9 letter word starting with go

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
gossaries plural of Glossary
goblinize verb t. To transform into a goblin.
godfather noun A man who becomes sponsor for a child at baptism, and makes himself a surety for its Christian training and instruction., To act as godfather to; to take under one’s fostering care.
godliness noun Careful observance of, or conformity to, the laws of God; the state or quality of being godly; piety.
godlyhead noun Goodness.
godmother noun A woman who becomes sponsor for a child in baptism. See Godfather
goffering present participle & vb. noun of Goffer
goldcrest noun The European golden-crested kinglet (Regulus cristatus, or R. regulus); — called also golden-crested wren, and golden wren. The name is also sometimes applied to the American golden-crested kinglet. See Kinglet.
goldfinch noun A beautiful bright-colored European finch (Carduelis elegans). The name refers to the large patch of yellow on the wings. The front of the head and throat are bright red; the nape, with part of the wings and tail, black; — called also goldspink, goldie, fool’s coat, drawbird, draw-water, thistle finch, and sweet William., The yellow-hammer., A small American finch (Spinus tristis); the thistle bird.
goldfinny noun One of two or more species of European labroid fishes (Crenilabrus melops, and Ctenolabrus rupestris); — called also goldsinny, and goldney.
goldsinny noun See Goldfinny.
goldsmith noun An artisan who manufactures vessels and ornaments, etc., of gold., A banker.
goltschut noun A small ingot of gold., A silver ingot, used in Japan as money.
gomphosis noun A form of union or immovable articulation where a hard part is received into the cavity of a bone, as the teeth into the jaws.
gonangium noun See Gonotheca.
gondolier noun A man who rows a gondola.
goniatite noun One of an extinct genus of fossil cephalopods, allied to the Ammonites. The earliest forms are found in the Devonian formation, the latest, in the Triassic.
gonocalyx noun The bell of a sessile gonozooid.
gonophore noun A sexual zooid produced as a medusoid bud upon a hydroid, sometimes becoming a free hydromedusa, sometimes remaining attached. See Hydroidea, and Illusts. of Athecata, Campanularian, and Gonosome., A lengthened receptacle, bearing the stamens and carpels in a conspicuous manner.
gonorrhea noun Alt. of Gonorrhoea
gonothec/ plural of Gonotheca
gonotheca noun A capsule developed on certain hydroids (Thecaphora), inclosing the blastostyle upon which the medusoid buds or gonophores are developed; — called also gonangium, and teleophore. See Hydroidea, and Illust. of Campanularian.
gonozooid noun A sexual zooid, or medusoid bud of a hydroid; a gonophore. See Hydroidea, and Illust. of Campanularian.
gode-year noun The venereal disease; — often used as a mild oath.
goodyship noun The state or quality of a goody or goodwife
goosander noun A species of merganser (M. merganser) of Northern Europe and America; — called also merganser, dundiver, sawbill, sawneb, shelduck, and sheldrake. See Merganser.
goosefish noun See Angler.
goosefoot noun A genus of herbs (Chenopodium) mostly annual weeds; pigweed.
gooseries plural of Goosery
goosewing noun One of the clews or lower corners of a course or a topsail when the middle part or the rest of the sail is furled.
gor-belly noun A prominent belly; a big-bellied person.
gordiacea noun pl. A division of nematoid worms, including the hairworms or hair eels (Gordius and Mermis). See Gordius, and Illustration in Appendix.
gorgonean adjective See Gorgonian, 1.
gorgoneia plural of Gorgoneion
gorgonian adjective Pertaining to, or resembling, a Gorgon; terrifying into stone; terrific., Pertaining to the Gorgoniacea; as, gorgonian coral., One of the Gorgoniacea.
gorgonize verb t. To have the effect of a Gorgon upon; to turn into stone; to petrify.
gormander noun See Gormand, n.
gospelize verb t. To form according to the gospel; as, a command gospelized to us., To instruct in the gospel; to evangelize; as, to gospelize the savages.
gossamery adjective Like gossamer; flimsy.
gossiping present participle & vb. noun of Gossip
gossypium noun A genus of plants which yield the cotton of the arts. The species are much confused. G. herbaceum is the name given to the common cotton plant, while the long-stapled sea-island cotton is produced by G. Barbadense, a shrubby variety. There are several other kinds besides these.
gothamist noun A wiseacre; a person deficient in wisdom; — so called from Gotham, in Nottinghamshire, England, noted for some pleasant blunders.
gothamite noun A gothamist., An inhabitant of New York city.
gothicism noun A Gothic idiom., Conformity to the Gothic style of architecture., Rudeness of manners; barbarousness.
gothicize verb t. To make Gothic; to bring back to barbarism.
gourdworm noun The fluke of sheep. See Fluke.
goutiness noun The state of being gouty; gout.
governing present participle & vb. noun of Govern, Holding the superiority; prevalent; controlling; as, a governing wind; a governing party in a state., Requiring a particular case.
governail noun Management; mastery.
governess noun A female governor; a woman invested with authority to control and direct; especially, one intrusted with the care and instruction of children, — usually in their homes.