9 letter word starting with gr

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
grabbling present participle & vb. noun of Grabble
graceless adjective Wanting in grace or excellence; departed from, or deprived of, divine grace; hence, depraved; corrupt., Unfortunate. Cf. Grace, n., 4.
gracility noun State of being gracilent; slenderness.
gradation noun The act of progressing by regular steps or orderly arrangement; the state of being graded or arranged in ranks; as, the gradation of castes., The act or process of bringing to a certain grade., Any degree or relative position in an order or series., A gradual passing from one tint to another or from a darker to a lighter shade, as in painting or drawing., A diatonic ascending or descending succession of chords., To form with gradations.
gradatory adjective Proceeding step by step, or by gradations; gradual., Suitable for walking; — said of the limbs of an animal when adapted for walking on land., A series of steps from a cloister into a church.
gradually adverb In a gradual manner., In degree.
graduated imp. & past participle of Graduate, Marked with, or divided into, degrees; divided into grades., Tapered; — said of a bird’s tail when the outer feathers are shortest, and the others successively longer.
graduator noun One who determines or indicates graduation; as, a graduator of instruments., An instrument for dividing any line, right or curve, into small, regular intervals., An apparatus for diffusing a solution, as brine or vinegar, over a large surface, for exposure to the air.
grahamite noun One who follows the dietetic system of Graham.
graining. present participle & vb. noun of Grain
gramashes noun pl. Gaiters reaching to the knee; leggings.
gramineal adjective Gramineous.
grammates noun pl. Rudiments; first principles, as of grammar.
grammatic adjective Grammatical.
grampuses plural of Grampus
granaries plural of Granary
granatite noun See Staurolite.
grandaunt noun The aunt of one’s father or mother.
grandific adjective Making great.
grandiose adjective Impressive or elevating in effect; imposing; splendid; striking; — in a good sense., Characterized by affectation of grandeur or splendor; flaunting; turgid; bombastic; — in a bad sense; as, a grandiose style.
grandness noun Grandeur.
grandpapa noun A grandfather.
grandsire noun Specifically, a grandfather; more generally, any ancestor.
graniform adjective Formed like of corn.
granitoid adjective Resembling granite in granular appearance; as, granitoid gneiss; a granitoid pavement.
grantable adjective Capable of being granted.
granulary adjective Granular.
granulate verb t. To form into grains or small masses; as, to granulate powder, sugar, or metal., To raise in granules or small asperities; to make rough on the surface., To collect or be formed into grains; as, cane juice granulates into sugar., Alt. of Granulated
granulite noun A whitish, granular rock, consisting of feldspar and quartz intimately mixed; — sometimes called whitestone, and leptynite.
granulose noun The main constituent of the starch grain or granule, in distinction from the framework of cellulose. Unlike cellulose, it is colored blue by iodine, and is converted into dextrin and sugar by boiling acids and amylolytic ferments.
granulous adjective Full of grains; abounding with granular substances; granular.
grapeless adjective Wanting grapes or the flavor of grapes.
grapeshot noun A cluster, usually nine in number, of small iron balls, put together by means of cast-iron circular plates at top and bottom, with two rings, and a central connecting rod, in order to be used as a charge for a cannon. Formerly grapeshot were inclosed in canvas bags.
grapevine noun A vine or climbing shrub, of the genus Vitis, having small green flowers and lobed leaves, and bearing the fruit called grapes.
graphical adjective Of or pertaining to the arts of painting and drawing., Of or pertaining to the art of writing., Written or engraved; formed of letters or lines., Well delineated; clearly and vividly described., Having the faculty of, or characterized by, clear and impressive description; vivid; as, a graphic writer.
graphitic adjective Pertaining to, containing, derived from, or resembling, graphite.
grappling present participle & vb. noun of Grapple, A laying fast ho1d of; also, that by which anything is seized and held, a grapnel., A grapple; a struggle. A match for yards in fight, in grappling for the bear.
graspable adjective Capable of being grasped.
graspless adjective Without a grasp; relaxed.
grassless adjective Destitute of grass.
grassplot noun A plot or space covered with grass; a lawn.
graticule noun A design or draught which has been divided into squares, in order to reproduce it in other dimensions.
gratifier noun One who gratifies or pleases.
gratified imp. & past participle of Gratify
gratiolin noun One of the essential principles of the hedge hyssop (Gratiola officinalis).
gratitude adjective The state of being grateful; warm and friendly feeling toward a benefactor; kindness awakened by a favor received; thankfulness.
gratulate adjective To salute with declaration of joy; to congratulate., Worthy of gratulation.
grauwacke noun Graywacke.
gravamina plural of Gravamen
gravamens plural of Gravamen
gravelled of Gravel
graveling present participle & vb. noun of Gravel, Alt. of Gravelling, Alt. of Gravelling
graveless adjective Without a grave; unburied.
graveness noun The quality of being grave.
graveyard noun A yard or inclosure for the interment of the dead; a cemetery.
gravidity noun The state of being gravidated; pregnancy.
gravitate verb i. To obey the law of gravitation; to exert a force Or pressure, or tend to move, under the influence of gravitation; to tend in any direction or toward any object.
gravities plural of Gravity
graybeard noun An old man.
grayhound noun See Greyhound.
graywacke noun A conglomerate or grit rock, consisting of rounded pebbles sand firmly united together.
greatcoat noun An overcoat.
greatness noun The state, condition, or quality of being great; as, greatness of size, greatness of mind, power, etc., Pride; haughtiness.
grecizing present participle & vb. noun of Grecize
greekling noun A little Greek, or one of small esteem or pretensions.
