9 letter word starting with et

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
et cetera Alt. of Et caetera
eternally adverb In an eternal manner.
eternized imp. & past participle of Eternize
ethereous adjective Formed of ether; ethereal., Pertaining to, or resembling, ether.
etherized imp. & past participle of Etherize
ethically adverb According to, in harmony with, moral principles or character.
ethiopian noun A native or inhabitant of Ethiopia; also, in a general sense, a negro or black man., Alt. of Ethiopic
ethmoidal adjective Like a sieve; cribriform., Pertaining to, or in the region of, the ethmoid bone.
ethnarchy noun The dominion of an ethnarch; principality and rule.
ethnicism noun Heathenism; paganism; idolatry.
ethnology noun The science which treats of the division of mankind into races, their origin, distribution, and relations, and the peculiarities which characterize them.
ethologic a Alt. of Ethological
etiolated imp. & past participle of Etiolate, Having a blanched or faded appearance, as birds inhabiting desert regions.
etiquette noun The forms required by good breeding, or prescribed by authority, to be observed in social or official life; observance of the proprieties of rank and occasion; conventional decorum; ceremonial code of polite society.
etymology noun That branch of philological science which treats of the history of words, tracing out their origin, primitive significance, and changes of form and meaning., That part of grammar which relates to the changes in the form of the words in a language; inflection.