9 letter word starting with hor

Words Parts of Speech Meaning/Definition/Similar Words
hornobbed imp. & past participle of Hobnob
hordeolum noun A small tumor upon the eyelid, resembling a grain of barley; a sty.
horehound noun A plant of the genus Marrubium (M. vulgare), which has a bitter taste, and is a weak tonic, used as a household remedy for colds, coughing, etc.
hornotine noun A yearling; a bird of the year.
hornsnake noun A harmless snake (Farancia abacura), found in the Southern United States. The color is bluish black above, red below.
hornstone noun A siliceous stone, a variety of quartz, closely resembling flint, but more brittle; — called also chert.
hornwrack noun A bryozoan of the genus Flustra.
hornyhead noun Any North American river chub of the genus Hybopsis, esp. H. biguttatus.
horologer noun A maker or vender of clocks and watches; one skilled in horology.
horometer noun An instrument for measuring time.
horometry noun The art, practice, or method of measuring time by hours and subordinate divisions.
horoscope noun The representation made of the aspect of the heavens at the moment of a person’s birth, by which the astrologer professed to foretell the events of the person’s life; especially, the sign of the zodiac rising above the horizon at such a moment., The diagram or scheme of twelve houses or signs of the zodiac, into which the whole circuit of the heavens was divided for the purposes of such prediction of fortune., The planisphere invented by Jean Paduanus., A table showing the length of the days and nights at all places.
horoscopy noun The art or practice of casting horoscopes, or observing the disposition of the stars, with a view to prediction events., Aspect of the stars at the time of a person’s birth.
horrified imp. & past participle of Horrify
horseback noun The back of a horse., An extended ridge of sand, gravel, and bowlders, in a half-stratified condition.
horsefish noun The moonfish (Selene setipinnis)., The sauger.
horsefeet plural of Horsefoot
horsefoot noun The coltsfoot., The Limulus or horseshoe crab.
horsehair noun A hair of a horse, especially one from the mane or tail; the hairs of the mane or tail taken collectively; a fabric or tuft made of such hairs.
horsehead noun The silver moonfish (Selene vomer).
horsehide noun The hide of a horse., Leather made of the hide of a horse.
horseknop noun Knapweed.
horsemint noun A coarse American plant of the Mint family (Monarda punctata)., In England, the wild mint (Mentha sylvestris).
horsenail noun A thin, pointed nail, with a heavy flaring head, for securing a horsehoe to the hoof; a horsehoe nail.
horseplay noun Rude, boisterous play.
horsepond noun A pond for watering horses.
horserake noun A rake drawn by a horse.
horseshoe noun A shoe for horses, consisting of a narrow plate of iron in form somewhat like the letter U, nailed to a horse’s hoof., Anything shaped like a horsehoe crab., The Limulus of horsehoe crab.
horsetail noun A leafless plant, with hollow and rushlike stems. It is of the genus Equisetum, and is allied to the ferns. See Illust. of Equisetum., A Turkish standard, denoting rank.
horseweed noun A composite plant (Erigeron Canadensis), which is a common weed.
horsewhip noun A whip for horses., To flog or chastise with a horsewhip.
horsewood noun A West Indian tree (Calliandra latifolia) with showy, crimson blossoms.
horseworm noun The larva of a botfly.
horsiness noun The condition or quality of being a horse; that which pertains to a horse., Fondness for, or interest in, horses.
hortation noun The act of exhorting, inciting, or giving advice; exhortation.
hortative adjective Giving exhortation; advisory; exhortative., An exhortation.
hortatory adjective Giving exhortation or advise; encouraging; exhortatory; inciting; as, a hortatory speech.