9 letter word starting with fre

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
freckling present participle & vb. noun of Freckle
fredstole noun See Fridstol.
freebooty noun Freebootery.
free-hand adjective Done by the hand, without support, or the guidance of instruments; as, free-hand drawing. See under Drawing.
free-love noun The doctrine or practice of consorting with the opposite sex, at pleasure, without marriage.
freemason noun One of an ancient and secret association or fraternity, said to have been at first composed of masons or builders in stone, but now consisting of persons who are united for social enjoyment and mutual assistance.
free-soil adjective Pertaining to, or advocating, the non-extension of slavery; — esp. applied to a party which was active during the period 1846-1856.
freestone noun A stone composed of sand or grit; — so called because it is easily cut or wrought., Having the flesh readily separating from the stone, as in certain kinds of peaches.
free will A will free from improper coercion or restraint., The power asserted of moral beings of willing or choosing without the restraints of physical or absolute necessity.
freezable adjective Capable of being frozen.
freighted imp. & past participle of Freight
freighter noun One who loads a ship, or one who charters and loads a ship., One employed in receiving and forwarding freight., One for whom freight is transported., A vessel used mainly to carry freight.
frenchify verb t. To make French; to infect or imbue with the manners or tastes of the French; to Gallicize.
frenchism noun A French mode or characteristic; an idiom peculiar to the French language.
frenchmen plural of Frenchman
frenchman noun A native or one of the people of France.
frenzical adjective Frantic.
frequence noun A crowd; a throng; a concourse., Frequency; abundance.
frequency noun The condition of returning frequently; occurrence often repeated; common occurence; as, the frequency of crimes; the frequency of miracles., A crowd; a throng.
frescoing present participle & vb. noun of Fresco
freshened imp. & past participle of Freshen
freshment noun Refreshment.
freshness noun The state of being fresh.
fresh-new adjective Unpracticed.