9 letter word starting with her

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
herakline noun A picrate compound, used as an explosive in blasting.
heralding present participle & vb. noun of Herald
herbalism noun The knowledge of herbs.
herbalist noun One skilled in the knowledge of plants; a collector of, or dealer in, herbs, especially medicinal herbs.
herbarian noun A herbalist.
herbarist noun A herbalist.
herbarium noun A collection of dried specimens of plants, systematically arranged., A book or case for preserving dried plants.
herbarize verb t. See Herborize.
herbivora noun pl. An extensive division of Mammalia. It formerly included the Proboscidea, Hyracoidea, Perissodactyla, and Artiodactyla, but by later writers it is generally restricted to the two latter groups (Ungulata). They feed almost exclusively upon vegetation.
herbivore noun One of the Herbivora.
herborist noun A herbalist.
herborize verb i. To search for plants, or new species of plants, with a view to classifying them., To form the figures of plants in; — said in reference to minerals. See Arborized.
herculean adjective Requiring the strength of Hercules; hence, very great, difficult, or dangerous; as, an Herculean task., Having extraordinary strength or size; as, Herculean limbs.
hercynian adjective Of or pertaining to an extensive forest in Germany, of which there are still portions in Swabia and the Hartz mountains.
herderite noun A rare fluophosphate of glucina, in small white crystals.
herdgroom noun A herdsman.
hereafter adverb In time to come; in some future time or state., A future existence or state.
herehence adverb From hence.
heretical adjective Containing heresy; of the nature of, or characterized by, heresy.
heritable adjective Capable of being inherited or of passing by inheritance; inheritable., Capable of inheriting or receiving by inheritance.
heritance noun Heritage; inheritance.
hermitage noun The habitation of a hermit; a secluded residence., A celebrated French wine, both white and red, of the Department of Drome.
hermitary noun A cell annexed to an abbey, for the use of a hermit.
hermitess noun A female hermit.
heronshaw noun A heron.
herpetism noun See Dartrous diathesis, under Dartrous.
hersillon noun A beam with projecting spikes, used to make a breach impassable.