eclipse
economics noun The science of household affairs, or of domestic management., Political economy; the science of the utilities or the useful application of wealth or material resources. See Political economy, under Political.
economist noun One who economizes, or manages domestic or other concerns with frugality; one who expends money, time, or labor, judiciously, and without waste., One who is conversant with political economy; a student of economics.
economize verb t. To manage with economy; to use with prudence; to expend with frugality; as, to economize one’s income., To be prudently sparing in expenditure; to be frugal and saving; as, to economize in order to grow rich.
economies plural of Economy
ecossaise noun A dancing tune in the Scotch style.
ecphonema noun A breaking out with some interjectional particle.
ecphoneme noun A mark (!) used to indicate an exclamation.
ecstasies plural of Ecstasy
ecthoreum noun The slender, hollow thread of a nettling cell or cnida. See Nettling cell.
ecthymata plural of Ecthyma
ectoblast noun The outer layer of the blastoderm; the epiblast; the ectoderm., The outer envelope of a cell; the cell wall.
ectoplasm noun The outer transparent layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum., The outer hyaline layer of protoplasm in a vegetable cell., The ectosarc of protozoan.
ectosteal adjective Of or pertaining to ectostosis; as, ectosteal ossification.
ectropion noun An unnatural eversion of the eyelids.
ectropium noun Same as Ectropion.
edelweiss noun A little, perennial, white, woolly plant (Leontopodium alpinum), growing at high elevations in the Alps.
edematous adjective Alt. of Edematose
edematose adjective Same as oedematous.
edentated adjective Same as Edentate, a.
edibility noun Suitableness for being eaten; edibleness.
edificant adjective Building; constructing.
edificial adjective Pertaining to an edifice; structural.
edileship noun The office of aedile.
editioner noun An editor.
editorial adjective Of or pertaining to an editor; written or sanctioned by an editor; as, editorial labors; editorial remarks., A leading article in a newspaper or magazine; an editorial article; an article published as an expression of the views of the editor.
educating present participle & vb. noun of Educate
education noun The act or process of educating; the result of educating, as determined by the knowledge skill, or discipline of character, acquired; also, the act or process of training by a prescribed or customary course of study or discipline; as, an education for the bar or the pulpit; he has finished his education.
educative adjective Tending to educate; that gives education; as, an educative process; an educative experience.
effecting present participle & vb. noun of Effect
effection noun Creation; a doing.
effective adjective Having the power to produce an effect or effects; producing a decided or decisive effect; efficient; serviceable; operative; as, an effective force, remedy, speech; the effective men in a regiment., That which produces a given effect; a cause., One who is capable of active service., Specie or coin, as distinguished from paper currency; — a term used in many parts of Europe.
effectual noun Producing, or having adequate power or force to produce, an intended effect; adequate; efficient; operative; decisive.
efficient noun Causing effects; producing results; that makes the effect to be what it is; actively operative; not inactive, slack, or incapable; characterized by energetic and useful activity; as, an efficient officer, power., An efficient cause; a prime mover.
effigiate verb t. To form as an effigy; hence, to fashion; to adapt.
efflation noun The act of filling with wind; a breathing or puffing out; a puff, as of wind.
effluence noun A flowing out, or emanation., That which flows or issues from any body or substance; issue; efflux.
effluency noun Effluence.
effluvial adjective Belonging to effluvia.
effluvium adjective Subtile or invisible emanation; exhalation perceived by the sense of smell; especially, noisome or noxious exhalation; as, the effluvium from diseased or putrefying bodies, or from ill drainage.
effluxion noun The act of flowing out; effusion., That which flows out; effluvium; emanation.
effodient adjective Digging up.
efforcing present participle & vb. noun of Efforce
effossion noun A digging out or up.
effrontit adjective Marked by impudence.
effulging present participle & vb. noun of Effulge
effulgent adjective Diffusing a flood of light; shining; luminous; beaming; bright; splendid.
egg-glass noun A small sandglass, running about three minutes, for marking time in boiling eggs; also, a small glass for holding an egg, at table.
eglantine noun A species of rose (Rosa Eglanteria), with fragrant foliage and flowers of various colors., The sweetbrier (R. rubiginosa).
egophonic adjective Belonging to, or resembling, egophony.
egotheism noun The deification of self.
egotistic adjective Alt. of Egotistical
egotizing present participle & vb. noun of Egotize
egregious adjective Surpassing; extraordinary; distinguished (in a bad sense); — formerly used with words importing a good quality, but now joined with words having a bad sense; as, an egregious rascal; an egregious ass; an egregious mistake.
egression noun The act of going; egress.
egyptized imp. & past participle of Egyptize
eidograph noun An instrument for copying drawings on the same or a different scale; a form of the pantograph.
eightfold adjective Eight times a quantity.
eightieth adjective The next in order after seventy-ninth., Consisting of one of eighty equal parts or divisions., The quotient of a unit divided by eighty; one of eighty equal parts.
eightling noun A compound or twin crystal made up of eight individuals.
eirenarch noun A justice of the peace; irenarch.
ejaculate verb t. To throw out suddenly and swiftly, as if a dart; to dart; to eject., To throw out, as an exclamation; to utter by a brief and sudden impulse; as, to ejaculate a prayer., To utter ejaculations; to make short and hasty exclamations.
ejectment noun A casting out; a dispossession; an expulsion; ejection; as, the ejectment of tenants from their homes., A species of mixed action, which lies for the recovery of possession of real property, and damages and costs for the wrongful withholding of it.
ejulation noun A wailing; lamentation.
elaborate adjective Wrought with labor; finished with great care; studied; executed with exactness or painstaking; as, an elaborate discourse; an elaborate performance; elaborate research., To produce with labor, To perfect with painstaking; to improve or refine with labor and study, or by successive operations; as, to elaborate a painting or a literary work.
elaeagnus noun A genus of shrubs or small trees, having the foliage covered with small silvery scales; oleaster.
elaeolite noun A variety of hephelite, usually massive, of greasy luster, and gray to reddish color.
elaoptene noun See Elaeoptene.
elaqueate verb t. To disentangle.
elasipoda noun pl. An order of holothurians mostly found in the deep sea. They are remarkable for their bilateral symmetry and curious forms.
elastical adjective Elastic.
elaterite noun A mineral resin, of a blackish brown color, occurring in soft, flexible masses; — called also mineral caoutchouc, and elastic bitumen.
elaterium noun A cathartic substance obtained, in the form of yellowish or greenish cakes, as the dried residue of the juice of the wild or squirting cucumber (Ecballium agreste, formerly called Momordica Elaterium).
elbowroom noun Room to extend the elbows on each side; ample room for motion or action; free scope.
elcesaite noun One of a sect of Asiatic Gnostics of the time of the Emperor Trajan.
eldership noun The state of being older; seniority., Office of an elder; collectively, a body of elders.
elderwort noun Danewort.
el dorado A name given by the Spaniards in the 16th century to an imaginary country in the interior of South America, reputed to abound in gold and precious stones., Any region of fabulous wealth; exceeding richness.
electress noun The wife or widow of an elector in the old German empire.
electrify verb t. To communicate electricity to; to charge with electricity; as, to electrify a jar., To cause electricity to pass through; to affect by electricity; to give an electric shock to; as, to electrify a limb, or the body., To excite suddenly and violently, esp. by something highly delightful or inspiriting; to thrill; as, this patriotic sentiment electrified the audience., To become electric.
electrine adjective Belonging to, or made of, amber., Made of electrum, an alloy used by the ancients.
electrize verb t. To electricity.
electrode noun The path by which electricity is conveyed into or from a solution or other conducting medium; esp., the ends of the wires or conductors, leading from source of electricity, and terminating in the medium traversed by the current.
electuary noun A medicine composed of powders, or other ingredients, incorporated with some convserve, honey, or sirup; a confection. See the note under Confection.
elegantly adverb In a manner to please nice taste; with elegance; with due symmetry; richly.
elegiacal adjective Elegiac.
elemental adjective Pertaining to the elements, first principles, and primary ingredients, or to the four supposed elements of the material world; as, elemental air., Pertaining to rudiments or first principles; rudimentary; elementary.
elementar adjective Elementary.
elenchize verb i. To dispute.
elenchtic adjective Alt. of Elenchtical
elephansy noun Elephantiasis.
elevating present participle & vb. noun of Elevate
elevation noun The act of raising from a lower place, condition, or quality to a higher; — said of material things, persons, the mind, the voice, etc.; as, the elevation of grain; elevation to a throne; elevation of mind, thoughts, or character., Condition of being elevated; height; exaltation., That which is raised up or elevated; an elevated place or station; as, an elevation of the ground; a hill., The distance of a celestial object above the horizon, or the arc of a vertical circle intercepted between it and the horizon; altitude; as, the elevation of the pole, or of a star., The angle which the style makes with the substylar line., The movement of the axis of a piece in a vertical plane; also, the angle of elevation, that is, the angle between the axis of the piece and the line o/ sight; — distinguished from direction., A geometrical projection of a building, or other object, on a plane perpendicular to the horizon; orthographic projection on a vertical plane; — called by the ancients the orthography.
elevatory adjective Tending to raise, or having power to elevate; as, elevatory forces., See Elevator, n. (e).
eliciting present participle & vb. noun of Elicit
elicitate verb t. To elicit.
eliminant noun The result of eliminating n variables between n homogeneous equations of any degree; — called also resultant.
eliminate verb t. To put out of doors; to expel; to discharge; to release; to set at liberty., To cause to disappear from an equation; as, to eliminate an unknown quantity., To set aside as unimportant in a process of inductive inquiry; to leave out of consideration., To obtain by separating, as from foreign matters; to deduce; as, to eliminate an idea or a conclusion., To separate; to expel from the system; to excrete; as, the kidneys eliminate urea, the lungs carbonic acid; to eliminate poison from the system.
