9 letter word starting with heart

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
heartache noun Sorrow; anguish of mind; mental pang.
heartburn noun An uneasy, burning sensation in the stomach, often attended with an inclination to vomit. It is sometimes idiopathic, but is often a symptom of often complaints.
heartdear adjective Sincerely beloved.
heartdeep adjective Rooted in the heart.
heartener noun One who, or that which, heartens, animates, or stirs up.
heartfelt adjective Hearty; sincere.
heartless adjective Without a heart., Destitute of courage; spiritless; despodent., Destitute of feeling or affection; unsympathetic; cruel.
heartseed noun A climbing plant of the genus Cardiospermum, having round seeds which are marked with a spot like a heart.
heartsick adjective Sick at heart; extremely depressed in spirits; very despondent.
heartsome adjective Merry; cheerful; lively.
heartwood noun The hard, central part of the trunk of a tree, consisting of the old and matured wood, and usually differing in color from the outer layers. It is technically known as duramen, and distinguished from the softer sapwood or alburnum.