9 letter word starting with gl

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
glabellum noun The median, convex lobe of the head of a trilobite. See Trilobite.
glabreate verb t. Alt. of Glabriate
glabriate verb t. To make smooth, plain, or bare.
gladdened imp. & past participle of Gladden
gladiator noun Originally, a swordplayer; hence, one who fought with weapons in public, either on the occasion of a funeral ceremony, or in the arena, for public amusement., One who engages in any fierce combat or controversy.
gladiolus noun A genus of plants having bulbous roots and gladiate leaves, and including many species, some of which are cultivated and valued for the beauty of their flowers; the corn flag; the sword lily., The middle portion of the sternum in some animals; the mesosternum.
gladstone noun A four-wheeled pleasure carriage with two inside seats, calash top, and seats for driver and footman.
glaireous adjective Glairy; covered with glair.
glamourie noun Glamour.
glandered adjective Affected with glanders; as, a glandered horse.
glandular adjective Containing or supporting glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands.
glariness noun Alt. of Glaringness
glassfuls plural of Glassful
glassware noun Ware, or articles collectively, made of glass.
glasswork noun Manufacture of glass; articles or ornamentation made of glass.
glasswort noun A seashore plant of the Spinach family (Salicornia herbacea), with succulent jointed stems; also, a prickly plant of the same family (Salsola Kali), both formerly burned for the sake of the ashes, which yield soda for making glass and soap.
glaucodot noun A metallic mineral having a grayish tin-white color, and containing cobalt and iron, with sulphur and arsenic.
glaucosis noun Same as Glaucoma.
glebeless adjective Having no glebe.
glebosity noun The quality of being glebous.
glenlivat noun Alt. of Glenlivet
glenlivet noun A kind of Scotch whisky, named from the district in which it was first made.
glenoidal adjective Glenoid.
glidingly adverb In a gliding manner.
glimmered imp. & past participle of Glimmer
glimpsing present participle & vb. noun of Glimpse
glissando noun & adjective A gliding effect; gliding.
glissette noun The locus described by any point attached to a curve that slips continuously on another fixed curve, the movable curve having no rotation at any instant.
glistened imp. & past participle of Glisten
glistered imp. & past participle of Glister
glittered imp. & past participle of Glitter
globefish noun A plectognath fish of the genera Diodon, Tetrodon, and allied genera. The globefishes can suck in water or air and distend the body to a more or less globular form. Called also porcupine fish, and sea hedgehog. See Diodon.
globosely adverb In a globular manner; globularly.
globosity noun Sphericity.
globulite noun A rudimentary form of crystallite, spherical in shape.
globulous adjective Globular; spherical; orbicular.
glochidia plural of Glochidium
glomerate adjective Gathered together in a roundish mass or dense cluster; conglomerate., To gather or wind into a ball; to collect into a spherical form or mass, as threads.
glomerous adjective Gathered or formed into a ball or round mass.
glomerule noun A head or dense cluster of flowers, formed by condensation of a cyme, as in the flowering dogwood., A glomerulus.
glomeruli plural of Glomerulus
glorified imp. & past participle of Glorify
glorioser noun A boaster.
glossator noun A writer of glosses or comments; a commentator.
glossitis noun Inflammation of the tongue.
glowering present participle & vb. noun of Glower
glowingly adverb In a glowing manner; with ardent heat or passion.
glucoside noun One of a large series of amorphous or crystalline substances, occurring very widely distributed in plants, rarely in animals, and regarded as influental agents in the formation and disposition of the sugars. They are frequently of a bitter taste, but, by the action of ferments, or of dilute acids and alkalies, always break down into some characteristic substance (acid, aldehyde, alcohol, phenole, or alkaloid) and glucose (or some other sugar); hence the name. They are of the nature of complex and compound ethers, and ethereal salts of the sugar carbohydrates.
glueyness noun Viscidity.
glutazine noun A nitrogenous substance, forming a heavy, sandy powder, white or nearly so. It is a derivative of pyridine.
glutinate verb t. To unite with glue; to cement; to stick together.
glutinous adjective Of the nature of glue; resembling glue; viscous; viscid; adhesive; gluey., Havig a moist and adhesive or sticky surface, as a leaf or gland.
glycerate noun A salt of glyceric acid.
glyceride noun A compound ether (formed from glycerin). Some glycerides exist ready formed as natural fats, others are produced artificially.
glycerine noun An oily, viscous liquid, C3H5(OH)3, colorless and odorless, and with a hot, sweetish taste, existing in the natural fats and oils as the base, combined with various acids, as oleic, margaric, stearic, and palmitic. It is a triatomic alcohol, and hence is also called glycerol. See Note under Gelatin.
glycerite noun A medicinal preparation made by mixing or dissolving a substance in glycerin.
glycocoll noun A crystalline, nitrogenous substance, with a sweet taste, formed from hippuric acid by boiling with hydrochloric acid, and present in bile united with cholic acid. It is also formed from gelatin by decomposition with acids. Chemically, it is amido-acetic acid. Called also glycin, and glycocin.
glycogeny noun Alt. of Glycogenesis
glycolide noun A white amorphous powder, C4H4O, obtained by heating and dehydrating glycolic acid.
glyconian adjective & noun Glyconic.
glycosine noun An organic base, C6H6N4, produced artificially as a white, crystalline powder, by the action of ammonia on glyoxal.
glyoxalic adjective Pertaining to, or designating, an aldehyde acid, intermediate between glycol and oxalic acid.
glyptodon noun An extinct South American quaternary mammal, allied to the armadillos. It was as large as an ox, was covered with tessellated scales, and had fluted teeth.
glatified adjective Pleased; indulged according to desire.