elinguate verb t. To deprive of the tongue.
elixation noun A seething; digestion.
ellachick noun A fresh-water tortoise (Chelopus marmoratus) of California; — used as food.
elleborin noun See Helleborin.
ellipsoid noun A solid, all plane sections of which are ellipses or circles. See Conoid, n., 2 (a)., Alt. of Ellipsoidal
elocation noun A removal from the usual place of residence., Departure from the usual state; an ecstasy.
elocution noun Utterance by speech., Oratorical or expressive delivery, including the graces of intonation, gesture, etc.; style or manner of speaking or reading in public; as, clear, impressive elocution., Suitable and impressive writing or style; eloquent diction.
elocutive adjective Pertaining to oratorical expression.
elohistic adjective Relating to Elohim as a name of God; — said of passages in the Old Testament.
eloigning present participle & vb. noun of Eloign
eloignate verb t. To remove.
eloinment noun See Eloignment.
elongated imp. & past participle of Elongate
elopement noun The act of eloping; secret departure; — said of a woman and a man, one or both, who run away from their homes for marriage or for cohabitation.
eloquence noun Fluent, forcible, elegant, and persuasive speech in public; the power of expressing strong emotions in striking and appropriate language either spoken or written, thereby producing conviction or persuasion., Fig.: Whatever produces the effect of moving and persuasive speech., That which is eloquently uttered or written.
elsewhere adverb In any other place; as, these trees are not to be found elsewhere., In some other place; in other places, indefinitely; as, it is reported in town and elsewhere.
elucidate verb t. To make clear or manifest; to render more intelligible; to illustrate; as, an example will elucidate the subject.
elumbated adjective Weak or lame in the loins.
elutriate verb t. To wash or strain out so as to purify; as, to elutriate the blood as it passes through the lungs; to strain off or decant, as a powder which is separated from heavier particles by being drawn off with water; to cleanse, as by washing.
eluxation noun Dislocation; luxation.
emacerate verb t. & i. To make lean or to become lean; to emaciate.
emaciated imp. & past participle of Emaciate
emaculate verb t. To clear from spots or stains, or from any imperfection.
emanating present participle & vb. noun of Emanate
emanation noun The act of flowing or proceeding from a fountain head or origin., That which issues, flows, or proceeds from any object as a source; efflux; an effluence; as, perfume is an emanation from a flower.
emanative adjective Issuing forth; effluent.
emanatory adjective Emanative; of the nature of an emanation.
embalming present participle & vb. noun of Embalm
embanking present participle & vb. noun of Embank, of Embar
embargoes plural of Embargo
embargoed imp. & past participle of Embargo
embarking present participle & vb. noun of Embark
embarrass verb t. To hinder from freedom of thought, speech, or action by something which impedes or confuses mental action; to perplex; to discompose; to disconcert; as, laughter may embarrass an orator., To hinder from liberty of movement; to impede; to obstruct; as, business is embarrassed; public affairs are embarrassed., To involve in difficulties concerning money matters; to incumber with debt; to beset with urgent claims or demands; — said of a person or his affairs; as, a man or his business is embarrassed when he can not meet his pecuniary engagements., Embarrassment.
embassage noun An embassy., Message; errand.
embassies plural of Embassy
embattail verb t. To furnish with battlements; to fortify as with battlements.
embattled imp. & past participle of Embattle, Having indentations like a battlement., Having the edge broken like battlements; — said of a bearing such as a fess, bend, or the like., Having been the place of battle; as, an embattled plain or field.
embayment noun A bay.
embedding present participle & vb. noun of Embed
embedment noun The act of embedding, or the state of being embedded.
embellish verb t. To make beautiful or elegant by ornaments; to decorate; to adorn; as, to embellish a book with pictures, a garden with shrubs and flowers, a narrative with striking anecdotes, or style with metaphors.
emberings noun pl. Ember days.
embezzled imp. & past participle of Embezzle
embezzler noun One who embezzles.
emblazing present participle & vb. noun of Emblaze
embleming present participle & vb. noun of Emblem
emblement noun The growing crop, or profits of a crop which has been sown or planted; — used especially in the plural. The produce of grass, trees, and the like, is not emblement.
emblemize verb t. To represent by an emblem; to emblematize.
emblossom verb t. To cover or adorn with blossoms.
embodying present participle & vb. noun of Embody
emboguing noun The mouth of a river, or place where its waters are discharged.
embossing present participle & vb. noun of Emboss
emboweled imp. & past participle of Embowel
emboweler noun One who takes out the bowels.
embracing present participle & vb. noun of Embrace
embraceor noun One guilty of embracery.
embracery noun An attempt to influence a court, jury, etc., corruptly, by promises, entreaties, money, entertainments, threats, or other improper inducements.
embracive adjective Disposed to embrace; fond of caressing.
embrangle verb t. To confuse; to entangle.
embrasure noun An embrace., A splay of a door or window., An aperture with slant sides in a wall or parapet, through which cannon are pointed and discharged; a crenelle. See Illust. of Casemate.
embrocate verb t. To moisten and rub (a diseased part) with a liquid substance, as with spirit, oil, etc., by means of a cloth or sponge.
embroglio noun See Imbroglio.
embroider verb t. To ornament with needlework; as, to embroider a scarf.
embroiled imp. & past participle of Embroil
embroiler noun One who embroils.
embrothel verb t. To inclose in a brothel.
embryonal adjective Pertaining to an embryo, or the initial state of any organ; embryonic.
embryonic adjective Of or pertaining to an embryo; embryonal; rudimentary.
embryotic adjective Embryonic.
emendable adjective Corrigible; amendable.
emendator noun One who emends or critically edits.
emergence noun The act of rising out of a fluid, or coming forth from envelopment or concealment, or of rising into view; sudden uprisal or appearance.
emergency noun Sudden or unexpected appearance; an unforeseen occurrence; a sudden occasion., An unforeseen occurrence or combination of circumstances which calls for immediate action or remedy; pressing necessity; exigency.
emication noun A flying off in small particles, as heated iron or fermenting liquors; a sparkling; scintillation.
emigrated imp. & past participle of Emigrate
emigrator noun One who emigrates; am emigrant.
eminences plural of Eminency
eminently adverb In an eminent manner; in a high degree; conspicuously; as, to be eminently learned.
emeership noun The rank or office of an Emir.
emmetropy noun Same as Emmetropia.
emolliate adjective To soften; to render effeminate.
emollient adjective Softening; making supple; acting as an emollient., An external something or soothing application to allay irritation, soreness, etc.
emolument noun The profit arising from office, employment, or labor; gain; compensation; advantage; perquisites, fees, or salary.
emotioned adjective Affected with emotion.
emotional adjective Pertaining to, or characterized by, emotion; excitable; easily moved; sensational; as, an emotional nature.
emotivity noun Emotiveness.
empaistic adjective Having to do with inlaid work; — especially used with reference to work of the ancient Greeks.
empassion verb t. To move with passion; to affect strongly. See Impassion.
emphasize verb t. To utter or pronounce with a particular stress of voice; to make emphatic; as, to emphasize a word or a phrase.
emphrensy verb t. To madden.
emphysema noun A swelling produced by gas or air diffused in the cellular tissue.
empirical adjective Pertaining to, or founded upon, experiment or experience; depending upon the observation of phenomena; versed in experiments., Depending upon experience or observation alone, without due regard to science and theory; — said especially of medical practice, remedies, etc.; wanting in science and deep insight; as, empiric skill, remedies.
emplaster noun See Plaster., To plaster over; to cover over so as to present a good appearance.
emplastic adjective Fit to be applied as a plaster; glutinous; adhesive; as, emplastic applications., A medicine causing constipation.
emplecton noun A kind of masonry in which the outer faces of the wall are ashlar, the space between being filled with broken stone and mortar. Cross layers of stone are interlaid as binders.
employing present participle & vb. noun of Employ
emporetic adjective Alt. of Emporetical
emporiums plural of Emporium
empowered imp. & past participle of Empower
emprising verb t. Full of daring; adventurous.
emptiness noun The state of being empty; absence of contents; void space; vacuum; as, the emptiness of a vessel; emptiness of the stomach., Want of solidity or substance; unsatisfactoriness; inability to satisfy desire; vacuity; hollowness; the emptiness of earthly glory., Want of knowledge; lack of sense; vacuity of mind.
emptional adjective Capable of being purchased.
empurpled imp. & past participle of Empurple
empyreuma noun The peculiar smell and taste arising from products of decomposition of animal or vegetable substances when burnt in close vessels.
empyrical adjective Containing the combustible principle of coal.
empyrosis noun A general fire; a conflagration.
emulating present participle & vb. noun of Emulate
emulation noun The endeavor to equal or to excel another in qualities or actions; an assiduous striving to equal or excel another; rivalry., Jea/ous rivalry; envy; envious contention.
emulative adjective Inclined to emulation; aspiring to competition; rivaling; as, an emulative person or effort.
emulatory adjective Pertaining to emulation; connected with rivalry.
emulously adverb In an emulous manner.
emunctory noun Any organ or part of the body (as the kidneys, skin, etc.,) which serves to carry off excrementitious or waste matter.
enactment noun The passing of a bill into a law; the giving of legislative sanction and executive approval to a bill whereby it is established as a law., That which is enacted or passed into a law; a law; a decree; a statute; a prescribed requirement; as, a prohibitory enactment; a social enactment.
enamelled of Enamel
enameling present participle & vb. noun of Enamel
enamelist noun One who enamels; a workman or artist who applies enamels in ornamental work.
enamoring present participle & vb. noun of Enamor
enatation noun A swimming out.
enavigate verb t. To sail away or over.
enbattled adjective Embattled.
encamping present participle & vb. noun of Encamp
encaustic adjective Prepared by means of heat; burned in., The method of painting in heated wax, or in any way where heat is used to fix the colors.
