9 letter word starting with gu

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
guanidine noun A strongly alkaline base, CN3H5, formed by the oxidation of guanin, and also obtained combined with methyl in the decomposition of creatin. Boiled with dilute sulphuric acid, it yields urea and ammonia.
guaranine noun An alkaloid extracted from guarana. Same as Caffeine.
guarantee noun In law and common usage: A promise to answer for the payment of some debt, or the performance of some duty, in case of the failure of another person, who is, in the first instance, liable to such payment or performance; an engagement which secures or insures another against a contingency; a warranty; a security. Same as Guaranty., One who binds himself to see an undertaking of another performed; a guarantor., The person to whom a guaranty is made; — the correlative of guarantor., In law and common usage: to undertake or engage for the payment of (a debt) or the performance of (a duty) by another person; to undertake to secure (a possession, right, claim, etc.) to another against a specified contingency, or at all avents; to give a guarantee concerning; to engage, assure, or secure as a thing that may be depended on; to warrant; as, to guarantee the execution of a treaty.
guarantor noun One who makes or gives a guaranty; a warrantor; a surety., One who engages to secure another in any right or possession.
guaranies plural of Guaranty
guardable verb t. Capable of being guarded or protected.
guardfish noun The garfish.
guardless adjective Without a guard or defense; unguarded.
guardroom noun The room occupied by the guard during its term of duty; also, a room where prisoners are confined.
guardship noun Care; protection.
guardsmen plural of Guardsman
guardsman noun One who guards; a guard., A member, either officer or private, of any military body called Guards.
gubernate verb t. To govern.
guerrilla noun An irregular mode of carrying on war, by the constant attacks of independent bands, adopted in the north of Spain during the Peninsular war., One who carries on, or assists in carrying on, irregular warfare; especially, a member of an independent band engaged in predatory excursions in war time., Pertaining to, or engaged in, warfare carried on irregularly and by independent bands; as, a guerrilla party; guerrilla warfare.
guessable adjective Capable of being guessed.
guesswork noun Work performed, or results obtained, by guess; conjecture.
guestwise adverb In the manner of a guest.
guidebook noun A book of directions and information for travelers, tourists, etc.
guideless adjective Without a guide.
guidepost noun A post at the fork of a road, with a guideboard on it, to direct travelers.
guideress noun A female guide.
guildable adjective Liable to a tax.
guildhall noun The hall where a guild or corporation usually assembles; a townhall.
guileless adjective Free from guile; artless.
guillemet noun A quotation mark.
guillemot noun One of several northern sea birds, allied to the auks. They have short legs, placed far back, and are expert divers and swimmers.
guillevat noun A vat for fermenting liquors.
guilloche noun An ornament in the form of two or more bands or strings twisted over each other in a continued series, leaving circular openings which are filled with round ornaments.
guiltless adjective Free from guilt; innocent., Without experience or trial; unacquainted (with).
gulleting noun A system of excavating by means of gullets or channels.
gummatous adjective Belonging to, or resembling, gumma.
gumminess noun The state or quality of being gummy; viscousness.
gummosity noun Gumminess; a viscous or adhesive quality or nature.
guncotton See under Gun.
gunocracy noun See Gyneocracy.
gunpowder noun A black, granular, explosive substance, consisting of an intimate mechanical mixture of niter, charcoal, and sulphur. It is used in gunnery and blasting.
gushingly adverb In a gushing manner; copiously., Weakly; sentimentally; effusively.
gustation noun The act of tasting.
gustatory adjective Pertaining to, or subservient to, the sense of taste; as, the gustatory nerve which supplies the front of the tongue.
guttatrap noun The inspissated juice of a tree of the genus Artocarpus (A. incisa, or breadfruit tree), sometimes used in making birdlime, on account of its glutinous quality.
guttering present participle & vb. noun of Gutter
guttiform adjective Drop-shaped, as a spot of color.
guttulous adjective In droplike form.
gutturine adjective Pertaining to the throat.
gutturize verb t. To make in the throat; to gutturalize.