greenback noun One of the legal tender notes of the United States; — first issued in 1862, and having the devices on the back printed with green ink, to prevent alterations and counterfeits.
greenbone noun Any garfish (Belone or Tylosurus)., The European eelpout.
greenfish noun See Bluefish, and Pollock.
greengage noun A kind of plum of medium size, roundish shape, greenish flesh, and delicious flavor. It is called in France Reine Claude, after the queen of Francis I. See Gage.
greengill noun An oyster which has the gills tinged with a green pigment, said to be due to an abnormal condition of the blood.
greenhead noun The mallard., The striped bass. See Bass., Alt. of Greenhood
greenhood noun A state of greenness; verdancy.
greenhorn noun A raw, inexperienced person; one easily imposed upon.
greenness noun The quality of being green; viridity; verdancy; as, the greenness of grass, or of a meadow., Freshness; vigor; newness., Immaturity; unripeness; as, the greenness of fruit; inexperience; as, the greenness of youth.
greenroom noun The retiring room of actors and actresses in a theater.
greensand noun A variety of sandstone, usually imperfectly consolidated, consisting largely of glauconite, a silicate of iron and potash of a green color, mixed with sand and a trace of phosphate of lime.
greenweed noun See Greenbroom.
greenwood noun A forest as it appears is spring and summer., Pertaining to a greenwood; as, a greenwood shade.
gregarian adjective Gregarious; belonging to the herd or common sort; common.
gregarine adjective Of or pertaining to the Gregarinae., One of the Gregarinae.
gregorian adjective Pertaining to, or originated by, some person named Gregory, especially one of the popes of that name.
greillade noun Iron ore in coarse powder, prepared for reduction by the Catalan process.
grenadier noun Originaly, a soldier who carried and threw grenades; afterward, one of a company attached to each regiment or battalion, taking post on the right of the line, and wearing a peculiar uniform. In modern times, a member of a special regiment or corps; as, a grenadier of the guard of Napoleon I. one of the regiment of Grenadier Guards of the British army, etc., Any marine fish of the genus Macrurus, in which the body and tail taper to a point; they mostly inhabit the deep sea; — called also onion fish, and rat-tail fish., A bright-colored South African grosbeak (Pyromelana orix), having the back red and the lower parts black.
grenadine noun A thin gauzelike fabric of silk or wool, for women’s wear., A trade name for a dyestuff, consisting essentially of impure fuchsine.
greyhound noun A slender, graceful breed of dogs, remarkable for keen sight and swiftness. It is one of the oldest varieties known, and is figured on the Egyptian monuments.
griefless adjective Without grief.
grievable adjective Lamentable.
grievance verb t. A cause of uneasiness and complaint; a wrong done and suffered; that which gives ground for remonstrance or resistance, as arising from injustice, tyranny, etc.; injury., Grieving; grief; affliction.
grimalkin noun An old cat, esp. a she-cat.
griminess noun The state of being grimy.
grindelia noun The dried stems and leaves of tarweed (Grindelia), used as a remedy in asthma and bronchitis.
gripingly adverb In a griping or oppressive manner.
grisaille noun Decorative painting in gray monochrome; — used in English especially for painted glass., A kind of French fancy dress goods.
grisamber noun Ambergris.
gristmill noun A mill for grinding grain; especially, a mill for grinding grists, or portions of grain brought by different customers; a custom mill.
gritstone noun See Grit, n., 4.
grizzlies plural of Grizzly
groceries plural of Grocery
groomsmen plural of Groomsman
groomsman noun A male attendant of a bridegroom at his wedding; — the correlative of bridesmaid.
grosgrain adjective Of a coarse texture; — applied to silk with a heavy thread running crosswise.
grossbeak noun See Grosbeak.
grossness noun The state or quality of being gross; thickness; corpulence; coarseness; shamefulness.
grossular adjective Pertaining too, or resembling, a gooseberry; as, grossular garnet., A translucent garnet of a pale green color like that of the gooseberry; — called also grossularite.
grossulin noun A vegetable jelly, resembling pectin, found in gooseberries (Ribes Grossularia) and other fruits.
grotesgue adjective Like the figures found in ancient grottoes; grottolike; wildly or strangely formed; whimsical; extravagant; of irregular forms and proportions; fantastic; ludicrous; antic.
grotesque noun A whimsical figure, or scene, such as is found in old crypts and grottoes., Artificial grotto-work.
grounding present participle & vb. noun of Ground, The act, method, or process of laying a groundwork or foundation; hence, elementary instruction; the act or process of applying a ground, as of color, to wall paper, cotton cloth, etc.; a basis.
groundage noun A local tax paid by a ship for the ground or space it occupies while in port.
groundnut noun The fruit of the Arachis hypogaea (native country uncertain); the peanut; the earthnut., A leguminous, twining plant (Apios tuberosa), producing clusters of dark purple flowers and having a root tuberous and pleasant to the taste., The dwarf ginseng (Aralia trifolia)., A European plant of the genus Bunium (B. flexuosum), having an edible root of a globular shape and sweet, aromatic taste; — called also earthnut, earth chestnut, hawknut, and pignut.
groundsel verb An annual composite plant (Senecio vulgaris), one of the most common and widely distributed weeds on the globe., Alt. of Groundsill
grouthead noun See Growthead.
grovelled of Grovel
groveling present participle & vb. noun of Grovel, Lying prone; low; debased.
growthead noun A lazy person; a blockhead.
growthful adjective Having capacity of growth.
grudgeful adjective Full of grudge; envious.
grudgeons noun pl. Alt. of Gurgeons
grumbling present participle & vb. noun of Grumble
gruntling noun A young hog.