enchafing noun Heating; burning.
enchannel verb t. To make run in a channel.
enchanted imp. & past participle of Enchant, Under the power of enchantment; possessed or exercised by enchanters; as, an enchanted castle.
enchanter noun One who enchants; a sorcerer or magician; also, one who delights as by an enchantment.
encharged imp. & past participle of Encharge
enchasing present participle & vb. noun of Enchase
enchasten verb t. To chasten.
encheason noun Occasion, cause, or reason.
enchorial adjective Alt. of Enchoric
encircled imp. & past participle of Encircle
encirclet noun A small circle; a ring.
enclitics noun The art of declining and conjugating words.
enclosure noun Inclosure. See Inclosure.
encomiast noun One who praises; a panegyrist.
encomiums plural of Encomium
encompass verb t. To circumscribe or go round so as to surround closely; to encircle; to inclose; to environ; as, a ring encompasses the finger; an army encompasses a city; a voyage encompassing the world.
encoubert noun One of several species of armadillos of the genera Dasypus and Euphractus, having five toes both on the fore and hind feet.
encounter adverb To come against face to face; to meet; to confront, either by chance, suddenly, or deliberately; especially, to meet in opposition or with hostile intent; to engage in conflict with; to oppose; to struggle with; as, to encounter a friend in traveling; two armies encounter each other; to encounter obstacles or difficulties, to encounter strong evidence of a truth., To meet face to face; to have a meeting; to meet, esp. as enemies; to engage in combat; to fight; as, three armies encountered at Waterloo., A meeting face to face; a running against; a sudden or incidental meeting; an interview., A meeting, with hostile purpose; hence, a combat; a battle; as, a bloody encounter.
encourage verb t. To give courage to; to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope; to raise, or to increase, the confidence of; to animate; enhearten; to incite; to help forward; — the opposite of discourage.
encratite noun One of a sect in the 2d century who abstained from marriage, wine, and animal food; — called also Continent.
encrimson verb t. To give a crimson or red color to; to crimson.
encrinite noun A fossil crinoid, esp. one belonging to, or resembling, the genus Encrinus. Sometimes used in a general sense for any crinoid.
encrisped adjective Curled.
encurtain verb t. To inclose with curtains.
endamaged imp. & past participle of Endamage
endamnify verb t. To damnify; to injure.
endearing present participle & vb. noun of Endear, Making dear or beloved; causing love.
endecagon noun A plane figure of eleven sides and angles.
endeictic adjective Serving to show or exhibit; as, an endeictic dialogue, in the Platonic philosophy, is one which exhibits a specimen of skill.
endemical adjective Peculiar to a district or particular locality, or class of persons; as, an endemic disease.
endenizen verb t. To admit to the privileges of a denizen; to naturalize.
endlessly adverb In an endless manner.
endoblast noun Entoblast; endoplast. See Nucleus,
endognath noun The inner or principal branch of the oral appendages of Crustacea. See Maxilla.
endolymph noun The watery fluid contained in the membranous labyrinth of the internal ear.
endomorph noun A crystal of one species inclosed within one of another, as one of rutile inclosed in quartz.
endoplasm noun The protoplasm in the interior of a cell.
endoplast noun See Nucleus.
endorhiza noun Any monocotyledonous plant; — so named because many monocotyledons have an endorhizal embryo.
endorsing present participle & vb. noun of Endorse
endoscope noun An instrument for examining the interior of the rectum, the urethra, and the bladder.
endoscopy noun The art or process of examining by means of the endoscope.
endosmose noun Alt. of Endosmosis
endosperm noun The albumen of a seed; — limited by recent writers to that formed within the embryo sac.
endospore noun The thin inner coat of certain spores.
endosteal adjective Relating to endostosis; as, endosteal ossification.
endosteum noun The layer of vascular connective tissue lining the medullary cavities of bone.
endostoma noun A plate which supports the labrum in certain Crustacea.
endostome noun The foramen or passage through the inner integument of an ovule., And endostoma.
endostyle noun A fold of the endoderm, which projects into the blood cavity of ascidians. See Tunicata.
endotheca noun The tissue which partially fills the interior of the interseptal chambers of most madreporarian corals. It usually consists of a series of oblique tranverse septa, one above another.
endowment noun The act of bestowing a dower, fund, or permanent provision for support., That which is bestowed or settled on a person or an institution; property, fund, or revenue permanently appropriated to any object; as, the endowment of a church, a hospital, or a college., That which is given or bestowed upon the person or mind; gift of nature; accomplishment; natural capacity; talents; — usually in the plural.
enduement noun Act of enduing; induement.
endurable adjective Capable of being endured or borne; sufferable.
endurably adverb In an endurable manner.
endurance noun A state or quality of lasting or duration; lastingness; continuance., The act of bearing or suffering; a continuing under pain or distress without resistance, or without being overcome; sufferance; patience.
energetic adjective Alt. of Energetical
energical adjective In a state of action; acting; operating., Having energy or great power; energetic.
energized imp. & past participle of Energize
energizer noun One who, or that which, gives energy, or acts in producing an effect.
energumen noun One possessed by an evil spirit; a demoniac.
enervated imp. & past participle of Enervate
enfeebled imp. & past participle of Enfeeble
enfeebler noun One who, or that which, weakens or makes feeble.
enfeloned adjective Rendered fierce or frantic.
enfeoffed imp. & past participle of Enfeoff
enfierced imp. & past participle of Enfierce
enfiladed imp. & past participle of Enfilade
enforcing present participle & vb. noun of Enforce
enforcive adjective Serving to enforce or constrain; compulsive.
enfreedom verb t. To set free.
enfroward verb t. To make froward, perverse, or ungovernable.
engagedly adverb With attachment; with interest; earnestly.
engallant verb t. To make a gallant of.
engarboil verb t. To throw into disorder; to disturb.
engarland verb t. To encircle with a garland, or with garlands.
enginemen plural of Engineman
engineman noun A man who manages, or waits on, an engine.
engirding present participle & vb. noun of Engird
engiscope noun A kind of reflecting microscope.
englaimed adjective Clammy.
englished imp. & past participle of English
englishry noun The state or privilege of being an Englishman., A body of English or people of English descent; — commonly applied to English people in Ireland.
englutted imp. & past participle of Englut
engorging present participle & vb. noun of Engorge
engrailed imp. & past participle of Engrail, Indented with small concave curves, as the edge of a bordure, bend, or the like.
engrained imp. & past participle of Engrain
engrapple verb t. & i. To grapple.
engrasped imp. & past participle of Engrasp
engraving present participle & vb. noun of Engrave, The act or art of producing upon hard material incised or raised patterns, characters, lines, and the like; especially, the art of producing such lines, etc., in the surface of metal plates or blocks of wood. Engraving is used for the decoration of the surface itself; also, for producing an original, from which a pattern or design may be printed on paper., That which is engraved; an engraved plate., An impression from an engraved plate, block of wood, or other material; a print.
engravery noun The trade or work of an engraver.
engrossed imp. & past participle of Engross
engrosser noun One who copies a writing in large, fair characters., One who takes the whole; a person who purchases such quantities of articles in a market as to raise the price; a forestaller.
engulfing present participle & vb. noun of Engulf
enhancing present participle & vb. noun of Enhance
enhearten verb t. To give heart to; to fill with courage; to embolden.
enhydrous adjective Having water within; containing fluid drops; — said of certain crystals.
enigmatic adjective Alt. of Enigmatical
enjailing present participle & vb. noun of Enjall
enjoining present participle & vb. noun of Enjoin
enjoyable adjective Capable of being enjoyed or of giving joy; yielding enjoyment.
enjoyment noun The condition of enjoying anything; pleasure or satisfaction, as in the possession or occupancy of anything; possession and use; as, the enjoyment of an estate., That which gives pleasure or keen satisfaction.
enkindled imp. & past participle of Enkindle
enlarging present participle & vb. noun of Enlarge
enlighten verb t. To supply with light; to illuminate; as, the sun enlightens the earth., To make clear to the intellect or conscience; to shed the light of truth and knowledge upon; to furnish with increase of knowledge; to instruct; as, to enlighten the mind or understanding.
enlisting present participle & vb. noun of Enlist
enlivened imp. & past participle of Enliven
enlivener noun One who, or that which, enlivens, animates, or invigorates.
ennobling present participle & vb. noun of Ennoble
enodation noun The act or operation of clearing of knots, or of untying; hence, also, the solution of a difficulty.
enouncing present participle & vb. noun of Enounce
enquicken verb t. To quicken; to make alive.
enrapture verb t. To transport with pleasure; to delight beyond measure; to enravish.
enriching present participle & vb. noun of Enrich
enrolling present participle & vb. noun of Enroll
enshedule verb t. To insert in a schedule. See Schedule.
ensconced imp. & past participle of Ensconce
enshelter verb t. To shelter.
enshrined imp. & past participle of Enshrine
ensilaged imp. & past participle of Ensilage
enslaving present participle & vb. noun of Enslave
enstatite noun A mineral of the pyroxene group, orthorhombic in crystallization; often fibrous and massive; color grayish white or greenish. It is a silicate of magnesia with some iron. Bronzite is a ferriferous variety.
entailing present participle & vb. noun of Entail
entangled imp. & past participle of Entangle
entangler noun One that entangles.
entelechy noun An actuality; a conception completely actualized, in distinction from mere potential existence.
ententive adjective Attentive; zealous.
enterdeal noun Mutual dealings; intercourse.
enteritis noun An inflammation of the intestines.
enterlace verb t. See Interlace.
entermete verb i. To interfere; to intermeddle.
entermise noun Mediation.
