9 letter word starting with hand

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
handcloth noun A handkerchief.
handcraft noun Same as Handicraft.
hand flus plural of Handful
hand-hole noun A small hole in a boiler for the insertion of the hand in cleaning, etc.
handiness noun The quality or state of being handy.
handiwork noun Work done by the hands; hence, any work done personally.
handseled imp. & past participle of Handsel, of Handsel
handspike noun A bar or lever, generally of wood, used in a windlass or capstan, for heaving anchor, and, in modified forms, for various purposes.
handwheel noun Any wheel worked by hand; esp., one the rim of which serves as the handle by which a valve, car brake, or other part is adjusted.
hand-work noun See Handiwork.