entertain verb t. To be at the charges of; to take or keep in one’s service; to maintain; to support; to harbor; to keep., To give hospitable reception and maintenance to; to receive at one’s board, or into one’s house; to receive as a guest., To engage the attention of agreeably; to amuse with that which makes the time pass pleasantly; to divert; as, to entertain friends with conversation, etc., To give reception to; to receive, in general; to receive and take into consideration; to admit, treat, or make use of; as, to entertain a proposal., To meet or encounter, as an enemy., To keep, hold, or maintain in the mind with favor; to keep in the mind; to harbor; to cherish; as, to entertain sentiments., To lead on; to bring along; to introduce., To receive, or provide entertainment for, guests; as, he entertains generously., Entertainment.
entertake verb t. To entertain.
enthymeme noun An argument consisting of only two propositions, an antecedent and consequent deduced from it; a syllogism with one premise omitted; as, We are dependent; therefore we should be humble. Here the major proposition is suppressed. The complete syllogism would be, Dependent creatures should be humble; we are dependent creatures; therefore we should be humble.
entitling present participle & vb. noun of Entitle
entoblast noun The inner germ layer; endoderm. See Nucleolus.
entoiling present participle & vb. noun of Entoil
entombing present participle & vb. noun of Entomb
entomical adjective Relating to insects; entomological.
entomolin noun See Chitin.
entophyte noun A vegetable parasite subsisting in the interior of the body.
entoplasm noun The inner granular layer of protoplasm in a developing ovum., Endosarc.
entr’acte noun The interval of time which occurs between the performance of any two acts of a drama., A dance, piece of music, or interlude, performed between two acts of a drama.
entrammel verb t. To trammel; to entangle.
entranced imp. & past participle of Entrance
entrapped imp. & past participle of Entrap
entreated imp. & past participle of Entreat
entreater noun One who entreats; one who asks earnestly; a beseecher.
entremets noun sing. & pl. A side dish; a dainty or relishing dish usually eaten after the joints or principal dish; also, a sweetmeat, served with a dinner., Any small entertainment between two greater ones.
entrochal adjective Pertaining to, or consisting of, entrochites, or the joints of encrinites; — used of a kind of stone or marble.
entropion noun Same as Entropium.
entropium noun The inversion or turning in of the border of the eyelids.
enubilate verb t. To clear from mist, clouds, or obscurity.
enubilous adjective Free from fog, mist, or clouds; clear.
enucleate verb t. To bring or peel out, as a kernel from its enveloping husks its enveloping husks or shell., To remove without cutting (as a tumor)., To bring to light; to make clear.
enumerate verb t. To count; to tell by numbers; to count over, or tell off one after another; to number; to reckon up; to mention one by one; to name over; to make a special and separate account of; to recount; as, to enumerate the stars in a constellation.
enunciate verb t. To make a formal statement of; to announce; to proclaim; to declare, as a truth., To make distinctly audible; to utter articulately; to pronounce; as, to enunciate a word distinctly., To utter words or syllables articulately.
enveloped imp. & past participle of Envelop
envenomed imp. & past participle of Envenom
envermeil verb t. To color with, or as with, vermilion; to dye red.
environed imp. & past participle of Environ
envisaged imp. & past participle of Envisage
envoyship noun The office or position of an envoy.
enwombing present participle & vb. noun of Enwomb
enwreathe verb t. See Inwreathe.
epanthous adjective Growing upon flowers; — said of certain species of fungi.
epaulette noun A shoulder ornament or badge worn by military and naval officers, differences of rank being marked by some peculiar form or device, as a star, eagle, etc.; a shoulder knot.
epauleted adjective Alt. of Epauletted
ependymis noun See Ependyma.
ephemeral adjective Beginning and ending in a day; existing only, or no longer than, a day; diurnal; as, an ephemeral flower., Short-lived; existing or continuing for a short time only., Anything lasting but a day, or a brief time; an ephemeral plant, insect, etc.
ephemeran noun One of the ephemeral flies.
ephemeric adjective Ephemeral.
ephemeris noun A diary; a journal., A publication giving the computed places of the heavenly bodies for each day of the year, with other numerical data, for the use of the astronomer and navigator; an astronomical almanac; as, the “American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.”, Any tabular statement of the assigned places of a heavenly body, as a planet or comet, on several successive days., A collective name for reviews, magazines, and all kinds of periodical literature.
ephemeron noun One of the ephemeral flies.
ephialtes noun The nightmare.
ephippial adjective Saddle-shaped; occupying an ephippium.
ephippium noun A depression in the sphenoid bone; the pituitary fossa., A saddle-shaped cavity to contain the winter eggs, situated on the back of Cladocera.
ephoralty noun The office of an ephor, or the body of ephors.
epicedial adjective Elegiac; funereal.
epicedian adjective Epicedial., An epicede.
epicedium noun An epicede.
epiclinal adjective Situated on the receptacle or disk of a flower.
epicurean adjective Pertaining to Epicurus, or following his philosophy., Given to luxury; adapted to luxurious tastes; luxurious; pertaining to good eating., A follower or Epicurus., One given to epicurean indulgence.
epicurely adverb Luxuriously.
epicurism noun The doctrines of Epicurus., Epicurean habits of living; luxury.
epicurize verb i. To profess or tend towards the doctrines of Epicurus., To feed or indulge like an epicure.
epicyclic adjective Pertaining to, resembling, or having the motion of, an epicycle.
epidermal adjective Of or pertaining to the epidermis; epidermic; cuticular.
epidermic adjective Epidermal; connected with the skin or the bark.
epidermis verb t. The outer, nonsensitive layer of the skin; cuticle; scarfskin. See Dermis., The outermost layer of the cells, which covers both surfaces of leaves, and also the surface of stems, when they are first formed. As stems grow old this layer is lost, and never replaced.
epidictic adjective Alt. of Epidictical
epigaeous adjective Growing on, or close to, the ground.
epigraphy noun The science of inscriptions; the art of engraving inscriptions or of deciphering them.
epigynous adjective Adnate to the surface of the ovary, so as to be apparently inserted upon the top of it; — said of stamens, petals, sepals, and also of the disk.
epileptic adjective Pertaining to, affected with, or of the nature of, epilepsy., One affected with epilepsy., A medicine for the cure of epilepsy.
epilogism noun Enumeration; computation.
epilogize verb i. & t. To speak an epilogue to; to utter as an epilogue.
epimachus noun A genus of highly ornate and brilliantly colored birds of Australia, allied to the birds of Paradise.
epinastic adjective A term applied to that phase of vegetable growth in which an organ grows more rapidly on its upper than on its under surface. See Hyponastic.
epineural adjective Arising from the neurapophysis of a vertebra.
epinicial adjective Relating to victory.
epinicion noun A song of triumph.
epinikian adjective Epinicial.
epiphragm noun A membranaceous or calcareous septum with which some mollusks close the aperture of the shell during the time of hibernation, or aestivation.
epiphyses plural of Epiphysis
epiphysis noun The end, or other superficial part, of a bone, which ossifies separately from the central portion, or diaphysis., The cerebral epiphysis, or pineal gland. See Pineal gland, under Pineal.
epiphytal adjective Pertaining to an epiphyte.
epiphytic adjective Alt. of Epiphytical
epiplexis noun A figure by which a person seeks to convince and move by an elegant kind of upbraiding.
epipodial adjective Pertaining to the epipodialia or the parts of the limbs to which they belong., Pertaining to the epipodium of Mollusca.
epipodite noun The outer branch of the legs in certain Crustacea. See Maxilliped.
epipodium noun One of the lateral lobes of the foot in certain gastropods.
epipolism noun See Fluorescence.
epipteric adjective Pertaining to a small Wormian bone sometimes present in the human skull between the parietal and the great wing of the sphenoid., The epipteric bone.
episcopal adjective Governed by bishops; as, an episcopal church., Belonging to, or vested in, bishops; as, episcopal jurisdiction or authority; the episcopal system.
episodial adjective Pertaining to an episode; by way of episode; episodic.
epistaxis noun Bleeding at the nose.
episterna plural of Episternum
epistolar adjective Epistolary.
epistoler noun One of the clergy who reads the epistle at the communion service; an epistler.
epistolet noun A little epistle.
epistolic adjective Alt. of Epistolical
epitapher noun A writer of epitaphs.
epitaphic adjective Pertaining to an epitaph; epitaphian., An epitaph.
epithelia plural of Epithelium
epithesis noun The addition of a letter at the end of a word, without changing its sense; as, numb for num, whilst for whiles.
epithetic adjective Alt. of Epithetical
epitomist noun One who makes an epitome; one who abridges; an epitomizer.
epitomize verb t. To make an epitome of; to shorten or abridge, as a writing or discourse; to reduce within a smaller space; as, to epitomize the works of Justin., To diminish, as by cutting off something; to curtail; as, to epitomize words.
epizeuxis noun A figure by which a word is repeated with vehemence or emphasis, as in the following lines: –
epizootic adjective Of or pertaining to an epizoon., Containing fossil remains; — said of rocks, formations, mountains, and the like., Of the nature of a disease which attacks many animals at the same time; — corresponding to epidemic diseases among men., An epizootic disease; a murrain; an epidemic influenza among horses.
eponymist noun One from whom a race, tribe, city, or the like, took its name; an eponym.
eponymous adjective Relating to an eponym; giving one’s name to a tribe, people, country, and the like.
epotation noun A drinking up; a quaffing.
epulation noun A feasting or feast; banquet.
epulosity noun A feasting to excess.
epuration noun Purification.
equalling of Equal
equalized imp. & past participle of Equalize
equalizer noun One who, or that which, equalizes anything.
equalness noun Equality; evenness.
equerries plural of Equerry
equicrure adjective Equicrural.
equipping present participle & vb. noun of Equip
equipaged adjective Furnished with equipage.
equipedal adjective Equal-footed; having the pairs of feet equal.
equipment noun The act of equipping, or the state of being equipped, as for a voyage or expedition., Whatever is used in equipping; necessaries for an expedition or voyage; the collective designation for the articles comprising an outfit; equipage; as, a railroad equipment (locomotives, cars, etc. ; for carrying on business); horse equipments; infantry equipments; naval equipments; laboratory equipments.
equipoise noun Equality of weight or force; hence, equilibrium; a state in which the two ends or sides of a thing are balanced, and hence equal; state of being equally balanced; — said of moral, political, or social interests or forces., Counterpoise.
equirotal adjective Having wheels of the same size or diameter; having equal rotation.
equisetum noun A genus of vascular, cryptogamic, herbaceous plants; — also called horsetails.
equitable adjective Possessing or exhibiting equity; according to natural right or natural justice; marked by a due consideration for what is fair, unbiased, or impartial; just; as an equitable decision; an equitable distribution of an estate; equitable men., That can be sustained or made available or effective in a court of equity, or upon principles of equity jurisprudence; as, an equitable estate; equitable assets, assignment, mortgage, etc.
equitably adverb In an equitable manner; justly; as, the laws should be equitably administered.
equitancy noun Horsemanship.
equivalue verb t. To put an equal value upon; to put (something) on a par with another thing.
equivalve adjective Alt. of Equivalved
equivocal adjective (Literally, called equally one thing or the other; hence:) Having two significations equally applicable; capable of double interpretation; of doubtful meaning; ambiguous; uncertain; as, equivocal words; an equivocal sentence., Capable of being ascribed to different motives, or of signifying opposite feelings, purposes, or characters; deserving to be suspected; as, his actions are equivocal., Uncertain, as an indication or sign; doubtful., A word or expression capable of different meanings; an ambiguous term; an equivoque.
equivoque noun Alt. of Equivoke
eradiated imp. & past participle of Eradiate
eradicate verb t. To pluck up by the roots; to root up; as, an oak tree eradicated., To root out; to destroy utterly; to extirpate; as, to eradicate diseases, or errors.
erasement noun The act of erasing; a rubbing out; expunction; obliteration.
ercedeken noun An archdeacon.
erectable adjective Capable of being erected; as, an erectable feather.
erectness noun Uprightness of posture or form.
eremitage noun See Hermitage.
eremitish adjective Eremitic.
eremitism noun The state of a hermit; a living in seclusion from social life.
eretation noun A creeping forth.
erewhiles adverb Some time ago; a little while before; heretofore.
ergotized adjective Affected with the ergot fungus; as, ergotized rye.
eriometer noun An instrument for measuring the diameters of minute particles or fibers, from the size of the colored rings produced by the diffraction of the light in which the objects are viewed.
eristalis noun A genus of dipterous insects whose young (called rat-tailed larvae) are remarkable for their long tapering tail, which spiracles at the tip, and for their ability to live in very impure and salt waters; — also called drone fly.
eristical adjective Controversial.
ernestful adjective Serious.
erogating present participle & vb. noun of Erogate
erogation noun The act of giving out or bestowing.
erostrate adjective Without a beak.
eroticism noun Erotic quality.
erratical adjective Erratic.
erroneous adjective Wandering; straying; deviating from the right course; — hence, irregular; unnatural., Misleading; misled; mistaking., Containing error; not conformed to truth or justice; incorrect; false; mistaken; as, an erroneous doctrine; erroneous opinion, observation, deduction, view, etc.
erstwhile adverb Till then or now; heretofore; formerly.
erucifrom adjective Having the form of a caterpillar; — said of insect larvae.
erudition noun The act of instructing; the result of thorough instruction; the state of being erudite or learned; the acquisitions gained by extensive reading or study; particularly, learning in literature or criticism, as distinct from the sciences; scholarship.
eruginous adjective Partaking of the substance or nature of copper, or of the rust copper; resembling the trust of copper or verdigris; aeruginous.
erythrean adjective Alt. of Erythraean
erythrine noun A colorless crystalline substance, C20H22O10, extracted from certain lichens, as the various species of Rocella. It is a derivative of orsellinic acid. So called because of certain red compounds derived from it. Called also erythric acid., See Erythrite, 2.
erythrina noun A genus of leguminous plants growing in the tropics; coral tree; — so called from its red flowers.
erythrism noun A condition of excessive redness. See Erythrochroism.
erythrite noun A colorless crystalline substance, C4H6.(OH)4, of a sweet, cooling taste, extracted from certain lichens, and obtained by the decomposition of erythrin; — called also erythrol, erythroglucin, erythromannite, pseudorcin, cobalt bloom, and under the name phycite obtained from the alga Protococcus vulgaris. It is a tetrabasic alcohol, corresponding to glycol and glycerin., A rose-red mineral, crystallized and earthy, a hydrous arseniate of cobalt, known also as cobalt bloom; — called also erythrin or erythrine.
erythroid adjective Of a red color; reddish; as, the erythroid tunic (the cremaster muscle).
escaladed imp. & past participle of Escalade
escaloped adjective Cut or marked in the form of an escalop; scalloped., Covered with a pattern resembling a series of escalop shells, each of which issues from between two others. Its appearance is that of a surface covered with scales.
escapable adjective Avoidable.
escarping present participle & vb. noun of Escarp
escharine adjective Like, or pertaining to, the genus Eschara, or family Escharidae.
eschaunge noun Exchange.
escheator noun An officer whose duty it is to observe what escheats have taken place, and to take charge of them.
eschynite noun A rare mineral, containing chiefly niobium, titanium, thorium, and cerium. It was so called by Berzelius on account of the inability of chemical science, at the time of its discovery, to separate some of its constituents.
escocheon noun Escutcheon.
escopette noun A kind of firearm; a carbine.
escorting present participle & vb. noun of Escort
esophagal adjective Esophageal.
esophagus noun That part of the alimentary canal between the pharynx and the stomach; the gullet. See Illust. of Digestive apparatus, under Digestive.
esoterics noun Mysterious or hidden doctrines; secret science.
esperance noun Hope.
espiaille noun Espial.
espionage noun The practice or employment of spies; the practice of watching the words and conduct of others, to make discoveries, as spies or secret emissaries; secret watching.
esplanade noun A clear space between a citadel and the nearest houses of the town., The glacis of the counterscarp, or the slope of the parapet of the covered way toward the country., A grass plat; a lawn., Any clear, level space used for public walks or drives; esp., a terrace by the seaside.
espousage noun Espousal.
espousing present participle & vb. noun of Espouse
espringal noun An engine of war used for throwing viretons, large stones, and other missiles; a springal.
esquimaux plural of Esquimau
esquiring present participle & vb. noun of Esquire
essencing present participle & vb. noun of Essence
essential adjective Belonging to the essence, or that which makes an object, or class of objects, what it is., Hence, really existing; existent., Important in the highest degree; indispensable to the attainment of an object; indispensably necessary., Containing the essence or characteristic portion of a substance, as of a plant; highly rectified; pure; hence, unmixed; as, an essential oil., Necessary; indispensable; — said of those tones which constitute a chord, in distinction from ornamental or passing tones., Idiopathic; independent of other diseases.
establish adjective To make stable or firm; to fix immovably or firmly; to set (a thing) in a place and make it stable there; to settle; to confirm., To appoint or constitute for permanence, as officers, laws, regulations, etc.; to enact; to ordain., To originate and secure the permanent existence of; to found; to institute; to create and regulate; — said of a colony, a state, or other institutions., To secure public recognition in favor of; to prove and cause to be accepted as true; as, to establish a fact, usage, principle, opinion, doctrine, etc., To set up in business; to place advantageously in a fixed condition; — used reflexively; as, he established himself in a place; the enemy established themselves in the citadel.
estafette noun A courier who conveys messages to another courier; a military courier sent from one part of an army to another.
estatlich adjective Alt. of Estatly
esteeming present participle & vb. noun of Esteem
estimable adjective Capable of being estimated or valued; as, estimable damage., Valuable; worth a great price., Worth of esteem or respect; deserving our good opinion or regard., A thing worthy of regard.
estimably adverb In an estimable manner.
estimated imp. & past participle of Estimate
estimator noun One who estimates or values; a valuer.
estopping present participle & vb. noun of Estop
estranged imp. & past participle of Estrange
estranger noun One who estranges.
estrangle verb t. To strangle.
estrapade noun The action of a horse, when, to get rid of his rider, he rears, plunges, and kicks furiously.
estreated imp. & past participle of Estreat
estuarine adjective Pertaining to an estuary; estuary.
estuaries plural of Estuary
estuating present participle & vb. noun of Estuate
estuation noun The act of estuating; commotion, as of a fluid; agitation.
et cetera Alt. of Et caetera
eternally adverb In an eternal manner.
eternized imp. & past participle of Eternize
ethereous adjective Formed of ether; ethereal., Pertaining to, or resembling, ether.
etherized imp. & past participle of Etherize
ethically adverb According to, in harmony with, moral principles or character.
ethiopian noun A native or inhabitant of Ethiopia; also, in a general sense, a negro or black man., Alt. of Ethiopic
ethmoidal adjective Like a sieve; cribriform., Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.
ethnarchy noun The dominion of an ethnarch; principality and rule.
ethnicism noun Heathenism; paganism; idolatry.
ethnology noun The science which treats of the division of mankind into races, their origin, distribution, and relations, and the peculiarities which characterize them.
ethologic a Alt. of Ethological
etiolated imp. & past participle of Etiolate, Having a blanched or faded appearance, as birds inhabiting desert regions.
etiquette noun The forms required by good breeding, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life; observance of the proprieties of rank and occasion; conventional decorum; ceremonial code of polite society.
etymology noun That branch of philological science which treats of the history of words, tracing out their origin, primitive significance, and changes of form and meaning., That part of grammar which relates to the changes in the form of the words in a language; inflection.
eucairite noun A metallic mineral, a selenide of copper and silver; — so called by Berzelius on account of its being found soon after the discovery of the metal selenium.
eucharist noun The act of giving thanks; thanksgiving., The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper; the solemn act of ceremony of commemorating the death of Christ, in the use of bread and wine, as the appointed emblems; the communion.
euchloric adjective Relating to, or consisting of, euchlorine; as, euchloric /.
euchology noun A formulary of prayers; the book of offices in the Greek Church, containing the liturgy, sacraments, and forms of prayers.
euchroite noun A mineral occurring in transparent emerald green crystals. It is hydrous arseniate of copper.
euclidian noun Related to Euclid, or to the geometry of Euclid.
eudialyte noun A mineral of a brownish red color and vitreous luster, consisting chiefly of the silicates of iron, zirconia, and lime.
eugetinic adjective Pertaining to, or derived from, eugenol; as, eugetic acid.
euisopoda A group which includes the typical Isopoda.
eulogical adjective Bestowing praise of eulogy; commendatory; eulogistic.
eulogiums plural of Eulogium
eulogized imp. & past participle of Eulogize
eumenides noun pl. A euphemistic name for the Furies of Erinyes.
eunuchate verb t. To make a eunuch of; to castrate. as a man.
eunuchism noun The state of being eunuch.
euosmitte noun A fossil resin, so called from its strong, peculiar, pleasant odor.
euphemism noun A figure in which a harts or indelicate word or expression is softened; a way of describing an offensive thing by an inoffensive expression; a mild name for something disagreeable.
euphemize verb t. & i. To express by a euphemism, or in delicate language; to make use of euphemistic expressions.
euphoniad noun An instrument in which are combined the characteristic tones of the organ and various other instruments.
euphonism noun An agreeable combination of sounds; euphony.
euphonium noun A bass instrument of the saxhorn family.
euphonize verb t. To make euphonic.
euphonous noun Euphonious.
euphonies plural of Euphony
euphorbia noun Spurge, or bastard spurge, a genus of plants of many species, mostly shrubby, herbaceous succulents, affording an acrid, milky juice. Some of them are armed with thorns. Most of them yield powerful emetic and cathartic products.
euphotide noun A rock occurring in the Alps, consisting of saussurite and smaragdite; — sometimes called gabbro.
eupittone noun A yellow, crystalline substance, resembling aurin, and obtained by the oxidation of pittacal; — called also eupittonic acid.
euplastic adjective Having the capacity of becoming organizable in a high degree, as the matter forming the false membranes which sometimes result from acute inflammation in a healthy person., Organizable substance by which the tissues of an animal body are renewed.
euryalida noun pl. A tribe of Ophiuroidea, including the genera Euryale, Astrophyton, etc. They generally have the arms branched. See Astrophyton.
euterpean adjective Of or pertaining to Euterpe or to music.
euthanasy noun Same as Euthanasia.
eutychian noun A follower of Eutyches [5th century], who held that the divine and the human in the person of Christ were blended together as to constitute but one nature; a monophysite; — opposed to Nestorian.
euxanthic adjective Having a yellow color; pertaining to, derived from, or resembling, euxanthin.
euxanthin noun A yellow pigment imported from India and China. It has a strong odor, and is said to be obtained from the urine of herbivorous animals when fed on the mango. It consists if a magnesium salt of euxanthic acid. Called also puri, purree, and Indian yellow.
evacuated imp. & past participle of Evacuate
evacuator noun One who evacuates; a nullifier.
evagation noun A wandering about; excursion; a roving.
evanesced imp. & past participle of Evanesce
evangelic adjective Belonging to, or contained in, the gospel; evangelical.
evaporate verb t. To pass off in vapor, as a fluid; to escape and be dissipated, either in visible vapor, or in practice too minute to be visible., To escape or pass off without effect; to be dissipated; to be wasted, as, the spirit of writer often evaporates in the process of translation., To convert from a liquid or solid state into vapor (usually) by the agency of heat; to dissipate in vapor or fumes., To expel moisture from (usually by means of artificial heat), leaving the solid portion; to subject to evaporation; as, to evaporate apples., To give vent to; to dissipate., Dispersed in vapors.
eventless adjective Without events; tame; monotomous; marked by nothing unusual; uneventful.
eventtual adjective Coming or happening as a consequence or result; consequential., Final; ultimate., Dependent on events; contingent.
eventuate verb i. To come out finally or in conclusion; to result; to come to pass.
everglade noun A swamp or low tract of land inundated with water and interspersed with hummocks, or small islands, and patches of high grass; as, the everglades of Florida.
evergreen adjective Remaining unwithered through the winter, or retaining unwithered leaves until the leaves of the next year are expanded, as pines cedars, hemlocks, and the like., An evergreen plant., Twigs and branches of evergreen plants used for decoration.
everichon pronoun Alt. of Everychon
everychon pronoun Every one.
everybody noun Every person.
everywhen adverb At any or all times; every instant.
evidenced imp. & past participle of Evidence
evidencer noun One whi gives evidence.
evidently adverb In an evident manner; clearly; plainly.
evil-eyed adjective Possessed of the supposed evil eye; also, looking with envy, jealousy, or bad design; malicious.
evincible adjective Capable of being proved or clearly brought to light; demonstrable.
eviration noun Castration.
evitation noun A shunning; avoidance.
eviternal adjective Eternal; everlasting.
evocation noun The act of calling out or forth.
evocative adjective Calling forth; serving to evoke; developing.
evolation noun A flying out or up.
evolution noun The act of unfolding or unrolling; hence, in the process of growth; development; as, the evolution of a flower from a bud, or an animal from the egg., A series of things unrolled or unfolded., The formation of an involute by unwrapping a thread from a curve as an evolute., The extraction of roots; — the reverse of involution., A prescribed movement of a body of troops, or a vessel or fleet; any movement designed to effect a new arrangement or disposition; a maneuver., A general name for the history of the steps by which any living organism has acquired the morphological and physiological characters which distinguish it; a gradual unfolding of successive phases of growth or development., That theory of generation which supposes the germ to preexist in the parent, and its parts to be developed, but not actually formed, by the procreative act; — opposed to epigenesis., That series of changes under natural law which involves continuous progress from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous in structure, and from the single and simple to the diverse and manifold in quality or function. The pocess is by some limited to organic beings; by others it is applied to the inorganic and the psychical. It is also applied to explain the existence and growth of institutions, manners, language, civilization, and every product of human activity. The agencies and laws of the process are variously explained by different philosophrs.
evomition noun The act of vomiting.
exacinate verb t. To remove the kernel form.
exactness noun The condition of being exact; accuracy; nicety; precision; regularity; as, exactness of jurgement or deportment., Careful observance of method and conformity to truth; as, exactness in accounts or business.
exactress noun A woman who is an exactor.
exaeresis noun In old writers, the operations concerned in the removal of parts of the body.
exagitate verb t. To stir up; to agitate., To satirize; to censure severely.
exaltment noun Exaltation.
exametron noun An hexameter.
examinant noun One who examines; an examiner., One who is to be examined.
examinate noun A person subjected to examination.
examining present participle & vb. noun of Examine, Having power to examine; appointed to examine; as, an examining committee.
examplary adjective Serving for example or pattern; exemplary.
exampling present participle & vb. noun of Example
exampless adjective Exampleless. [Wrongly formed.]
exanimate adjective Lifeless; dead., Destitute of animation; spiritless; disheartened., To deprive of animation or of life.
exanimous adjective Lifeless; dead.
exanthema noun An efflorescence or discoloration of the skin; an eruption or breaking out, as in measles, smallpox, scarlatina, and the like diseases; — sometimes limited to eruptions attended with fever.
exantlate verb t. To exhaust or wear out.
exaration noun Act of plowing; also, act of writing.
exarchate noun The office or the province of an exarch.
excalibur noun The name of King Arthur’s mythical sword.
excambion noun Alt. of Excambium
excambium noun Exchange; barter; — used commonly of lands.
excarnate verb t. To deprive or clear of flesh.
excavated imp. & past participle of Excavate
excavator noun One who, or that which, excavates or hollows out; a machine, as a dredging machine, or a tool, for excavating.
exceeding present participle & vb. noun of Exceed, More than usual; extraordinary; more than sufficient; measureless., In a very great degree; extremely; exceedingly.
excelling present participle & vb. noun of Excel
excellent adjective Excelling; surpassing others in some good quality or the sum of qualities; of great worth; eminent, in a good sense; superior; as, an excellent man, artist, citizen, husband, discourse, book, song, etc.; excellent breeding, principles, aims, action., Superior in kind or degree, irrespective of moral quality; — used with words of a bad significance., Excellently; eminently; exceedingly.
excelsior verb t. More lofty; still higher; ever upward., A kind of stuffing for upholstered furniture, mattresses, etc., in which curled shreds of wood are substituted for curled hair.
excentral adjective Out of the center.
excentric adjective Alt. of Excentrical
excepting present participle & vb. noun of Except, With rejection or exception of; excluding; except.
exceptant adjective Making exception.
exception noun The act of excepting or excluding; exclusion; restriction by taking out something which would otherwise be included, as in a class, statement, rule., That which is excepted or taken out from others; a person, thing, or case, specified as distinct, or not included; as, almost every general rule has its exceptions., An objection, oral or written, taken, in the course of an action, as to bail or security; or as to the decision of a judge, in the course of a trail, or in his charge to a jury; or as to lapse of time, or scandal, impertinence, or insufficiency in a pleading; also, as in conveyancing, a clause by which the grantor excepts something before granted., An objection; cavil; dissent; disapprobation; offense; cause of offense; — usually followed by to or against.
exceptive adjective That excepts; including an exception; as, an exceptive proposition.
excernent adjective Connected with, or pertaining to, excretion.
excerpted imp. & past participle of Excerpt
excerptor noun One who makes excerpts; a picker; a culler.
excessive adjective Characterized by, or exhibiting, excess; overmuch.
exchanged imp. & past participle of Exchange
exchanger noun One who exchanges; one who practices exchange.
excheator noun See Escheator.
exchequer noun One of the superior courts of law; — so called from a checkered cloth, which covers, or formerly covered, the table., The department of state having charge of the collection and management of the royal revenue. [Eng.] Hence, the treasury; and, colloquially, pecuniary possessions in general; as, the company’s exchequer is low., To institute a process against (any one) in the Court of Exchequer.
excipient verb t. Taking an exception., An exceptor., An inert or slightly active substance used in preparing remedies as a vehicle or medium of administration for the medicinal agents.
excipulum noun The outer part of the fructification of most lichens.
excisable adjective Liable or subject to excise; as, tobacco in an excisable commodity.
excisemen plural of Exciseman
exciseman noun An officer who inspects and rates articles liable to excise duty.
excitable adjective Capable of being excited, or roused into action; susceptible of excitement; easily stirred up, or stimulated.
excitator noun A kind of discarder.
exciteful noun Full of exciting qualities; as, an exciteful story; exciteful players.
exclaimed imp. & past participle of Exclaim
exclaimer noun One who exclaims.
excluding present participle & vb. noun of Exclude
exclusion noun The act of excluding, or of shutting out, whether by thrusting out or by preventing admission; a debarring; rejection; prohibition; the state of being excluded., The act of expelling or ejecting a fetus or an egg from the womb., Thing emitted.
exclusive adjective Having the power of preventing entrance; debarring from participation or enjoyment; possessed and enjoyed to the exclusion of others; as, exclusive bars; exclusive privilege; exclusive circles of society., Not taking into the account; excluding from consideration; — opposed to inclusive; as, five thousand troops, exclusive of artillery., One of a coterie who exclude others; one who from real of affected fastidiousness limits his acquaintance to a select few.
exclusory adjective Able to exclude; excluding; serving to exclude.
excoction The act of excocting or boiling out.
excommune verb t. To exclude from participation in; to excommunicate.
eccoriate verb t. To strip or wear off the skin of; to abrade; to gall; to break and remove the cuticle of, in any manner, as by rubbing, beating, or by the action of acrid substances.
excreable adjective Capable of being discharged by spitting.
excrement noun Matter excreted and ejected; that which is excreted or cast out of the animal body by any of the natural emunctories; especially, alvine, discharges; dung; ordure., An excrescence or appendage; an outgrowth.
excreting present participle & vb. noun of Excrete
excretion noun The act of excreting., That which is excreted; excrement.
excretive adjective Having the power of excreting, or promoting excretion.
excretory adjective Having the quality of excreting, or throwing off excrementitious matter.
exculpate verb t. To clear from alleged fault or guilt; to prove to be guiltless; to relieve of blame; to acquit.
excurrent adjective Running or flowing out, Running or extending out; as, an excurrent midrib, one which projects beyond the apex of a leaf; an excurrent steam or trunk, one which continues to the top., Characterized by a current which flows outward; as, an excurrent orifice or tube.
excursion A running or going out or forth; an expedition; a sally., A journey chiefly for recreation; a pleasure trip; a brief tour; as, an excursion into the country., A wandering from a subject; digression., Length of stroke, as of a piston; stroke. [An awkward use of the word.]
excursive adjective Prone to make excursions; wandering; roving; exploring; as, an excursive fancy.
excusable adjective That may be excused, forgiven, justified, or acquitted of blame; pardonable; as, the man is excusable; an excusable action.
excusator noun One who makes, or is authorized to make, an excuse; an apologist.
excussion noun The act of excusing; seizure by law.
execrable adjective Deserving to be execrated; accursed; damnable; detestable; abominable; as, an execrable wretch.
execrated imp. & past participle of Execrate
executant noun One who executes or performs; esp., a performer on a musical instrument.
executing present participle & vb. noun of Execute
execution noun The act of executing; a carrying into effect or to completion; performance; achievement; consummation; as, the execution of a plan, a work, etc., A putting to death as a legal penalty; death lawfully inflicted; as, the execution of a murderer., The act of the mode of performing a work of art, of performing on an instrument, of engraving, etc.; as, the execution of a statue, painting, or piece of music., The carrying into effect the judgment given in a court of law., A judicial writ by which an officer is empowered to carry a judgment into effect; final process., The act of signing, and delivering a legal instrument, or giving it the forms required to render it valid; as, the execution of a deed, or a will., That which is executed or accomplished; effect; effective work; — usually with do., The act of sacking a town.
executive adjective Designed or fitted for execution, or carrying into effect; as, executive talent; qualifying for, concerned with, or pertaining to, the execution of the laws or the conduct of affairs; as, executive power or authority; executive duties, officer, department, etc., An impersonal title of the chief magistrate or officer who administers the government, whether king, president, or governor; the governing person or body.
executory adjective Pertaining to administration, or putting the laws in force; executive., Designed to be executed or carried into effect in time to come, or to take effect on a future contingency; as, an executory devise, reminder, or estate; an executory contract.
executrix noun A woman exercising the functions of an executor.
exegetics noun The science of interpretation or exegesis.
exegetist noun One versed in the science of exegesis or interpretation; — also called exegete.
exemplary adjective Serving as a pattern; deserving to be proposed for imitation; commendable; as, an exemplary person; exemplary conduct., Serving as a warning; monitory; as, exemplary justice, punishment, or damages., Illustrating as the proof of a thing., An exemplar; also, a copy of a book or writing.
exemplify verb t. To show or illustrate by example., To copy; to transcribe; to make an attested copy or transcript of, under seal, as of a record., To prove or show by an attested copy.
exempting present participle & vb. noun of Exempt
exemption noun The act of exempting; the state of being exempt; freedom from any charge, burden, evil, etc., to which others are subject; immunity; privilege; as, exemption of certain articles from seizure; exemption from military service; exemption from anxiety, suffering, etc.
exequatur noun A written official recognition of a consul or commercial agent, issued by the government to which he is accredited, and authorizing him to exercise his powers in the place to which he is assigned., Official recognition or permission.
exequious adjective Funereal.
exercised imp. & past participle of Exercise
exerciser noun One who exercises.
exertment noun Exertion.
exestuate verb i. To be agitated; to boil up; to effervesce.
exfoliate verb i. To separate and come off in scales or laminae, as pieces of carious bone or of bark., To split into scales, especially to become converted into scales at the result of heat or decomposition., To remove scales, laminae, or splinters from the surface of.
exhalable adjective Capable of being exhaled or evaporated.
exhalence noun Exhalation.
exhausted imp. & past participle of Exhaust
exhauster noun One who, or that which, exhausts or draws out.
exhibited imp. & past participle of Exhibit
exhibiter noun One who exhibits; one who presents a petition, charge or bill.
exhibitor noun One who exhibits.
exhorting present participle & vb. noun of Exhort
exhumated adjective Disinterred.
exigenter noun An officer in the Court of King’s Bench and Common Pleas whose duty it was make out exigents. The office in now abolished.
exilement noun Banishment.
exilition noun A sudden springing or leaping out.
exinanite verb t. To make empty; to render of no effect; to humble.
existence noun The state of existing or being; actual possession of being; continuance in being; as, the existence of body and of soul in union; the separate existence of the soul; immortal existence., Continued or repeated manifestation; occurrence, as of events of any kind; as, the existence of a calamity or of a state of war., That which exists; a being; a creature; an entity; as, living existences.
existency noun Existence.
existible adjective Capable of existence.
exocoetus noun A genus of fishes, including the common flying fishes. See Flying fish.
exoculate verb t. To deprive of eyes.
exogamous adjective Relating to exogamy; marrying outside of the limits of one’s own tribe; — opposed to endogenous.
exogenous adjective Pertaining to, or having the character of, an exogen; — the opposite of endogenous., Growing by addition to the exterior., Growing from previously ossified parts; — opposed to autogenous.
exolution noun See Exsolution.
exonerate verb t. To unload; to disburden; to discharge., To relieve, in a moral sense, as of a charge, obligation, or load of blame resting on one; to clear of something that lies upon oppresses one, as an accusation or imputation; as, to exonerate one’s self from blame, or from the charge of avarice., To discharge from duty or obligation, as a ball.
exopodite noun The external branch of the appendages of Crustacea.
exoptable adjective Very desirable.
exoration noun Entreaty.
exorcised imp. & past participle of Exorcise
exorciser noun An exorcist.
exordiums plural of Exordium
exorhizae plural of Exorhiza
exorhizal adjective Alt. of Exorhizous
exosmosis noun See Exosmose.
exosmotic adjective Pertaining to exosmose.
exosstate verb t. To deprive of bones; to take out the bones of; to bone.
exostosis noun Any protuberance of a bone which is not natural; an excrescence or morbid enlargement of a bone., A knot formed upon or in the wood of trees by disease.
exoterics noun pl. The public lectures or published writings of Aristotle. See Esoterics.
exoteries plural of Exotery
exoticism noun The state of being exotic; also, anything foreign, as a word or idiom; an exotic.
expanding present participle & vb. noun of Expand, That expands, or may be expanded; extending; spreading; enlarging.
expansile adjective Expansible.
expansion noun The act of expanding or spreading out; the condition of being expanded; dilation; enlargement., That which is expanded; expanse; extend surface; as, the expansion of a sheet or of a lake; the expansion was formed of metal., Space through which anything is expanded; also, pure space., Enlargement or extension of business transactions; esp., increase of the circulation of bank notes., The developed result of an indicated operation; as, the expansion of (a + b)2 is a2 + 2ab + b2., The operation of steam in a cylinder after its communication with the boiler has been cut off, by which it continues to exert pressure upon the moving piston., The enlargement of the ship mathematically from a model or drawing to the full or building size, in the process of construction.
expansive adjective Having a capacity or tendency to expand or dilate; diffusive; of much expanse; wide-extending; as, the expansive force of heat; the expansive quality of air.
expansure noun Expanse.
expatiate verb i. To range at large, or without restraint., To enlarge in discourse or writing; to be copious in argument or discussion; to descant., To expand; to spread; to extend; to diffuse; to broaden.
expecting present participle & vb. noun of Expect
expectant adjective Waiting in expectation; looking for, waiting for the efforts of nature, with little active treatment., One who waits in expectation; one held in dependence by hope of receiving some good.
expective adjective Expectative.
expediate verb t. To hasten; to expedite.
expedient adjective Hastening or forward; hence, tending to further or promote a proposed object; fit or proper under the circumstances; conducive to self-interest; desirable; advisable; advantageous; — sometimes contradistinguished from right., Quick; expeditious., That which serves to promote or advance; suitable means to accomplish an end., Means devised in an exigency; shift.
expedited imp. & past participle of Expedite
expelling present participle & vb. noun of Expel
expending present participle & vb. noun of Expend
expenitor noun A disburser; especially, one of the disbursers of taxes for the repair of sewers.
expensive adjective Occasioning expense; calling for liberal outlay; costly; dear; liberal; as, expensive dress; an expensive house or family., Free in expending; very liberal; especially, in a bad scene; extravagant; lavish.
experient adjective Experienced.
expetible adjective Worthy of being wished for; desirable.
expiating present participle & vb. noun of Expiate
expiation noun The act of making satisfaction or atonement for any crime or fault; the extinguishing of guilt by suffering or penalty., The means by which reparation or atonement for crimes or sins is made; an expiatory sacrifice or offering; an atonement., An act by which the treats of prodigies were averted among the ancient heathen.
expiatist noun An expiator.
expiatory adjective Having power, or intended, to make expiation; atoning; as, an expiatory sacrifice.
expilator noun One who pillages; a plunderer; a pillager.
expirable adjective That may expire; capable of being brought to an end.
expiscate verb t. To fish out; to find out by skill or laborious investigation; to search out.
explained imp. & past participle of Explain
explainer noun One who explains; an expounder or expositor; a commentator; an interpreter.
explanate adjective Spreading or extending outwardly in a flat form.
expletion noun Accomplishment; fulfillment.
expletive adjective Filling up; hence, added merely for the purpose of filling up; superfluous., A word, letter, or syllable not necessary to the sense, but inserted to fill a vacancy; an oath.
expletory adjective Serving to fill up; expletive; superfluous; as, an expletory word.
explicate adjective Evolved; unfolded., To unfold; to expand; to lay open., To unfold the meaning or sense of; to explain; to clear of difficulties or obscurity; to interpret.
exploding present participle & vb. noun of Explode
explodent noun An instrument or agent causing explosion; an exploder; also, an explosive., See Explosive, n., 2.
explorate verb t. To explore.
exploring present participle & vb. noun of Explore
explosion noun The act of exploding; detonation; a chemical action which causes the sudden formation of a great volume of expanded gas; as, the explosion of gunpowder, of fire damp,etc., A bursting with violence and loud noise, because of internal pressure; as, the explosion of a gun, a bomb, a steam boiler, etc., A violent outburst of feeling, manifested by excited language, action, etc.; as, an explosion of wrath.
explosive adjective Driving or bursting out with violence and noise; causing explosion; as, the explosive force of gunpowder., An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a rapid chemical reaction, as gunpowder, or nitro-glycerine., A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath; (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice. [See Guide to Pronunciation, Ã 155-7, 184.]
exporting present participle & vb. noun of Export
expositor noun One who, or that which, expounds or explains; an expounder; a commentator.
exposture noun Exposure.
expounded imp. & past participle of Expound
expounder noun One who expounds or explains; an interpreter.
expressed imp. & past participle of Express
expressly adverb In an express manner; in direct terms; with distinct purpose; particularly; as, a book written expressly for the young.
expulsion noun The act of expelling; a driving or forcing out; summary removal from membership, association, etc., The state of being expelled or driven out.
expulsive adjective Having the power of driving out or away; serving to expel.
expunging present participle & vb. noun of Expunge
expurgate verb t. To purify; to clear from anything noxious, offensive, or erroneous; to cleanse; to purge; as, to expurgate a book.
exquisite adjective Carefully selected or sought out; hence, of distinguishing and surpassing quality; exceedingly nice; delightfully excellent; giving rare satisfaction; as, exquisite workmanship., Exceeding; extreme; keen; — used in a bad or a good sense; as, exquisite pain or pleasure., Of delicate perception or close and accurate discrimination; not easy to satisfy; exact; nice; fastidious; as, exquisite judgment, taste, or discernment., One who manifests an exquisite attention to external appearance; one who is overnice in dress or ornament; a fop; a dandy.
exscinded imp. & past participle of Exscind
exsertile adjective Capable of being thrust out or protruded.
exsiccant adjective Having the quality of drying up; causing a drying up., An exsiccant medicine.
exsiccate verb t. To exhaust or evaporate moisture from; to dry up.
exsputory adjective Spit out, or as if spit out.
exstrophy noun The eversion or turning out of any organ, or of its inner surface; as, exstrophy of the eyelid or of the bladder.
exsuccous adjective Destitute of juice; dry; sapless. Latham.
exsuction noun The act of sucking out.
extempore adverb Without previous study or meditation; without preparation; on the spur of the moment; suddenly; extemporaneously; as, to write or speak extempore., Done or performed extempore., Speaking or writing done extempore.
extending present participle & vb. noun of Extend
extendant adjective Displaced.
extensile adjective Suited for, or capable of, extension; extensible.
extension verb t. The act of extending or the state of being extended; a stretching out; enlargement in breadth or continuation of length; increase; augmentation; expansion., That property of a body by which it occupies a portion of space., Capacity of a concept or general term to include a greater or smaller number of objects; — correlative of intension., The operation of stretching a broken bone so as to bring the fragments into the same straight line., The straightening of a limb, in distinction from flexion., A written engagement on the part of a creditor, allowing a debtor further time to pay a debt.
extensive adjective Having wide extent; of much superficial extent; expanded; large; broad; wide; comprehensive; as, an extensive farm; an extensive lake; an extensive sphere of operations; extensive benevolence; extensive greatness., Capable of being extended.
extensure noun Extension.
extenuate verb t. To make thin or slender; to draw out so as to lessen the thickness., To lessen; to palliate; to lessen or weaken the force of; to diminish the conception of, as crime, guilt, faults, ills, accusations, etc.; — opposed to aggravate., To lower or degrade; to detract from., To become thinner; to make excuses; to advance palliating considerations., Thin; slender.
extermine verb t. To exterminate; to destroy.
extersion noun The act of wiping or rubbing out.
extilling present participle & vb. noun of Extill
extirpate verb t. To pluck up by the stem or root; to root out; to eradicate, literally or figuratively; to destroy wholly; as, to extirpate weeds; to extirpate a tumor; to extirpate a sect; to extirpate error or heresy.
extolling present participle & vb. noun of Extol
extolment noun Praise.
extorsive adjective Serving or tending to extort.
extorting present participle & vb. noun of Extort
extortion noun The act of extorting; the act or practice of wresting anything from a person by force, by threats, or by any undue exercise of power; undue exaction; overcharge., The offense committed by an officer who corruptly claims and takes, as his fee, money, or other thing of value, that is not due, or more than is due, or before it is due., That which is extorted or exacted by force.
extracted imp. & past participle of Extract
extractor noun One who, or that which, extracts, A forceps or instrument for extracting substances., A device for withdrawing a cartridge or spent cartridge shell from the chamber of the barrel.
extradite verb t. To deliver up by one government to another, as a fugitive from justice. See Extradition.
extraught past participle Extracted; descended.
extremely adverb In an extreme manner or state; in the utmost degree; to the utmost point; exceedingly; as, extremely hot or cold.
extremist noun A supporter of extreme doctrines or practice; one who holds extreme opinions.
extremity noun The extreme part; the utmost limit; the farthest or remotest point or part; as, the extremities of a country., One of locomotive appendages of an animal; a limb; a leg or an arm of man., The utmost point; highest degree; most aggravated or intense form., The highest degree of inconvenience, pain, or suffering; greatest need or peril; extreme need; necessity.
extricate verb t. To free, as from difficulties or perplexities; to disentangle; to disembarrass; as, to extricate a person from debt, peril, etc., To cause to be emitted or evolved; as, to extricate heat or moisture.
extrinsic adjective Not contained in or belonging to a body; external; outward; unessential; — opposed to intrinsic., Attached partly to an organ or limb and partly to some other part/ — said of certain groups of muscles. Opposed to intrinsic.
extrorsal adjective Extrorse.
extructor noun A builder.
extruding present participle & vb. noun of Extrude
extrusion noun The act of thrusting or pushing out; a driving out; expulsion.
exuberant adjective Characterized by abundance or superabundance; plenteous; rich; overflowing; copious or excessive in production; as, exuberant goodness; an exuberant intellect; exuberant foliage.
exuberate noun To abound; to be in great abundance.
exudation noun The act of exuding; sweating; a discharge of humors, moisture, juice, or gum, as through pores or incisions; also, the substance exuded.
exultance noun Alt. of Exultancy
exultancy noun Exultation.
exuperant adjective Surpassing; exceeding; surmounting.
exuperate verb t. To excel; to surmount.
exuviable adjective Capable of being cast off in the form of exuviae.
exuviated imp. & past participle of Exuviate
eyebright noun A small annual plant (Euphrasia officinalis), formerly much used as a remedy for diseases of the eye.
eyeglance noun A glance of eye.
eyeleteer noun A small, sharp-pointed instrument used in piercing eyelet holes; a stiletto.
eye-saint noun An object of interest to the eye; one worshiped with the eyes.
eyestring noun The tendon by which the eye is moved.
eyewinker noun An eyelash.